The TESDA Online Course is available for FREE. There is no tuition fee required in accessing the FREE TESDA Online Courses.
You will get a Certificate of Completion once you finish the course and if you think you are ready, then you may take the face-to-face assessment for National Certification at any TESDA accredited assessment center or venue.
What is TESDA Online Program?
TESDA Online Program (TOP) is a web-based platform that offers free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the technical education and skills development of the Filipino workers.
Through the use of information and communication technologies, the TOP provides an effective and efficient way to deliver technical-vocational education and training at the learner’s own space and time.
How to enroll in Free TESDA Online Course?
In order to access the available courses in the TESDA Online Program website, you must first register an account. For detailed steps on how to register and enroll in a course, please click this link to create your account.
List of FREE TESDA Online Courses
- 21st Century Skills Online Courses
- Communication
- Participating in Workplace Communication
- Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication
- Environmental Literacy
- Exercising Sustainable Development in the Workplace
- Orienting Oneself To Environmentally Sustainable Work Standards
- Communication
- Agriculture Online Courses
- Agro-Entrepreneurship NC II
- Introduction to Agro-Entrepreneurship
- Assessing Market Opportunities
- Establishing the Farm Production Plan
- Handling Finances
- Aquaponic Food Production
- Introduction to Aquaponic Food Production
- Aquaponic Food Production Setting up Aquaponics Systems
- Maintaining Aquaponics Systems
- Organic Agriculture Production NC II
- Introduction to Organic Agriculture
- Formulating Organic Concoctions & Extracts
- Producing Organic Fertilizers
- Producing Organic Vegetables
- Raising Organic Chickens
- Agricultural Crops Production NC II
- Introduction to Agricultural Crops Production
- Agricultural Crops Production NC II Performing Nursery Operations
- Planting Crops
- Caring and Maintaining Crops
- Performing Harvest and Postharvest Operations
- eLearning for Agriculture and Fisheries
- Fruit Grower
- Agro-Entrepreneurship NC II
- Automotive Online Courses
- Automotive Battery Servicing
- Diesel Engine Tune Up
- Construction Online Courses
- Plumbing NC II
- Plumbing NC II Introduction to Plumbing
- Performing Leak Testing
- Performing Multiple Plumbing Units Installation and Assembly
- Performing Plumbing Repair and Maintenance Work
- Preparing Estimation of Materials for Multiple Plumbing Units
- Plumbing NC II
- Electrical and Electronics Online Courses
- Computer System Servicing NC II
- Introduction to CSS
- Installing and Configuring Computer Systems
- Setting Up Computer Networks
- Setting Up Computer Servers
- Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II
- Introduction to Electrical Installation and Maintenance
- Performing Roughing-In Activities, Wiring and Cabling Works for Single-Phase Distribution, Power, Lighting and Auxiliary Systems
- Installing Electrical Protective Devices for Distribution, Power, Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems
- Installing Wiring Devices for Floor and Wall Mounted Outlets, Lighting Fixtures, Switches and Auxiliary Outlets
- Solar Night Light Assembly
- Solar Night Light Assembly covers knowledge and skills needed to assemble, test, and troubleshoot solar night lamp. This material can also be used to deepen one’s understanding on the process and the system used of turning solar energy into consumable energy using solar-powered generation technology. This learning material is a self-paced course.
