The TESDA Course in Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II consists of competencies that a person must achieve to enable him/her to install and maintain electrical wiring, lighting and related equipment and systems where the voltage does not exceed 600 volts in residential houses/buildings.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of Electrical and Electronics sector.

A student who has achieved this TESDA Course in ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NC II is competent to be:

  • Building-Wiring Electrician
  • Residential/Commercial-Wiring Electrician
  • Maintenance Electrician


This section specifies the qualifications of trainees including their education/experience.

To qualify as trainee for Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC II, a candidate:

  • must have completed at least 10 yrs. basic education or an ALS certificate of achievement with grade 10 equivalent holder
  • must be able to communicate both orally and in writing
  • must be able to perform basic mathematical computation

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering this TVET program.


Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration :

(Basic Competency) 18 Hours
(Common Competency) 24 Hours
(Core Competency) 154 Hours

Total Duration: 196 Hours

This course is designed to equip individuals with operational skills in Electrical Installation & Maintenance NC level II particularly in installing and maintaining electrical wiring, lighting and related equipment/systems in residential houses/buildings where the voltage does not exceed 600 volts.


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, and Core Competencies.

To obtain this TESDA course in ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NC II, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

ELC741301 Perform roughing-in activities, wiring and cabling works for single-phase distribution, power, lighting and auxiliary systems
ELC741302 Install electrical protective devices for distribution, power, lighting, auxiliary, lightning protection and grounding systems
ELC741303 Install wiring devices of floor and wall mounted outlets, lighting fixtures/switches, and auxiliary outlets
ELC311205 Use Hand Tools
ELC311201 Perform Mensuration and Calculation
ELC311202 Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawing
ELC311204 Apply Quality Standards
ELC311206 Terminate and Connect Electrical Wiring and Electronic Circuits
500311105 Participate in workplace communication
500311106 Work in a team environment
500311107 Practice career professionalism
500311108 Practice occupational health and safety procedures

This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NC II. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.


This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NC II.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on installing electrical metallic and non-metallic conduit, wire ways and cable clamp, auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution frame panel board/safety switch and used in roughing-in based on the required performance standards. This unit also covers the outcomes required in preparing for cable pulling and installation, performing wiring and cabling lay-out and notifying completion of work for single-phase distribution, power, lighting and auxiliary systems.

  1. Install electrical metallic /nonmetallic (PVC conduit)
    • Correct drawings are interpreted based on job requirements
    • Correct quantities of conduit, fittings and accessories are determined as per job requirements
    • Tools and equipment are selected as per job requirements
    • Conduit is assembled ensuring that fittings are fully inserted and tightened as per job requirements
    • Conduit is bent with bends not exceeding 90° as per job requirements
    • Conduit couplings and elbows are installed as per job requirements
    • Conduit is threaded in line with job requirements
    • Safety procedures are followed in line with standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  2. Install wire ways and cable tray
    • Correct drawings are interpreted to determine job requirements
    • Correct quantities of materials are selected as per job requirements
    • Tools and equipment are selected as per job requirements
    • Wire ways and cable trays are installed as per job requirements.
    • Safety procedures are followed in line with SOPs
  3. Install auxiliary terminal cabinet and distribution panel
    • Correct drawings are interpreted to determine job requirements
    • Correct quantities of materials are selected as per job requirements
    • Tools and equipment are selected as per job requirements
    • Auxiliary terminal cabinet is installed as per job requirements
    • Auxiliary main distribution frame is installed as per job requirements
    • Safety procedures are followed in line with SOPs
  4. Prepare for cable pulling and installation
    • Necessary tools, equipment, materials and personal protective equipment (PPE) are prepared in line with job requirements.
    • Cable pulling & installation requirements and constraints from plan and site inspection are identified as per job requirements.
    • Cable lay out & installation equipment is set up in accordance with manufacturer’s and job requirements.
    • Site is made safe and secure for cable installation.
    • Suitable protective clothing is selected and required safety devices are used
    • Support structure is assessed as safe for normal working conditions.
  5. Perform wiring and cabling lay out
    • Safety procedures are followed based on safety regulations PPE are identified and selected in line with safety requirements
    • Tools, equipment, pulling compound and safety requirements are identified and obtained for the lay out and installation.
    • Pulling materials is properly installed and tensioned to required specifications
    • Cable is secured permanently to support structure in accordance with standard installation procedures
    • Bending radius and loops tolerance is observed for cable materials at all times
    • Schedule of wire cutting lists is followed based on estimates, quantity and sizes to avoid wastage.
    • Further instructions are sought if unplanned events or conditions occur
    • Checking of quality of work is done in accordance with instructions and requirements.
  6. Notify completion of work
    • Final checks are made to ensure that work conforms with instructions and job requirements
    • Supervisor is notified upon completion of work
    • Tools, equipment and any surplus resources and materials are, where appropriate, cleaned, checked and returned to storage in accordance with established procedures
    • Work area is cleaned up and made safe according to OHSA regulations

UNIT CODE : ELC7413302

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on planning and preparing work, installing electrical protective devices, lightning fixture and auxiliary outlet and notifying completion of work for distribution, power, lighting, auxiliary, lightning protection and grounding systems.

  1. Plan and prepare work
    • Instructions for the preparation of the work activity are communicated and confirmed to ensure clear understanding
    • Tools, equipment and PPE needed to install electrical wiring are identified, checked to ensure they work correctly as intended and are safe to use in accordance with established procedures
    • Materials needed for work are obtained in accordance with established procedures.
  2. Install electrical protective devices
    • Safety procedures are followed in line with job requirements
    • Correct procedures for installation of electrical protective devices are performed in line with job requirements and PEC
    • Schedule of work is followed to ensure work is completed in an agreed time, to a quality standard and with a minimum waste
    • Further instructions are sought from a supervisor if unplanned events or conditions occur
    • On-going checks of quality of work are done in accordance with instructions and requirements
  3. Install lighting fixture and auxiliary outlet.
    • Safety procedures are followed
    • Correct procedures for installation of lighting fixture and auxiliaries are performed in line with job requirements
    • Schedule of work is followed to ensure work is completed in an agreed time, to a quality standard and with a minimum waste
    • Further instructions are sought from a supervisor if unplanned events or conditions occur.
    • On-going checks of quality of work are undertaken in accordance with instructions and requirements.
  4. Notify completion of work.
    • Final checks are made to ensure the work conforms with instructions and requirements
    • Supervisor is notified upon completion of work
    • Tools, equipment and any surplus resources and materials are, where appropriate, cleaned, checked and returned to storage in accordance with established procedures
    • Work area is cleaned and made safe


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on selecting and installing wiring devices, installing lighting fixtures/switches and notifying completion of work of floor and wall mounted outlets and auxiliary outlets.

  1. Select wiring devices
    • Drawings are read and interpreted to determine job requirements
    • Correct type and quantity of wiring devices and consumable items are identified in line with job requirements
    • Tools and equipment are selected in line with job requirements
    • Correct PPE are identified and selected in line with safety requirements
  2. Install wiring devices
    • Safety procedures are followed based on safety regulations
    • Correct procedures for installation of wiring devices are performed in line with job requirements
    • Schedule of work is followed based on agreed time, quality standard and minimum wastage
    • Further instructions are sought if unplanned events or conditions occur
    • On-going checking of quality of work is done in accordance with instructions and requirements.
  3. Install lighting fixture/switches
    • Safety procedures are followed
    • Correct procedures for installation of lighting fixtures/switches are performed in line with job requirements
    • Schedule of work is followed to ensure work is completed in an agreed time, to a quality standard and with a minimum waste
    • Further instructions are sought from a supervisor if unplanned events or conditions occur
    • On-going checks of quality of work are undertaken in accordance with instructions and requirements
  4. Notify completion of work
    • Final checks are made to ensure that work conforms with instructions and to requirements
    • Supervisor is notified upon completion of work
    • Tools, equipment and any surplus resources and materials are, where appropriate, cleaned, checked and returned to storage in accordance with established procedures
    • Work area is cleaned and made safe



This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on the safe use, handling and maintenance of tools.

  1. Plan and prepare for tasks to be undertaken
    • Tasks to be undertaken are properly identified
    • Appropriate hand tools are identified and selected according to the task requirements
  2. Prepare hand tools
    • Appropriate hand tools are checked for proper operation and safety
    • Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair according to standard company procedure
  3. Use appropriate hand tools and test equipment
    • Tools are used according to tasks undertaken
    • All safety procedures in using tools are observed at all times and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) are used
    • Malfunctions, unplanned or unusual events are reported to the supervisor
  4. Maintain hand tools
    • Tools are not dropped to avoid damage
    • Routine maintenance of tools undertaken according to standard operational procedures, principles and techniques
    • Tools are stored safely in appropriate locations in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or standard operating procedures.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values needed identify, care, handle and use measuring instruments

  1. Select measuring instruments
    • Object or component to be measured is identified
    • Correct specifications are obtained from relevant source
    • Measuring tools are selected in line with job requirements
  2. Carry out measurements and calculation
    • Appropriate measuring instrument is selected to achieve required outcome
    • Accurate measurements are obtained for job
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and division (/)
    • Calculation involving fractions, percentages and mixed numbers are used to complete workplace tasks.
    • Numerical computation is self-checked and corrected for accuracy
    • Instruments are read to the limit of accuracy of the tool.
  3. Maintain measuring instruments
    • Measuring instruments are not dropped to avoid damage
    • Measuring instruments are cleaned before and after using.
    • Proper storage of instruments undertaken according to manufacturer’s specifications and standard operating procedures.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values needed to prepare/interpret diagrams, engineering abbreviation and drawings, symbols, dimension.

  1. Identify different kinds of technical drawings
    • Correct technical drawing is selected according to job requirements.
    • Technical drawings are segregated in accordance with the types and kinds of drawings
  2. Interpret technical drawing
    • Components, assemblies or objects are recognized as required.
    • Dimensions of the key features of the objects depicted in the drawing are correctly identified.
    • Symbols used in the drawing are identified and interpreted correctly.
    • Drawing is checked and validated against job requirements or equipment in accordance with standard operating procedures.
  3. Prepare/make changes to electrical/electronic schematics and drawings
    • Electrical/electronic schematic is drawn and correctly identified.
    • Correct drawing is identified, equipment are selected and used in accordance with job requirements.
  4. Store technical drawings and equipment/instruments
    • Care and maintenance of drawings are undertaken according to company procedures.
    • Technical drawings are recorded and inventory is prepared in accordance with company procedures.
    • Proper storage of instruments is undertaken according to company procedures.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, (and) attitudes and values needed to apply quality standards in the workplace.

