The TESDA FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC II Course consists of competencies that a person must possess in order to be able to conduct the process of making a reservation, registering and checking-in and checking-out a guest in commercial accommodation establishments.
This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Tourism Sector (Hotel and Restaurant)
A student who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:
- Front Office Agent
Trainees or students wishing to enroll in these course qualifications should possess the following requirements:
- can communicate in English both in the oral and written form; and
- can perform basic mathematical computation.
This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.
Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration :
(Basic Competency) 18 Hours
(Common Competency) 24 Hours
(Core Competency) 400 Hours
Total Duration: 442 Hours
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of Front Office personnel in accordance with industry standards. It covers the basic, common and core competencies on receiving and processing reservations, operating a computerized reservation system, providing reception and accommodation services, conducting night audit, providing club reception services and providing porter services.
This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, and Core Competencies.
To obtain this TESDA course in FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC II, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.
These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:
TRS5123105 | Receive and process reservations |
TRS5123106 | Operate computerized reservations system |
TRS5123107 | Provide accommodation reception services |
TRS5123108 | Conduct night audit |
TRS512305 | Provide club reception services |
TRS5123109 | Provide concierge and bell services |
TRS5123110 | Provide cashiering services |
TRS311201 | Develop and update industry knowledge |
TRS311202 | Observe workplace hygiene procedures |
TRS311203 | Perform computer operations |
TRS311204 | Perform workplace and safety practices |
TRS311205 | Provide effective customer service |
500311105 | Participate in workplace communication |
500311106 | Work in a team environment |
500311107 | Practice career professionalism |
500311108 | Practice occupational health and safety procedures |
This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC II. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.
This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in FRONT OFFICE SERVICES NC II.
UNIT CODE : TRS5123105
This unit of competency deals with the skills, knowledge and attitude required to receive and process reservations for a tourism or hospitality product or service offered for sale through agents or direct to the consumer.
- Receive reservation request
- Customer making a reservation is acknowledged using property standards
- Availability of room requested is determined
- Alternatives, including waitlist options, are offered if requested booking is not available
- Inquiries regarding rates and other product features are accurately answered
- Record details of reservation
- Complete customer details are accurately recorded in the system
- Guest profile or history if available, is checked and used to in making the reservation
- Special requests are clearly recorded in accordance with established requirements
- Reservation details of customer bookings are completed, explained and confirmed to the customer
- Reservations are filed according to property standards
- Documents and other materials are prepared and issued to the customer in accordance with the requirements of the specific reservation
- Update reservations
- Payments and deposits of the reservation is accurately recorded or updated in accordance with property standards
- Amendments or cancellations of reservations are received, processed and recorded in accordance with customer request and property standards.
- Advise others on reservation details
- General and specific customer requirements and reservation details are communicated to appropriate departments and colleagues
- Follow up on customer request and ensure that all specific requirements in his reservation details are addressed prior to guest arrival.
UNIT CODE : TRS5123106
This unit of competency deals with the skills and knowledge required in using a computerized reservations system to create bookings for a range of tourism or hospitality services.
- Computerize reservation system is operated based on property standards.
- Reservation system is accessed and accurately interpreted
- All system features are used to access a range of information
- Create and process reservations
- Availability of the required booking is checked in accordance with the system functions and requirements
- New reservations are encoded using the format required by the computer system
- Bookings are retrieved as required, using the format required by the computer system
- Updates and amendments to reservations are made and stored in the system
- Any required reservation details are downloaded and printed
- Send and receive reservation communications
- Internal communications are created using the required features of the system
- Communications from industry colleagues are accessed and correctly interpreted at the appropriate time
UNIT CODE : TRS5123107
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to provide arrival, in-stay and departure services to guests in commercial and accommodation establishments
- Prepare reception area for guest arrival
- Reception area is prepared for service and all necessary equipment are checked prior to use
- Daily arrival details are checked and reviewed prior to guests arrival
- Rooms are allocated in accordance with guest requirements and establishment policy
- Uncertain arrivals or reservations are followed up in accordance with establishment procedures
- Accurate arrival lists are compiled and distributed to relevant personnel/ departments
- Colleagues and other departments are informed of special situations or requests in a timely manner
- Welcome and register guests
- Guests are welcomed warmly and courteously
- Reservation details are confirmed with guests
- Guests with or without reservations are registered according to establishment systems and procedures.
- Correct accounting procedures are followed in accordance with property standards
- Room key/electronic cards, guest mail and messages are issued to guests
- Computerize reservation system is operated
- Reservation system is accessed and accurately interpreted based on property standards
- All system features are used to access a range of information
- Perform “During Stay” functions
- All guest requests during in-stay are addressed according to property standards.
- All inquiries are responded promptly to guest satisfaction.
- Organize guest departure
- Departure lists are reviewed and checked for accuracy
- Guest requests for assistance with departure are acted upon courteously or referred to the appropriate department for follow-up
- Prepare front office records and reports
- Front office records are prepared and updated within designated timelines
- Room changes, no shows, extensions and early/late departures are correctly followed.
- Reports and records are distributed to the appropriate departments within designated timelines
UNIT CODE : TRS5123108
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to check and reconcile daily financial transactions and records, and produce reports relating to establishment operations and revenue.