- Computer System Servicing NC II
- Entrepreneurship Online Courses
- STAR Online Training Program
- Managing Your Personal Finances
- Start and Improve Your Business
- HVAC – Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition Online Courses
- Packaged Air Conditioner Unit Servicing
- Human Health/Health Care Online Courses
- Barangay Health Services NC II
- Introduction to Barangay Health Services
- Assisting Household to Identify Health Problems and Promote Health and Well-being
- Sharing Knowledge and Skills Among Members to Provide Information, Education and Communication and Household Teaching in Disease Prevention and Control
- Monitoring Health Status of Household Members Under Your Area of Service Coverage
- Safekeeping of Equipment, Medical Supplies and Materials in Health Station
- Maintaining Updated List/ Record of Health Activities
- Massage Therapy NC II
- Foundations of Massage Practice (1 of 4)
- Fundamentals of Massage Therapy (2 of 4)
- Massage Therapy NC II Performing Shiatsu (4 of 4) This course conta
- Massage Therapy NC II Performing Swedish Massage (3 of 4)
- Barangay Health Services NC II
- Information and Communication Technology Online Courses
- ICT Courses
- SMART Android Mobile Apps Development for Beginners
- SMART Technopreneurship 101
- Microsoft Online Courses
- C# Fundamentals for Beginners
- Udemy Courses
- Android 4.0 Programming in Java
- Web Development using HTML5 and CSS3
- ICT Courses
- Lifelong Learning Skills Online Courses
- Getting your Business Online
- Harnessing Social Media to Expand Your Business
- Digital Tools for Jobseekers
- Job Interview Skills Training Course
- Skills to Succeed Academy
- Maritime Online Courses
- Ships’ Catering NC III
- National TVET Trainers Academy Online Courses
- Trainers Methodology I
- Conduct Competency Assessment (COC 2)
- Deliver Training Session (COC1)
- Trainers Methodology II
- Trainers Methodology I
- Performing Solid Waste Management in the Workplace Online Course
- FREE Courses Relevant to COVID-19 Management
- Contact-tracing FREE Course
- COVID-19 Awareness
- COVID-19 General Duties
- COVID-19: How to put on and remove personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Process Food and Beverages Online Courses
- Food Processing NC II
- Introduction to Food Processing
- Processing Food by Drying and Dehydration
- Processing Food by Fermentation and Pickling
- Processing Food by Salting, Curing, and Smoking
- Processing Food by Sugar Concentration
- Processing Food by Thermal Application
- Food Processing NC II
- Social, Community Development and Others
- Beauty Care Services (Nail Care) NCII
- Tourism Online Courses
- Bread and Pastry Production NC II
- Preparing Cakes
- Cookery NC II
- Preparing Hot Meals (COC1)
- Preparing Cold Meals (COC2)
- Preparing Sweets (COC3)
- Fundamentals of Professional Cookery
- Food and Beverage Services NC II
- Introduction to Food and Beverage Services
- Food and Beverage Services NC II Providing Room Service
- Food and Beverage Services NC II Providing Table Service
- Front Office Services NC II
- Introduction to Front Office Services
- Providing Front Office Services
- Housekeeping NC II
- Providing Housekeeping Services
- Housekeeping NC II Deal with Intoxicated Guests
- Providing Guest Room Services
- Providing Laundry Services to Guests
- Providing Public Area Services
- Providing Valet Services
- Bread and Pastry Production NC II
- TESDA Capability Building Programs for TESDA Employees
- National Institute for Technical Education and Skills Development
- Capability-building Program (CBP) for the Implementation of the Area-based and Demand-driven TVET
- English Online Courses
- Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom
- English as a Medium of Instruction
- English for Science, Technology, and Mathematics (eSTEM)
- English for Tourism Professionals
- ILO Job Readiness (Beta Testing)
- Job Readiness Courses
- Module 1: Crafting Your Career
- Module 2: Your Guide to Job Readiness
- Module 3: Building Human Skills for Career Success
- Job Readiness Courses (X)
- Module 1: Crafting Your Career
- Module 2: Your Guide to Job Readiness
- Module 3: Building Human Skills for Career Success
- Job Readiness Courses
- BMA Test Course
- Introduction to EIM – BMA Test Course
- Introduction to EIM – BMA Test Course
- Introduction to EIM – BMA Test Course
Regional Pilot Testing Courses
(List of Schools that offer FREE TESDA Online Courses)
Cordillera Administrative Region
- Baguio City School of Arts and Trades
- Cookery NC II (BCSAT)
- Preparing Cold Meals – COC2 (BCSAT)
- Preparing Hot Meals – COC1 (BCSAT)
- Preparing Sweets – COC3 (BCSAT)
- Facilitate eLearning Session (BCSAT)
- Food and Beverage Services NC II (BCSAT)
- Introduction to Food and Beverage Services (BCSAT)
- Providing Room Service (BCSAT)
- Providing Table Service (BCSAT)
- Food Processing NC II (BCSAT)
- Introduction to Food Processing (BCSAT)
- Processing Food by Drying and Dehydration (BCSAT)
- Processing Food by Fermentation and Pickling (BCSAT)
- Processing Food by Salting, Curing, and Smoking (BCSAT)
- Housekeeping NC II (BCSAT)
- Deal with Intoxicated Guests (BCSAT)
- Providing Guest Room Services (BCSAT)
- Providing Housekeeping Services (BCSAT)
- Providing Laundry Services to Guests (BCSAT)
- Trainers Methodology Level I (BCSAT)
- Deliver Training Session (COC1) – BCSAT.