The unit also includes the application of relevant safety procedures and regulations, organization procedures and customer requirements

  1. Assess quality of received materials or components
    • Work instructions are obtained and work is carried out in accordance with standard operating procedures
    • Received materials or component parts are checked against workplace standards and specifications
    • Faulty material or components related to work are identified and isolated
    • Faults and any identified causes are recorded and/or reported to the supervisor concerned in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Faulty materials or components are replaced in accordance with workplace procedures
  2. Assess own work
    • Documentation relative to quality within the company is identified and used
    • Completed work is checked against workplace standards relevant to the task undertaken
    • Faulty pieces are identified and isolated
    • Information on the quality and other indicators of production performance is recorded in accordance with workplace procedures
    • In cases of deviations from specified quality standards, causes are documented and reported in accordance with the workplace’ standards operating procedures
  3. Engage in quality improvement
    • Process improvement procedures are participated in relation to workplace assignment
    • Work is carried out in accordance with process improvement procedures
    • Performance of operation or quality of product or service to ensure customer satisfaction is monitored


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, (and) attitudes and values needed to perform computer operations which include inputting, accessing, producing and transferring data using the appropriate hardware and software

  1. Plan and prepare for task to be undertaken
    • Requirements of task are determined
    • Appropriate hardware and software are selected according to task assigned and required outcome
    • Task is planned to ensure OH&S guidelines and procedures are followed
  2. Input data into computer
    • Data are entered into the computer using appropriate program/application in accordance with company procedures
    • Accuracy of information is checked and information is saved in accordance with standard operating procedures
    • Inputted data are stored in storage media according to requirements
    • Work is performed within ergonomic guidelines
  3. Access information using computer
    • Correct program/application is selected based on job requirements
    • Program/application containing the information required is accessed according to company procedures
    • Desktop icons are correctly selected, opened and closed for navigation purposes
    • Keyboard techniques are carried out in line with OH&S requirements for safe use of keyboards
  4. Produce/output data using computer system
    • Entered data are processed using appropriate software commands
    • Data printed out as required using computer hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating procedures
    • Files, data are transferred between compatible systems using computer software, hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating procedures
  5. Maintain computer equipment and systems
    • Systems for cleaning, minor maintenance and replacement of consumables are implemented
    • Procedures for ensuring security of data, including regular back-ups and virus checks are implemented in accordance with standard operating procedures
    • Basic file maintenance procedures are implemented in line with the standard


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, (and) attitudes and values needed to terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronic circuits

  1. Plan and prepare for termination/connection of electrical wiring/electronic s circuits
    • Materials are checked according to specifications and tasks
    • Appropriate tools and equipment are selected according to tasks requirements
    • Task is planned to ensure OH & S guidelines and procedures are followed
    • Electrical wiring/electronic circuits are correctly prepared for connecting/termination in accordance with instructions and work site procedures
  2. Terminate/connect electrical wiring/electronic circuits
    • Safety procedures in using tools are observed at all times and appropriate personal protective equipment are used
    • Work is undertaken safely in accordance with the workplace and standard procedures
    • Appropriate range of methods in termination/connection are used according to specifications, manufacturer’s requirements and safety
    • Correct sequence of operation is followed
    • Accessories used are adjusted, if necessary
    • Confirmed termination/connection is undertaken successfully in accordance with job
  3. Test termination/connections of electrical wiring/electronics circuits
    • Testing of all completed termination/ connections of electric wiring/electronic circuits is conducted for compliance with specifications and regulations using appropriate procedures and equipment
    • Wiring and circuits are checked using specified testing procedures
    • Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with established procedures


UNIT CODE : 500311105

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.

  1. Obtain and convey workplace information
    • Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources
    • Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used together and convey information
    • Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas
    • Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
    • Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed
    • Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used
    • Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
  2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
    • Team meetings are at ended on time
    • Own opinions are clear expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption
    • Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols
    • Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
    • Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to.
    • Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented
  3. Complete relevant work related documents
    • Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly
    • Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents
    • Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations
    • Errors in recording information on forms/documents are identified and properly acted upon
    • Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines

UNIT CODE : 500311106

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.

  1. Describe team role and scope
    • The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information
    • Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources.
  2. Identify own role and responsibility within team
    • Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified.
    • Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized.
    • Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified.
  3. Work as a team member
    • Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives.
    • Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context.
    • Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures.
    • Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the members.

UNIT CODE : 500311107

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.

  1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals
    • Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession
    • Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation
    • Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties
  2. Set and meet work priorities
    • Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives.
    • Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
    • Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures
  3. Maintain professional growth and development
    • Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements
    • Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement
    • Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed

UNIT CODE : 500311108

This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.

  1. Identify hazards and risks
    • Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization procedures
    • Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures
    • Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures
  2. Evaluate hazards and risks
    • Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV)
    • Effects of the hazards are determined
    • OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation
  3. Control hazards and risks
    • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
    • Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OHS policies
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices
    • Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol
  4. Maintain OHS awareness
    • Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and procedures
    • OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements



  • Certification – is the process of verifying and validating the competencies of a person through assessment
  • Certificate of Competency (COC) – is a certification issued to individuals who pass the assessment for a single unit or cluster of units of competency
  • Common Competencies – are the skills and knowledge needed by all people working in a particular industry
  • Competency – is the possession and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform work activities to the standard expected in the workplace
  • Competency Assessment – is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments on whether competency has been achieved
  • Competency Standard (CS) – is the industry-determined specification of competencies required for effective work performance
  • Context of Assessment – refers to the place where assessment is to be conducted or carried out
  • Core Competencies – are the specific skills and knowledge needed in a particular area of work – industry sector/occupation/job role
  • Critical aspects of competency – refers to the evidence that is essential for successful performance of the unit of competency
  • Elective Competencies – are the additional skills and knowledge required by the individual or enterprise for work
  • Elements – are the building blocks of a unit of competency. They describe in outcome terms the functions that a person performs in the workplace.
  • Evidence Guide – is a component of the unit of competency that defines or identifies the evidences required to determine the competence of the individual. It provides information on critical aspects of competency, underpinning knowledge, underpinning skills, resource implications, assessment method and context of assessment
  • Level – refers to the category of skills and knowledge required to do a job
  • Method of Assessment – refers to the ways of collecting evidence and when, evidence should be collected
  • National Certificate (NC) – is a certification issued to individuals who achieve all the required units of competency for a national qualification defined under the Training Regulations. NCs are aligned to specific levels within the PTQF
  • Performance Criteria – are evaluative statements that specify what is to be assessed and the required level of performance
  • Qualification – is a cluster of units of competencies that meets job roles and is significant in the workplace. It is also a certification awarded to a person on successful completion of a course in recognition of having demonstrated competencies in an industry sector
  • Range of Variables – describes the circumstances or context in which the work is to be performed
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – is the acknowledgement of an individual’s skills, knowledge and attitudes gained from life and work experiences outside registered training programs
  • Resource Implication – refer to the resources needed for the successful performance of the work activity described in the unit of competency. It includes work environment and conditions, materials, tools and equipment
  • Basic Competencies – are the skills and knowledge that everyone needs for work
  • Training Regulations (TR) – refers to the document promulgated and issued by TESDA consisting of competency standards, national qualifications and training guidelines for specific sectors/occupations. The TR serves as basis for establishment of qualification and certification under the PTQF. It also serves as guide for development of competency based curricula and instructional materials including registration of TVET programs offered by TVET providers
  • Underpinning Knowledge – refers to the competency that involves in applying knowledge to perform work activities. It includes specific knowledge that is essential to the performance of the competency
  • Underpinning Skills – refers to the list of the skills needed to achieve the elements and performance criteria in the unit of competency. It includes generic and industry specific skills
  • Unit of Competency – is a component of the competency standards stating a specific key function or role in a particular job or occupation; it is the smallest component of achievement that can be assessed and certified under the PTQF


  • Technical Terms – All technical terms are used with meanings as defined in the latest published edition of the Philippine Electrical Code, in applicable laws, such as R.A. 7920 (The New Electrical Engineering Law), and current electrical engineering practice.
  • Other Terms – All other terms are used as defined in applicable TESDA documents.


  • I pass my requirements last July 28 but I didn’t receive any updates if I am enrolled or not. I’m hoping for your response about my concern. Thank you

  • can i have a sample of a project proposal in electrical installation to be submitted to the LGU ? The recipients of this program will be the ALS learners and hoping that TESDA will also help in their NC assessments

  • hello, may libreng training center po ba near Sta. Mesa? yung may eim nc 2, technical drafting nc 2, or mechatronics nc 2 po. kahit alin po diyan.

  • Available po ba ang electrical installation and maintenance course sa Cavite? And if ever, saan po sa Cavite?

    • Brothers of Christ of Bannuex, Inc.
      CM Delos Reyes Ave., Brgy. Biclatan, Gen. Trias, Cavite
      0945 441 3081 / (046) 685 4012

      Guardians Technical School Inc.
      Block 3 Lot 41 & 43 Congressional Road, Brgy. San Gabriel, GMA, Cavite
      (046) 542-0675

      International Electronics and Technical Institute (IMUS), Inc.
      SC Realty Bldg., E. Aguinaldo Hiway, Tanzang Luma III, Imus, Cavite
      (046) 471-9337

      Sollight (Submission, Obedience, Loyalty, Light) Inc.
      Blk-77 Lot-13 Ph2, Paliparan III, Dasmariñas City, Cavite

      St. Dominic College of Asia, Inc.
      St. Dominic Complex E. Aguinaldo Highway, Talaba, Bacoor, Cavite
      0961 519 7961 (046) 417 8161 (046) 417 7322 (046) 417 8498 0923 673 9233″

      TESDA Provincial Training Center (PTC) – Rosario
      Phase I, CEPZ, Rosario, Cavite
      (046) 437 2370

      Topclass Technical Training Inc.
      3/F LKC Bldg. Don Placido Campos Ave. Zone IV, City of Dasmariñas

  • Good day po,
    Ask ko lang po kong meron training center sa Montalban Rizal para sa Electrical Installation and Maintenance o medyo malapit po sana.

  • Ma’am/Sir, kelan po ang next exam ng Electrical Installation and Maintenance NCII sa Iba, Zambales. May schedule po ba kau ng exam? Nghhintay po kc kmi ng schedule since June pa po. Natapos na po ung full course sa Olongapo pero until now wala pa daw po schedule ng NC II exam sa Iba. Please advise. Thank you po.

  • Accredited School here in Cubao, Quezon City for Electrical Installation and Maintenance NCII

    • St. Peter Velle Technical Training Center, Inc.
      No. 919 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
      4441939/ 738-7442

    • magandang araw saan po pwede mag inquire para online training and assesstment EIM NC 2 ? QC area po ?

      • Please inquire below:

        Mechatronics Technologies Corp.
        699 Tandang Sora Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City
        928-3307 / 937-6236

        Mechatronics Technologies Corp.
        699 Tandang Sora Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City
        928-3307 / 937-6236

        Mt. Charmel Science and Technical Institute Inc.
        789 Quirino Hiway, Gulod, Quezon City
        401-7603/ 09228745828

        Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
        Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City

        Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
        Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
        7799-9092/ 937-4248

        St. Peter Velle Technical Training Center, Inc.
        No. 919 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
        4441939/ 738-7442

  • inquire po, kailan po ang next intake ng electrical installation and maintenance dito po sa binan laguna?

    • Please inquire below:

      International Electronics and Technical Institute (Biñan), Inc.
      6F Caridad Mendoza Business Center, Km. 33, National Highway, Biñan City, Laguna
      (049) 511-9385/86

      Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades
      San Antonio, Biñan, Laguna
      (049) 511-8059

      Laguna Institute of Technology – Biñan, Laguna Inc.
      Areza Town Center, Brgy. Canlalay, Biñan City, Laguna
      (+63)92308391491/(+63) 9552680507

    • Baguio College of Technology – Extension
      #51 Plaza Natalia, Naguilian Rd., Baguio City
      (074) 442 51-41

      TESDA-Cordillera State Institute of Technical Education, Main Campus
      #132 Magsaysay Drive, Loakan Road, Baguio City (Formerly Regional Training Center, Baguio City)
      (074)424-8723/ 8724

      King’s College of the Philippines
      Pico Road, La Trinidad, Benguet
      (0999)9935194/ (074) 752-5162/ 422-3576

  • hi po,saan po pwede mag inquire dito sa PAMPANGA regarding ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE NCII course offered this may 2024 po..Thank you po

    • Bright Mind Training Inc.
      #76 Jose Abad santos Ave, Sto. Cristo Parian (Pob), Mexico, Pampanga

      Central Luzon College of Science and Technology, Inc.
      High School Blvd., Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

      Don Bosco Academy of Pampanga, Inc.
      Mabiga, Mabalacat, Pampanga
      (045)458-1418 to 19

      Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University (DHVTSU)
      Poblacion, Bacolor, Pampanga
      900-0046 900-2453 900-0691 (0933) 38888060

      J.C.E Advance Technical School and Assessment Center, Inc.
      #5 Debra St., Mt View, Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga
      (045)458-2302/ (0905)1528503/ (0949)7229499

      Orange Bright Technical Learning Center Inc.
      Cabangcalan Purok 1, Cabangcalan, Floridablanca, Pampanga

      Galac St., Villa Victoria Subd., Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

      Pinoytek Skills Training and Assessment Inc.
      Unit 312, 314,316 DSF Bldg, Gen Hizon Avenue, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
      (0926)7579777 (0908)5520171

      Pinoytek Skills Training and Assessment Inc.
      Unit 312, 314,316 DSF Bldg, Gen Hizon Avenue, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
      (0926)7579777 (0908)5520171

      Provincial Training Center – Guagua
      San Rafael, Guagua, Pampanga

      Transforming Peoples Knowledge and Initiative Learning Institute and Nature’s Farm (TPKI LI Nature’s Farm) Inc.
      TPKI Buiness Center, Alfredo G. Castro Sr. Blvd. San Jose Greenville Subd., San Jose, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
      09420489478 09051914160

      No. 35 Dr. Pilapil St., Sagad, Pasig City

      MFI Polytechnic Institute Inc.
      MFI Bldg., Ortigas Ave., Barangay Ugong, Pasig City
      8632-0756 to 67 / 8634-4970

      DON BOSCO TECHNICAL COLLEGE, INC. also known as (a.k.a.) Don Bosco Mandaluyong
      736 Gen. Kalentong St., Pag-asa, Mandaluyong City
      8531-8081 loc. 1610 t o 85 / 8531-6644/ 8081 loc. 1610

      Don Bosco Youth Center – Tondo Inc.
      Bo. Magsaysay, Tondo, Manila
      8251-5262 / 8254-5679

      Philippine Welding Technology Skills & Services Center Inc.
      586 Gov. A. Pascual St. San Roque Navotas, Metro Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G. Tolentino St. Sampaloc, Manila

  • Hello,

    Meron po ba Tesda dito sa Calapan City Oriental Mindoro?

