The TESDA Course in EVENTS MANAGEMENT SERVICES NC III consists of competencies that a person must achieve to coordinate events, functions and/or conferences which may be held in conference centers, hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs, resorts and luxury liners. It includes competencies on event planning such as planning and developing an event proposal, concept, and program, selecting a venue and site, and updating event industry knowledge, as well as competencies on on-site event management such as providing onsite management services, managing contractors and updating knowledge on protocol.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Tourism Sector.

A student who has achieved this TESDA Course in EVENTS MANAGEMENT SERVICES NC III is competent to be:

  • Events Coordinator
  • Conference Coordinator
  • Function Coordinator


Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the following requirements:

  • can communicate in basic English in both oral and written form
  • physically and mentally fit
  • with good moral character
  • can perform basic mathematical computation

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.


Level: NC III
Nominal Training Duration :

(Basic Competency) 20 hours
(Common Competency) 24 hours
(Core Competency) 64 hours


This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations in accordance with industry standards. It covers the basic, common and core competencies required for the NCIII level in coordinating events. The competencies for event planning include planning and developing an event proposal, bid, concept, and program, selecting event venue and site, and developing and updating event industry knowledge. The competencies for onsite management include providing onsite management services, managing contractors for indoor events, and developing and updating knowledge on protocol. It also includes competencies on leading workplace communication and small teams, controlling and ordering stock, and establishing business relationships.


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common and Core Competencies.

To obtain this TESDA Course in EVENTS MANAGEMENT SERVICES NC III, all units prescribed below for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

TRS342315 Plan and develop event proposal or bid
TRS342316 Develop an event concept
TRS342317 Develop event program
TRS342318 Select event venue and site
TRS342319 Develop and update event industry knowledge
TRS342320 Provide on-site event management services
TRS342321 Manage contractors for indoor events
TRS342322 Develop and update knowledge on protocol
TRS311206 Roster staff
TRS311207 Control and order stock
TRS311208 Train small groups
TRS311209 Establish and conduct business relationships
500311109 Lead Workplace Communication
500311110 Lead Small Teams
500311111 Develop and Practice Negotiation skills
500311112 Solve Problems Related to Work Activities
500311113 Use Mathematical Concepts and Techniques
500311114 Use Relevant Technologies

These guidelines are set to provide the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for EVENTS MANAGEMENT SERVICES NC III.



This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to plan and develop proposals and bids for the staging of meetings and events. Depending on the context, this role could be performed by a wide range of individuals including event managers, local or regional tourism managers, venue managers and marketing managers.

  1. Interpret event brief
    • Contents of the event brief are accurately interpreted and the company’s capacity to meet stated requirements is assessed.
    • Action required for the development of the proposal or bid is identified and planned.
    • Liaison with customer is undertaken to clarify requirements when appropriate.
  2. Develop proposal and bid details
    • Details for inclusion in the proposal/bid are developed after consultation with suppliers and other relevant agencies.
    • Options to meet and, where possible, exceed the expectations of the customer are developed, including integration of current and emerging technology.
    • Possible competitors are evaluated and strategies to address competitive issues are developed.
  3. Develop bid materials
    • Bid materials are prepared within the designated time lines in accordance with the requirements of the brief.
    • Materials are presented in a format that maximizes the use of presentation and promotional techniques.
  4. Submit or present the bid or proposal on time
    • The proposal/bid is delivered within the prescribed time line.
    • Proposal/bid presentation is conducted with maximum visual/retention impact.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to develop the overall concept, theme and format for a major event comprising multiple components. An event manager would generally undertake this process at the commencement of the event management cycle in consultation with the stakeholders, including PR/advertising people. Sometimes the concept development phase is undertaken as part of the bidding process.

  1. Identify overall event objectives and scope
    • Key objectives and components of the event are identified, clarified and agreed in consultation with the stakeholder.
    • Key information is analyzed and stakeholders are consulted to determine the scope of the event.
    • Internal and external factors which may impact on the event are analyzed.
  2. Establish event concept theme and format
    • Overall event concept, theme and format are developed which reflect key objectives and meet the needs of the potential audience.
    • Creative elements are incorporated into the event concept and theme.
    • Operational practicality and cohesiveness of the concept, theme and format are verified through consultation and analysis.
    • Summary of key logistical requirements is developed based on the overall concept, theme and format.
    • Accurate and complete information on the concept, theme, and format are provided to all relevant stakeholders to facilitate timely and effective planning and implementation.
    • Approval from relevant stakeholders is obtained prior to implementation.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to design an event program. Event managers, either internal or external to the sponsoring organization, would generally undertake this role.