- Process internal financial transactions
- Transactions are double checked to ensure that they have posted in the property’s computerized system.
- Financial and system discrepancies is identified and reconciled according to property standards.
- Room rates and room status are verified and reconciled to guest of the property.
- Internal financial system and control is suggested for improvements in the property’s operation.
- Complete routine records and reports
- Routine records and reports are accurately completed within designated timelines
- Reports are promptly forwarded to the appropriate person/department
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to offer reception services within a licensed club environment.
- Provide information on club services and process memberships
- Accurate advice and information on club services and facilities is provided to customers and club members as required according to established standards
- Club membership and club rules are explained to the public and members following the standard procedures
- Membership application forms are clearly explained and completely filled up in accordance with the enterprise requirements
- Membership records are checked and maintained according to standard procedures
- Monitor entry to club
- Membership badges/cards are checked upon entry to the club in accordance with established standards
- Guests are assisted to “sign in” accordance with government and enterprise requirements
- Members and guests are checked to comply with dress and age regulations in accordance with established policy and procedures
- Disputes over entry to club are referred to security, supervisor or other relevant person according to enterprise policy
UNIT CODE : TRS5123109
This unit of competency deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in providing bell and concierge services required for handling guest arrival and departures, handling guest luggage and responding to requests for bell desk services.
- Handle guest arrivals and departures
- Expected daily arrivals and departures and requests for major guest movements are reviewed and planned in accordance with established standards
- Guests are welcomed promptly on arrival and directed to the appropriate area for registration
- Guests with luggage are assisted in accordance with established procedures and safety requirements
- Guests are escorted to rooms and where appropriate courteously showed/explained the establishment/room features in accordance with established procedures
- Handle guest luggage
- Guest luggage is safely transported and delivered to the correct location within appropriate timeframes
- Luggage storage system is operated correctly and in accordance with established procedures and security requirements
- Luggage is marked and accurately stored to allow for easy retrieval following the established procedures
- Luggage is placed correctly within the storage system
- Respond to request for concierge services
- Concierge is provided promptly and in accordance with establishment’s security and safety requirements
- Colleagues and other departments are liaised to ensure effective response to concierge service requests.
- Manage intoxicated persons
- Levels of intoxication of customers are determined
- Difficult situations are referred to an appropriate person
- Appropriate procedures are applied to the situation and in accordance with enterprise policy
- Legislative requirements are applied
UNIT CODE : TRS5123110
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to provide cashiering service of a Front Office personnel.
- Prepare guest folio
- Check with other departments of any unposted or late charges. All unposted or late charges are posted in the property’s computerized system.
- Guest folio is printed out and readied to be presented to guest.
- Guest folio is presented to guest for review and approval.
- Collect cash, cash equivalents or noncash transactions
- Cash is accepted and counted in front of the customer.
- Credit cards or Debit cards is processed according to enterprise standards.
- Payment through accepted foreign currency is processed according to property standards.
- Traveler’s check is processed according to property standards.
- Other billing settlement is processed using property standards.
- Process receipts and payments
- Cash, cash equivalents or non cash transactions received from guest is accurately processed according to property standards.
- Receipts are correctly issued and presented to guest.
- Transactions are recorded to guest account in the computerized system. Checked out guest is processed based on property standards.
- Transactions are expediently performed to the satisfaction of guest and according to property standards.
- Reconcile financial transactions at the end of the shift.
- Balancing of cash float are performed in accordance with property standards
- Cash, cash equivalents and non-cash documents are segregated and accurately counted.
- Balance of between computerized system and sum of cash and non-cash transactions is accurately determined, tallied and balanced.
- Transactions are recorded and processed according to property standards.
- Cashier’s account is properly closed based on property standards.
- Source documents are properly filed and stored.
This unit of competency deals with the knowledge, skills required to access, increase and update industry knowledge. It includes seek information on the industry and update industry knowledge.
- Seek information on the industry
- Sources of information on the industry are correctly identified and accessed
- Information to assist effective work performance is obtained in line with job requirements
- Specific information on sector of work is accessed and updated
- Industry information is correctly applied to day-to-day work activities
- Update industry knowledge
- Informal and/or formal research is used to update general knowledge of the industry
- Updated knowledge is shared with customers and colleagues as appropriate and incorporated into day-to-day working activities
- Develop and update local knowledge
- Local knowledge is developed to assist queries on local/national tourism industry
- Local knowledge is updated using informal and/or formal research
- Contact with local communities is maintained
- Promote products and services to customers
- Promotional initiatives are described that may be used to promote products and services
- Selling skills are applied according to customer needs
This unit of competency deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in observing workplace hygiene procedures. It includes following hygiene procedures and identifying and preventing hygiene risks.