    Saan po kaya pwede mag enroll para sa Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II?

    Maraming salamat po.

    • Colegio de Naujan
      Santiago, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

      Simeon Suan Vocational and Technical College
      Brgy. Pag-asa, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro
      (043) 298-7097

  • Hi what centers offer Electrical Installation and Maintenance NCII in Manila City, Pasig City, or Taguig City? Thank you.

    • Don Bosco Youth Center – Tondo Inc.
      Bo. Magsaysay, Tondo, Manila
      8251-5262 / 8254-5679

      Philippine Welding Technology Skills & Services Center Inc.
      586 Gov. A. Pascual St. San Roque Navotas, Metro Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G. Tolentino St. Sampaloc, Manila

      No. 35 Dr. Pilapil St., Sagad, Pasig City

      MFI Polytechnic Institute, Inc.
      MFI Bldg., Ortigas Ave., Barangay Ugong, Pasig City
      8632-0756 to 67 / 8634-4970

      Asian Christian Theological School & Colleges Inc.
      503 Eagle St., Blk. 5, G2 Village, Brgy. Pinagsama, Taguig City

      Human Resource Development Center (HRDC)
      Philippine-Korea Friendship Center, Bayani Road, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
      8374-1109/ 09198288114 / 09278853693

      Jeretech Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      Billingham Building, Unit 101-103, 11 Bagong Calzada, Brgy. Ususan, Taguig City

      MuntiParLasTaPat District Training and Assessment Center
      Bldg. 9, (Formerly Pinoy Bayanihan Project) TESDA Complex, East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway, Taguig City
      8-886-53-06 / 0965-660-0808

      Pulxar TVI, Inc.
      3/F No. 86 Bayani Road, AFPOVAI Phase 5, Brgy. Western Bicutan, Taguig City
      775-0575 / 894-5030 / 09399276507

      Taguig Manpower Training and Assessment Center (TMTC)
      Col. Ballecer St., Brgy. Central Signal Village, Taguig City

      TESDA Women’s Center
      TESDA Bldg. 2, Gate 1, TESDA Complex, East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway (SLEX), Taguig City

    • Academia De Sta. Cecilia Foundation, Inc.
      #2 Barangay Magliba, San Fabian, Pangasinan
      (075) 653-0267/ 09356370062/ 09175471599

      Barlo Technical Institute Training and Assessment Center, Inc. (Branch)
      Bolaney, Alaminos City, Pangasinan

      Bayambang Polytechnic College
      Zone I, Bayambang, Pangasinan

      Central Pangasinan School of Technology, Inc.
      Montemayor St., Malasiqui, Pangasinan
      (075) 536-2789

      Luciano Millan Memorial School of Arts and Trades
      Poblacion West, Asingan, Pangasinan
      (075) 563-2101

      Lyceum-Northwestern University
      Tapuac District, Dagupan City
      (075) 515-5773 516-2430/522-1908/2825/ 515-6022

      Manantan Institute of Technology and Training Center, Inc.
      Amang Pering Bldg., Quezon Ave., Brgy. Sadsaran, Poblacion, Alaminos City Pangasinan

      Manantan Technical School, Inc.
      San Vicente East, Urdaneta, Pangasinan
      (075) 568-2563

      Mangaldan Technical Institute, Inc.
      No. 11 P. De Guzman St., Bari, Mangaldan, Pangasinan
      09324316432/ (075) 615-0953

      Marian Educational Center of Malasiqui Inc.
      31 Tambac, Malasiqui, Pangasinan

      Maxima Technical and Skills Training Institute Inc.
      D Executive Building, M.H. Del Pilar St., Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City
      (075)632-2478/ 637-4707

      Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades
      Alvear St. West, Lingayen, Pangasinan
      075-662-2077 / 075-633-0933 075-523-5284

      Posadas Technological Institute Incorporated
      95 Calle Poblacion Bugallon, Pangasinan

      Provincial Training Center – Pangasinan
      Capitol Compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan
      (075) 542-4989

      Provincial Training Center – Urdaneta
      Brgy Anonas, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

      Señor Tesoro College Inc.
      Diversion Road, Brgy. San Miguel, Calasiao, Pangasinan
      (075) 522-4928 09207486801

      The Great Plebeian College, Inc.
      Don Pedro Reinoso St., Poblacion, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
      (075) 205-0378 205-8013 654-0195/ 551-3726

      University of Pangasinan, Inc.
      Arellano St., Dagupan City, Pangasinan
      (075) 522-5635 – 37

    • Mechatronics Technologies Corp.
      699 Tandang Sora Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City
      928-3307 / 937-6236

      Mt. Charmel Science and Technical Institute Inc.
      789 Quirino Hiway, Gulod, Quezon City
      401-7603/ 09228745828

      Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
      Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
      7799-9092/ 937-4248

      St. Peter Velle Technical Training Center, Inc.
      No. 919 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
      4441939/ 738-7442

    • Carina School of Science and Advanced Technology Inc.
      Dacanay Road 2, San Manuel, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

      Narra Polytechnic Institute of Technology Inc.
      National Highway, Brgy. Antipuluan, Narra, Palawan

      Provincial Training Center-Palawan
      Brgy. Magara, Roxas, Palawan

      Puerto Princesa School of Arts and Trades
      Rafols Road, Santa Monica, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
      (048) 433-0545

      Southern Palawan College, Inc.
      Gomez St., District I, Brooke’s Point, Palawan
      0919 5858393

      • Please inquire below:

        Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades
        Alvear St. West, Lingayen, Pangasinan
        075-662-2077 / 075-633-0933 075-523-5284

        Provincial Training Center – Pangasinan
        Capitol Compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan
        (075) 542-4989

  • I am looking for Electrical Installation and Maintenance NCII Training provider for the following sites:
    1. La Union
    2. Batangas
    3. Legazpi
    4. Naga
    5. Iloilo
    6. Dipolog
    7. General Santos

    Requesting your assistance in providing information. Thank you.

    • La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc.
      Central West, Bauang, La Union
      072-607-7286; 607-2644

      Norphil Innovative Center of Education (NICE) Inc.
      San Blas, Bangar, La Union
      09394608078 09399024138 09198528765 (072) 619-4239

      Northern Philippines College for Maritime, Science and Technology, Inc.
      Lingsat, San Fernando City, La Union

      Provincial Training Center – La Union
      Bgy. Macalva Sur, Agoo, La Union
      09286826410 09499552474

      RJ Ilocandia Technical and Vocational School, Inc.
      No. 2, Purok 2, Barangay Carlatan, San Fernando City, La Union
      (072) 607 – 6201

      South Ilocandia College of Arts and Technology, Inc.
      San Eugenio, Aringay, La Union
      (075)607-9408/ 521-3207/714-0213

      AD Omnipotence Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Balitoc, Calatagan, Batangas

      Concept Institute for Career Enhancement Inc.
      Sitio 4, National Highway, Brgy. Balagtas, Batangas City
      (043)984 – 2790

      Coriander Culinary Academy Inc.
      Roxas Bldg. Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas
      09493258105 / 0917-631-4710

      E. Zobel Foundation, Inc.
      Brgy. Gulod, Calatagan, Batangas
      (043) 773-4582

      International Building Maintenance Academy Philippines, Inc.
      #192 Sitio Bagong Silang, Pinagbayanan, Taysan, Batangas

      Regional Training Center – CALABARZON
      P.Herrera St., Batangas City

      University of Batangas, Inc.
      Hilltop Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City, Batangas
      (043) 723-1446 loc 607 / (043) 723-1446 loc 601

      Meriam College of Technology, Inc.
      3/F Li Seng Giap Bldg., Pier Site, Elizondo St., Legaspi City
      (052) 480-3632 742-6295

      Callano Institute of Science and Technology, Inc.
      Purok-1 , Pinagalaan, Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur, 8502

      Don Bosco Training Center of Naga, Inc.
      Km. 13, Carolina, Naga City
      (054) 4728755 871-5792

      Provincial Training Center – Dinagat Islands
      R.E.Ecleo Sr.,Cagdianao, Dinagat islands

      Leon Ganzon Polytechnic College
      Brgy. Maya, Balasan, Iloilo
      33-3970915 33-3971159 33-3971108 (fax)

      Mina Skills Training Center
      Rizal St., Mina, Iloilo
      33-5309225 / 33-5309263

      Passi Trade School
      Bgy. Sablogon, Passi City

      Regional Training Center – Iloilo
      TESDA VI Compound, Zamora Street, Iloilo City
      300-12-05/email address: rtc_iloilo@yahoo.com

      Technical Institute of Iloilo City – Molo
      M.H. del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo city

      National Highway, Minaog, Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte

      Olingan, Dipolog City
      (065) 212-5237/212-7248

      Sta. Filomena, Mibang, Dipolog City

      Farmsystems and Skills Development Academy Inc.
      Purok 3A Katangawan, General Santos City

      General Santos National School of Arts and Trade (GSNSAT)
      Tiongson St., Lagao, General Santos City
      (083) 887-4973/ 553-2479/ 826-2058 552-5618

      Holy Trinity College of General Santos City, Incorporated
      Fiscal Gregorio Daproza Avenue, General Santos City

      Mindanao Polytechnic College, Inc.
      Crossing Makar, Brgy. Labangal, General Santos City
      (083) 380-2095/ 304-2149 /083 552 0946

      New Brighton School of the Philippines,Inc.
      010 Quezon Avenue, Dadiangas West, General Santos City, South Cotabato
      (083) 877-4985/’083-554-1788 09177155725

      Passionist Technological Institute, Inc.
      Holy Cross Parish Compound, Calumpang, General Santos City
      (083)554-3615 09272483149

      Raphael Alessandri Foundation Academy
      Lot 5B IA, Cahilsot Subdivision, Purok Sta. Cruz, Brgy. Calumpang, General Santos City
      (083) 877 2143/ 09231219988

      Southpoint College of Arts and Technology (SPAT), Inc.
      Spotto St., Darimco, Silway, General Santos City
      (083) 552-1991 / 301-0240

    • AMG Skilled Hands Technological College
      Cagayan Valley Road, Makapilapil, San Ildenfonso, Bulacan
      (044) 901-1302/901-1328/ 9443262195

      Bulacan Polytechnic College
      Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan
      (044) 662-1853 09233742667 Fax: (044)791-30-48 9233195267

      College of Our Lady of Mercy of Pulilan Foundation, Inc.
      Cagayan Valley Road, Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan
      044-7606233 044-7946206

      Overseas Family Circle Princess and Angel Training and Services Center, Inc.
      2nd and 3rd Floor, Quintana Building, Sapang A Partida, Norzagaray, Bulacan

      Polytechnic College of the City of Meycauayan
      Pag-asa St., City of Meycauayan Bulacan

      Provincial Training Center – Calumpit
      Arce St., Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan

      Regional Training Center Central Luzon – Guiguinto
      RSDC Compound, Mac Arthur Highway, Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
      (044) 794-0024 / 690-4305/ 044-7940204

  • Maam/sir hope ko po mabasahan nyo tong message ko. Gusto ko pong matoto ng electrical like EIM. Meron po ba dito sa sanjose, antique?

    Hope ko po my avail.