  1. Identify conference objectives
    • Overall context and scope of the conference are identified.
    • Specific conference objectives are developed and agreed on in consultation with relevant colleagues and/or customers.
  2. Design event program
    • Dates and times are set to meet agreed objectives.
    • Theme is developed to complement event objectives.
    • Overall event format is developed within known budget, venue and staging constraints.
    • Relevant components for the program are identified, designed and integrated.
    • Use of appropriate technological options are identified and integrated in program development.
    • Business program based on principles of adult learning is developed to incorporate an appropriate range of activities.
  3. Finalize program details
    • Proposed event program is presented to the appropriate people within required timeframe.
    • Approval of program details is obtained in accordance with agreed procedures.
    • Appropriate actions are initiated in relation to the dissemination and publication of event program.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to undertake the venue/site selection process for a major event comprising multiple components. It requires the application of significant analytical and research skills to complete the process of matching an event to a particular site or venue.

  1. Analyze venue or site requirements
    • Event-specific venue or site requirements are analyzed based on detailed review of all aspects of the proposed event, including multiple components.
    • Accurate and complete venue or site specifications are developed to facilitate the research process.
    • Needs of all stakeholders, including those with disabilities, are integrated into venue or site specifications.
  2. Source event venues or sites
    • Potential venues or sites are researched, using appropriate information sources and research methods.
    • Suitability of venues or sites is assessed based on comparison of services offered with specifications.
    • Need for and the nature of contingency planning required by specific venues or sites are assessed.
    • Venue or site capacity to deliver quality outcomes in relation to customer service, cooperative management, and past experience is assessed.
    • Negotiation and liaising with personnel from potential venues or sites are undertaken to ensure all event requirements can be met and to address potential problem areas.
    • Need for tentative bookings is assessed and prompt action is taken.
    • Multiple site and venue selection is coordinated in a logical manner when required.
    • Clear and accurate briefings on venue or site options are provided to colleagues and key stakeholders to include recommendations and rationale.
  3. Confirm venue or site arrangements
    • Venue or site arrangements are accurately confirmed in writing when the selection process is finalized.
    • Venue or site contracts are reviewed and signed within appropriate timeframes and within the scope of individual responsibility.
    • Specific venue and site planning issues are integrated into overall event management systems promptly.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to develop and update general knowledge of the meetings and events industry including industry structure, legal issues and current technology. This knowledge underpins effective performance in all meeting and event organization and management roles.

  1. Source and apply information on the structure and operation of the event industry
    • Sources of information on the event industry are identified correctly.
    • Knowledge of the event industry is used I the correct context to enhance the quality of work performance.
  2. Source and apply information on ethical and legal issues for the event industry
    • Information on legal and ethical issues are obtained to assist effective work performance.
    • Day-to-day event organization activities are conducted in accordance with legal obligations and ethical industry practices.
  3. Source and apply information on event industry technology
    • Information on current and emerging technologies that impact on the event organization process are obtained.
    • The potential effects of different technologies on the event organization process are assessed.
    • Knowledge of current and emerging technology is applied in day-to-day work activities.
  4. Update event industry knowledge
    • A range of opportunities is identified and used to update knowledge of the events industry.
    • Current issues of concern to the industry are monitored.
    • Updated knowledge is shared with customers and colleagues as appropriate, and incorporated into day-to-day work activities.



This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to coordinate the final preparation and set-up of a major event comprising multiple components and to manage all aspects of the on-site operation.

