The Sugarcane Production NC II consists of competencies that a person must have in order to establish sugarcane nursery, plant sugarcane, care and maintain sugarcane and ratoon crops and carry-out harvest and post- harvest operations. The individual has competencies in handling manual farming and sourcing of mechanized farming services for sugarcane farm area of ten (10) hectares and below.
It also includes competencies of a person must have to be able to practice occupational safety procedures, 7S of Good Housekeeping and observing environmental rules and regulations in waste management in all farm activities.
This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery
A student who has achieved this Course in SUGARCANE PRODUCTION NC II is competent to be:
- Sugarcane Planter
- Sugarcane Farmer
- Sugarcane Farm Worker
- Sugarcane Propagator
- Harvester
These guidelines are set to provide the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for SUGARCANE PRODUCTION NC II.
Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration : 603 Hours
This course is designed to develop and enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of a sugarcane planter to establish sugarcane nursery, plant sugarcane, care and maintain sugarcane and ratoon crops, and carry-out harvest and post-harvest operations. It covers skills sugarcane planting focusing on manual operations; while for mechanized operations, the farmer has to have competencies in sourcing out services from farm machinery service providers.
Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the following requirements:
- Able to read and write;
- Able to communicate, both orally and in writing
- Able to perform simple computations
This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, Elective and Core Competencies.
To obtain this course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.
These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:
AFF611310 | Establish Sugarcane Nursery |
AFF611311 | Plant Sugarcane |
AFF611312 | Care for and Maintain Sugarcane and Ratoon Crops |
AFF611313 | Carryout Harvest and Post-harvest Operation |
AGR321201 | Apply safety measures in farm operations |
AGR321202 | Use farm tools and equipment |
AGR321203 | Perform estimation and basic calculation |
500311105 | Participate in workplace communication |
500311106 | Work in a team environment |
500311107 | Practice career professionalism |
500311108 | Practice occupational health and safety procedures |
This unit covers the knowledge and skills required to select sugarcane nursery site and perform nursery operations including preparation and handling of planting materials, land preparation, planting and replanting, crop care, and cutback operation (stalk cutting). This includes both the formal and non-formal nursery operations.
- Select nursery site
- Site inspection is conducted based on established farm practices.
- Soil samples are gathered for laboratory analysis in accordance with standard procedures.
- Selected site is secured based on nursery requirements.
- Prepare nursery tools and farm implements
- Tools, farm implements and equipment are prepared according to work requirements.
- Basic pre-operative checking of tools and farm implements is performed in accordance with manufacturer’s manual and GAP standard.
- Worn-out and corroded are segregated and treated according to maintenance plan and procedures.
- Secure planting materials
- Planting materials are obtained from reliable sources
- Planting materials are handled following prescribed procedure.
- Planting materials are treated following standard protocol.
- Planting materials are determined according to kinds, varieties and adaptability in the district.
- Quality planting materials are selected according to prescribed characteristics.
- Set up nursery
- Lay-outing is conducted in accordance with planting requirements.
- Land preparation is performed in accordance with established farm procedures.
- Planting materials are planted according to recommended planting procedures.
- Mechanized farm services are sourced according to work requirement.
- Planting activities are conducted based on farm plan.
- Maintain nursery
- Replanting is performed as required following established farm practices.
- Cultural practices/activities for nursery maintenance the district are carried out according to established farm practices.
- Pests and diseases are monitored according to GAP.
- Control measures are applied according to GAP.
- Safety precautionary measures are practiced according to OSHS.
- Harvest planting materials
- Tools are used in accordance to prescribed procedures
- Age of canes at cutback is determined based on farm plan.
- Stalks are cut following established cutting techniques.
- Planting materials are handled in accordance with the prescribed procedures
- Work safety measures are observed following OSHS
UNIT CODE : AFF 611311
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to conduct activities related to land preparation and planting of sugarcane. These include soil sampling, land preparation, liming, furrowing, preparation and handling of planting materials, field lay-out, basal fertilization, planting and replanting and use of tools and equipment.
- Select planting site
- Site inspection is conducted based on established farm practices.
- Soil samples are gathered for laboratory analysis in accordance with standard procedures.
- Site is selected based on result of area suitability
- Selected site is secured based on farm requirements.
- Limitation of the area is assessed based on standards procedures
- Prepare tools, farm implements and equipment
- Tools, farm implements and equipment for planting operations are prepared according to work requirements.
