Agricultural Crops Production NC I TESDA Course


Agricultural Crops Production National Certificate I (TESDA Course)

The TESDA Course in Agricultural Crops Production NC I consists of competencies that a person must achieve in the production of crops such as rice, vegetables, fruits and nuts as well as many others.

Workers operating at this level and using these competencies would be working without previous experience in this industry sector. They would be undertaking a small range of skills and they would be under constant supervision or working alongside a more competent worker with some supervisory skills. They would be undertaking basic crop husbandry and work orientation skills.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agriculture and Fishery, Processed Food and Beverages Sector

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

  • Farm Laborer


Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements.

  1. Able to read and write;
  2. With good moral character;
  3. Ability to communicate, both oral and written
  4. Physically fit and mentally healthy as certified by a Public Health Officer


Level: NC I
Nominal Training Duration : 302 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable skills and attitudes of Agricultural Crops Production NC l in accordance with industry standards. It covers Basic, Common and Core Competencies.


This units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

AGR611306 Support horticultural crop work
AGR611307 Support nursery work
AGR611308 Support agronomic crop work
AGR611309 Support irrigation work
AGR321201 Apply safety measures in farm operations
AGR321202 Use farm tools and equipment
AGR321203 Perform estimation and calculations
AGR321204 Apply basic first aid
500311101 Receive and respond to workplace communication
500311102 Work with others
500311103 Demonstrate work values
500311104 Practice basic housekeeping procedures


Core Competency units comprising this qualification of AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC I

SUPPORT HORTICULTURAL WORK (AGR611306) – This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to support horticultural production under supervision. It requires the ability to prepare materials, tools and equipment for horticultural production work, undertake routine production assistance work, handle materials and equipment, and clean up on completion of work. Supporting horticultural production work requires knowledge of safe work practices relating to basic crop handling techniques including planting, maintaining, picking and packing, loading and unloading, and using associated farm tools and equipment.

  1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for horticultural production work
    • The required materials, tools and equipment are identified according to lists provided and/or supervisor’s instructions.
    • Checks are conducted on all materials, tools and equipment with insufficient or faulty items reported to the supervisor.
    • Techniques used when loading and unloading materials demonstrate correct manual handling and minimise damage to the load and the vehicle.
    • Suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) is selected and checked prior to use.
    • Work support is provided according to OHS requirements and according to workplace information.
    • OHS hazards are identified and reported to the supervisor.
  2. Undertake horticultural production work as directed
    • Instructions and directions provided by supervisor are followed and clarification sought when necessary.
    • Work is undertaken in a safe and environmentally appropriate manner according to enterprise guidelines.
    • Interactions with other staff and customers is carried out in a positive and professional manner.
    • Enterprise policy and procedures in relation to workplace practices, handling and disposal of materials is observed.
    • Problems or difficulties in completing work to required standards or timelines are reported to supervisor.
  3. Handle materials and equipment
    • Waste material produced during work is stored in a designated area according to supervisor’s instructions.
    • Materials, equipment and machinery are handled and transported according to supervisor’s instructions and enterprise guidelines.
    • A clean and safe work site is maintained while working.
  4. Clean up on completion of work
    • Materials are returned to store or disposed of according to supervisor’s instructions.
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned, maintained and stored according to manufacturers specifications and supervisors instructions.
    • Work outcomes are reported to the supervisor.

SUPPORT NURSERY WORK (AGR611307) – This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to carry out work in wholesale or retail nurseries while under supervision. It requires the ability to prepare materials, tools and equipment for nursery work, undertake nursery work activities, store and stockpile materials, and clean up on completion of work. Supporting nursery work requires knowledge of safe work practices, nursery hygiene and quality control, nursery plant maintenance activities, basic stock control procedures, and propagation techniques.

  1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for nursery work
    • The required materials, tools and equipment are identified according to lists provided and/or supervisor’s instructions.
    • Checks are conducted on all materials, tools and equipment, with insufficient or faulty items reported to the supervisor.
    • Techniques used when loading and unloading materials demonstrate correct manual handling, and minimise damage to the load and the vehicle.
    • Suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) is selected and checked prior to use.
    • Nursery support is provided according to OHS requirements and workplace information.
    • OHS hazards are identified and reported to the supervisor.
  2. Undertake nursery work as directed
    • Instructions and directions provided by supervisor are followed, and clarification sought when necessary.
    • Nursery work is undertaken in a safe and environmentally appropriate manner according to nursery guidelines.
    • Interactions with other staff and customers is carried out in a positive and professional manner.
    • Nursery policy, procedures and OHS requirements in relation to workplace hygiene practices, handling and disposal of materials is observed.
    • Problems or difficulties in completing work to required standards or timelines are reported to supervisor.
  3. Store and stockpile materials
    • Plant debris and waste material produced during nursery activities are stored according to supervisors instructions.
    • Plant debris and waste materials are prepared and processed in an appropriate and safe manner according to supervisor’s instructions.
    • Surplus materials are stockpiled for removal according to supervisor’s instructions.
    • A clean and safe work site is maintained while completing nursery activities.
  4. Clean up on completion of nursery work
    • Plants and materials are stored according to supervisor’s instructions and OHS requirements.
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned, maintained and stored according to manufacturers specifications and supervisors instructions.
    • Work outcomes are reported to the supervisor.