  1. Prepare for on-site management
    • Plans for on-site management are developed in accordance with agreed procedures for the meeting or event.
    • Final arrangements for all aspects of the meeting or event are checked and any discrepancies are attended to.
    • Materials are created and collated to facilitate effective on-site management.
    • Accurate briefing is provided to operational staff and contractors prior to the meeting or event in an appropriate format including clarification of roles and responsibilities.
  2. Oversee meeting/event setup
    • Contact with the nominated contractor personnel is established at the appropriate time and all requirements are reconfirmed and agreed to.
    • Necessary adjustments are made and agreed to with the contractors.
    • All aspects of the event or meeting set up are checked against the pre-arranged agreements.
    • Venue space and set up of equipment are checked to allow for easy access, especially for those with disabilities, and to avoid risk of injury to guests, delegates and colleagues.
    • Any deficiencies and discrepancies are identified and prompt action is taken to rectify the situation.
    • Additional on-site staff are briefed on the full details of the meeting or event operation including communication and control mechanisms.
  3. Monitor meeting/event operation
    • Sessions and activities are monitored throughout the meeting or event through observation and appropriate reporting processes.
    • Problems are identified as they arise and prompt action is taken to resolve the situation.
    • Additional requirements are identified and promptly organized.
    • Customer is liaised with throughout the meeting or event to ensure it is progressing to his/her satisfaction.
    • All contractors are liaised with on an ongoing basis to ensure effective delivery of services.
  4. Oversee meeting/event breakdown
    • Breakdown of the meeting or event is checked to ensure it is completed in accordance with agreements.
    • The packing and removal of all materials and equipment are coordinated in accordance with pre-arranged details.
    • Venue is checked to ensure items and belongings are not left behind.
    • Debriefing is conducted with contractors and staff, if necessary, to discuss any difficulties or suggestions for future improvements.
    • Accounts are checked and signed in accordance with contractor agreements.
    • Outstanding items requiring post-event action are noted.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to manage the staging and operation of a major indoor event comprising multiple components. It does not cover the high levels of technical expertise required to actually provide these services, but focuses on the key knowledge and skills required to oversee the process from an organizational and contractor management perspective.

  1. Identify event operational requirements
    • Event staging requirements are analyzed based on detailed review of all aspects of the proposed event with multiple components.
    • An accurate summary of staging requirements is developed for each event component in consultation with key stakeholders.
    • Safety and risk management issues are incorporated into all planning documentation and processes.
  2. Source contractors
    • Appropriate contractors are identified and sourced to provide services for the event.
    • Accurate briefings or specifications on precise staging requirements are provided to contractors.
    • Complete and timely quotations for the provision of services are obtained.
    • Quotations are analyzed and contractors are selected in consultation with key stakeholders.
    • Agreements with contractors are confirmed in writing to include details and costs of all services.
  3. Monitor contractors
    • Progress, including safety issues, is monitored at regular intervals through ongoing liaison with contractors and other stakeholders.
    • Need for adjustments is identified and appropriate changes are organized with confirmation in writing.
    • Adjustments are negotiated to maintain the integrity and quality of the event.
    • Work completed is evaluated against event requirements and time schedules and appropriate action is taken to address delays.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to develop and apply knowledge of protocol to a range of tourism related activities. It is particularly relevant to those involved in the management and operation of events, including functions.

  1. Seek information on appropriate protocol
    • Sources of accurate information on protocol are identified.
    • Relevant protocol information is accessed in response to workplace needs.
  2. Integrate appropriate protocol procedures into work activities
    • Areas of work activity and/or functions that require appropriate use of protocol are identified in a timely manner.
    • Correct use of protocol is integrated into work activities.
    • Appropriate protocol requirements are determined by liaising with colleagues and other stakeholders.
    • Appropriate information on protocol is provided to relevant colleagues and stakeholders.
  3. Update knowledge on protocol
    • Opportunities to update protocol knowledge are identified and used.
    • Updated knowledge is shared with customers and colleagues as appropriate and incorporated into day-to-day working activities.



This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to develop staff rosters. This role may be carried out by operational supervisors and managers.

  1. Develop and implement staff rosters
    • Rosters are developed in accordance with company agreements and wage budgets.
    • Operational efficiency and customer service levels are maximized while wage costs are minimized in roster development.
    • Duties are combined where appropriate to ensure effective use of staff.
    • The available skills base is utilized appropriately to roster the most effective mix of staff and to meet different operational requirements.
    • Rosters are presented in required formats to ensure clarity of information in accordance with company standards.
    • Rosters are communicated to appropriate colleagues within designated timelines.
  2. Maintain staff records
    • Time sheets and other documentation are completed accurately and within designated timelines.
    • Staff records are updated accurately and maintained or stored in accordance with establishment procedures.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations required to control and order stock in a range of hospitality establishments. This role is generally carried out by supervisors and team leaders.