- Basic pre-operative checking of tools and farm implements is performed in accordance with manufacturer’s manual and GAP standard.
- Tools with wear and corrosions are segregated and treated according to maintenance plan and procedures.
- Acquire planting materials
- Planting materials are obtained from reliable sources.
- Planting materials are handled following prescribed procedure.
- Planting materials are treated following standard protocol.
- Planting materials are determined according to established criteria.
- Quality planting materials are selected according to prescribed characteristics.
- Prepare land for planting
- Site improvement program is implemented based on the result of the assessment.
- Machinery and implements are prepared for land preparation according to prescribed methods
- Debris are removed and disposed according to waste management standards.
- Land preparation is conducted according to crop requirement.
- Lime is applied based on crop requirement and prescribed procedure during land preparation
- Drainage canals are constructed and maintained according to procedures and plan
- Safety procedures for fertilizer application is followed according to OSHS
- Conduct planting activities
- Fertilizers applied based on recommended rate and prescribed procedure.
- Cane points are planted based on recommended methods
- Safety procedures are followed according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
UNIT CODE : AFF 611312
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to manage the growth and development of sugarcane in the plant crop. It also includes competencies to perform cultivation, apply pest control measure, apply fertilizer, carry out irrigation and drainage activities and manage ratoon.
- Perform soil cultivation
- Machinery services are sourced out based on work requirement
- Tools and implements are prepared according to specific cultivation practices
- Cultivation is conducted based on recommended cultural practices
- Workplace safety measures are applied based on OSHS.
- Apply pest control measure
- Pests’ incidence is monitored based on prescribed procedure.
- Tools and materials are prepared according to specific pest control measures.
- Pest control measures are followed based on GAP and Fertilizer Pesticide Authority (FPA) guidelines
- Safety measures are observed and practiced according to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures.
- Apply fertilizer
- Tools and materials are prepared according to prescribed user’s manual
- Fertilizer rate is determined based on the result of soil analysis.
- Fertilizers are selected based on costing and availability in the market
- Method of fertilizer application is employed based on crop requirements.
- Precautionary measures are applied to avoid cross contamination based on GAP.
- Safety procedures are followed according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards
- Carry out irrigation and drainage activities
- Soil moisture content is determined based on soil field capacity
- Watering/irrigation is performed following the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).
- Watering/irrigation facilities are maintained based on industry standard
- Drainage canal is constructed and maintained based on established procedures.
- Manage ratoon
- Cane stubbles are shaved based on recommended methods
- The harvested field is cleared of cane trashes following farm established procedures
- Cane trashes are incorporated with the soil or used as mulch based on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).
- Trash is managed according to GAP
- Trash is managed according to GAP.
- Ratoon replanting is done according to prescribed practices.
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform manual harvest operations and postharvest handling of canes. This unit also includes proper use of tools and equipment required to perform the activities.
- Perform pre – harvest operations
- Cane samples are gathered and analyzed using refractometer.
- Crop maturity is identified according to parameters affecting physiological growth and physical indicators.
- Records of crop agronomic history are verified and referenced for maturity.
- Harvesting tools, materials, and machines and equipment are prepared according to work requirements
- Harvesting machinery services are sourced out following farm plan.
- Cane cutters are sourced out following farm plan.
- Records regarding crops to be harvested are checked according to farm procedures
- Perform harvesting activity
- Harvesting operation is implemented based on recommended cultural practices for sugarcane.
- Harvesting is performed while observing GAP principles and OSHS.
- Harvesting technique is employed following standard procedures.
- Perform post harvest operation
- Canes are handled according to prescribed postharvest practices
- Delivery of canes is Monitoring the performed following industry standards.
- Record keeping is done according to industry procedures.
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing safety measures.
- Determine areas of concern for safety measures
- Work tasks are identified in line with farm operations
- Place for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations
- Time for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations
- Appropriate tools, materials and outfits are prepared in line with job requirements
- Apply appropriate safety measures
- Tools and materials are used according to specifications and procedures
- Outfits are worn according to farm requirements
- Effectivity/shelf life/expiration of materials are strictly observed
- Emergency procedures are known and followed to ensure a safe work requirement
- Hazards in the workplace are identified and reported in line with farm guidelines
- Safe keep/dispose tools, materials and outfit
- Used tools and outfit are cleaned after use and stored in designated areas
- Unused materials are properly labeled and stored according to manufacturers recommendation and farm requirements
- Waste materials are disposed according to manufacturers, government and farm requirements
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use farm tools and equipment. It includes selection, operation and preventive maintenance of farm tools and equipment.