SUPPORT AGRONOMIC CROP WORK (AGR611308) – This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to support agronomic cropping work under supervision. It requires the ability to prepare materials; tools and equipment for cropping work, undertake cropping activities, handle materials and equipment, and clean up on completion of work. Supporting agronomic cropping work requires knowledge of safe work practices, cropping practices and related tools and equipment.

  1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for agronomic crop work
    • The required materials, tools and equipment are identified according to lists provided and/or supervisor’s instructions.
    • Checks are conducted on all materials, tools and equipment with insufficient or faulty items reported to the supervisor.
    • Techniques used when loading and unloading materials demonstrate correct manual handling and minimise damage to the load and the vehicle.
    • Suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) is selected and checked prior to use.
    • Cropping support is provided according to OHS requirements and according to workplace information.
    • OHS hazards are identified and reported to the supervisor.
  2. Undertake agronomic crop work as directed
    • Instructions and directions provided by supervisor are followed and clarification sought when necessary.
    • Cropping work is undertaken in a safe and environmentally appropriate manner according to enterprise guidelines.
    • Interactions with other staff and customers are carried out in a positive and professional manner.
    • Enterprise policy and procedures in relation to workplace practices, handling and disposal of materials is observed.
    • Problems or difficulties in completing work to required standards or timelines are reported to supervisor.
  3. Handle materials and equipment
    • Waste material produced during cropping work is stored in a designated area according to supervisor’s instructions.
    • Materials, equipment and machinery are handled and transported according to supervisor’s instructions and enterprise guidelines.
    • A clean and safe work site is maintained while completing cropping activities.
  4. Clean up on completion of cropping work
    • Materials are returned to store or disposed of according to supervisor’s instructions.
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned, maintained and stored according to manufacturers specifications and supervisors instructions.
    • Work outcomes are reported to the supervisor.

SUPPORT IRRIGATION WORK (AGR611309) – This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to support the installation, operation and maintenance of watering and drainage systems under direct supervision. It requires the ability to prepare materials, tools and equipment for irrigation work, undertake irrigation activities, handle materials and equipment, and clean up on completion of work. Supporting irrigation work requires knowledge of safe work practices, irrigation work techniques, irrigation tools and equipment, and repair and maintenance of irrigation components and systems.

  1. Prepare materials, tools and equipment for irrigation work
    • The required materials, tools and equipment are identified according to lists provided and/or supervisor’s instructions.
    • Checks are conducted on all materials, tools and equipment with insufficient or faulty items reported to the supervisor.
    • Techniques used when loading and unloading materials demonstrate correct manual handling and minimise damage to the load and the vehicle.
    • Suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) is selected and checked prior to use.
    • Irrigation support is provided according to OHS requirements and according to workplace information.
    • OHS hazards are identified and reported to the supervisor.
  2. Undertake irrigation work as directed
    • Instructions and directions provided by supervisor are followed, and clarification sought when necessary.
    • Irrigation work is undertaken in a safe and environmentally appropriate manner according to enterprise guidelines.
    • Interactions with other staff and customers is carried out in a positive and professional manner.
    • Enterprise policy and procedures in relation to workplace practices, handling and disposal of materials is observed.
    • Problems or difficulties in completing work to required standards or timelines are reported to supervisor.
  3. Handle materials and equipment
    • Waste material and debris produced during irrigation work is stored in a designated area according to supervisor’s instructions.
    • Materials, equipment and machinery are handled and transported according to supervisor’s instructions and enterprise guidelines.
    • A clean and safe work site is maintained while undertaking irrigation activities.
  4. Clean up on completion of irrigation activities
    • Materials are returned to store or disposed of according to supervisor’s instructions.
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned, maintained and stored according to manufacturers specifications and supervisor’s instructions.
    • Site is made good according to supervisor’s instructions and good environmental practices.
    • Work outcomes are reported to the supervisor.


