Agricultural Crops Production National Certificate II (TESDA Course)
The Agricultural Crops Production NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to produce various agricultural crops which include performing nursery operations, planting, caring and maintaining of crops and carrying-out harvest and postharvest operations.
This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agriculture and Fishery, Processed Food and Beverages Sector
A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:
- Farmer/Grower
- Farm worker
- Nursery operator
- Farm aide
- Farm caretaker
Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration : 336 Hours
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of performing nursery operations, planting crops, caring and maintaining crops and carrying-out harvest and post harvest operations. It also includes competencies in workplace communication, teamwork, safety in the use of hand tools and equipment, housekeeping and processing of farm wastes.
These guidelines are set to provide the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC II
Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements.
- Able to read and write;
- With good moral character;
- Ability to communicate, both oral and written
- Physically fit and mentally healthy as certified by a Public Health Officer
This units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:
AFF610301 | Perform nursery operations |
AFF610302 | Plant crops |
AFF610303 | Care and maintain crops |
AFF610304 | Carry-out harvest and postharvest operations |
AFF321201 | Apply safety measures in farm operations |
AFF321202 | Use farm tools and equipment |
AFF321203 | Perform estimation and calculations |
AFF321206 | Process farm wastes |
SOC413206 | Perform record keeping |
500311105 | Participate in workplace communication |
500311106 | Work in a team environment |
500311107 | Practice career professionalism |
500311108 | Practice occupational health and safety procedures |
Core competency units comprising this qualification of AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC II
PERFORM NURSERY OPERATIONS (AFF610301) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform nursery operations for agricultural crops including establishing nursery shed, preparation and handling of planting materials, preparation of growing media, transplanting germinated seedlings and handling of nursery tools and equipment.
- Prepare nursery tools, farm implements and simple equipment
- Tools, farm implements and simple equipment are prepared according work requirements.
- Basic pre-operative checking of tools, farm implements and equipment is performed in accordance with
manufacturer’s manual and GAP standard. - Tools with wear and corrosions are segregated and treated according to maintenance plan and procedures.
- Maintain nursery facilities
- Nursery sanitation is maintained according to GAP standard.
- Repair and maintenance of nursery facilities are performed to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness.
- Preventive measures are applied for inclement weather.
- Safety measures are practice according to OSHS.
- Handle seeds/planting material
- Planting materials are determined according to kinds and varieties.
- Quality seeds are selected according to prescribed characteristics.
- Seed testing is conducted to determine the percentage germination of the seedstock in accordance
with the standard procedures - Planting materials are treated following standard protocol.
- Seed scarification is performed for germination purposes based on type of crop.
- Prepare growing media
- Growing media are prepared according to prescribed mixture and crop requirement.
- Growing media are placed in prescribed containers according to crop requirements.
- Containers are arranged and labelled according to varieties/species. Seedbed is prepared based on crop species.
- Conduct propagation activities
- Nursery shed is set-up according to plant requirement
- Quality seedlings are selected based on prescribed characteristics.
- Propagation materials are selected according to propagation activity.
- Plant propagation techniques are performed based on recommended practices.
- Germinated seedlings are maintained until fully established.
- Pricking and thinning of seedlings are performed based on recommended practices.
PLANT CROPS (AFF610302) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to conduct activities related to land preparation and planting of agricultural crops. This unit also includes proper handling of seeds/seedlings/saplings for planting and transplanting, proper use of tools and equipment, conduct land preparation and field lay-out.
- Prepare land for planting
- Tools, materials and equipment are prepared for land clearing
- The land is cleared according to prescribed methods of land preparation
- Debris are removed and disposed according to waste management standards.
- Soil samples are collected for analysis based on standard procedure
- Land preparation is conducted according to crop requirement.
- Basal fertilizer is applied based on crop requirement
- Safety procedures for fertilizer application is followed according to OSHS
- Conduct field lay-out
- Tools and materials are prepared for field lay-out.
- Interpret field lay-out plan according to the recommended planting system.
- Field is laid-out according to recommended planting system
- Dig holes
- Diggings of holes are performed based on crop requirement.
- Top soil is separated to be used in covering the hole after planting.
- Basal fertilizer application is performed based on recommended amount.
- Perform direct seeding
- Seeds are planted according to recommended rate, distance and depth
- Replanting are timely done according to recommended practices for a particular crop
- Safety procedures are followed according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
- Transplant seedlings
- Handling of seedlings from nursery is performed based on prescribed practices.