    • Dulungan Skills Development Institute Corp.
      Centro Sur (Pob.) Pandan, Antique

      Provincial Training Center – Hamtic
      Villavert-Jimenez, Hamtic, Antique

      Semirara Training Center, Inc.
      Semirara Island, Caluya, Antique

    • Please contact below:

      ASAC Technical Institute Foundation , Inc.
      St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Km. 9, Sasa, Davao City

      Efficio Training, Inc. – Ecoland
      Amya Complex, Quimpo Boulevard, Corner Tulip Drive, Davao City

      Provincial Training Center – Davao
      Poinsettia St., Brgy. Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City
      (082) 293-0285

      Provincial Training Center – Davao (Mintal)
      Poinsettia St., Brgy. Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City

      Regional Training Center-Davao/Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center
      Buhisan, Tibungco, Davao City
      (082) 238-0008

      Regional Training Center-Davao/Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center
      Buhisan, Tibungco,Davao City
      (082) 238-0008

      Samson Polytechnic College of Davao, Inc.
      Cor. Ramon Magsaysay and Chavez St., Davao City
      (082) 227-2392/ 300-1943

      Southeastern Mindanao Institute of Technology (SMIT), Inc.
      AG Farm, SMIT Compound, Purok 18, Upper Piedad, Brgy. Bato, Toril, Davao City

      University of Mindanao Technical School – Bangoy
      F. Bangoy Street, Sta. Ana, Davao City
      (082) 222-0696

      University of Mindanao Technical School -Toril Branch
      Mc. Arthur Highway, Crossing Bayabas, Toril, Davao City

      Zone 2, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

      RCC Bldg., Yakal St. Carmen District 1, Cagayan de Oro City

      Brilliant Gem Technical School, Inc.
      Brgy. 13, Capistrano – Montalban Streets, Cagayan de Oro City
      0917-737-4050/ 0917-324-3819

      Brgy. 13, Capistrano – Montalban Streets, Cagayan de Oro City
      0917-737-4050/ 0917-324-3819

      Cagayan de Oro (Bugo) School of Arts and Trades
      Bugo, Cagayan de Oro Ciy
      0917-777-3015/ 0960-684-6715/ 0917-777-3031/0960-684-6718/ 0917-777-3018

      Cagayan de Oro (Bugo) School of Arts and Trades
      Bugo, Cagayan de Oro Ciy
      0917-777-3015/ 0960-684-6715/ 0917-777-3031/0960-684-6718/ 0917-777-3018

      Max Suniel Street, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
      0926-2920-483 / ‘0917-7771-761

      Cagayan de Oro Technical Vocational Institute
      Zone 2, Agusan, Cagayan de Oro City
      (088) 850 1037

      Zone 6, Gumamela Extension, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City

      Four J and E Technical Schjool, Inc.
      2nd Floor Sumilao Building, Max Suniel Street, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
      0917 763 2502

      IGEIP Skills Institute, Inc.
      3F Paragon Building, RN Pelaez – CM Recto Street, Kauswagan, Cagayan De Oro City
      (088) 881-0851/ 0977-289-1423

      Ramiro Compound, Abellanosa St., Cagayan de Oro City
      (088) 291-0099 / 0917-510-2144

      St. Gregory, The Great Technical School, Inc.
      AM Velez Building, Vamenta Boulevard-Gumamela Streets, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
      (088) 880-0794 / 0917-797-5963/ 0917-797-5289

      Villarin St., Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
      (08822) 858-6051

      C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City
      0965-577-4751 / 0968-788-4523

      Zone 5, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

      No. 35 Dr. Pilapil St., Sagad, Pasig City

      MFI Polytechnic Institute, Inc.
      MFI Bldg., Ortigas Ave., Barangay Ugong, Pasig City
      8632-0756 to 67 / 8634-4970

  • Good Day! I already finished the 4 modules of EIM NCII at TESDA Online Program (TOP), am I qualified to take the national assessment for the NCII Certificate?

  • Saan ba ang location dto sa reg. 9 na may training sa NCII electrical installation and maintenance. Thank you

  • Hindi po ba pwedy request for time duration ng completed course thru TOP? Ang TOP po ba ay for assessment and issuaace of Certificate of Competency purposes lang? Wala po kse bearing ang cert of completion sa TOP if wlang training hours as our additional credentials for regularization/promotion sa government agencies.

      • Atoniya Skills Education, Inc.
        WRB Building, Lot 17 Blk. 7, Greenplains 2 Subdivision Bangga Yap, Singcang-Airport, Bacolod City

        MIRAI Empower Foundation Corporation
        Lot 799-B-1-J, Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod city, Negros Occidental
        (034) 213-2557

  • Wala po ba talagang training hours duration ang mga training thru TOP? Ang mga certificates po from TOP ay para lang sa assessment at issuance ng Certificate of Competency? Walang bearing ang cert of trainings as additional credentials since wlang number of hours specially sa regularization or promotion purposes in government agencies.

    • 3A Prime Hospitality Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Lamac, New Bago, Asturias, Cebu
      (032) 328-9150 09166601748

      AC-DC Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      Rm. 401 Colon Development Corporation Building, Osmeña Blvd. Brgy. Sto. Niño Cebu City
      (032) 415-1284 / 09177726337

      Balamban Extensive Skills and Technology Inc.
      Lot 2140, Brgy. Cantuod, Balamban, Cebu
      09177274617 / (032) 424-8592

      College of Technological Sciences-Cebu, Inc.
      Natalio Bacalso Ave. Corner Rallos Sr. Street, Sambag 1, Cebu City
      (032) 256-1302 to 04; 255-2331; Fax 254-2434 090798917562

      College of Technological Sciences-Cebu, Inc.
      Natalio Bacalso Ave. Corner Rallos Sr. Street, Sambag 1, Cebu City
      (032) 256-1302 to 04; 255-2331; Fax 254-2434 090798917562

      Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu, Inc.
      Zodiac Drive Pleasant Homes Subdivision, Punta Princesa, Cebu City
      (032) 2732302/ 2731127,/2731128/ 2722910 Fax Nos. 2721161/4143433

      Don Bosco Technical Vocational Education and Training Center-Balamban, Inc.
      Bldg. No. 0188, Prenza, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines 6041
      (032) 346-5776 / 406-7628/ 09175898638

      KLN Skills & Management Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      New Road, SA7034, Poblacion, Cordova, Cebu
      (032) 4020-638 / 09569840278

      Mindworld Skills Development and Training Corporation
      Unit 2F 9 and 10 Bacayan Hillside Terraces, Brgy. Bacayan, Cebu City
      (032) 414-0412 / 09973598805

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Minglanilla)
      Calajo-an, Minglanilla, Cebu
      (032) 272-0518

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Samboan)
      Poblacion, Samboan, Cebu
      (032) 479-4025/ 479-4028/ 479-0069

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Toledo)
      Ilijan, Toledo City
      (032) 467-9123

      Saint James Academy of Skills Technology, Inc.
      Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu
      (032) 425-6061 / 260-2649

      School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor, Leadership, and Service Inc.
      Skills Campus, General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City
      0949-994-7935 / 0917-632-4425 / (032) 234-6102

      St. Eufemia Skills Academy Inc.
      Purok 4 Bitoon, Dumanjug, Cebu, Region VII (Central Visayas), 6035

      Talisay Livelihood Training and Assessment Center
      Barangay Lagtang, City of Talisay, Cebu
      (032) 462-1802 / 09204355453

      TESDA Technology Institute – RTC VII
      Archbishop Reyes Ave., Salinas Drive , Lahug , Cebu City
      412-7267 416-8876

    • Mechatronics Technologies Corp.
      699 Tandang Sora Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City
      928-3307 / 937-6236

      Mechatronics Technologies Corp.
      699 Tandang Sora Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City
      928-3307 / 937-6236

      Mt. Charmel Science and Technical Institute Inc.
      789 Quirino Hiway, Gulod, Quezon City
      401-7603/ 09228745828

      National Polytechnic College of Science and Technology, Inc.
      Lot 22 Block 125 Quirino Avenue, Lagro, Quezon City
      Tel 419-7890 / 418-7284 / 418-8837

      Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
      Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
      7799-9092/ 937-4248

      St. Peter Velle Technical Training Center, Inc.
      No. 919 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
      4441939/ 738-7442

  • Is there any free training and assessment for Electrical Installation and Maintenance NCII in Mandaluyong TESDA and duration of 196 hours or 30 days below, badly need for my OJT??

  • Good day… Interested po Ako .. Meron. Po ba Dito sa may DASMARIÑAS CAVITE?? Salamat po…

    • SOLLIGHT (Submission, Obedience, Loyalty, Light) Inc.
      Blk-77 Lot-13 Ph2, Paliparan III, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
      0935 3021369

      International Electronics and Technical Institute (Imus), Inc.
      SC Realty Bldg., E. Aguinaldo Hiway, Tanzang Luma III, Imus, Cavite
      (046) 471-9337

      City of Imus Polytechnic Institute
      Anabu IB, E. Aguinaldo Highway, Imus City, Cavite
      0917-8505944/ 09187213528

    • Concept Institute for Career Enhancement Inc.
      Sitio 4, National Highway, Brgy. Balagtas, Batangas City

      Coriander Culinary Academy Inc.
      Roxas Bldg., Talaibon, Ibaan, Batangas
      09175155234/ 09176314710

      E. Zobel Foundation, Inc.
      Brgy. Gulod, Calatagan, Batangas
      (043) 773-4582

      International Building Maintenance Academy Philippines, Inc.
      #192 Sitio Bagong Silang, Pinagbayanan, Taysan, Batangas

      Regional Training Center – CALABARZON
      P.Herrera St., Batangas City

      University of Batangas, Inc.
      Hilltop Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City, Batangas
      (043) 723-1446 loc 607 / (043) 723-1446 loc 601

    • Don Bosco Agro-Mechanical Technology Center (Legazpi) Inc.
      Banquerohan, Legazpi City
      918-5557621 ‘09209083775/09175485119

    • Brothers of Christ of Bannuex, Inc.
      Crisanto M. Delos Avenue, Brgy. Biclatan, Gen. Trias, Cavite
      (046) 685 4012

      City of Imus Polytechnic Institute
      Anabu IB, E. Aguinaldo Highway, Imus City, Cavite
      0917-8505944/ 09187213528

      Guardians Technical School Inc.
      Block 3 Lot 41 & 43 Congressional Road, Brgy. San Gabriel, GMA, Cavite
      (046) 542-0675

      International Electronics and Technical Institute (Imus), Inc.
      SC Realty Bldg., E. Aguinaldo Hiway, Tanzang Luma III, Imus, Cavite
      (046) 471-9337

      SOLLIGHT (Submission, Obedience, Loyalty, Light) Inc.
      Blk-77 Lot-13 Ph2, Paliparan III, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
      0935 3021369

      TESDA Provincial Training Center – Rosario
      Phase 1, First Road, CEPZ Rosario, Cavite
      (046) 437-2370

        • Camarines Sur Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences – Main Campus
          Sta. Rosa del Norte, Pasacao, Camarines Sur
          (054) 513-9148 09618083038

          Camarines Sur International School, Inc.
          Zone 5, Calagbangan, Sipocot, Camarines Sur

          Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
          San Miguel, Nabua, Camarines Sur
          (054) 288-46277

          Don Bosco Training Center of Naga, Inc.
          Km. 13, Carolina, Naga City
          (054) 4728755 871-5792

          Provincial Training Center – Libmanan
          Bahay, Libmanan, Cam. Sur
          (054) 511-9223

          Ragay Polytechnic Skills Institute
          Poblacion, Ilaod, Ragay, Camarines Sur

          Regional Training Center – V (Pili)
          Zone 9, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
          (054) 477-7204 / 361-2788

          • Available pa po ba ang Electrical Ncll at saan po ba pwede mag enroll Taga Naga City Camarines sur po ako salamat

          • Don Bosco Training Center of Naga, Inc.
            Km. 13, Carolina, Naga City
            (054) 4728755 871-5792

          • Free po ba yan or may bayad kada training? And how much po kung meron salamat po sa sagot

    • Please inquire below:

      CSTC College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc.
      Gen. Luna St., Maharlika Highway, Poblacion 3, Sariaya, Quezon
      (042) 3290850

    • Bulusan National Vocational Technical School
      Bamban, Lower San Jose, Bulusan, Sorsogon

      Computer Communication Development Institute, Inc.
      Executive Village, Tugos, Sorsogon City

      Data Base Technology College, Inc.
      Roxas St., Gubat, Sorsogon

      Meriam College of Technology, Inc.
      Sorcom Bldg., Burgos St., Talisay, Sorsogon City