Common competency units comprising this qualification for AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC I

Apply safety measures in farm operations (AGR321201) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing safety measures.

  1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures
  2. Apply appropriate safety measures
  3. Safekeep and maintain materials, tools and equipment.
  4. Dispose waste materials and outfit

Use farm tools and equipment (AGR321202) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use farm tools and equipment. It includes selection, operation and preventive maintenance of farm tools and equipment.

  1. Prepare and use farm tools
  2. Prepare and operate farm equipment
  3. Observe safety precautions in handling farm tools and equipment.
  4. Carry out routine maintenance and storage of tools and equipment

Perform estimation and calculations (AGR321203) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform basic workplace calculations.

  1. Perform estimation activities
  2. Perform basic workplace calculation
  3. Apply corrective measures as necessary

Apply basic first aid (AGR321204) – This unit of competency deals with the provision of essential First Aid in recognizing and responding to an emergency using basic life support measures. The First Aider is not expected to deal with complex casualties or incidents, but to provide an initial response where First Aid is required. In this unit it is assumed the First Aider is working under supervision and/or according to established workplace First Aid procedures and policies.

  1. Assess casualty’s condition
  2. Safe handling of casualty
  3. Apply basic first aid techniques
  4. Monitor casualty
  5. Record and report casualty’s condition
  6. Communicate details of the incident
  7. Prepare report of work outcomes


Basic competency units comprising this qualification of AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC I

RECEIVE AND RESPOND TO WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION (500311101) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to receive, respond and act on verbal and written communication.

  1. Follow routinary speaking & message
    • Required information is gathered by listening attentively and correctly interpreting or understanding information/instructions
    • Instructions/information are properly recorded
    • Instructions are acted upon immediately in accordance with information received
    • Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions when any instruction/information is not clear
  2. Perform work duties following written notices.
    • Written notices and instructions are read and interpreted correctly in accordance with organizational guidelines
    • Routine written instruction are followed in sequence
    • Feedback is given to workplace supervisor based on the instructions/information received

WORK WITH OTHERS (500311102) – This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to develop workplace relationship and contribute in workplace activities.

  1. Develop effective workplace relationship.
    • Duties and responsibilities are done in a positive manner to promote cooperation and good relationship
    • Assistance is sought from workgroup when difficulties arise and addressed through discussions
    • Feedback provided by others in the team is encouraged, acknowledged and acted upon
    • Differences in personal values and beliefs are respected and acknowledged in the development
  2. Contribute to work group activities.
    • Support is provided to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met
    • Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks are made according to organizational requirements
    • Information relevant to work is shared with team members to ensure designated goals are met

DEMONSTRATE WORK VALUES (500311103) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude in demonstrating proper work values.

  1. Define the purpose of work
    • One’s unique sense of purpose for working and the why’s of work are identified, reflected on and clearly defined for one’s development as a person and as a member of society.
    • Personal mission is in harmony with company’s values
  2. Apply work values/ethics
    • Work values/ethics/concepts are classified and reaffirmed in accordance with the transparent company ethical standards, policies and guidelines.
    • Work practices are undertaken in compliance with industry work ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines
    • Personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients are conducted in accordance with ethical standards, policy and guidelines.
    • Company resources are used in accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
  3. Deal with ethical problems
    • Company ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines on the prevention and reporting of unethical conduct are accessed and applied in accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
    • Work incidents/situations are reported and/or resolved in accordance with company protocol/guidelines.
    • Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified are used as learning opportunities.
  4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
    • Personal work practices and values are demonstrated consistently with acceptable ethical conduct and company’s core values.
    • Instructions to co-workers are provided based on ethical, lawful and reasonable directives.
    • Company values/practices are shared with coworkers using appropriate behavior and language.

PRACTICE BASIC HOUSEKEEPING PROCEDURES (500311104) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply the basic housekeeping procedures.