- Transplanting of seedlings is done based on crop practices
- Re-bagging is done for a particular crop requirement
- Replanting is timely done based on planting protocol.
- Safety procedures are followed according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
CARE AND MAINTAIN CROPS (AFF610303) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply pest control, measure, apply fertilizer, water crops, perform pruning and perform physical growth-enhancing practices.
- Apply pest control measure
- Pests incidence is monitored based on prescribed procedure.
- Tools and materials are prepared according to specific pest control measure.
- Appropriate pest control measures are followed based on GAP
- Safety measures are observed and practiced according to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures.
- Apply fertilizer
- Tools and materials are prepared according to prescribed user’s manual
- Fertilizers are identified based on kinds.
- Fertilizer rates are applied based on crop requirements.
- Appropriate method of fertilizer application is employed based on crop requirements.
- Precautionary measures are applied to avoid cross contamination based on GAP.
- Safety procedures are followed according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards
- Water crops
- Soil moisture content is determined based on soil field capacity
- Watering performed following the prescribed method and schedule
- Good Agricultural Practices is observed.
- Perform pruning
- Pruning method is performed according to crops.
- Tools and materials for pruning are prepared.
- Safety procedures is followed according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards and PNS:PAES 101
- Perform physical growth enhancing practices
- Tools and equipment for cultivation are prepared according to PNS:PAES 101.
- Cultivation practices are carried out based on crop requirement.
- Rejuvenating activities are performed according to established cultural practices.
- Growth training technique are performed for different crops
- Mulching techniques are carried out based on crops.
- Safety procedures are followed according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards.
CARRY-OUT HARVEST AND POSTHARVEST OPERATIONS (AFF610304) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform harvest and postharvest operations of major agricultural crops including maintaining quality of produce for distribution. This unit also includes proper use of tools and equipment required to perform the activities. This unit does not include secondary processing.
- Perform pre – harvest operations
- Crop maturity is identified according to parameters affecting physiological growth and physical indicators.
- Records of crop agronomic history is verified and referenced for maturity.
- Obstructions from the field are removed for efficient harvesting
- Harvesting tools and materials, and temporary shed are readied
- Records regarding crops to be harvested are checked
- Perform harvesting activity
- Appropriate harvesting methods are implemented based on best cultural practices for each crop using suitable
tools - Crops are handled according to the postharvest treatment.
- Crops are harvested based on maturity indices and characteristics affecting harvest quality
- Harvesting is performed while observing GAP principles
- Appropriate harvesting methods are implemented based on best cultural practices for each crop using suitable
- Perform postharvest operation
- Postharvest operations are employed based on standard are followed.
- Use of postharvest equipment is monitored avoiding damage to crop in line with manufacturer/enterprise
procedures. - Handling and packaging are done according to variety and destination.
- Crops are stored and stacked in cool dry place prior to distribution in line with enterprise procedures
- Monitor storage pest and diseases
- Pest are identified based on references for storage pest and diseases
- Identified storage pest and diseases are logged and reported to immediate authority.
Common competency units comprising this qualification of AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC II
APPLY SAFETY MEASURES IN FARM OPERATIONS (AFF321201) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing safety measures..
- Determine areas of concern for safety measures
- Work tasks are identified in line with farm operations
- Place for safety measures are determined in line
with farm operations - Time for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations
- Appropriate tools, materials and outfits are prepared in line with job requirements
- Apply appropriate safety measures
- Tools and materials are used according to specifications and procedures
- Outfits are worn according to farm requirements
- Effectivity/shelf life/expiration of materials are strictly observed
- Emergency procedures are known and followed to ensure a safework requirement
- Hazards in the workplace are identified and reported in line with farm guidelines
- Safekeep/dispose tools, materials and outfit
- Used tools and outfit are cleaned after use and stored in designated areas
- Unused materials are properly labeled and stored according to manufacturers recommendation and farm requirements
- Waste materials are disposed according to manufacturers, government and farm requirements
USE FARM TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (AFF321202) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use farm tools and equipment. It includes selection, operation and preventive maintenance of farm tools and equipment.