- Conduct Competency Assessment (COC2) – BCSAT
- Cookery NC II (BCSAT)
- Regional Training Center (RTC) Baguio
- Computer System Servicing NC II (RTC-Baguio)
- Installing and Configuring Computer Systems (RTC-Baguio)
- Introduction to CSS (RTC-Baguio)
- Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks (RTC-Baguio)
- Setting Up Computer Networks (RTC-Baguio)
- Setting Up Computer Servers (RTC-Baguio)
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II (RTC-Baguio)
- Installing Electrical Protective Devices for Distribution, Power, Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems (RTC-Baguio)
- Installing Wiring Devices for Floor and Wall Mounted Outlets, Lighting Fixtures, Switches and Auxiliary Outlets (RTC-Baguio)
- Introduction to Electrical Installation and Maintenance (RTC-Baguio)
- Performing Roughing-in Activities, Wiring and Cabling Works for Single-phase Distribution, Power, Lighting and Auxiliary Systems (RTC-Baguio)
- Computer System Servicing NC II (RTC-Baguio)
Region I
- Luciano Millan Memorial School of Arts and Trades (LMMSAT)
- Organic Agriculture Production NC II
- Introduction to Organic Agriculture
- Raising Organic Chickens
- Producing Organic Vegetables
- Producing Organic Fertilizers
- Formulating Organic Concoctions & Extracts
- Organic Agriculture Production NC II
- Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II (PSAT)
- Introduction to Electrical Installation and Maintenance
- Performing Roughing-In Activities, Wiring and Cabling Works for Single-Phase Distribution, Power, Lighting and Auxiliary Systems
- Installing Electrical Protective Devices for Distribution, Power, Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems
- Installing Wiring Devices for Floor and Wall Mounted Outlets, Lighting Fixtures, Switches and Auxiliary Outlets
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II (PSAT)
- Pangasinan Technological Institute (PTI)
- Organic Agriculture Production NC II
- Introduction to Organic Agriculture
- Formulating Organic Concoctions & Extracts
- Producing Organic Fertilizers
- Producing Organic Vegetables
- Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Region II
- Southern Isabela College of Arts and Trades (SICAT)
- Computer Systems Servicing NC II
- Introduction to CSS
- Installing and Configuring Computer Systems
- Setting Up Computer Servers
- Setting Up Computer Networks
- Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks
- Computer Systems Servicing NC II
Region III
- Concepcion Vocational School
- Bread and Pastry Production NC II (CVS)
- Preparing Cakes
- Bread and Pastry Production NC II (CVS)
- Provincial Training Center – Tarlac
- Computer System Servicing NC II
- Introduction to CSS
- Installing and Configuring Computer Systems
- Setting Up Computer Networks
- Setting Up Computer Servers
- Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks
- Computer System Servicing NC II
National Capital Region (NCR)
- Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center (QCLBSDC)
- Computer System Servicing NC II
- Installing and Configuring Computer Systems
- Introduction to CSS (QCLBSDC)
- Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks
- Setting Up Computer Networks
- Setting Up Computer Servers
- Facilitate eLearning Sessions
- Trainers Methodology I
- Conduct Competency Assessment
- Maintaining Training Facilities
- Plan Training Session
- Supervising Work-Based Learning
- Utilize Electronic Media in Facilitating Training
- Computer System Servicing NC II
- TESDA Women’s Center(TWC)
- Facilitate eLearning Sessions
- Food and Beverage Services NC II
- Introduction to Food and Beverage Services
- Food and Beverage Services NC II (TWC) Providing Room Service
- Providing Table Service
- Food Processing NC II
- Introduction to Food Processing
- Processing Food by Fermentation and Pickling
- Processing Food by Salting, Curing, and Smoking