  1. Maintain stock levels and records
    • Stock levels are monitored and maintained according to company requirements.
    • Stock security is monitored and systems are adjusted as required.
    • Stock reorder cycles are monitored and adjusted as required.
    • Colleagues are informed of their individual responsibilities in regard to the reordering of stock.
    • Records of stock storage and movement are maintained in accordance with company procedures.
    • Stock performance is monitored and fast/slow selling items are identified and reported in accordance with company procedures.
  2. Process stock orders
    • Orders for stock are processed accurately and in accordance with company procedures.
    • Stock levels are maintained and recorded ensuring information is complete, correct and current.
    • Incoming stock is checked against purchase and supply agreements and all necessary details are recorded.
  3. Minimize stock losses
    • Stock losses are identified and recorded according to company procedures.
    • Losses are reported in accordance with company procedures.
    • Avoidable losses are identified and reasons behind these losses are established.
    • Solutions to loss situations are recommended and related procedures are implemented to prevent future avoidable losses.
  4. Follow-up orders
    • The delivery process is monitored to ensure agreed deadlines are met.
    • Continuity of supply is ensured by liaising with colleagues and suppliers.
    • Routine supply problems are followed up or referred to the appropriate person in accordance with company policy.
    • Stock is distributed to agreed locations.
  5. Organize and administer stocks
    • Stocks are organized at appropriate intervals according to company policy and procedures.
    • Stocktaking responsibilities are allocated to staff.
    • Accurate stock reports are produced within designated timelines.


This unit covers the requirements for planning, delivering and reviewing training provided for the purposes of developing competency on a one-to-one or small group basis.

  1. Prepare for trainings
    • Specific training needs are identified and confirmed through consultation with appropriate personnel.
    • Training objectives are matched to identify competency development needs.
    • Training approaches are planned and documented.
  2. Deliver training
    • Training is conducted in a safe and accessible environment.
    • Training delivery methods appropriate to the participant(s) needs, trainer availability, location and resources are selected.
    • Strategies and techniques which facilitate the learning process are employed.
    • Training objectives, sequence of activities and assessment processes are discussed with training participant(s).
    • Systematic approach to training is undertaken to meet specific needs of training participant(s).
  3. Provide opportunities for practice
    • Practice opportunities are provided to ensure that the participants achieve the components of competency.
    • Variety of methods for encouraging learning is implemented to meet the individual needs of participants.
  4. Review training
    • Participants are encouraged to self evaluate performance and areas for improvement are identified.
    • Participants” readiness for assessment is monitored and assistance is provided with the collection of evidence for satisfactory performance.
    • Training is evaluated against objectives in the context of self-assessment, participant feedback, supervisor comments and measurements.
    • Training details are recorded according to enterprise and legislative requirements.
    • Results of evaluation are utilized to guide further training.


This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to manage business relationships with customers or suppliers within a tourism or hospitality context. It focuses on the relationship building and negotiation skills.

  1. Establish and conduct business relationships
    • Relationships are established within the appropriate cultural context in a manner that promotes goodwill and trust between the enterprise, its customers and suppliers.
    • Trust and respect are built in business relationships through use of effective communication skills and techniques
    • Opportunities to maintain regular contact with customers and suppliers are identified and taken up.
  2. Conduct negotiations
    • Negotiations are conducted in a business-like and professional manner within the relevant cultural context.
    • Negotiations are conducted in the context of the current enterprise marketing focus.
    • Benefits for all parties in the negotiation are maximized through use of established techniques and in the context of establishing long term relationships.
    • Feedback and input from colleagues are incorporated into the negotiation.
    • The results of negotiations are communicated to appropriate colleagues and s
  3. Make formal business agreements
    • Agreements are confirmed in writing using formal contracts and in accordance to enterprise requirements.
    • Appropriate approvals for all aspects of formal agreements are checked and obtained in accordance with enterprise procedures.
    • The need for specialist advice in the development of contracts is identified and sought where appropriate.
  4. Foster and maintain business relationships
    • Information needed to maintain sound business relationships are pro-actively sought, reviewed and acted upon.
    • Agreements are honored within the scope of individual responsibility.
    • Adjustments to agreements are made in consultation with the customer/supplier and information are shared with appropriate colleagues.
    • Relationships are nurtured through regular contact.