- Follow hygiene procedures
- Workplace hygiene procedures are implemented in line with enterprise and legal requirements
- Handling and storage of items are undertaken in line with enterprise and legal requirements
- Identify and prevent hygiene risks
- Potential hygiene risks are identified in line with enterprise procedures
- Action to minimize and remove risks are taken within scope of individual responsibility of enterprise/legal requirements
- Hygiene risks beyond the control of individual staff members are reported to the appropriate person for follow up
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values needed to perform computer operations which includes inputting, accessing, producing and transferring data using the appropriate hardware and software
- Plan and prepare for task to be undertaken
- Requirements of task are determined
- Appropriate hardware and software is selected according to task assigned and required outcome
- Task is planned to ensure OH & S guidelines and procedures are followed
- Input data into computer
- Data are entered into the computer using appropriate program/application in accordance with company procedures
- Accuracy of information is checked and information is saved in accordance with standard operating procedures
- Inputted data are stored in storage media according to requirements
- Work is performed within ergonomic guidelines
- Access information using computer
- Correct program/application is selected based on job requirements
- Program/application containing the information required is accessed according to company procedures
- Desktop icons are correctly selected, opened and closed for navigation purposes
- Keyboard techniques are carried out in line with OH & S requirements for safe use of keyboards
- Produce/output data using computer system
- Entered data are processed using appropriate software commands
- Data are printed out as required using computer hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating procedures
- Files and data are transferred between compatible systems using computer software, hardware/peripheral devices in accordance with standard operating procedures
- Maintain computer equipment and systems
- Systems for cleaning, minor maintenance and replacement of consumables are implemented
- Procedures for ensuring security of data, including regular back-ups and virus checks are implemented in accordance with standard operating procedures
- Basic file maintenance procedures are implemented in line with the standard operating procedures
- Document systems are maintained
This unit of competency deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in following health, safety and security practices. It includes dealing with emergency situations and maintaining safe personal presentation standards.
- Follow workplace procedures for health, safety and security practices
- Correct health, safety and security procedures are followed in line with legislation, regulations and enterprise procedures
- Breaches of health, safety and security procedures are identified and reported in line with enterprise procedure
- Suspicious behavior or unusual occurrence are reported in line with enterprise procedure
- Perform child protection duties relevant to the tourism industry
- Issue of sexual exploitation of children by tourist is identified
- National, regional and international actions are described to prevent the sexual exploitation of children by tourists
- Actions that can be taken in the workplace are described to protect children from sexual exploitation by tourists
- Observe and monitor people
- Areas and people who require observation and monitoring is prepared
- Observation and monitoring activities are implemented
- Apprehension of offenders are determined
- Offenders are arrested according to enterprise procedures
- Administrative responsibilities are fulfilled
- Deal with emergency situations
- Emergency and potential emergency situations are recognized and appropriate action are taken within individual’s scope of responsibility
- Emergency procedures are followed in line with enterprise procedures
- Assistance is sought from colleagues to resolve or respond to emergency situations
- Details of emergency situations are reported in line with enterprise procedures
- Maintain safe personal presentation standards
- Safe personal standards are identified and followed in line with enterprise requirements
- Maintain a safe and secure workplace
- Workplace health, safety and security responsibilities are identified
- Framework to maintain workplace health, safety and security are maintained
- Procedures for identifying and assessing health, safety and security hazards and risks are implemented
- Injuries, illnesses and incidents are investigated
- Organization’s health, safety and security effectiveness are evaluated
This unit of competency deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in providing effective customer service. It includes greeting customer, identifying customer needs, delivering service to customer, handling queries through use of common business tools and technology and handling complaints, evaluation and recommendation.
- Greet customer
- Customers are greeted in line with enterprise procedure
- Verbal and non-verbal communications are appropriate to the given situation
- Non verbal communication are observed when responding to customers
- Sensitivity to cultural and social differences is demonstrated
- Identify needs of customers
- Appropriate interpersonal skills are used to ensure that customer needs are accurately identified
- Customer needs are assessed for urgency so that priority for service delivery can be identified
- Customers are provided with information 2.4 Personal limitation in addressing customer needs is identified and where appropriate, assistance is sought from supervisor
- Deliver service to customer
- Customer needs are promptly attended to in line with enterprise procedure
- Appropriate rapport is maintained with customer to enable high quality service delivery
- Opportunity to enhance the quality of service and products are taken wherever possible
- Handle queries through use of common business tools and technology
- Common business tools and technology are used efficiently to determine customer requirements
- Queries/ information are recorded in line with enterprise procedure
- Queries are acted upon promptly and correctly in line with enterprise procedure
- Handle complaints/conflict situations, evaluation and recommendations
- Guests are greeted with a smile and eye-to-eye contact
- Responsibility for resolving the complaint is taken within limit of responsibility and according to enterprise policy
- Nature and details of complaint are established and agreed with the customer
- Threats to personal safety are identified and managed to personal safety of customers or colleagues and appropriate assistance is organized
- Appropriate action is taken to resolve the complaint to the customers satisfaction wherever possible
- Conflict situations are resolved within scope of individual responsibility by applying effective communication skills and according to enterprise policy
UNIT CODE : 500311105
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.
- Obtain and convey workplace information
- Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources
- Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used together and convey information
- Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas
- Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
- Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed
- Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used
- Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
- Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
- Team meetings are at ended on time
- Own opinions are clear expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption
- Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols
- Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
- Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to.
- Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented
- Complete relevant work related documents
- Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly
- Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents
- Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations
- Errors in recording information on forms/documents are identified and properly acted upon
- Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines
UNIT CODE : 500311106
This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.
- Describe team role and scope
- The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information
- Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources.