- Select and use farm tools
- Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirement / use
- Farm tools are checked for faults and defective tools reported in accordance with farm procedures
- Appropriate tools are safely used according to job requirements and manufacturers conditions
- Select and operate farm equipment
- Identify appropriate farm equipment
- Instructional manual of the farm tools and equipment are carefully read prior to operation
- Pre-operation checkup is conducted in line with manufacturers manual
- Faults in farm equipment are identified and reported in line with farm procedures
- Farm equipment used according to its function
- Safety procedures are followed.
- Perform preventive maintenance
- Tools and equipment are cleaned immediately after use in line with farm procedures
- Routine check-up and maintenance are performed
- Tools and equipment are stored in designated areas in line with farm procedures
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform basic workplace calculations.
- Perform estimation
- Job requirements are identified from written or oral communications
- Quantities of materials and resources required to complete a work task are estimated
- The time needed to complete a work activity is estimated
- Accurate estimate for work completion are made
- Estimate of materials and resources are reported to appropriate person
- Perform basic workplace calculation
- System and units of measurement to be followed are ascertained
- Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic mathematical operation
- Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed when are used to complete the instructions
- Number computed is checked following work requirements
UNIT CODE : 500311105
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.
- Obtain and convey workplace information
- Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources
- Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used together and convey information
- Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas
- Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
- Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed
- Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used
- Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
- Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
- Team meetings are at ended on time
- Own opinions are clear expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption
- Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols
- Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
- Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to.
- Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented
- Complete relevant work related documents
- Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly
- Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents
- Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations
- Errors in recording information on forms/documents are identified and properly acted upon
- Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines
UNIT CODE : 500311106
This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.
- Describe team role and scope
- The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information
- Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources.
- Identify own role and responsibility within team
- Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified.
- Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized.
- Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified.
- Work as a team member
- Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives.
- Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context.
- Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures.
- Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the members.
UNIT CODE : 500311107
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.
- Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals
- Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession
- Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation
- Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties
- Set and meet work priorities
- Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives.
- Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
- Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures
- Maintain professional growth and development
- Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements
- Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement
- Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed
UNIT CODE : 500311108
This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.
- Identify hazards and risks
- Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization procedures
- Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures
- Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures
- Evaluate hazards and risks
- Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV)
- Effects of the hazards are determined
- OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation
- Control hazards and risks
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
followed - Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OHS policies
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices
- Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol
- Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
- Maintain OHS awareness
- Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and procedures
- OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements
- Brix – percent solids in the cane juice which roughly estimates sweetness in the sugarcane as indicated by the refractometer.
- Bagasse – the woody fiber residue obtained from crushing cane.
- Cane maturity – a stage in sugarcane growth characterized by optimum tonnage and sucrose content.
- Crop calendar – contains the month/s of crop planting and harvesting.
- Crop estimate – the amount of sugarcane projected or expected to be harvested and to be milled from a specific area or district for a particular milling season. It is usually undertaken at the start of the crop year, every quarter and before milling.
- Crop year – as used in the Philippine sugarcane industry, officially starts during September of each year and ends on August of the next year.
- Cutback cane-point – planting material derived from 5-6 month old canes with 2-3 well developed viable buds and Usually taken from nurseries.
- Drainage – removal of excess surface and ground water from the land by artificial means to build up favourable conditions for plant growth.
- Fertilizer – any substance or materials that can supply one or more of the essential nutrients needed by the plants for normal growth.
- Fertilizer (Inorganic) – any chemical or synthetic materials applied to the soil to supply essential elements that are readily soluble and available to plants.
- Fertilizer (Organic) – fertilizer originating from the remains of plants and animals and animal wastes.
- Green manure – leguminous crops grown and plowed under while still green for the purpose of improving the physical condition and fertility of the soil.
- Harrow – an implement used primarily for pulverizing and smoothing the soi.
- Hectare – a land measurement unit equivalent to 10,000 square meters.
- Herbicide – any chemical substance used to control unwanted plants.
- Insecticides – any substance used to control insects.
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – the appropriate utilization of several pest and disease control measures as cultural, chemical and biological means resulting in productive and sustainable crop production.
- Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) – the combined use of organic or natural and inorganic or chemical fertilizer aimed at reaching maximum economic yield through a productive, sustainable, economical and environment-friendly and socially acceptable production system
- Intercropping/interplanting – type of planting where one crop is planted more or less systematically in between rows of another crop. The interplanted crop, called minor crop does not in any way disturb the normal distance of planting of the major crop.
- Irrigation – artificial application of water into the soil in order to provide sufficient moisture at the level of the root zone to sustain the requirements of plant during their growth period.
- Juice extractor – pointed metallic pipe-like tool that is used to draw out juice from the stalk for use in a refractometer.
- Lacsa – refers to 10,000 canepoints.
- LKg/Ha – sugar yield equivalent to 50 kilogram bag raw sugar per hectare
- LKg/TC – sugar yield equivalent to 50 kilogram bag raw sugar per ton of cane
- Manual harvesting – cutting of stalks close to the ground and top portion using cane knives before piling and loading in cane cars or trucks.
- Molasses – the thick, dark light brown syrup that is separated from raw sugar in sugar processing.
- Mechanical harvesting – mechanical cutting of millable stalks where the lower blade of the harvester passes at the base while the upper blade cuts the top and cut stalks are elevated by a roller, chopped into pieces and dropped into a trailer or truck going with the harvester
- Micro-propagated plantlets – sugarcane planting materials developed from shoot tips cultured in an artificial medium and established in a germ-free environment in the laboratory and later hardened and transplanted in nurseries.
- Mudpress – a mixture of sugarcane fibers, sucrose, coagulated colloids including canewash, albuminoids and phosphate of lime, plus sand and soil.
- Pests – any of the following which inflicts harm/damage on sugarcane plants: diseases, insects, rats, nematodes and weeds.
- Planting density – refers to the number of canepoints/micropropagated plantlets planted per unit area.
- Ratoon – emerging sugarcane shoots from the base of a harvested plant.
- Ratooning – the practice of re-growing of canes from stubbles of previously harvested sugarcane plants.
- Refractometer – a device used in measuring the percent solids in the cane juice which roughly estimates sweetness in the sugarcane.
- Seed piece – vegetative part of the sugarcane plant used as planting materials.
- Setts – canepoints or cane planting materials.
- Soil pH – a measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of soil.
- Stubble shaving – when the exposed portion of the stubble or even a part of the underground portion is cut or removed.
- Sugar Central or Mill – a factory manufacturing centrifugal sugar from sugarcane and does not include auxiliary factories such as refineries and distilleries.
- Sugar, Centrifugal – any sugar, whether “A”, “B”, “C”, or “D” manufactured in the centrifugal machines of a sugar mill, usually brown in color, which gives a polarization of not less than 80 sugar degrees. It is also called brown or raw sugar.
- Sugarcane HYV (High Yielding Variety) – varieties developed with characteristics and qualities, such as high in sucrose, resistance to pest and disease, time of ripening, resistance to drought and water-logged areas, milling and clarification qualities, and adaptability to soil and climatic conditions.
- Sugarcane – a perennial tropical grass with tall short jointed stems from which sugar is extracted. Scientifically known as Saccharum officinarum L., belonging to the family Poaceae.
- Sugarcane nursery – an area that is used for the multiplication of sugarcane varieties for the production of good quality cutbacks canepoints
- TC/Ha – cane yield in tons of millable canes per hectare.
- Tonne – unit of measurement equivalent to 1,000 kilograms.
- Topping – removal of the terminal portion of stalks of standing canes for use as canepoints for planting
- Top point – planting material obtained from the top portion of millable stalks
- Trashes – all materials consisting of leaves, tops, dead stalks, diseased stalks, roots, soil and other extraneous materials that are not part of the millable stalks
- Trash mulching – or “trash farming” is the piling of trash in alternate rows or applying them as a blanket cover.
- Trichogramma – biocontrol agent that prevents the emergence of the larva or the destructive stage of the borer, by parasitizing the eggs of the pest
- Variety programming – refers to the planting of different cane varieties with different characteristics to enable varieties to be harvested in the early and late milling periods.
Schedules of Sugarcane production NCII in western visayas?
Only 1 school is offering this course:
Central Philippine State University
Brgy. Camingawan, Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental
(036) 702-9903
Is there a modular type of this course? Since I am from Ilocos region.
Available only in Negros Occidental