The BASIC COMPETENCIES refer to non-technical skills (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that everybody will need in order to perform satisfactorily at work and in society and are considered portable and transferable irrespective of jobs and industrial settings.

UNIT CODE : 500311109

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead in the dissemination and discussion of ideas, information and issues in the workplace.

  1. Communicate information about workplace processes
    • Appropriate communication method is selected
    • Multiple operations involving several topics areas are communicated accordingly
    • Questions are used to gain extra information
    • Correct sources of information are identified
    • Information is selected and organized correctly
    • Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when required
    • Communication skills are maintained in all situations
  2. Lead workplace discussions
    • Response to workplace issues are sought
    • Response to workplace issues are provided immediately
    • Constructive contributions are made to workplace discussions on such issues as production, quality and safety
    • Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the workplace are communicated
  3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace
    • Issues and problems are identified as they arise
    • Information regarding problems and issues are organized coherently to ensure clear and effective communication
    • Dialogue is initiated with appropriate personnel
    • Communication problems and issues are raised as they arise

UNIT CODE : 500311110

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead small teams including setting and maintaining team and individual performance standards.

  1. Provide team leadership
    • Work requirements are identified and presented to team members
    • Reasons for instructions and requirements are communicated to team members
    • Team members’ queries and concerns are recognized, discussed and dealt with
  2. Assign responsibilities
    • Duties, and responsibilities are allocated having regard to the skills, knowledge and aptitude required to properly undertake the assigned task and according to company policy
    • Duties are allocated having regard to individual preference, domestic and personal considerations, whenever possible
  3. Set performance expectations for team members
    • Performance expectations are established based on client needs and according to assignment requirements
    • Performance expectations are based on individual team members duties and area of responsibility
    • Performance expectations are discussed and disseminated to individual team members
  4. Supervised team performance
    • Monitoring of performance takes place against defined performance criteria and/or assignment instructions and corrective action taken if required
    • Team members are provided with feedback, positive support and advice on strategies to overcome any deficiencies
    • Performance issues which cannot be rectified or addressed within the team are referenced to appropriate personnel according to employer policy
    • Team members are kept informed of any changes in the priority allocated to assignments or tasks which might impact on client/customer needs and satisfaction
    • Team operations are monitored to ensure that employer/client needs and requirements are met
    • Follow-up communication is provided on all issues affecting the team
    • All relevant documentation is completed in accordance with company procedures

UNIT CODE : 500311111

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to collect information in order to negotiate to a desired outcome and participate in the negotiation.

  1. Plan negotiations
    • Information on preparing for negotiation is identified and included in the plan
    • Information on creating non verbal environments for positive negotiating is identified and included in the plan
    • Information on active listening is identified and included in the plan
    • Information on different questioning techniques is identified and included in the plan
    • Information is checked to ensure it is correct and up-to- date
  2. Participate in negotiations
    • Criteria for successful outcome are agreed upon by all parties
    • Desired outcome of all parties are considered
    • Appropriate language is used throughout the negotiation
    • A variety of questioning techniques are used
    • The issues and processes are documented and agreed upon by all parties
    • Possible solutions are discussed and their viability assessed
    • Areas for agreement are confirmed and recorded
    • Follow-up action is agreed upon by all parties

UNIT CODE : 500311112

This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to solve problems in the workplace including the application of problem solving techniques and to determine and resolve the root cause of problems.

  1. Identify the problem
    • Variances are identified from normal operating parameters; and product quality
    • Extent, cause and nature are of the problem are defined through observation, investigation and analytical techniques
    • Problems are clearly stated and specified
  2. Determine fundamental causes of the problem
    • Possible causes are identified based on experience and the use of problem solving tools / analytical techniques.
    • Possible cause statements are developed based on findings
    • Fundamental causes are identified per results of investigation conducted
  3. Determine corrective action
    • All possible options are considered for resolution of the problem
    • Strengths and weaknesses of possible options are considered
    • Corrective actions are determined to resolve the problem and possible future causes
    • Action plans are developed identifying measurable objectives, resource needs and timelines in accordance with safety and operating procedures
  4. Provide recommendation/s to manager
    • Report on recommendations are prepared
    • Recommendations are presented to appropriate personnel.
    • Recommendations are followed-up, if required

UNIT CODE : 500311113

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in the application of mathematical concepts and techniques.