- Identify own role and responsibility within team
- Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified.
- Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized.
- Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified.
- Work as a team member
- Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives.
- Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context.
- Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures.
- Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the members.
UNIT CODE : 500311107
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.
- Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals
- Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession
- Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation
- Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties
- Set and meet work priorities
- Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives.
- Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
- Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures
- Maintain professional growth and development
- Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements
- Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement
- Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed
UNIT CODE : 500311108
This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.
- Identify hazards and risks
- Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization procedures
- Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures
- Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures
- Evaluate hazards and risks
- Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV)
- Effects of the hazards are determined
- OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation
- Control hazards and risks
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
followed - Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OHS policies
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices
- Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
- Maintain OHS awareness
- Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and procedures
- OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements
- CONCIERGE – a front office section taking charge of guest inquiries, requests and complaints.
- FRONT OFFICE AGENT – a front office staff in-charge of accepting hotel reservations; registering and checking–out guest; handling guest inquiries, request and complaints and F.O. Cashiering.
- RESERVATION – the process of requesting for room accommodation in advance in a hotel or other commercial establishment.
- ELECTRONIC KEY CARD – a computer generated electronic card used as guest room key.
- BACK-OF-THE-HOUSE – non-guest contact departments such as Accounting/Finance
- PROPERTY STANDARDS – based according to the hotel, hotel school, training institution or similar/related commercial establishment.
how to enroll front office NC II, thank you
Please contact or visit the tesda in your area and ask if they offer this course
hello ask ko lang po if saan po ang nearest location sa place ko po? im residing at Concepcion, Tarlac
AB Advanced Colleges (ABACI) Inc.
Mimin Bldg, Lugay St., Sitio Centro, Matatalaib, Tarlac City, Tarlac
PWU CDCEC Tarlac Inc.
C & S Bldg., Juan Luna St.,Poblacion, Tarlac City, Tarlac
(045)611-4040/ 982-2247/ 09175147763
St. Paul College of Tarlac, Tarlac City, Inc.
V & S Bldg., Cut-cut 1, Tarlac City
045-9829417 (045) 309-0153 09233542324
school within manila that offers Front Office?
Not available in Manila
school near cubao QC
Not available in Cubao
is this available online?
avail poba ito sa quezon city?
Bestlink College of the Philippines, Inc.
No.1071 Quirino Highway, Brgy. Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City
Tel: 417-4355 /417-8816 /930-1565
Hello. Institution offering this near Pasig area.
Millennium Properties and Brokerage Incorporated – Astoria Culinary & Hospitality Institute
No. 22 Gen. Araneta and Lukban Streets, Barangay San Antonio, Pasig City
institutions offering front office services near Mandaluyong po
Canadian Tourism & Hospitality Institute Inc.
2/F Paragon Plaza, EDSA corner Reliance St., Brgy. Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City
8451-1657/ 584-7343
International Training Center and Hospitality Institute Inc.
2nd Floor Elena Roces Building, No. 7 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City
8634-8244 / 09474845312/ 09955968843
Available po ba yung course na to sa bulacan po.
Please inquire below:
Asia-Pacific College of Arts and Management (ASPAC College), Inc.
2nd Floor, WBC Bldg., Mac Arthur Highway, Marilao, Bulacan
09061241180/ 09228755743
Asian Institute of Science and Technology – Central Inc.
Victoria Bldg., Plaza Naning, Baliuag, Bulacan
(044) 766-3040/ 794-6330
Bestlink College of the Philippines – Bulacan Inc.
IPO Road, Minuyan Proper, Area A, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
09486350582/ 09236140245
Early Christian College pf Arts and Technology
R. Mercado St., Macaiban, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
9364755365/ 09172732247
Fernandez College of Arts & Technology Inc.
Gil Carlos St., Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan
(044) 675-2278/ 766-7677
Immaculate Conception I-College of Arts and Technology
No. 47 LS Bldg., Likod Simbahan, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
044-641-3808/ 09157531497
Richwell Colleges Incorporated
Gen. Alejo Santos Road, San Jose, Plaridel, Bulacan
09175431103/ 09206544145/ 09328618812
Richwell Colleges Incorporated
Gen. Alejo Santos Road, San Jose, Plaridel, Bulacan
09175431103/ 09206544145/ 09328618812
Victory Global Technological College, Inc.
1119 Purok 3, San Agustin, Hagonoy, Bulacan
0916-887-9597 / 0922-984-1665
Hi, meron po kaya TESDA Center sa North Caloocan na may ganitong course?
Not available
may available po from office course sa Las Piñas or Parañaque? salaam
Bernardo College
Bernardo College Compound, Pulanglupa I, Las Pinas City
(02) 872-6204 / 873-3330 / 356-0389 / 872-1129
Universal College of Parañaque Inc.
8273 Dr. A Santos Avenue, Sucat Parañaque City
hello po. may available po dito sa batangas or laguna? how much po ang training fee?
Batangas Eastern Colleges
#2 Javier St., Poblacion, San Juan, Batangas
(043) 575 – 3616 loc 119
Phil-Nippon Technical College Inc.
Brgy. Batino, Calamba City, Laguna
(049) 502-8107
Philippine Women’s University Career Development and Continuing Education Center Sta. Cruz Laguna, Inc.