- Select and use farm tools
- Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirement/use
- Farm tools are checked for faults and defective tools reported in accordance with farm procedures
- Appropriate tools and equipment are safely used according to job requirements and manufacturers conditions
- Select and operate farm equipment
- Appropriate farm equipment is identified
- Instructional manual of the farm tools and equipment are carefully read prior to operation
- Pre-operation check-up is conducted in line with manufacturers manual
- Faults in farm equipment are identified and reported in line with farm procedures
- Farm equipment is used according to its function
- Safety procedures are followed
- Perform preventive maintenance
- Tools and equipment are cleaned immediately after use in line with farm procedures
- Routine check-up and maintenance are performed
- Tools and equipment are stored in designated areas in line with farm procedures
PERFORM ESTIMATION AND BASIC CALCULATION (AFF321203) – T his unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to perform basic workplace calculations.
- Perform estimation
- Job requirements are identified from written or oral communications
- Quantities of materials and resources required to complete a work task are estimated
- The time needed to complete a work activity is estimated
- Accurate estimate for work completion are made
- Estimate of materials and resources are reported to appropriate person
- Perform basic workplace calculation
- Calculations to be made are identified according to job requirements
- Correct method of calculation identified
- System and units of measurement to be followed are ascertained
- Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition, division, multiplication and subtraction
- Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed when are used to complete the instructions
- Number computed in self checked and completed for alignment
PROCESS FARM WASTES (AFF321206) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to process farm wastes. It comprises functions such as collecting farm wastes, conducting waste identification and segregation, treating and processing farm wastes and performing housekeeping duties.
- Collect farm wastes
- Tools and materials are prepared for collection of farm wastes.
- Wastes are collected following OSHS and waste collection requirements and plan.
- Dangerous and hazardous wastes are collected following the HAZMAT(hazardous material) protocol.
- Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) are worn as prescribed by Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).
- Identify and segregate wastes
- Wastes are identified by categories according to industry standards and environmental legislation.
- Wastes are segregated according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation.
- Sorted waste is placed into labelled container to avoid littering and prevent cross-contamination.
- Information on waste is obtained by asking authority to ensure correct identification.
- Treat and process farm wastes
- Dangerous and hazardous wastes are handled according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation following OSHS procedures.
- Processing of farm wastes is done following environmental legislation and codes.
- Principles of 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) are applied accordingly.
- Farm wastes are disposed of according to environmental legislation and codes.
- Perform housekeeping
- Appropriate warning signs and labels are displayed in conspicuous places around the workplace.
- Work area is cleaned according to 5S principles.
- Tools are checked, cleaned and stowed according to established industry procedures and following user’s manual.
- Materials are stored following industry standard procedures and manufacturer’s specifications.
- PPE is checked for damage prior to ensuring that clean and undamaged equipment is stored.
- Storage facility is checked to ensure no contamination in the area according to organizational requirements and legislation and codes.
- Record keeping is done according to industry requirements.
PERFORM RECORD-KEEPING (SOC413206) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to carry-out inventory activities, maintain production record and prepare financial records.
- Carry out inventory activities
- Inventory inputs are determined according enterprise requirements.
- Defective tools and equipment are determined according to operation manuals
- Facilities are inspected according to according standard codes and laws.
- Maintain production record
- Production plan are prepared according to enterprise requirements.
- Schedule for production activities are prepared based from enterprise requirements and plan.
- Production report are prepared in accordance with enterprise reporting procedures
- Input and production are monitored using monitoring chart.
- Prepare financial records
- Production cost are computed using established computation procedures.
- Revenue is computed using established computation procedures.
Basic competency units comprising this qualification of AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC II
PARTICIPATE IN WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION (500311105) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements..
- Obtain and convey workplace information.
- Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources
- Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey information
- Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas
- Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
- Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed
- Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used
- Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
- Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
- Team meetings are attended on time
- Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption
- Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols
- Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
- Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and maters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to
- Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented
- Complete relevant work related documents
- Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly
- Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents
- Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations
- Errors in recording information on forms/ documents are identified and properly acted upon
- Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines
WORK IN TEAM ENVIRONMENT (500311106) – This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team..
- Describe team role and scope
- The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information
- Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources
- Identify own role and responsibility within team
- Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified
- Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized
- Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified
- Work as a team member
- Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives
- Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context
- Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures
- Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the members.
PRACTICE CAREER PROFESSIONALISM (500311107) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.
- Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals.
- Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession
- Intra- and interpersonal relationships is being maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation
- Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties
- Set and meet work priorities.
- Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives.
- Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
- Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures
- Maintain professional growth and development.
- Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements
- Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement
- Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed
PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES (500311108) – This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.
- Identify hazards and risks
- Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization procedures
- Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to coworkers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures.
- Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures.
- Evaluate hazard and risks
- Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV)
- Effects of the hazards are determined
- OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation
- Control hazards and risks
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently followed
- Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OHS policies
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices
- Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol.
- Maintain occupational health and safety awareness (OHS)
- Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and procedures
- OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements.
List of Schools that offer TESDA Courses for Agricultural Crops Production
Below are the list of TESDA schools that offer courses for AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC II
- 1 and All Technical School – Cagayan De Oro City
- Acedilla Technological Institute Foundation – Leyte
- Adoress Farm Training and Assessment Center – Laguna
- Advance Tech International Manpower Training Center – Pagadian City – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Advance Tech International Manpower Training Center – Zamboanga City
- AGREA Agricultural Community International Foundation – Marinduque
- Agricultural Training Institute VII Bohol – Bohol
- Agriskwela Institute of the Philippines – Cavite
- Agusan Del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology – Agusan Del Sur
- Aklan State University – Aklan
- Alameda Farm – Surigao Del Sur
- Apostol’s Techno – Demo Learning Farm – Cotabato City
- Art Raya Vocational Institute – Lanao del Sur
- Arteche National Agricultural School (ANAS) Arteche Campus – Eastern Samar
- Arteche National Agricultural School (ANAS) Oras Campus – Eastern Samar
- Asia Pacific College of Business and Arts – Bongabon – Nueva Ecija
- Aspire AgriTech Academy – Romblon
- ATEC Technological College – Bulacan
- Atugan Nature Farm – Bukidnon
- Awang Technical Vocational Institute – Maguindanao
- Bakaan Farm Training Center – Ilocos Sus
- Basilan Skills Development Academy – Basilan
- Bataan Peninsula Educational Institution – Bataan
- Bausa Integrated Farm and Training Center – Bulacan
- Bendicar Farm Agri Eco Tourism – Southern Leyte
- Benguet Technical School – Benguet
- Bible Baptist Christian Academy of Marnading – Lanao Del Norte
- Biliran Province State University – Biliran Campus
- Binahon Agro-Forestry and Diversified Farm – Bukidnon
- Bislig City Surigao del Sur-District II Skills Training Center – Surigao Del Sur
- Bohol Institute of Technology – Bohol
- Bonbon Sagay Upland Farmers Association – Camiguin
- Bondoc Peninsula Technological Institute – Quezon Province
- Bonsay Farm – Palawan
- Brillita Agri-Tourism and Skills Development Center – Nueva Ecija
- Buhian Diversified Farm – Misamis Oriental
- Bulacan Agricultural State College – Bulacan
- Buluan Technical Education School of Life – Maguindanao
- Busikong Greenland Multi-Purpose Cooperative – Maguindanao
- Caddnet Computer Technology Institute – Canelar – Zamboanga City
- Cagayan North Research and Training Institute – Cagayan Valley
- Cagayan State University – Cagayan Valley
- Calasiao Agri-tourism Training and Assessment Center – Pangasinan
- Calubian National Vocational School – Leyte
- Camiguin Polytechnic State College – Camiguin
- Capiz State University – Roxas City
- Castro Tomas Agri-Techture Farm School and Training Center – Tarlac
- Castromayor Integrated Farm School Incorporated – Sultan Kudarat
- Catubig Diversified Farm – Surigao Del Norte
- Center for Applied Practical Skills – Talavera – Nueva Ecija