      Sorsogon National Agricultural School (SNAS)
      Mayon, Castilla, Sorsogon
      09499495569 09178954874

      Sorsogon National Agricultural School (SNAS)
      Mayon, Castilla, Sorsogon
      09499495569 09178954874

    • ESRA Technical Training Foundation Inc.
      ESRA Compound, Rizal Technopark 2000 Lambak, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
      734-6639/ 547-8960/ 09309685278/ 0917-126-3825

      Provincial Training Center – Kabankalan
      San Juan, Camugao, SONEDCO, Kabankalan City
      (034)473-0494/ 471-2359

      No. 736 Gen. Kalentong, Pag-asa, Mandaluyong City
      8531-8081 to 85 / 531-6644 / 8081 loc. 1610

      Don Bosco Youth Center – Tondo Inc.
      Bo. Magsaysay, Tondo, Manila
      8251-5262 / 8254-5679

      Inventors School of the Philippines, Inc.
      2117 España Blvd. Brgy. 531 Zone 051 Sampaloc, Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G. Tolentino St. Sampaloc, Manila

    • 3A Prime Hospitality Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Lamac, New Bago, Asturias, Cebu
      (032) 328-9150 09166601748

      AC-DC Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      Rm. 401 Colon Development Corporation Building, Osmeña Blvd. Brgy. Sto. Niño Cebu City
      (032) 415-1284 / 09177726337

      Balamban Extensive Skills and Technology Inc.
      Lot 2140, Brgy. Cantuod, Balamban, Cebu
      09177274617 / (032) 424-8592

      College of Technological Sciences-Cebu, Inc.
      Natalio Bacalso Ave. Corner Rallos Sr. Street, Sambag 1, Cebu City
      (032) 256-1302 to 04; 255-2331; Fax 254-2434 090798917562

      Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu, Inc.
      Zodiac Drive Pleasant Homes Subdivision, Punta Princesa, Cebu City
      (032) 2732302/ 2731127,/2731128/ 2722910 Fax Nos. 2721161/4143433

      Don Bosco Technical Vocational Education and Training Center-Balamban, Inc.
      Bldg. No. 0188, Prenza, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines 6041
      (032) 346-5776 / 406-7628/ 09175898638

      KLN Skills & Management Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      2nd Floor Unity Building, Lapu-lapu Street corner Legaspi St., Cebu City, Cebu
      (032) 402-0638 / 09569840278

      Mindworld Skills Development and Training Corporation
      Unit 2F 9 and 10 Bacayan Hillside Terraces, Brgy. Bacayan, Cebu City
      (032) 414-0412 / 09973598805

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Minglanilla)
      Calajo-an, Minglanilla, Cebu
      (032) 272-0518

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Samboan)
      Poblacion, Samboan, Cebu
      (032) 479-4025/ 479-4028/ 479-0069

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Toledo)
      Ilijan, Toledo City
      (032) 467-9123

      Saint James Academy of Skills Technology, Inc.
      Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu
      (032) 4258424/ 4258424

      School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor, Leadership, and Service Inc.
      Skills Campus, General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City
      0949-994-7935 / 0917-632-4425 / (032) 234-6102

      St. Eufemia Skills Academy Inc.
      Purok 4 Bitoon, Dumanjug, Cebu, Region VII (Central Visayas), 6035

      Talisay Livelihood Training and Assessment Center
      Barangay Lagtang, City of Talisay, Cebu
      (032) 462-1802 / 09204355453

      TESDA Technology Institute – RTC VII
      Archbishop Reyes Ave., Salinas Drive , Lahug , Cebu City
      412-7267 416-8876

  • Good evening, meron po bang offered na training sa Electrical installation and maintenance NC II sa Iloilo?

    • Leon Ganzon Polytechnic College
      Brgy. Maya, Balasan, Iloilo
      33-3970915 33-3971159 33-3971108 (fax)

      Mina Skills Training Center
      Rizal St., Mina, Iloilo
      33-5309225 / 33-5309263

      Passi Trade School
      Bgy. Sablogon, Passi City

      Regional Training Center – Iloilo
      TESDA Compound, Zamora Street, Iloilo City
      300-12-05/email address: rtc_iloilo@yahoo.com

      Technical Institute of Iloilo City – Molo
      M.H. del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo city

      • Good afternoon po may electrical installation and maintenance NC2 na pag’eenrolan dto za ilocos norte.

    • Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati, Inc.
      A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati City
      892-0107-09 / 817-5807

  • Good evening, meron po bang offered na Electrical installation and maintenance NC II sa pangasinan? Thank you in advance

    • Please inquire below:

      Academia De Sta. Cecilia Foundation, Inc.
      #2 Barangay Magliba, San Fabian, Pangasinan
      (075) 653-0267/ 09356370062/ 09175471599

      Barlo Technical Institute Training and Assessment Center, Inc. (Branch)
      Bolaney, Alaminos City, Pangasinan

      Bayambang Polytechnic College
      Zone I, Bayambang, Pangasinan

      Central Pangasinan School of Technology, Inc.
      Montemayor St., Malasiqui, Pangasinan
      (075) 536-2789

      Luciano Millan Memorial School of Arts and Trades
      Poblacion West, Asingan, Pangasinan
      (075) 563-2101

      Lyceum-Northwestern University
      Tapuac District, Dagupan City
      (075) 515-5773 516-2430/522-1908/2825/ 515-6022

      Manantan Institute of Technology and Training Center, Inc.
      Amang Pering Bldg., Quezon Ave., Brgy. Sadsaran, Poblacion, Alaminos City Pangasinan

      Manantan Technical School, Inc.
      San Vicente East, Urdaneta, Pangasinan
      (075) 568-2563

      Mangaldan Technical Institute, Inc.
      No. 11 P. De Guzman St., Bari, Mangaldan, Pangasinan
      09324316432/ (075) 615-0953

      Maxima Technical and Skills Training Institute Inc.
      D Executive Building, M.H. Del Pilar St., Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City
      (075)632-2478/ 637-4707

      Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades
      Alvear St. West, Lingayen, Pangasinan
      075-662-2077 / 075-633-0933 075-523-5284

      Philippine College of Science and Technology (Calasiao, Pangasinan), Inc.
      Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan
      (075) 522-8032

      Posadas Technological Institute Incorporated
      95 Calle Poblacion Bugallon, Pangasinan

      Provincial Training Center – Pangasinan
      Capitol Compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan
      (075) 542-4989

      Provincial Training Center – Urdaneta
      Brgy Anonas, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

      The Great Plebeian College, Inc.
      Don Pedro Reinoso St., Poblacion, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
      (075) 205-0378 205-8013 654-0195/ 551-3726

      University of Pangasinan, Inc.
      Arellano St., Dagupan City, Pangasinan
      (075) 522-5635 – 37

    • Concept Institute for Career Enhancement Inc.
      Sitio 4, National Highway, Brgy. Balagtas, Batangas City

      Regional Training Center – CALABARZON
      P.Herrera St., Batangas City

      University of Batangas, Inc.
      Hilltop Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City, Batangas
      (043) 723-1446 loc 607 / (043) 723-1446 loc 601

    • Adao Learning Institute Inc.
      Zone 1 Real Street, Longos, Kalayaan, Laguna
      (020) 506-9581 / 09178513624

      Autozone Driving School Inc.
      Old National Highway, Brgy. Nueva, City of San Pedro, Laguna

      Cagandahan Skills Development Inc.
      J. Rizal St., Brgy. 4 Quinale, Paete, Laguna

      Calamba Manpower Development Center – Annex
      049 L.E. Village Brgy. Lingga, Calamba, Laguna

      Don Bosco College, Inc.
      Don Yulo Sr. Blvd., Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna

      Don Bosco TVET Center-Calauan, Inc.
      Km 77, Brgy. Dayap, Calauan, Laguna

      International Electronics and Technical Institute (Biñan), Inc.
      6F Caridad Mendoza Business Center, Km. 33, National Highway, Biñan City, Laguna
      (049) 511-9385/86

      Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades
      Brgy. San Antonio, Biñan, Laguna
      (049) 511-8059 /511-9409

      Laguna Institute of Technology – Biñan, Laguna Inc.
      Areza Town Center, National Highway, Brgy. Canlalay, Biñan City, Laguna
      (02) 520-8272

      Mendoza Training and Assessment Center
      #25 Camagong Street Matalatala, Mabitac, Laguna

      MFI Polytechnic Institute Inc.
      JAM Compound, Brgy. San Antonio, San Pedro, Laguna

      San Pedro Technological Institute
      Crismor Ave. Elvinda Village, San Pedro, Laguna
      (02) 868-4975

      Santa Rosa Manpower Training Center
      BSRV-1 Brgy. Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

      Schola Angelicus, Inc.
      Nia Road, Brgy. San Isidro, Cabuyao City, Laguna
      09985846575 / 09275904425

      Siega Career Training Center Inc.
      No. 151 Annex Bldg., Don Bosco St., Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna

      Subsidized Technical Education Program (STEP) Inc.
      3/F Sajite-Atdrmam Bldg. National Rd., Brgy. I, Calamba City, Laguna
      (049) 545-0968; 545-0805

      TESDA-LLDA Provincial Training Center
      Km 70, Brgy. Bangyas, Calauan, Laguna
      (049)521-7427/ 09173269788 / 09672503885

  • Good day ! Tanong ko lang po kailan next schedule ng assessment ng EIM nc2? At kung meron pong malapit ng training center sa San Rafael, Bulacan . Salamat po sa tugon . God bless

  • Meron po bang malapit sa San Rafael , Bulacan na pwede po mag assessment? Ung school po na accredited nio pra po sana sa pag take ng exam sa PRC . Pls. Reply . Salamat po .

  • Good morning po mag enrol po sana ako electrical/electronic my available po ba dito sa caloocan city south

    • Global Center of Education Management Science and Technology Corp.
      7 Cabatuhan Road Deparo Barangay 168 Caloocan City

      Horizons Institute of Technology Corporation
      No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave. Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City

    • Central Luzon College of Science and Technology, Inc.
      High School Blvd., Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

      Don Bosco Academy of Pampanga, Inc.
      Mabiga, Mabalacat, Pampanga
      (045)458-1418 to 19

      Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University (DHVTSU)
      Poblacion, Bacolor, Pampanga
      900-0046 900-2453 900-0691 (0933) 38888060

      J.C.E Advance Technical School and Assessment Center, Inc.
      #5 Debra St., Mt View, Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga
      (045)458-2302/ (0905)1528503/ (0949)7229499

      Orange Bright Technical Learning Center Inc.
      Cabangcalan Purok 1, Cabangcalan, Floridablanca, Pampanga

      Galac St., Villa Victoria Subd., Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

      Galac St., Villa Victoria Subd., Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
      (0928)7767445/ (0935)0223311/ 09175471275

      Pinoytek Skills Training and Assessment Inc.
      Unit 312, 314,316 DSF Bldg, Gen Hizon Avenue, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
      (0926)7579777 (0908)5520171

    • Please inquire below:

      Provincial Training Center – La Union
      Bgy. Macalva Sur, Agoo, La Union
      09286826410 09499552474

  • Magandang Araw po!paano kumoha Ng assessment Ng electrical and maintenance course? At pwd po ba malaman kung saan sa pasig maaring mag enroll sa accredited training school for assessment?
    Thank you and more power

      No. 35 Dr. Pilapil St., Sagad, Pasig City

      MFI Polytechnic Institute, Inc.
      MFI Bldg., Ortigas Ave., Barangay Ugong, Pasig City
      8632-0756 to 67 / 8634-4970

    • 3A Prime Hospitality Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Lamac, New Bago, Asturias, Cebu
      (032) 328-9150 09166601748

      AC-DC Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      Rm. 401 Colon Development Corporation Building, Osmeña Blvd. Brgy. Sto. Niño Cebu City
      (032) 415-1284 / 09177726337

      AC-DC Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      Rm. 401 Colon Development Corporation Building, Osmeña Blvd. Brgy. Sto. Niño Cebu City
      (032) 415-1284 / 09177726337

      Balamban Extensive Skills and Technology Inc.
      Lot 2140, Brgy. Cantuod, Balamban, Cebu
      09177274617 / (032) 424-8592