  1. Sort and remove unnecessary items
    • Reusable, recyclable materials are sorted in accordance with company/office procedures
    • Unnecessary items are removed and disposed of in accordance with company or office procedures
  2. Arrange items
    • Items are arranged in accordance with company/office housekeeping procedures
    • Work area is arranged according to job requirements
    • Activities are prioritized based on instructions.
    • Items are provided with clear and visible identification marks based on procedure
    • Safety equipment and evacuation passages are kept clear and accessible based on instructions
  3. Maintain work areas, tools and equipment
    • Cleanliness and orderliness of work area is maintained in accordance with company/office procedures
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions/manual
    • Minor repairs are performed on tools and equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction/manual
    • Defective tools and equipment are reported to immediate supervisor
  4. Follow standardize work process and procedures
    • Materials for common use are maintained in designated area based on procedures
    • Work is performed according to standard work procedures
    • Abnormal incidents are reported to immediate supervisor
  5. Perform work spontaneously
    • Work is performed as per instruction
    • Company and office decorum are followed and complied with
    • Work is performed in accordance with occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements


Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of Agricultural Crops Production NC I

Bolos Booth / temporary shed Agri bags, plastic
Broomstick Cart (Kariton & paragus) Bamboo stick
Calculator Comb-tooth harrow Basket
Container Computer Bond paper
Cutting tools Crates Catching nets
Digging tools Drying oven Clips
Drying meter Farm/ field Coconut dust
Dulos Greenhouse / nursery Compost
Fruit crate Harvesting equipment Fertilizers
Harvesting tools Irrigation system (sprinkler, mist/drip irrigation) First aide supplies/medicine
Hat Mower (grass cutter) Flower inducer
Knapsack sprayer Over head projector (OHP) Fungicides
Knife Portable chain saw Gloves
Light hoe Post-Harvest treatment equipment Growing media (garden soil, sewed sand, compost, soil, manure and sawdust/rice
Moisture meter Power sprayer Killing bottles
Petri-dish Rotavator
pH meter Service vehicle Marking pens
Pick mattock Sorting equipment Masks
Picking knife Spike tooth harrow Mulching material
Plumbing tools Surface irrigation system Packaging materials, assorted
Post-Harvest treatment tools Tractor / Carabao Pail
Protective coat Typewriter Paper/bond
Protective gadgets
Pruning sheers TRAINING MATERIALS Pens
Rake Brochures Pesticides / Insecticides
Scissors Instructional supplies & materials Pieces of cloth
Seed bed Visual aids Plastic bag
Seedling tray Reference materials/Books (Kinds of Tropical Fruits) Plumbing supplies
Shovel Reference manuals (first aide kit with reference manual) Pots
Sprinklers Data (Data on result of soil analysis) Propagating media (garden soil, sawdust, sand, composed, coconut coir)
Step ladder Procedural manuals Rice hull
Storage tools/cabinet Soil samples analysis Rope, (small, med. Large)
Transplanting tools Rubber band
Trowel Rubber boots


For the purpose of this standard, the word:

  • Aflatoxin – the toxin produced by some strains of the fungi ASPERGILUS FLAVUS and ASPERGILUS PARASTICUS; the most potent carcinogen yet discovered.
  • Ambient condition – ordinary room temperature and relative humidity.
  • Ambient air – the surrounding air (atmospheric).
  • Ambient storage – any treatment or practice extending post harvest life of harvested commodity beyond that of similar commodity held under ambient conditions without treatment.
  • Airflow rate – the amount of air passing through an obstruction per unit of time.
  • ACIAR – Australian Center for International Agricultural Research
  • AFHB – ASEAN Food Handling Bureau
  • BPRE – Bureau of Post harvest Research & Extension
  • Curing – process of toughening and self-healing of bruises and skinned areas in root and tubes crops or the rapid closing of the neck of bulb crops under favourable conditions
  • Driller – a machine for sowing in furrows
  • Drip Irrigation – application of water through small tubes and orifices or emitters which discharge small quantity of water to the base of the plant
  • Dry-bulb temperature – the temperature of air indicated by a standard temperature
  • Equilibrium moisture content – the moisture content at which moisture in a product is in equilibrium with the surrounding air. The product does not gain or loss moisture.
  • Fogging – to cover or envelope with fog
  • Foliar Fertilizer – fertilizer formulation containing nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium plus selected micronutrient element such as (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cl, B, Cu, S) applied by spraying on the leaves
  • Fumigant – a chemical compound which acts in the gaseous state to destroy insects and their larvae.
  • Fumigation – the process of treating stored products with insecticides/pesticides and the like in fumes or vapor form.
  • Furrow Irrigation – a method of supplying water through a canal system wherein water flows down or across the slope of the field
  • Furrowing – final step in land preparation by making furrows or beds for planting
  • GATT – General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
  • Grading – the process of classifying into groups according to a set of recognized criteria of quality and size, each group bearing an accepted name and size grouping.
  • Growing Medium – mixture of different materials such as soil, sand, compost, coir dust, rice hull, perlite, peat, etc. for growing seedlings
  • HACCP – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
  • Hardening – the process of gradually withholding water and exposing to direct sunlight to prevent seedlings from transplanting stress/shock
  • Harrowing – breaking of large soil clods that are caused by plowing
  • Hilling-Up – the process of covering the applied fertilizer material by raising the soil towards the base of the plant to further stabilize its stand for better plant growth.
  • Hygrometer – an instrument that measures humidity.
  • Insect pest – a destructive or harmful insect.
  • Irrigation – any method of supplying water to sustain plant growth
  • Off-Baring – process of cultivating the soil away from the base of the plants
  • Pricking-Off – methods of transferring of seedling to avoid overcrowding
  • Larvae – the first stage of the life cycle of insects after leaving the egg.
  • Manometer – an instrument that measures air pressure.
  • Maturity – the quality or state of ripeness, or of being fully developed grain.
  • Maturity index – signs or indications that a commodity is mature and is ready to be harvested.
  • Moisture content – the conventional index used to determine whether the seed is dry enough for safe storage or for milling usually expressed in percent (%M.C.).
  • Molds – superficial often woolly growth produced on various forms of organic matter, especially when damp or decaying.
  • NFA – National Food Authority
  • Packaging – technology or process to ensure adequate protection and safe delivery of a product from the produces to the ultimate consumer.
  • Packing – act of putting commodities in a container.
  • Packinghouse – place where the preparatory steps for storage or marketing are done.
  • Pallet – low portable platform made of wood or metal or in combination to facilitate handling, storage or transport of materials as a unit load using forklift.
  • Perishables – food crops for which value and/or quality is maintained over a short period of time after harvest. These include fruits, vegetables, flowers, young coconut, nursery stocks and some staple root crops such as sweet potato, cassava and yam.
  • Postharvest disease – disease observed after harvest regardless of when or where initial infestation took place.
  • Post harvest handling – specific term used for the movement of commodities and operations through which a commodity undergoes from harvest to possession of the fixed consumer, includes the technological aspects of marketing and distribution.
  • Post harvest infection – infection that takes place after harvest.
  • Post harvest life – period of time during which a commodity is still acceptable for its intended purpose.
  • Pre cooling – strictly, it means the rapid cooling (48 hours or less) of a commodity to a desired transit or storage temperature soon after harvest before it is stored or moved in transit.
  • Pupa – an intermediate stage of an insect that preys on one or more plants and animals that man wishes to preserve for his own use.
  • Refrigeration – process of removing heat from a compartment or substance so that temperature is lowered and then maintained at a desirable level, usually refers to refrigeration by mechanical means.
  • Relative humidity – the actual vapor pressure of the air relative to saturation.
  • Respiration – biological process by which organic materials are broken down to simpler forms accompanied by the release of energy and heat.
  • Ripening – the state of development of a fruit when it becomes soft and edible applies strictly to climacteric type fruit.
  • Rodents – refer to rats and mice which destroy grains and other stored products.
  • Senescence – final phase in the life of an organ in which a series of normally irreversible events are initiated leading to cellular breakdown or death of the organ.
  • Side-Dress Fertilizer – additional amount of any fertilizer materials applied at the onset of flowering to complete the nutritional requirement of the crop
  • Sprinkler Irrigation – a mechanical method of supplying water over the standing crop by means of a nozzle which is rotated by water pressure
  • Synthetic Mulch – mulching materials made either of polyethylene or non-woven fabric
  • Sorting – the process of classifying into groups designated by the person classifying crops or commodities the produce either according to a set criteria.
  • Standard – the set of criteria and specifications of quality determining the grades, described as product characteristics such as maturity, color, cleanliness, shape, free from decay and blemishes and uniformity of size.
  • Storage – process of keeping horticultural crops in a structure designed to protect the stored products from inclement weather and pests for a short or long period of time to await processing or movement to other location.
  • Storage life – the longest time produce can be kept in a sound marketable condition.
  • Tachometer – an instrument that measures revolutions per minute
  • Tillage – the mechanical manipulation of the soil
  • Transplants – vegetable seedlings produced for transplanting
  • Trellis – a support structure for vinyl crops and can either be T, I, Y, A shaped
  • Velometer – an instrument that measures velocity of air flow
  • Waxing – application of a thin film of surface coating to fruits and vegetables.
  • Wet-bulb temperature – temperature of moist air indicated by a thermometer whose bulb is covered with a moist wick which the air flow passing over has a velocity of 15 ft per second.

List of Schools that offer TESDA Courses for Agricultural Crops Production

Below are the list of TESDA schools that offer courses for AGRICULTURAL CROPS PRODUCTION NC I


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