- Central Philippines University – Iloilo City
- Chad’s Nature Farm – Batangas
- Christian Life Learning Center (Phil.) – Pangasinan
- Concepcion Vocational School – Tarlac
- Cooperators’ Initiative Program on Agroenterprise – Ilocos Sur
- Cornerstone Training and Learning Center – Aurora
- D’ Planners Training Center – Bataan
- Daciano Agricultural Training Center – Misamis Oriental
- Dacon Agri-Industrial Institute – Zamboanga City
- Datu Blo Umpar Adiong Agricultural (Buad-Agri) School – Lanao del Sur
- Datu Ibrahim Paglas Memorial College – Maguindanao
- Davao National Agricultural School – Compostela Valley
- Davao Oriental Polytechnic Institute – Davao Oriental
- Department of Agriculture – Batanes Experiment Station – Batanes
- Dicalungan Institute of Technology – Maguindanao
- Don Bosco Agro-Mechanical Technology Center Legaspi – Albay
- Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University – La Union
- Dona Laurena Rosales School for Practical Agriculture – Lanao Del Norte
- Duran Farm Agribusiness & Training Center Association – Bulacan
- Eastern Kutawato Islamic Institute – Maguindanao
- Eastern Mindanao College of Technology – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Eastern Visayas State University – Leyte
- EDFHER Farm – Surigao Del Sur
- El Rancho Delos Ben Agri-Tourism and Training Center – Pangasinan
- EMV Diversified Farm – Bukidnon
- Envirogreen Village Educational Foundation – Sarangani
- eSeal Academy Calaca Batangas – Batangas
- Everbright International Academy – Cavite
- Family Farm School Catarman – Northern Samar
- Farm C Harvest Community Farm School – Zamboanga Del Sur
- FarmShare Prime – Laguna
- Fernandez College of Arts and Technology – Bulacan
- Fernando T. Bernad Technical School – Misamis Occidental
- FJC Integrated Farm – Isabela
- Flor and Daisy’s Agricultural Farm – Quezon Province
- GenRam Integrated and Diversified Farm Learning Site – Isabela
- Gensan Security Training Institute – South Cotabato
- Godoy Organic Land and Diversification Farm – Leyte
- Golden Rosas Multi Skills Center – Nueva Ecija
- Goldtown Technological Institute – Maguindanao
- Green Valley Farm – Kalinga
- Greenmont Systems International – Pangasinan
- Gskill Design Technology Institute – Maguindanao
- GT Farm – Bukidnon
- Hillsview Farm Learning Center – Agusan Del Sur
- Honorio Clemencia’s Farm – Kalinga
- Hyrons College Philippines – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Ifugao State University – Ifugao
- Illana Bay Integrated Computer College – Maguindanao
- Ilocos Sur Community College – Ilocos Sur
- Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College – Ilocos Sur
- Iloilo State College of Fisheries – Dingle Campus
- International Labor Force Skills Mastery Institute – Misamis Oriental
- Irenaeus College – Sebaste Branch – Antique
- Isabela State University – Isabela
- Ivan Baguilat Farm – Ifugao
- J.I. Skills Training Center Accredited – Lanao del Sur
- JAV Skills Training Center – Lanao Del Norte
- JBM Skills International Development Training and Assessment Center – Bulacan
- Jcourse Design Technology Institute Cotabato City – Cotabato City
- JICA’s Agri-Integrated Farm and Learning Site – Isabela
- Jose F. Rodriguez School of Technology and Entrepreneurship – Zambales
- JRS Languance and Skills Institute – South Cotabato
- Kalinga Apayao State College – Kalinga
- Kalinga State University – Kalinga
- Kaliyot B. Sali Peace Academy – Maguindanao
- Kapatagan Institute of Organic Agriculture and Industry – Lanao Del Norte
- Kape Maramag – Bukidnon
- Kinoguitan National Agricultural School – Misamis Oriental
- L.G. Agri-Tourism TVET and Assessment Center – La Union
- Lanao Norte National Agro-Industrial School – Lanao Del Norte
- Landcare Foundation Philippines – Misamis Oriental
- Las Navas Agro-Industrial School – Northern Samar
- Lasam Institute of Technology – Cagayan Valley
- Lasco Demo Crops Farm – Agusan Del Norte
- Lily of the Valley – Benguet
- Lucky Agri-Eco Tourism and Training Center – Pampanga
- Luis-Sesay Heritage Ram – Bukidnon
- Lupon School of Fisheries – Davao Oriental
- Lyceum of the East, Inc. – Aurora
- M & N Patorgo Ventures – Surigao Del Sur