M.H Del Pilar Street, Poblacion 3, Sta. Cruz, Laguna
(049) 501-3987 / 501-3997
available in Laguna?
Please inquire below:
Phil-Nippon Technical College Inc.
Brgy. Batino, Calamba City, Laguna
(049) 502-8107
Philippine Women’s University Career Development and Continuing Education Center Sta. Cruz Laguna, Inc.
M.H Del Pilar Street, Poblacion 3, Sta. Cruz, Laguna
(049) 501-3987 / 501-3997
meron po ba kayo dito sa kalibo,aklan?
Not available in Aklan
available po ba ?
Yes, depende sa location mo kung available sa lugar nyo
Merun po ba kayo sa Oriental Mindoro?
Paradigm College of Science and Technology, Inc.
Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
(043) 289-2827/ (043)289-2877
Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Balete, Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
(043) 287-3012
Southwestern College of Maritime, Business and Technology Inc.
M.L. Quezon Drive, Barangay Calero, Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
(043)288-3038/ 441-6819
St. Mark Arts and Training Institute Inc.
J.P. Rizal St., Camilmil, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro
09397679507/ 09121772785
hello, is this face to face class? here in taguig branch. thank you
This course is not available in Taguig
Can I ask if this course is offered/available within Bulacan? I’m from Bulakan, Bulacan. Thank you!
Not available in Bulakan, Bulacan
I’ve saw one of inquiries here and asked if do you offer this in Bulacan then you replied addresses including in Marilao. I already went in Marilao then they said there’s no tesda offer there and that school address is SHS. Did I misunderstood something? I can go everywhere in Bulacan just to take the course.
You can check below accredited schools in Bulacan:
Asia-Pacific College of Arts and Management (ASPAC College), Inc.
2nd Floor, WBC Bldg., Mac Arthur Highway, Marilao, Bulacan
09061241180/ 09228755743
Asian Institute of Science and Technology – Central Inc.
Victoria Bldg., Plaza Naning, Baliuag, Bulacan
(044) 766-3040/ 794-6330
Bestlink College of the Philippines – Bulacan Inc.
IPO Road, Minuyan Proper, Area A, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
09486350582/ 09236140245
Early Christian College pf Arts and Technology
R. Mercado St., Macaiban, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
9364755365/ 09172732247
Fernandez College of Arts & Technology Inc.
Gil Carlos St., Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan
(044) 675-2278/ 766-7677
Immaculate Conception I-College of Arts and Technology
No. 47 LS Bldg., Likod Simbahan, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
044-641-3808/ 09157531497
OLM Institute and Skills Training Center for Allied Courses Inc.
777 Rizal St., San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan
044-766-6877/ 7663338/ 044-7663341 09258470008
Richwell Colleges Incorporated
Gen. Alejo Santos Road, San Jose, Plaridel, Bulacan
Richwell Colleges Incorporated
Gen. Alejo Santos Road, San Jose, Plaridel, Bulacan
09175431103/ 09206544145/ 09328618812
Victory Global Technological College, Inc.
1119 Purok 3, San Agustin, Hagonoy, Bulacan
0916-887-9597 / 0922-984-1665
Is this course available in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur?
Available only in Bayugan City
saan po sa laoag ilocos norte pwede mag enroll?
Data Center College of the Philippines of Laoag City, Inc.
A.G. Tupaz cor. M.V. Fariñas Sts. Brgy. 8 San Vicente, Laoag City
(077) 770-3975 , 772-0317
Divine Word College of Laoag, Inc.
Gen. Segundo Ave., Bacarra Road, Brgy. 13, Laoag City
Ilocos Norte College of Arts and Trades
Bgy. 5, P. Gomez St., Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
Saan po may tesda around dasma cavite na may fronf office services nc2? Thank you
Not available in Cavite
Around parañaque po pasay or taguig area meron po bang front office services nc2?
Not available in you area
Saan po offered ang Front Office dito sa Lipa City?
Not available in Lipa City
Hi, I have enrolled and completed a Tesda Online program/course on Front office services. I now have two e-certificate of completions (intro to FOS and Providing fos). Am I then eligible to apply and undergo FOS NC II assessment?
Thank you for your response
Mayroon po ba dito sa Bulacan ? may available din po bang free Scholarship ? Salamat po !
Please contact the accredited schools for more info.
Asia-Pacific College of Arts and Management (ASPAC College), Inc.
2nd Floor, WBC Bldg., Mac Arthur Highway, Marilao, Bulacan
09061241180/ 09228755743
Asian Institute of Science and Technology – Central Inc.
Victoria Bldg., Plaza Naning, Baliuag, Bulacan
(044) 766-3040/ 794-6330
Bestlink College of the Philippines – Bulacan Inc.
IPO Road, Minuyan Proper, Area A, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
09486350582/ 09236140245
Early Christian College pf Arts and Technology
R. Mercado St., Macaiban, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
9364755365/ 09172732247
Fernandez College of Arts & Technology Inc.
Gil Carlos St., Poblacion, Baliuag, Bulacan
(044) 675-2278/ 766-7677
Immaculate Conception I-College of Arts and Technology
No. 47 LS Bldg., Likod Simbahan, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan
044-641-3808/ 09157531497
OLM Institute and Skills Training Center for Allied Courses Inc.