      College of Technological Sciences-Cebu, Inc.
      Natalio Bacalso Ave. Corner Rallos Sr. Street, Sambag 1, Cebu City
      (032) 256-1302 to 04; 255-2331; Fax 254-2434 090798917562

      Don Bosco Technical College-Cebu, Inc.
      Zodiac Drive Pleasant Homes Subdivision, Punta Princesa, Cebu City
      (032) 2732302/ 2731127,/2731128/ 2722910 Fax Nos. 2721161/4143433

      Don Bosco Technical Vocational Education and Training Center-Balamban, Inc.
      Bldg. No. 0188, Prenza, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines 6041
      (032) 346-5776 / 406-7628/ 09175898638

      KLN Skills & Management Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Calan, Poblacion, Cordova, Cebu
      (032) 402-0638 / 09569840278

      Mindworld Skills Development and Training Corporation Doing Business Under Mindworld
      Unit 2F 9 and 10 Bacayan Hillside Terraces, Brgy. Bacayan, Cebu City
      (032) 414-0412 / 09973598805

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Minglanilla)
      Calajo-an, Minglanilla, Cebu
      (032) 272-0518

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Samboan)
      Poblacion, Samboan, Cebu
      (032) 479-4025/ 479-4028/ 479-0069

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Toledo)
      Ilijan, Toledo City
      (032) 467-9123

      Saint James Academy of Skills Technology, Inc.
      Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu
      (032) 4258424/ 4258424

      School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor, Leadership, and Service Inc.
      Skills Campus, General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City
      0949-994-7935 / 0917-632-4425 / (032) 234-6102

      Talisay Livelihood Training and Assessment Center
      Barangay Lagtang, City of Talisay, Cebu
      (032) 462-1802 / 09204355453

      TESDA Technology Institute – RTC VII
      Archbishop Reyes Ave., Salinas Drive , Lahug , Cebu City
      412-7267 416-8876

        • 1 and All Technical School, Inc.
          Suterville, San Jose Gusu, Zamboanga City
          Tel No. 857-6677CP No. 09177901988

          Achievers International College of Culinary Arts and Technology (AICCAT), Inc.
          MCLL Highway, Fronting IBT, Divisoria, Zamboanga City

          60 Campaner St., Zamboanga City
          992-7358/(062) 992-5994

          CADDMAX College, Inc.
          3rd Flr., Doña Vicenta Bldg., Gov. Lim Ave., Zamboanga City
          09351702565/ 09263002004

          Philippine Malaya College, Inc.
          Mampang, Zamboanga City

          Southern City Colleges, Inc.
          San Jose, Gusu, Zamboanga City
          (062) 991-1847/992-6492/991-1819/992-2241/992-6492

    • Please inquire below:

      Global Center of Education Management Science and Technology Corp.
      7 Cabatuhan Road Deparo Barangay 168 Caloocan City

      Horizons Institute of Technology Corporation
      No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave. Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City

      Don Bosco Youth Center – Tondo Inc.
      Bo. Magsaysay, Tondo, Manila
      8251-5262 / 8254-5679

      Inventors School of the Philippines, Inc.
      2117 España Blvd. Brgy. 531 Zone 051 Sampaloc, Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila

        • Don Bosco Agro-Mechanical Technology Center (Legazpi) Inc.
          Banquerohan, Legazpi City
          918-5557621 ‘09209083775/09175485119

          Jun Go Technological Institute (JGTI), Inc.
          Panganiban/Alcala St., Sipi, Daraga, Albay
          (052) 4833605 09175516650

          Meriam College of Technology, Inc.
          3/F Li Seng Giap Bldg., Pier Site, Elizondo St., Legaspi City
          (052) 480-3632 742-6295

          Provincial Training Center – Albay (Malilipot)
          Basud, Malilipot, Albay
          (052) 481 1155 558-2682 284-0297

          Provincial Training Center – Guinobatan
          San Francisco, Guinobatan, Albay

          PTC – Samar
          SOS Children’s Village Calbayog Compound, Brgy. Dagum, Calbayog City, Samar

          Romeo B. Casaul Technological Institute Foundation, Inc.
          Tomas Cabiles St., Tabaco City
          (052) 830-2207 / 203-0244

          Samar College of Science and Technology, Inc.
          Umbria Street, Bgy. Balud, Calbayog City Samar
          (055) 533-8498

          San Francisco Institute of Science and Technology
          San Francisco, Malilipot, Albay
          (052) 435-0632 (052) 824-4662 (052) 830-1874

          Sunshine International School Foundation, Inc.
          Doña Maria Subdivision, Tagas, Daraga Albay
          (052) 483-4488 / 09477606636

          Camarines Sur Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences – Main Campus
          Sta. Rosa del Norte, Pasacao, Camarines Sur
          (054) 513-9148 09618083038

          Camarines Sur International School, Inc.
          Zone 5, Calagbangan, Sipocot, Camarines Sur

          Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
          San Miguel, Nabua, Camarines Sur
          (054) 288-46277

          Don Bosco Training Center of Naga, Inc.
          Km. 13, Carolina, Naga City
          (054) 4728755 871-5792

          Provincial Training Center – Libmanan
          Bahay, Libmanan, Cam. Sur
          (054) 511-9223

          Ragay Polytechnic Skills Institute
          Poblacion, Ilaod, Ragay, Camarines Sur

          Regional Training Center – V (Pili)
          Zone 9, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
          (054) 477-7204 / 361-2788

          Bluefield Technological Institute Inc.
          Purok 4, Alawihao, Daet, Camarines Norte
          09082931768/ 09085695729

          Capalonga College, Inc.
          Purok 6, Alayao, Capalonga, Camarines Norte

          Provincial Training Center – Labo
          Iberica, Labo, Camarines Norte

          St. Claire Institute of Arts and Technology Inc.
          2F Palado Bldg., Lag-on, Daet, Camarines Norte
          885-0221/ 440-0409

    • Paano po Yung naka pass na nang requirements at meron na schedule pero di naka punta po Dyan sa site

  • Good Morning, Paano at saan po pwede mag apply for Davao City Area?
    Free lang po ba ang schooling?
    Thank you

    • ASAC Technical Institute Foundation , Inc.
      St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Km. 9, Sasa, Davao City

      Efficio Training Inc. -Ecoland
      Amya Complex, Quimpo Boulevard, Corner Tulip Drive, Davao City

      Provincial Training Center – Davao (Mintal)
      Poinsettia St., Brgy. Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City
      (082) 293-0285

      Regional Training Center-Davao/Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center
      Buhisan, Tibungco, Davao City
      (082) 238-0008

      Samson Polytechnic College of Davao, Inc.
      Cor. Ramon Magsaysay and Chavez St., Davao City
      (082) 227-2392/ 300-1943

      Southeastern Mindanao Institute of Technology (SMIT), Inc. – Bato, Toril Branch
      AG Farm, SMIT Compound, Purok 18, Upper Piedad, Brgy Bato, Toril, Davao City
      (082) 291-0721/284-3037

      University of Mindanao Technical School – Bangoy
      F. Bangoy Street, Sta. Ana, Davao City
      (082) 222-0696

      University of Mindanao Technical School -Toril Branch
      Mc. Arthur Highway, Crossing Bayabas, Toril, Davao City

    • Please inquire below accredited training centers:

      Autozone Driving School Inc.
      Old National Highway, Brgy. Nueva, City of San Pedro, Laguna

      MFI Polytechnic Institute Inc.
      JAM Compound, Brgy. San Antonio, San Pedro, Laguna

      San Pedro Technological Institute
      Crismor Ave. Elvinda Village, San Pedro, Laguna
      (02) 868-4975

      • Good day!

        San po may free electrical ncII course dito po sa sanpedro laguna?

        Thanks waiting po sa response nyo..

      • Good day,
        ask ko lang po pano po magapply ng nc2 electrical installation and maintenance sa tesda at saan lugar po malapit dto sa floridablanca pampanga


        • Please inquire below:

          Orange Bright Technical Learning Center Inc.
          Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II
          Trainer: Alejandro M. Velasco
          Cabangcalan Purok 1, Cabangcalan, Floridablanca, Pampanga

    • Please inquire below:

      J.C.E Advance Technical School and Assessment Center, Inc.
      #5 Debra St., Mt View, Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga
      (045)458-2302/ (0905)1528503/ (0949)7229499

        • AMG Skilled Hands Technological College
          Cagayan Valley Road, Makapilapil, San Ildenfonso, Bulacan
          (044) 901-1302/901-1328/ 9443262195

          Bulacan Polytechnic College
          Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan
          (044) 662-1853 09233742667 Fax: (044)791-30-48 9233195267

          College of Our Lady of Mercy of Pulilan Foundation, Inc.
          Cagayan Valley Road, Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan
          044-7606233 044-7946206

          Overseas Family Circle Princess and Angel Training and Services Center, Inc.
          2nd and 3rd Floor, Quintana Building, Sapang A Partida, Norzagaray, Bulacan

          Polytechnic College of the City of Meycauayan
          Pag-asa St., City of Meycauayan Bulacan

          Provincial Training Center – Calumpit
          Arce St., Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan

          Regional Training Center Central Luzon – Guiguinto
          Mac Arthur Highway, Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
          (044) 794-0024 / 690-4305/ 044-7940204

    • Please contact below accredited training centers:

      Calamba Manpower Development Center – Annex
      049 L.E. Village Brgy. Lingga, Calamba, Laguna

      Don Bosco College, Inc.
      Don Yulo Sr. Blvd., Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna

      Siega Career Training Center Inc.
      No. 151 Annex Bldg., Don Bosco St., Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna

      Subsidized Technical Education Program (STEP) Inc.
      3/F Sajite-Atdrmam Bldg. National Rd., Brgy. I, Calamba City, Laguna
      (049) 545-0968; 545-0805

    • Brothers of Christ of Bannuex, Inc.
      Crisanto M. Delos Avenue, Brgy. Biclatan, Gen. Trias, Cavite
      (046) 685 4012

      City of Imus Polytechnic Institute
      Anabu IB, E. Aguinaldo Highway, Imus City, Cavite
      0917-8505944/ 09187213528

      Guardians Technical School Inc.
      Block 3 Lot 41 & 43 Congressional Road, Brgy. San Gabriel, GMA, Cavite
      (046) 542-0675

      International Electronics and Technical Institute (Imus), Inc.
      SC Realty Bldg., E. Aguinaldo Hiway, Tanzang Luma III, Imus, Cavite
      (046) 471-9337

      SOLLIGHT (Submission, Obedience, Loyalty, Light) Inc.
      Blk-77 Lot-13 Ph2, Paliparan III, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
      0935 3021369

      TESDA Provincial Training Center – Rosario
      Phase 1, First Road, CEPZ Rosario, Cavite
      (046) 437-2370

      • Sir /ma’am good day,
        Patulong namn po sa main office jan sa manila, tanong ko lang po kung bakit wala pa rin hanggan ngayon ang blank paper for certification.. Kailangan na po kasi namin ang NCII for our application. Sana po ma raise po tong concern namin dito sa tesda bohol province.
        Salamat po sa makatulong

        San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales

        Subic Bay Colleges (SBCI), Inc.
        #3 18th St., West Bajac-Bajac, Olongapo City

        TESDA Provincial Training Center – Iba
        Brgy. Palanginan, Iba, Zambales
        (047) 811-1338 0919-817-2078

    • Autozone Driving School Inc.
      Old National Highway, Brgy. Nueva, City of San Pedro, Laguna

      MFI Polytechnic Institute Inc.
      JAM Compound, Brgy. San Antonio, San Pedro, Laguna

      San Pedro Technological Institute
      Crismor Ave. Elvinda Village, San Pedro, Laguna
      (02) 868-4975

  • Hello anong course po ang available ngayon sa tesda tarlac? Gusto ko po sanang mag enroll ng electrical

    • Atoniya Skills Education, Inc.
      WRB Building, Lot 17 Blk. 7, Greenplains 2 Subdivision Bangga Yap, Singcang-Airport, Bacolod City

      International Electronics and Technical Institute, (Bacolod) Inc.
      Door #2, Warehouse 1, Montfort-Motors Corp., Lacso St., Mandalagan, Bacolod City

      MIRAI Empower Foundation Corporation
      #77 San Sebastian St., Brgy. 32, Bacolod City with Annex at Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
      (034) 213-2557