- Macro Colleges – Vigan – Ilocos Sur
- Maddela Institute of Technology – Quirino
- Mahardika Institute of Technology – Tawi-Tawi
- Mamaludin Institute of Technology – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Marcos Agro-Industrial School – Ilocos Norte
- Marian Southern Institute of Technology – South Cotabato
- Mariano Marcos State University – Ilocos Norte
- Marinduque State College – Marinduque
- Mary Help of Christians School – Oriental Mindoro
- MFI Polytechnic Institute – Rizal
- Mindanao Autonomous College Foundation – Basilan
- Mindoro Technical and Vocational Skills Training Center – Occidental Mindoro
- MMS Development Training Center – Valencia City
- Moca Family Farm Rlearning Center – Batangas
- Molave Agri Industrial Technology – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Mt. Carmel Agri-Tourism and Training Center – Abra
- Mt. Sioan Academy – Misamis Oriental
- Negros Oriental State University – Negros Oriental
- Negros State College of Agriculture – Negros Occidental
- NMB Skills Training and Assessment Center – Lanao del Sur
- Northern Iloilo Polytechnic College – Iloilo City
- Northern Mindanao School of Fisheries Matabao Campus – Agusan Del Norte
- Northern Sunstar Training and Assessment Center – Pangasinan
- Northwest Samar State University – Northern Samar
- NSU-BNAC Campus – Biliran
- Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology – Nueva Ecija
- Nueva Vizcaya Polytechnic Institute – Nueva Vizcaya
- Ohana Farmland Agri-Tourism Assessment and Training Center – Nueva Ecija
- OP Saarenas Integrated Farm – Misamis Oriental
- Oroquieta Agro-Industrial School – Misamis Occidental
- Osilla Institute for Health Personnel – Tarlac
- Oyayi Farm & Resort – Cavite
- Pagalungan Training and Assessment Center – Maguindanao
- Pambayang Kolehiyo ng Mauban – Quezon Province
- Pampanga State Agricultural University – Pampanga
- Pangantucan Bukidnon Community College – Bukidnon
- Philippine Engineering and Agro-Industrial College – Lanao del Sur
- PJ Aballe Learning and Development Center – Zamboanga Sibugay
- Poona-Masiu Institute of Technology – Lanao del Sur
- Prime Harvest Training and Assessment Center – a Capiz
- Primona Holy Infant Academy – Leyte
- Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Carmen)
- Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Daanbantayan)
- Provincial Training Center – Sulu
- Provincial Training Center – TESDA Buug – Zamboanga Sibugay
- Provincial Training Center – TESDA ZDS – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Provincial Training Center Agusan del Norte (CABADBARAN)
- Provincial Training Center Kalibo Aklan
- Provincial Training Center of Abra – Abra
- Provincial Training Center Surigao del Norte – Surigao Del Norte
- Provisional Provincial Training Center – Agusan del Sur
- Provisional Provincial Training Team – Siargao
- PTC – Banna – Ilocos Norte
- Pua Agri-Tourism and skills Development Center – Isabela
- Puerto Princesa School of Arts and Trades (PPSAT) – Palawan
- Quality Lifelong Learning Institute – Rizal
- Quezon National Agricultural School – Quezon Province
- Quezon National Agricultural School – Quezon Province
- Quirino State University – Quirino
- R and D Oliveros Farm School – Isabela
- Ramain Skills Institute of Technology – Lanao del Sur
- Ranao Technical Institute – Lanao del Sur
- Rancho San Roque – Zamboanga Del Norte
- Rasti Integrated Farm – Masbate
- RB Agri-Tourism and Skills Development Center – Ilocos Norte
- RCA School of Agronomy – Nueva Ecija
- Regional Training Center – Davao / Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center – Davao del Sur
- Regional Training Center – X (Tagoloan) – Misamis Oriental
- Roberto Farm Training Site – Isabela
- Rocapor’s Farm Learning Site School for Practical Agriculture – La Union
- Rogongon Agricultural High School – Lanao Del Norte
- Romblon National Institute of Technology – Romblon
- Roumeia Agri-Tourism and Training Center – Ifugao
- Sabangan Diversified Farm – Bukidnon
- Sainte Trinite Academy – Sorsogon
- Salvador Trade School – Lanao Del Norte
- Saniel Integrated Farm Technological Business School – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Sapakan National High School – Maguindanao