777 Rizal St., San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan
044-766-6877/ 7663338/ 044-7663341 09258470008
Richwell Colleges Incorporated
Gen. Alejo Santos Road, San Jose, Plaridel, Bulacan
09175431103/ 09206544145/ 09328618812
Sweet Escape Mobile Bar Training and Assessment Center Inc.
Lot 14, Blk 4, Purok Orchids, Matang Tubig, Baliuag, Bulacan
Victory Global Technological College, Inc.
1119 Purok 3, San Agustin, Hagonoy, Bulacan
0916-887-9597 / 0922-984-1665
Meron po ba dto sa la union?
Not available in La Union
saan po available dito sa manila pati yung barista short course?
Barista only, Front office is not available in Manila
7-Star Educational Academy, Inc.
Unit 502 5th Floor FERN Bldg. 827 P. Paredes St. Sampaloc Manila
Honorio M.C. Lopez Techncal Institute, Inc.
Tayuman Street, Tondo, Manila
Power Link Center for Advanced Technical Skills Development, Inc.
2F Marbella II Bldg. 2071 Roxas Blvd., Malate, Manila
331-3180 / 331-3177 / 742-3400
Power Link Center for Advanced Technical Skills Development, Inc.
2F Marbella II Bldg. 2071 Roxas Blvd., Malate, Manila
331-3180 / 331-3177 / 742-3400
RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila
Renaissance Training Center, Inc.
637 Citadel Building, Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila
St. Matthew of Blumentritt Institute of Technology (SMBIT), INC.
No. 2449 Rizal Ave. corner Cavite St., Sta. Cruz, Manila
482-5583/ 09391413705/ 09323628568
Sa makati po ba? May available po? Barista or front office?
Carenet Healthcare Institute Inc.
4/F Piedra Bldg. 1174 Chino Roces Ave., San Antonio Village, Makati City
(02) 890-4547
Carenet Healthcare Institute, Inc.
1174 4/F Piedra Building Chino Roces Avenue, Brgy. San Antonio, Makati City
Carenet Healthcare Institute, Inc.
1174 4/F Piedra Building Chino Roces Avenue, Brgy. San Antonio, Makati City
No. 1587 Paradiso Centre, Copernico Street, Brgy. San Isidro Makati City
G2 International Tourism School Inc.
6/F ACT Tower 135 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Salcedo Village, Makati City
8921881 / 09773090441 / 09473496505
Meron po ba dito sa quezon city
Bestlink College of the Philippines, Inc.
No.1071 Quirino Highway, Brgy. Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City
Tel: 417-4355 /417-8816 /930-1565
Electron College of Technical Education Corporation
No. 664 Electron Bldg., Quirino Highway, Bagbag, Novaliches, Quezon City
418-2232 / 352-0081 / 703-0878
Metro Manila College, Inc.
MMC University Site, Brgy., Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City
939-1162 418-0084
Which school offer this is Davao City?
Agro-Industrial Foundation Colleges of the Philippines, Inc.
Bolton Riverside, Ecoland, Matina, Davao City
(082) 285-0315/301-0041
Assumption Polytechnic College of Southern Mindanao, Incorporated
Cabaguio Avenue, Davao City
Davao Central College, Inc.
Juan dela Cruz , Toril, Davao City
(082) 291-1882
Elegant Tech. Training Center, Inc.
Room 302, 3rd Floor GCL Bldg., Quirino Avenue, Davao City
082 305-7946
Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc.
Purok Saguittarius, Lasang, Davao City
082 236-0452; (082) 236-0554
Grand Achievers Training Institute, Inc.
#156 F. Don Iñigo St., Davao City
(082) 3024127/09473492577
Holy Cross College of Sasa, Inc.
Sasa, Davao City
International School of Technology, Arts, and Culinary of Davao City
Cor. A. Loyola St., and JP Laurel Ave.,
09226086280/ 09089599230
Joji Ilagan Career Center Foundation, Inc.
Gov. Chavez St., Davao City
(082) 226-3783 / 221-0315
Philippine College of Technology , Inc.
Garden Park Village, DMSF Drive, Bajada, Davao City
(082) 221-0381/222-4808
Philippine College of Technology, Inc.
Garden Park Village,DMSF Drive, Bajada, Davao City
(082) 221-0381 / 222-4808
Regional Training Center-Davao/Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center
Buhisan, Tibungco, Davao City
(082) 238-0008
Saint Albans College of Technology, Inc.
120 2F Lim Bldg., CM Recto St., Davao City
(082) 305-4496
Samson Polytechnic College of Davao, Inc.
Cor. Ramon Magsaysay and Chavez St., Davao City
(082) 227-2392/ 300-1943
The High Achievers Institute of Asia, Inc.
Block 1, Lot 1, Anahaw Village, Maa, Davao City
(082) 224-2095
The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.
Lopez Jaena Street, Marlon Heights, Davao City
(082) 300-7173
University of Mindanao – Matina
Matina, Davao City
(082) 297-70-24
University of the Immaculate Conception (Davao City), Inc.