    • ASAC Technical Institute Foundation , Inc.
      St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Km. 9, Sasa, Davao City

      Carmelo de los Cientos Sr. National Trade School
      Southern Paligue, Padada, Davao del Sur
      (082)272-0295/ 442-1644

      Cor Jesu College, Inc.
      Sacred Heart Avenue, Digos City, Province of Davao del Sur
      0910-214-5461 / 0912-159-0258

      Efficio Training Inc. -Ecoland
      Amya Complex, Quimpo Boulevard, Corner Tulip Drive, Davao City

      Provincial Training Center – Davao (Mintal)
      Poinsettia St., Brgy. Mintal, Tugbok District, Davao City
      (082) 293-0285

      Regional Training Center-Davao/Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center
      Buhisan, Tibungco, Davao City
      (082) 238-0008

      Samson Polytechnic College of Davao, Inc.
      Cor. Ramon Magsaysay and Chavez St., Davao City
      (082) 227-2392/ 300-1943

      Southeastern Mindanao Institute of Technology (SMIT), Inc. – Bato, Toril Branch
      AG Farm, SMIT Compound, Purok 18, Upper Piedad, Brgy Bato, Toril, Davao City
      (082) 291-0721/284-3037

      University of Mindanao Technical School – Bangoy
      F. Bangoy Street, Sta. Ana, Davao City
      (082) 222-0696

      University of Mindanao Technical School -Toril Branch
      Mc. Arthur Highway, Crossing Bayabas, Toril, Davao City

  • Good Morning, Ask ko lang po kung saan ang mga training center ng TESDA sa Quezon province with related sa electrical and electronics training. And kung meron po ba mga free traning sa mga ito. Salamat po

    • Asian Institute of Technology and Education Tiaong Campus-Annex
      Olinsterg Bldg., Maharlika Highway, Poblacion 3, Tiaong, Quezon
      (042) 545-6547

      Banahaw Technological College, Inc.
      Brgy. Manasa, Lucban, Quezon
      (042) 713-0946

      Bondoc Peninsula Technological Institute
      Abuyon National Road, Brgy. Pagkakaisa,San Narciso, Quezon

      CSTC College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc.
      Gen. Luna St., Maharlika Highway, Poblacion 3, Sariaya, Quezon
      (042) 3290850

      GRABSUM School Inc.
      School View Park Subd., Masalukot 1, Candelaria, Quezon
      (042) 585-8723

      Offshore-Onshore Institute of Technology, Inc.
      Brgy. Polo, Mauban, Quezon
      (042) 7176992

      Pacifique Skills Institute of Technology Inc.
      Brgy. Bacong, Alabat, Quezon

      Pagbilao Technological College Inc.
      2nd Floor Cornerstone Bldg., Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Bukal, Pagbilao, Quezon

      Quezon National Agricultural School
      Brgy. Silangang Malicboy, Pagbilao, Quezon
      (042) 716-0500

      Quezon National Agricultural School
      Brgy. Silangang Malicboy, Pagbilao, Quezon
      (042) 716-0500

      Southside Integrated School Inc.
      Southville Subd. Brgy. Lusacan, Tiaong, Quezon
      (042) 545-6886

      St. Mark Skills Training Institute Inc.
      2nd Floor Chateau de Marinero Bldg., Purok Ilang-Ilang, Brgy. Comon, Infanta, Quezon
      (042) 535-8935

      Technical Skills System of Lucena, Inc.
      Gomez St., cor Merchan St., Lucena City

      • Mechatronics Technologies Corp.
        699 Tandang Sora Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City
        928-3307 / 937-6236

        Mt. Charmel Science and Technical Institute Inc.
        789 Quirino Hiway, Gulod, Quezon City
        401-7603/ 09228745828

        National Polytechnic College of Science and Technology, Inc.
        Lot 22 Block 125 Quirino Avenue, Lagro, Quezon City
        Tel 419-7890 / 418-7284 / 418-8837

        Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
        Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
        7799-9092/ 937-4248

        St. Peter Velle Technical Training Center, Inc.
        No. 919 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
        4441939/ 738-7442

  • Pano po mag enrol SA tacloban at ano Ang mga requirements? An qualifications? Kahit ba Wala pabg experience?

    • Good day mam/sir,
      Inquire lng unta ko if when inyo assessment for Electrical Installation Maintenance ky mgpaassesment unta pod ko.
      Your immediate response are very appreciated.
      Daril Jun Jungao

  • Good day po.. Ask ko po sana if ok lang na sa online ako nag take ng course sa tesda? Makakapag take din po ba, ako ng assessment khit sa online aq nag aral..? Available din po kaya dito sa camarines sur ang electrical installation and maintenance? Slamat po.

    • Please inquire below TESDA accredited schools:

      Camarines Sur Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences – Main Campus
      Sta. Rosa del Norte, Pasacao, Camarines Sur
      (054) 513-9148 09618083038

      Camarines Sur International School, Inc.
      Zone 5, Calagbangan, Sipocot, Camarines Sur

      Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
      San Miguel, Nabua, Camarines Sur
      (054) 288-46277

      Don Bosco Training Center of Naga, Inc.
      Km. 13, Carolina, Naga City
      (054) 4728755 871-5792

      Provincial Training Center – Libmanan
      Bahay, Libmanan, Cam. Sur
      (054) 511-9223

      Ragay Polytechnic Skills Institute
      Poblacion, Ilaod, Ragay, Camarines Sur

      Regional Training Center – V (Pili)
      Zone 9, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
      (054) 477-7204 / 361-2788

    • Global Center of Education Management Science and Technology Corp.
      7 Cabatuhan Road Deparo Barangay 168 Caloocan City

      Horizons Institute of Technology Corporation
      No. 1569 Rizal Ave. Cor. 10th Ave. Grace Park West, Barangay 62, Caloocan City

  • Paano at saan po mag enroll ng Electrical and Installation and Maintenance po dito sa Bacolod City.
    Salamat Po..

    • Atoniya Skills Education, Inc.
      WRB Building, Lot 17 Blk. 7, Greenplains 2 Subdivision Bangga Yap, Singcang-Airport, Bacolod City

      International Electronics and Technical Institute, (Bacolod) Inc.
      Door #2, Warehouse 1, Montfort-Motors Corp., Lacso St., Mandalagan, Bacolod City

      MIRAI Empower Foundation Corporation
      #77 San Sebastian St., Brgy. 32, Bacolod City with Annex at Brgy. Sum-ag, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
      (034) 213-2557

    • Academia De Sta. Cecilia Foundation, Inc.
      #2 Barangay Magliba, San Fabian, Pangasinan
      (075) 653-0267/ 09356370062/ 09175471599

      Barlo Technical Institute Training and Assessment Center, Inc. (Branch)
      Bolaney, Alaminos City, Pangasinan

      Bayambang Polytechnic College
      Zone I, Bayambang, Pangasinan

      Central Pangasinan School of Technology, Inc.
      Montemayor St., Malasiqui, Pangasinan
      (075) 536-2789

      Luciano Millan Memorial School of Arts and Trades
      Poblacion West, Asingan, Pangasinan
      (075) 563-2101

      Lyceum-Northwestern University
      Tapuac District, Dagupan City
      (075) 515-5773 516-2430/522-1908/2825/ 515-6022

      Manantan Institute of Technology and Training Center, Inc.
      Amang Pering Bldg., Quezon Ave., Brgy. Sadsaran, Poblacion, Alaminos City Pangasinan

      Manantan Technical School, Inc.
      San Vicente East, Urdaneta, Pangasinan
      (075) 568-2563

      Mangaldan Technical Institute, Inc.
      No. 11 P. De Guzman St., Bari, Mangaldan, Pangasinan
      09324316432/ (075) 615-0953

      Maxima Technical and Skills Training Institute Inc.
      D Executive Building, M.H. Del Pilar St., Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City
      (075)632-2478/ 637-4707

      Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades
      Alvear St. West, Lingayen, Pangasinan
      075-662-2077 / 075-633-0933 075-523-5284

      Philippine College of Science and Technology (Calasiao, Pangasinan), Inc.
      Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan
      (075) 522-8032

      Provincial Training Center – Pangasinan
      Capitol Compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan
      (075) 542-4989

      Provincial Training Center – Urdaneta
      Brgy Anonas, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

      The Great Plebeian College, Inc.
      Don Pedro Reinoso St., Poblacion, Alaminos City, Pangasinan
      (075) 205-0378 205-8013 654-0195/ 551-3726

      University of Pangasinan, Inc.
      Arellano St., Dagupan City, Pangasinan
      (075) 522-5635 – 37

    • TESDA Provincial Training Center – Rosario
      Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II
      Trainer: Roberto J.Belga
      Phase 1, First Road, CEPZ Rosario, Cavite
      (046) 437-2370

    • Concepcion Vocational School
      Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC III
      Trainer: Marlon A. Felix
      TLRC Productivity Center., Alfonso, Concepcion, Capas, Tarlac
      (045) 923-1081 09155675851

    • Inventors School of the Philippines, Inc.
      2117 España Blvd. Brgy. 531 Zone 051 Sampaloc, Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila

    • Inventors School of the Philippines, Inc.
      2117 España Blvd. Brgy. 531 Zone 051 Sampaloc, Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila

        • B.E.S.T. College of Polomolok (BEST Polomolok), Inc.
          Valencia Site, Polomolok, South Cotabato
          (083)500-2258/ 091777150436

          Green Valley College Foundation, Inc.
          Km 2, Barrio 2, Gensan Drive, Koronadal City, South Cotabato
          228-4034/ 228-9722

          Marbel Institute of Technical College, Inc.
          Alunan Avenue, Koronadal City
          (083) 887-7941/228-2816

          New Brighton School of the Philippines, Inc.
          Biotech Agro-Complex,Purok 3-A, Dumadalig, Tantangan,South Cotabato
          09177189051/ 09178942986

          New Brighton School of the Philippines,Inc.
          010 Quezon Avenue, Dadiangas West, General Santos City, South Cotabato
          (083) 877-4985/’083-554-1788 09177155725

          South East Asian Institute of Technology Inc.
          National Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato
          (083) 822-0010 09076619029 (083) 2261-1203

          Southern Philippine Technical College of Koronadal, Inc.
          Poticar, (Satellite Market) Barangay General Paulino Santos, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato
          0926-369-4784/ 228-2637

          Sta. Cruz Technical and Vocational School, Inc.
          Masipag, Sta. Cruz, Koronadal City
          083-228-1169 09638398850

          • Please inquire below:

            Baguio College of Technology – Extension
            #51 Plaza Natalia, Naguilian Rd., Baguio City
            (074) 442 51-41

            TESDA-Cordillera State Institute of Technical Education, Main Campus
            #80 Military Cut-off, Baguio City
            (074) 424-8723, 424-8724

      • Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati, Inc.
        Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II
        Trainer: Rodolfo D. Gonzales, Leoncio R. Santos, Jr., John Dave B. Gopez
        A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati City
        892-0107-09 / 817-5807

        Asian Christian Theological School & Colleges Inc.
        503 Eagle St., Blk. 5, G2 Village, Brgy. Pinagsama, Taguig City

        Human Resource Development Center (HRDC)
        Philippine-Korea Friendship Center, Bayani Road, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
        8374-1109/ 09198288114 / 09278853693

        Jeretech Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
        Billingham Building, Unit 101-103, 11 Bagong Calzada, Brgy. Ususan, Taguig City

        MuntiParLasTaPat District Training and Assessment Center
        Bldg. 9, (Formerly Pinoy Bayanihan Project) TESDA Complex, East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway, Taguig City
        8-886-53-06 / 0965-660-0808

        Pulxar TVI, Inc.
        3/F No. 86 Bayani Road, AFPOVAI Phase 5, Brgy. Western Bicutan, Taguig City
        775-0575 / 894-5030 / 09399276507

        TESDA Women’s Center
        TESDA Bldg. 2, Gate 1, TESDA Complex, East Service Road, South Luzon Expresswat (SLEX), Taguig City
        818-80-62/ 8817-2650 to 51

    • Please inquire here:

      Don Bosco Training Center of Naga, Inc.
      Km. 13, Carolina, Naga City
      (054) 4728755 871-5792

  • Any accredited school in Quezon City that is offering Electrical Installation and Maintenance NCII? Thank You

    • Electron College of Technical Education Corporation
      No. 664 Quirino Highway, Bagbag Novaliches, Quezon City

      Mechatronics Technologies Corp.
      699 Tandang Sora Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City
      928-3307 / 937-6236

      Mt. Charmel Science and Technical Institute Inc.
      789 Quirino Hiway, Gulod, Quezon City
      401-7603/ 09228745828

      National Polytechnic College of Science and Technology
      Lot 22 Block 125 Quirino Avenue, Lagro, Quezon City
      Tel 419-7890 / 418-7284 / 418-8837

      Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
      Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City

      St. Peter Velle Technical Training Center, Inc.
      No. 919 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
      4441939/ 738-7442

    • 6 schools in Cavite and 15 schools in Cavite is offering this course

      Brothers of Christ of Bannuex, Inc.
      Crisanto M. Delos Avenue, Brgy. Biclatan, Gen. Trias, Cavite
      (046) 685 4012

      City of Imus Polytechnic Institute
      Anabu IB, E. Aguinaldo Highway, Imus City, Cavite
      0917-8505944/ 09187213528

      Guardians Technical School Inc.
      Block 3 Lot 41 & 43 Congressional Road, Brgy. San Gabriel, GMA, Cavite
      (046) 542-0675

      International Electronics and Technical Institute (Imus), Inc.
      SC Realty Bldg., E. Aguinaldo Hiway, Tanzang Luma III, Imus, Cavite
      (046) 471-9337

      SOLLIGHT (Submission, Obedience, Loyalty, Light) Inc.
      Blk-77 Lot-13 Ph2, Paliparan III, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
      0935 3021369

      TESDA Provincial Training Center – Rosario
      Phase 1, First Road, CEPZ Rosario, Cavite
      (046) 437-2370

  • Any Accredited school in Tagum City that offer Electrical Installation and Maintenance NCII course ?