- Processing Food by Sugar Concentration
Region IV-A
- Quezon National Agricultural School (QNAS)
- Housekeeping NC II
- Electrical Installation Maintenance NC II
- Organic Agriculture Production NC II
- PTC – Laguna Lake Development Authority (LDDA)
- Agro-Entrepreneurship NC II
- Introduction to Agro-Entrepreneurship
- Assessing Market Opportunities
- Establishing the Farm Production Plan
- Handling Finances
- Agro-Entrepreneurship NC II
Region IV-B
- Simeon Suan Vocational and Technical College (SSVTC)
- Food and Beverage Services NC II (SSVTC)
- Introduction to Food and Beverage Services (SSVTC)
- Providing Room Service (SSVTC)
- Providing Table Service (SSVTC)
- Food and Beverage Services NC II (SSVTC)
- Puerto Princesa School of Arts and Trades
- Food and Beverage Services NC II (PPSAT)
- Introduction to Food and Beverage Services (PPSAT)
- Providing Table Service (PPSAT)
- Providing Room Service (PPSAT)
- Food and Beverage Services NC II (PPSAT)
Region V
- San Francisco Institute of Science and Technology
- Computer Systems Servicing NC II (SFIST)
- Introduction to CSS (SFIST)
- Installing and Configuring Computer Systems (SFIST)
- Setting Up Computer Networks (SFIST)
- Setting Up Computer Servers (SFIST)
- Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks (SFIST) This module
- Computer Systems Servicing NC II (SFIST)
- Camarines Sur Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences
- Housekeeping NC II (CSIFMS)
- Providing Housekeeping Services (CSIFMS)
- Clean and Prepare Rooms for Incoming Guest (CSIFMS)
- Housekeeping NC II (CSIFMS) Providing Valet/ Butler Services (CSIFMS)
- Providing Laundry Services to Guests (CSIFMS)
- Housekeeping NC II (CSIFMS)
- Masbate Institute of Fisheries and Technology
- Food Processing NC II (MIFT)
- Introduction to Food Processing (MIFT)
- Processing Food by Salting, Curing, and Smoking (MIFT)
- Processing Food by Fermentation and Pickling (MIFT)
- Processing Food by Sugar Concentration (MIFT)
- Food Processing NC II (MIFT)
- Provincial Training Center (PTC) – Camarines Norte (Labo)
- Cabugao School of Handicraft and Cottage Industries
- Facilitating eLearning Sessions (CSHCI)
Region VII
- Provincial Training Center – Tubigon
- Expand all Bread and Pastry Production NC II (PTC-TUBIGON)
- Preparing Cakes (PTC-Tubigon)
- Cookery NC II – (PTC-TUBIGON)
- Preparing Hot Meals – (PTC-TUBIGON)
- Preparing Cold Meals – (PTC-TUBIGON)
- Preparing Sweets – (PTC-TUBIGON)
- Expand all Bread and Pastry Production NC II (PTC-TUBIGON)
Region VIII
- Samar National School of Arts and Trades
- Facilitate eLearning Sessions (SNSAT)
Region X
- Lanao Norte National Agro-Industrial School
- Food and Beverage Services NC II (LNNAIS)
- Providing Room Service (LNNAIS)
- Providing Table Service (LNNAIS)
- Introduction to Food and Beverage Services (LNNAIS)
- Bread and Pastry Production (LNNAIS)
- Preparing Cakes (LNNAIS)
- Food and Beverage Services NC II (LNNAIS)
Region XII
- General Santos National School of Arts and Trades
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II (GSNSAT)
- Installing Wiring Devices for Floor and Wall Mounted Outlets, Lighting Fixtures, Switches and Auxiliary Outlets (GSNSAT)
- Installing Electrical Protective Devices for Distribution, Power, Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems (GSNSAT)
- Performing Roughing-In Activities, Wiring and Cabling Works for Single-Phase Distribution, Power, Lighting and Auxiliary Systems (GSNSAT)
- Introduction to Electrical Installation and Maintenance (GSNSAT)
- Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II (GSNSAT)
- MBHTE TESD Regional Manpower Development Center
- Facilitate eLearning Session (MBHTE)
- Facilitating eLearning Sessions (MBHTE)
- Facilitate eLearning Session (MBHTE)
How to enroll in eTESDA Online course?
In order to access the available courses in the TESDA Online Program website, you must first register an account.