Father Selga St., Davao City
(082) 221-80-90; (082) 221-81-81
meron po ba dito sa makati city or manila?
G2 International Tourism School Inc.
6/F ACT Tower 135 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Salcedo Village, Makati City
8921881 / 09773090441 / 09473496505
Hotel Management Institute of the Phils. Inc.
2nd Floor Cartimar Bldg., Claro M. Recto Avenue, Brgy Quiapo, Manila
is there any tesda school that offer front office and barista here in manila or in makati city?
Carenet Healthcare Institute Inc.
4/F Piedra Bldg. 1174 Chino Roces Ave., San Antonio Village, Makati City
(02) 890-4547
No. 1587 Paradiso Centre, Copernico Street, Brgy. San Isidro Makati City
729-2802/ 887-3464
7-Star Educational Academy, Inc.
Unit 502 5th Floor FERN Bldg. 827 P. Paredes St. Sampaloc Manila
Honorio M.C. Lopez Techncal Institute, Inc.
Tayuman Street, Tondo, Manila
Power Link Center for Advanced Technical Skills Development, Inc.
2F Marbella II Bldg. 2071 Roxas Blvd., Malate, Manila
331-3180 / 331-3177 / 742-3400
Power Link Center for Advanced Technical Skills Development, Inc.
2F Marbella II Bldg. 2071 Roxas Blvd., Malate, Manila
331-3180 / 331-3177 / 742-3400
RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila
Renaissance Training Center, Inc.
637 Citadel Building, Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila
St. Matthew of Blumentritt Institute of Technology (SMBIT), INC.
No. 2449 Rizal Ave. corner Cavite St., Sta. Cruz, Manila
482-5583/ 09391413705/ 09323628568
are their any cour
se for barista as well in makati?
Carenet Healthcare Institute, Inc.
1174 4/F Piedra Building Chino Roces Avenue, Brgy. San Antonio, Makati City
No. 1587 Paradiso Centre, Copernico Street, Brgy. San Isidro Makati City
729-2802/ 887-3464
Is this available in quezon province? front desk nc II, online?
Quezon National Agricultural School
Brgy. Silangang Malicboy, Pagbilao, Quezon
(042) 716-0500
San po meron front office services in Makati, Taguig, and Pasig?
G2 International Tourism School Inc.
6/F ACT Tower 135 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Salcedo Village, Makati City
8921881 / 09773090441 / 09473496505
Millennium Properties and Brokerage Incorporated – Astoria Culinary & Hospitality Institute
No. 22 Gen. Araneta and Lukban Streets, Barangay San Antonio, Pasig City
San po ako pwede makapag.enroll as front office service nc11 sa cebu city?
School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor, Leadership, and Service Inc.
Skills Campus, General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City
(032) – 234-6102, 254-8163
University of Cebu – Lapulapu and Mandaue Inc.
A.C. Cortes Ave., Looc, Mandaue City
(032) 345-6666/ 344-0330 / 346-7462
University of Cebu, Inc. – Main
Sanciangco St., Cor. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
(032) 255-7777/253-0729
Hello po tanong lang. Kahit ba tesda graduate lang, pwede ba Maka work sa office work? Not graduate in college po.
Kelangan mo muna ng experience
Hello po good day. Tanong ko lang po meron po bang nagooffer ng front office nc2 dito po sa taguig?
Not available in Taguig
meron po ba kayong training center para sa front office na marerecommend nyo po sakin? sa makati, pasay, paranaque, mandaluyong, at las pinas.
G2 International Tourism School Inc.
6/F ACT Tower 135 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Salcedo Village, Makati City
8921881 / 09773090441 / 09473496505
Universal College of Parañaque Inc.
8273 Dr. A Santos Avenue, Sucat Parañaque City
Canadian Tourism and Hospitality Institute, Inc.
2/F Paragon Plaza, EDSA corner Reliance St., Brgy. Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City
451-1657/ 451-1642
International Training Center and Hospitality Institute, Inc.
Unit 02, 2/F Elena Roces Building No. 7 Pioneer St., Mandaluyong City
634-8244/ 631-8101 loc 7364
Bernardo College
Bernardo College Compound, Pulanglupa I, Las Pinas City
(02) 872-6204 / 873-3330 / 356-0389 / 872-1129
Free din po ba ito? Thanks
Para sa available TESDA course at scholarship program sa inyong lugar, makipag-ugnayan lamang po sila sa TESDA office sa inyo.
Pwede rin po kayong magregister online sa https://bsrs.tesda.gov.ph/ para makapag-apply sa mga TESDA scholarship programs.
Magtungo din sa link na ito: https://www.e-tesda.gov.ph/ para makapag-aral ng mga libreng course online.
Hello meron po kayong upcoming training?
Please contact or visit the training center for more info
Ma’am/Sir meron po bang front office services sa batangas or lipa?
Batangas Eastern Colleges, Inc.
Trainer: Annie Gay B. Espino
#2 Javier St., Poblacion, San Juan, Batangas
(043) 575-3616
Good afternoon ma’am/sir pwede pa po ba mag enroll sa front office reservation? Talisayan Zamboanga city lang po ako
TESDA accredited schools that offer Front Office Services NC II in Zamboanga City
Asia’s Latin Institute, Inc.