    • Aces Polytechnic College, Inc.
      Purok #4 N909 Tagum-Panabo Circumferential Road, San Francisco, Panabo City, Davao del Norte
      (084) 628-6915

      Aces Tagum College, Inc.
      Mankilam. Tagum City, Davao del Norte
      (084) 216-2495

      Tagum Allied Skills Institute, Inc.
      Purok Kalambuan, Magugpo North, Tagum City

  • Saang school po any accredit ng electrical installation ?, calbayog western Samar po area ko.

    • PTC – Samar
      Brgy. Dagum, Calbayog City

      PTC – Samar
      Brgy. Dagum, Calbayog City

      Samar College of Science and Technology, Inc.
      Umbria Street, Bgy. Balud, Calbayog City Samar
      ‘(055) 533-8498

    • Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati, Inc.
      A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati City
      892-0107-09 / 817-5807

    • AMG Skilled Hands Technological College
      Cagayan Valley Road, Makapilapil, San Ildenfonso, Bulacan
      (044) 901-1302/901-1328/ 9443262195

      Bulacan Polytechnic College-Malolos
      Bulihan, Malolos, Bulacan
      (044) 662-1853 09233742667 Fax: (044)791-30-48 9233195267

      College of Our Lady of Mercy of Pulilan Foundation-Cagayan Valley Road Campus
      Cagayan Valley Road, Longos, Pulilan, Bulacan
      044-7606233 044-7946206

      Overseas Family Circle Princess and Angel Training and Services Center, Inc.
      2nd and 3rd Floor, Quintana Building, Sapang A Partida, Norzagaray, Bulacan

      Polytechnic College of the City of Meycauayan
      Pag-asa St., City of Meycauayan Bulacan

      Provincial Training Center – Calumpit
      Arce St., Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan

      Regional Training Center Central Luzon
      Mac Arthur Highway, Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
      (044) 794-0024 / 690-4305

      Regional Training Center Central Luzon – Guiguinto
      RSDC Compound, Mac Arthur Highway, Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
      (044) 794-0024 / 690-4305/ 044-7940204

      • May update po ba kayo kelan Sched ng Enrollment para sa mga mag Electral installation and Maintenance NCII!?

        • Please inquire to the TESDA accredited schools in your area. Magkakaiba ang schedule ng bawat school.

  • mayroon po bang malapit na tesda sa san jose delmonte bulakan, sa guiguinto bulacan po kasi ang main ng REGION III, bulacan, and San jose Del Monte Bulakan is halos other side napo,
    salamat po nang marami and God bless po,,

    • Regional Training Center Central Luzon
      Mac Arthur Highway, Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
      (044) 794-0024 / 690-4305

      Regional Training Center Central Luzon – Guiguinto
      RSDC Compound, Mac Arthur Highway, Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan
      (044) 794-0024 / 690-4305/ 044-7940204

    • Leon Ganzon Polytechnic College
      Brgy. Maya, Balasan, Iloilo
      33-3970915 33-3971159 33-3971108 (fax)

      Mina Skills Training Center
      Rizal St., Mina, Iloilo
      33-5309225 / 33-5309263

      Mina Skills Training Center
      Rizal St., Mina, Iloilo City
      33-5309225 / 33-5309263

      Passi Trade School
      Bgy. Sablogon, Passi City

      Regional Training Center – Iloilo
      TESDA Compound, Zamora Street, Iloilo City
      300-12-05/email address: rtc_iloilo@yahoo.com

      Technical Institute of Iloilo City – Molo
      M.H. del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo city

    • Provincial Training Center – Nueva Ecija (Palayan City)
      Brgy. Singalat, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija
      (044) 958-1808

  • Good Morning, mayroon po ba kayong assesment ng EIM-NCII (BWI-NCII) at EIM-NCIII (BWI-NCII) po? Naexpire napo kasi yung Cert. kauwe lang po gling abroad as Elect. Technician, need po kasi sa Company. Thank You

    • Dipolog City Institute of Technology, Inc.
      National Highway, Minaog, Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte

      Dipolog School of Fisheries
      Olingan, Dipolog City
      (065) 212-5237/212-7248

      DMC College Foundation, Inc.
      Sta. Filomena, Mibang, Dipolog City

  • Good day,

    pede mo bang mga-enroll sa tesda kahit my trabaho po?
    gusto ko po kasing mag-enroll sa electrial nstallation and maintenance po, makakatulong din po kasi sa trabaho ko..

        • List of TESDA accredited schools in Quezon City that offer Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II Course
          Mechatronics Technologies Corp.
          699 Tandang Sora Avenue, Old Balara, Quezon City
          928-3307 / 937-6236

          Mt. Charmel Science and Technical Institute Inc.
          789 Quirino Hiway, Gulod, Quezon City
          401-7603/ 09228745828

          National Polytechnic College of Science and Technology
          Lot 22 Block 125 Quirino Avenue, Lagro, Quezon City
          Tel 419-7890 / 418-7284 / 418-8837

          Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
          Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
          7799-9092/ 937-4248

          St. Peter Velle Technical Training Center, Inc.
          No. 919 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
          4441939/ 738-7442

  • Hellow po,pls notify po kung meron electrical course dito sa tesda bay laguna,barangay bangyas,balak konpo sana mag take,salamat po

    • List of TESDA Accredited Schools that offer Electrical Installation and Maintenance NC II in Laguna

      • Cagandahan Skills Development Inc.
      • Calamba Manpower Development Center – Annex
      • Don Bosco TVET Center-Calauan, Inc.
      • International Electronics and Technical Institute (Biñan), Inc.
      • Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades
      • Laguna Institute of Technology – Biñan, Laguna Inc.
      • San Pedro Technological Institute
      • Santa Rosa Manpower Training Center
      • Schola Angelicus, Inc.
      • Siega Career Training Center Inc.
      • Subsidized Technical Education Program (STEP) Inc.
      • TESDA-LLDA Provincial Training Center
          • TESDA accredited schools that offer Electrical Installation in Leyte

            AB Tech Multi-Skills Training Center Inc.
            Barangay Benolho, Albuera, Leyte

            Acedilla Technological Institute Incorporated – Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte Branch
            2nd and 3rd Floor Town Center Building, Brgy. Himatagon, Saint Bernard , Southern Leyte
            (053) 570-8974/ ‘09353465112

            Asian Development Foundation College, Inc.
            Bliss Sagkahan, Tacloban City
            (053)321-3215/ 09052201459/ 09173049658/ 09216784121

            Baybay City Technical-Vocational Training Center
            Cogon, Baybay City Leyte

            Bridges Multi-Skills Training Centre Ormoc City Inc.
            Brgy. San Pablo, Ormoc City
            09473663929/ 09215188338

            Holy Spirit College Foundation in Leyte, Inc.
            3rd Floor P & M Bldg., Torres Street, Brgy. 38, Tacloban City
            (053) 341-2365/09051144956

            KEITECH Educational Foundation, Inc.
            Brgys. Hiluctogan & Rizal, Kananga, Leyte
            530-6080/ 09173060527

            Ormoc City Technical Education and Skills Development Center
            Aunubing Street, Brgy. Cogon, Ormoc City

            Primona Holy Infant Academy, Inc.
            #106 Malinao Street, Brgy. Poblacion, Kananga, Leyte
            09560234622/ 09457626872

            PTC – Leyte
            Diversion Road, Brgy. Caglawan, Jaro, Leyte

            Regional Training Center
            Brgy. Abucay, Tacloban City
            321-8249/ 8121/09777720428

            Saint Joseph College, Maasin Leyte
            Barangay Mambajao, Maasin City So. Leyte

            St. Therese Educational Foundation of Tacloban, Inc.
            Brgy. 91, Abucay, Tacloban City

            TIE – Tacloban Institute of Electronics, Inc.
            IRM Bldg., Sto. Niño Shrine Corp., Real Street, Tacloban City
            (053) 888-5298/325-8844/ 0939169828628

            UNIC Training Center Corporation
            Leyte Park Hotel Compound, Magsaysay Blvd., Tacloban City
            (053) 337-2055/321-7444

      • List of TESDA accredited schools that offer Electrical Courses in Rizal

        Eastern Star Institute of Science & Technology-ESIST, Inc.
        94 Gen. Luna St., Bgy. Sta. Ana, San Mateo, Rizal

        ESRA Technical Training Foundation Inc.
        ESRA Compound, Rizal Technopark 2000 Lambak, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal

        Nava Institute of Science and Technical Education, Inc.
        #8 G. Paz St., Sitio Combo, Brgy. Hulo, Pililla, Rizal

        Renaissance School of Science and Technology, Inc.
        04 National Road, Sitio Paglabas, Brgy. San Pedro, Morong, Rizal

        Rizal Provincial Technical Education and Skills Development Center – Cainta
        A. Bonifacio Ave., Cainta Municipal Compound, Cainta, Rizal

          • Central Luzon College of Science and Technology, Inc.
            High School Blvd., Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

            Don Bosco Academy of Pampanga, Inc.
            Mabiga, Mabalacat, Pampanga
            (045)458-1418 to 19

            J.C.E Advance Technical School and Assessment Center, Inc.
            #5 Debra St., Mt View, Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga
            (045)458-2302/ (0905)1528503/ (0949)7229499

            Orange Bright Technical Learning Center Inc.
            Cabangcalan Purok 1, Cabangcalan, Floridablanca, Pampanga

            Galac St., Villa Victoria Subd., Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

            Galac St., Villa Victoria Subd., Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
            (0928)7767445/ (0935)0223311/ 09175471275

            Pinoytek Skills Training and Assessment Inc.
            Unit 312, 314,316 DSF Bldg, Gen Hizon Avenue, Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
            (0926)7579777 (0908)5520171

        • Accredited schools in Calamba

          Calamba Manpower Development Center – Annex
          049 L.E. Village Brgy. Lingga, Calamba, Laguna

          Don Bosco College, Inc.
          Don Yulo Sr. Blvd., Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna

          Siega Career Training Center Inc.
          No. 151 Annex Bldg., Don Bosco St., Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna

          Subsidized Technical Education Program (STEP) Inc.
          3/F Sajite-Atdrmam Bldg. National Rd., Brgy. I, Calamba City, Laguna
          (049) 545-0968; 545-0805

          • Clarion-Aimera Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
            North Poblacion, Medina MIsamis Oriental

            Upper Widening, Waterfall, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental

            Opol National Secondary Technical School
            Taboc, Opol, Misamis Oriental

            Regional Training Center – X (Tagoloan)
            PHIVIDEC Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental
            (08822) 742426/09153176010