- SAYAO Quality Agri-Aqua Technological Training Institute – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Sibugay Technical Institute – Zamboanga Sibugay
- Siliman University Ticao Island – Masbate
- Simeon Suan Vocational Technical College – Oriental Mindoro
- Sinab Cabugatan Multi Skills and Training Center – Lanao del Sur
- Sonrisa Farm Assessment and Learning Center – Camarines Sur
- Sorsogon National Agricultural School – Sorsogon
- South Asiatech College – South Cotabato
- South Central Mindanao College of Science and Technology – Sultan Kudarat
- Southeast Asian Institute of Local Governance – Oroquieta City – Misamis Occidental
- Southern Isabela College of Arts and Trades – Isabela
- Southern Luzon State University – Quezon Province
- Southern Philippines Agri-Business, Marine and Aquatic School of Technology Digos – Davao del Sur
- St. Alexius College – South Cotabato
- St. Isidore “The Farmer” Learning Center Inc. – Pampanga
- St. Martha Skills Training and Assessment Center – Bohol
- St. Paul College of Arts and Sciences – Tarlac
- St. Paul Colleges Foundation Paniqui – Tarlac
- Strategic Unayan Development Centre – Lanao del Sur
- Sultan Kudarat Regional Manpower Development Center – Maguindanao
- Sulu State College – Sulu
- Sulu State College School of Agriculture – Sulu
- Sunrise Agri-Fishery Technological Institute – Misamis Occidental
- Sunshine World College of Technology – Zamboanga Del Norte
- Super M School of Science and Technology – Oriental Mindoro
- Surallah National Agricultural School – South Cotabato
- Surigao Del Norte College of Agriculture & Technology – Magpayang Campus
- Surigao Del Norte College of Agriculture and Technology – Surigao Del Norte
- Surigao del Sur State University – Surigao Del Sur
- Surigao del Sur State University – San Miguel Campus
- Surigao del Sur State University – Tagbina Campus
- Tam-an Agri-Tech Tourism and Training Center – Nueva Vizcaya
- Tarlac School of Arts and Trade – Tarlac
- Technical Vocational Training Center – Aurora
- Techno Demo Farm Training Center – Isabela
- Technology and Agricultural Learning Institute and Nature Oneness – Misamis Occidental
- Terrapedrito Farm – Quezon Province
- The Journey Skills Training Institute – South Cotabato
- The Master’s Garden – Benguet
- Thelsan School – South Cotabato
- Touche’ Technical Institute – Misamis Oriental
- TRI-JM Development Corporation – Bukidnon
- UHA Caregiver Training Corporation Iligan City – Lanao Del Norte
- Uma Verde Econature Farm – Quezon Province
- Umani Cabal Farm – South Cotabato
- University of Perpetual Help Rizal Calamba – Laguna
- University of Southern Philippines Compostela Valley – Compostela Valley
- Upi Agricultural School – Maguindanao
- Uthman Bin Affan Foundation Integrated School – Lanao Del Norte
- Venida Farm – Lanao Del Norte
- Villaconzoilo Farm – Leyte
- Visayas State University – Leyte
- Vitali Technical Vocational School – Zamboanga City
- VMC Asian College Foundation – Sultan Kudarat
- Vmotril’s Farm – South Cotabato
- Vocational Arts School of Ilocos Sur – Ilocos Sur
- Wangan National Agricultural School – Davao del Sur
- Western Mindanao State University – Siay External Studies Unit – Zamboanga Sibugay
- Western Mindanao State University – Zamboanga Sibugay
- Western Visayas State University – Iloilo City
- Yamang Bukid Farm – Palawan
- Zamboanga Del Sur Provincial Government College – Zamboanga Del Sur
- Zamboanga Sibugay Polytechnic Institute – Zamboanga Sibugay
- ZOOM Technical Vocational Training & Assessment Center – Zamboanga Del Sur
Gusto ko po mag Tesda pra mka kuha Ng nc2,pero nagweork po Ako,ask ko lng po kung pwede modular Ang pagstudy,?
Please contact or visit the training center for more info
How to apply? Im interested in agricultural crop.
Please contact or visit the tesda in your area for more info
How to download po?
Meron po ba dito sa San pablo city, laguna
Ask ko lang po yung Ato Belen’s Farm po ba ay accredited?
Grant Institute of Trade and Technology, Inc.
Greenvalley Subd., San Jose, San Pablo City, Laguna
Good morning Po Tanong ko lang Po Saan Po pwedeng mag enroll Dito sa Pasay or sa Taguig area Po?