3rd Flr. Murga Bldg. Cor. Sevilla & Lorenzo Sts., Zamboanga City
(062) 993-2533
Chinitos Food Service, Inc.
57 Emerald St., Johnston Subd, San Jose Cawa-cawa, Zamboanga City
Exelient International Training Institute, Inc.
3/F Macrohon Bldg, Celso Fernandez Road, Baliwasan Chico, Zamboanga City
Nuevo Zamboanga College, Inc.
C/O Lantaka Hotel by the Sea, Valderosa St., Zamboanga City
WIME Training Institute and Assessment Center,Inc.
159 Melad Bldg, Mayor Jaldon St, Zamboanga City
(062)310-0841/ CP No.09173159301
Winzelle International College, Inc.
Tomas Claudio St., Zamboanga City
hello po good afternoon, ask ko lang po sana kung kelan po enrollment sa SICAT balak ko po sana kumuha ng Front office service NC2, thanks
Good Evening po, Can I have assessment of front officer ? what are requirements and schedule?
Please in quire to the TESDA in your area
Good day, Maam Sir:
Is this course available to enroll in fisheries olingan, dipolog city?
Dipolog School of Fisheries
Olingan, Dipolog City
(065) 212-5237/212-7248
Saint Vincent’s College, Inc.
Padre Ramon, Estaka, Dipolog City
065 212-2691
Good day! May I ask if this course is offered within the premises of Butuan City, CARAGA? And if there are schedules available on weekends and/or night classes that would comply the 55-day competency? Many thanks!
Butuan Doctor’s Hospital and College, Inc.
– Front Office Services NC II
J.C. Aquino Avenue, Butuan City
(085) 342-8572/ 225-3616
Where exactly the office in naic?
This course is not available in Naic
Hi Where can I find exactly your office Here in Naga? Any landmarks?
This course is not available in Naga
Good day ma’am/sir, I want to enrol in this course Front Office Services NC II. When will be the enrolment and what are the requirements? Hoping for your response. Thank you!
Para sa available TESDA courses at scholarship program sa inyong lugar, pwede po kayong tumawag sa TESDA office sa inyo.
Pwede rin po kayong magregister online sa https://t2mis.tesda.gov.ph/Barangay para makapag-apply sa mga TESDA scholarship programs.
Magtungo din sa link na ito: https://www.e-tesda.gov.ph/ para makapag-aral ng mga libreng course online. Thank you!
Hi po meron po ba ng ganitong course sa Capiz po mag a apply po Sana ako
Dumalag Vocational – Technical School
Front Office Services NC II
Trainer: Neddie T. Arungayan
Poblacion, Dumalag, Capiz
(036) 6580279/ 09172712480
Good day! Maam/ Sir, I want to enroll in this course, Front Office Service. How can I inquire in this course and what are the requirements needed to enroll in this course.
Thank you for your response.
Magandang Araw po, nais ko po sanang mag enroll para po sa Front Office Desk paano po ba ako mag enroll at ano po ba ang mga requirements? Salamat po
Charise Galvez
Hello po . Ano po need na requirements okay lng po ba hs. Grad di nako nag k12 kse di nmn ako inabutan ng k12 nung nag aral papo ko ng stop kase ko 8yrs ago continues ko lang po ngyon
For more info, please inquire to the nearest tesda accredited training center in your area
Good day ask lang po regarding sa front office services how much po ang fee salamat
Para sa available TESDA courses at scholarship program sa inyong lugar, pwede po kayong tumawag sa TESDA office sa inyo.
Pwede rin po kayong magregister online sa https://t2mis.tesda.gov.ph/Barangay para makapag-apply sa mga TESDA scholarship programs.
Magtungo din sa link na ito: https://www.e-tesda.gov.ph/ para makapag-aral ng mga libreng course online. Thank you!
Hi looking for Front Office Service Nc II, Travel Service Nc II and Bookkeeping Nc II po around Pasay,Makati or Taguig po.
AMA Computer Learning Center of Guadalupe Makati City
2nd Floor Guadalupe Commercial Cmplex, EDSA, Guadalupe Makati City
Entrepreneurs Accounting Academy, Inc.
1006 Rufino Plaza, 6784 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
09178659935 / 09177005902
Fine International Training Center, Inc.
518 Narra St., Cembo, Makati City
750-0626 / 391-1042 / 383-8766
City University of Pasay
Pasadeña St., Pasay City
Silverpoint Training Institute of Industrial Security, Inc.
Unit 401 4th Floor, El Feren’s Bldg., No. 2063-2067 F.B. Harrison St., cor. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Pasay City
02-824-101-36 / 09183466180 / 09054541728
Asia Source College of Arts and Technology, Inc.
4/F Gate 3 Plaza, Lawton Avenue cor. Juliano Ave., AFPOVAI Phase III, Western Bicutan, Taguig City
HSL-Braille College, Inc.
26 C. Durian Extension, Pag-asa Avenue, Katuparan, Taguig City
828-35689 / 09988419695
Information Hub Inc.
L11 B13 EP Village Phase 2, Western Bicutan, Taguig City
TESDA Women’s Center
Gate 1, TESDA Complex, Bldg. 2, East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway, Taguig City