This course is not available in NCR
Sa Quezon po kaya meron
Bondoc Peninsula Technological Institute
Abuyon National Road, Brgy. Pagkakaisa,San Narciso, Quezon
Encarnacion Farm
#73 Sitio Acasia, Brgy. Sta. Lucia, Dolores, Quezon
Flor and Daisy’s Agricultural Farm
Brgy. Mamala 2, Sariaya, Quezon
Four K Kakao Farm
Villa Prensipe, Gumaca, Quezon
Glinoga Organic Farm
Brgy. Payte, Pitogo, Quezon
Mikastra Integrated Farm
Brgy. San Nicolas, Macalelon, Quezon
Myrtle’s Agricultural Farm
Brgy. Ibabang Dupay, Lucena City, Quezon
NS Villamor Farm Corporation
Brgy. San Francisco A, Lopez, Quezon
Ouan’s Worth Farm and Family Resort Corp
Brgy. Kanlurang Mayao, Lucena City
Oyayi Farm & Resort
Sitio Curba, Brgy. Castañas, Sariaya, Quezon
Pambayang Kolehiyo ng Mauban
Brgy. Soledad, Mauban, Quezon
Quezon National Agricultural School
Brgy. Silangang Malicboy, Pagbilao, Quezon
(042) 716-0500
Quezon National Agricultural School
Brgy. Silangang Malicboy, Pagbilao, Quezon
(042) 716-0500
Quezon National Agricultural School
Brgy. Silangang Malicboy, Pagbilao, Quezon
(042) 716-0500
Terrapedrito Farm
Brgy. Mangilag Sur, Candelaria, Quezon
Uma Verde Econature Farm
0991 Bagong Pook, Bukal Sur, Candelaria, Quezon
0917-1560403 / 0917-3006422
Anytime po ba Yung agricultural crop production NC ll pwede mag apply at may bayad po ba? Dumaguete City po .
Not available in Dumaguete City
Good day! Is there any available training in Aklan province? Thank you
Aklan State University
Main Campus, Banga, Aklan
Cruziseden Integrated Farm Training Center Inc.
102 Cogon Elawod Cogon, Malinao, Aklan
0916301822 7
Irenaeus College, Inc.
Lapnag, Banga, Aklan
09338646737/ 09204044415
Provincial Training Center – Aklan (Kalibo)
PEO Compound, Laguinbanua East, Numancia, Aklan
Meron po ba dito sa Pampanga ng Agricultural Crop Production? Kung meron po kailan po start ng class?
Thanks po.
Global Citi College of Science and Technology Inc.
Brgy. Santiago, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
New Gen Agrifarm Training Center Inc.
New Gen Agrifarm, Sitio Quinto San Francisco, Lubao, Pampanga
Pampanga State Agricultural University
San Agustin, Magalang, Pampanga
St. Isidore “The Farmer” Learning Center Inc.
San Isidro, Sta. Ana, Pampanga
9568039245 0917-762-8708 0999-993-2261
Sunnyside Training Center and Integrated Farms Inc.
Brgy. Planas, Porac, Pampanga
Gapan nueva ecija po ako ,,
Saan po pwd mg enrol online course ng agriculture
Elora Agri-Tourism and Technical Skills Training Center Inc.
Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Calaanan 3, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija
Provincial Training Center – Nueva Ecija (Palayan City)
Produce Organic Concoction and Extract leading to Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Brgy. Singalat, Palayan City, Nueva Ecija
(044) 958-1808
Villegas Agritechtural Farm and Training Center Association Inc.
Organic Agriculture Production NC II
#196 Mari St., Macatbong, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Saan po available ang agricultural?
Where is your location?
Dito po ba nkaline ang landscaping training
pano po mag apply from Guinobatan po ako.
may agriculturalcrops production NCII po ba dito s lipa? Paano po malalaman kung may schedule ng training dito s lipa?
Not available in Lipa
Updated po ba yung mga schools na nasa listahan? May agricultural crops production NC II po ba sa NCR?
Agricultural course is not available in NCR
Gusto ko mag pa reserve kelan po ang next?
Gusto ko mag pa reserve mam/sir. I’m willing to take the knowledge of agriculture…
Sa Q.C po may available po kaung course na Agricultural Crops Production? thank
Pakicheck sa baba ng page – List of schools that offer Agricultural Crops Production NC II
Hello po, meron po ba dito sa mountain province? at kelan po kung meron?
Provincial Training Center – Mt. Province
Tambingan, Sabangan, Mountain Province
Salt and Pepper Agricultural Learning Center, Inc.
Ganggansaan, Kin-iway, Besao, Mountain Province
Hello po, Meron po ba dito sa San Carlos City Pangasinan?? salamat po
El Nazareno Educational Center, Incorporated
2nd Floor Jesus Nazarene Chapel, National Highway, Coliling, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
09957288647 09471100995