  1. Identify mathematical tools and techniques to solve problem
    • Problem areas are identified based on given condition
    • Mathematical techniques are selected based on the given problem
  2. Apply mathematical procedure/solution
    • Mathematical techniques are applied based on the problem identified
    • Mathematical computations are performed to the level of accuracy required for the problem
    • Results of mathematical computation is determined and verified based on job requirements
  3. Analyze results
    • Result of application is reviewed based on expected and required specifications and outcome
    • Appropriate action is applied in case of error

UNIT CODE : 500311114

This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude required in selecting, sourcing and applying appropriate and affordable technologies in the workplace.

  1. Study/select appropriate technology
    • Usage of different technologies is determined based on job requirements
    • Appropriate technology is selected as per work specification
  2. Apply relevant technology
    • Relevant technology is effectively used in carrying out function
    • Applicable software and hardware are used as per task requirement
    • Management concepts are observed and practiced as per established industry practices
  3. Maintain/enhance relevant technology
    • Maintenance of technology is applied in accordance with the industry standard operating procedure, manufacturer’s operating guidelines and occupational health and safety procedure to ensure its operative ability
    • Updating of technology is maintained through continuing education or training in accordance with job requirement
    • Technology failure/ defect is immediately reported to the concern/responsible person or section for appropriate action


  • BID – a price proposed in exchange for events management services
  • CATERING – the business of providing food and food service at a remote site
  • CONTRACTOR – a person, business or corporation which provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a contract
  • EGRESS – human evacuation of a building during an emergency
  • EVENT – refers to a social gathering or activity, such as a festival, ceremony, competition, party, convention or meeting
  • EVENT MANAGEMENT – the application of the management science of project management to the creation and development of festivals and events. It involves identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually executing the modalities of the proposed event.
  • PCVC – Philippine Convention and Visitors Corporation
  • PROPOSAL – a business proposition
  • PROTOCOL – a rule which guides how an activity should be performed, especially in the field of diplomacy. In the diplomatic and government fields of endeavor protocols are often unwritten guidelines. Protocols specify the proper and generally-accepted behavior in matters of state and diplomacy, such as showing appropriate respect to a head of state, ranking diplomats in chronological order of their accreditation at court, and so on.
  • RISK MANAGEMENT – the process of measuring, or assessing, risk that may stem from natural disasters, fire or accidents, and developing strategies to manage it. Strategies include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a
    particular risk.
  • SPONSOR – the individual or group that provides support to an event, whether financially or through the provision of products or services


    • Amaco TVI Training Center Corp.
      411 Flor de Liz St., New Town Green Heights Mayamot, City of Antipolo, Rizal

      Genesis Colleges, Inc.
      C. Lawis Ext., San Isidro, Antipolo City, Rizal
      8470-7989 / 0923-904-9176

      Infotech College of Arts and Sciences Philippines Inc.
      102 Plaza 4th Floor A and B, Rafael Tower Pagrai Hills, Brgy. Mayamot, Antipolo City
      (02) 8401-6994 / 0907-312-9987

      P. Oliveros St., Brgy. San Jose, Antipolo City, Rizal
      661-9863 Local 131 / 0926-570-5702

      Victory Elijah Christian College Inc.
      L10B2 Rose St., Lourdes Subd.,Mambugan, Antipolo City, Rizal

      Bentley Park Subd, Antipolo City

    • St. Benilde Center for Global Competence Inc.
      2647 Rizal Avenue, West Bajac-Bajac, Olongapo City

      Academy of East Asia for Business and Technology, Inc.
      Tenejero, Orani, Bataan

      Eastwoods College of Science & Technology, Inc.
      Brgy. San Ramon, Dinalupihan, Bataan
      (047) 636-1571/ 636-1190

      Eastwoods Professional College of Science & Technology, Inc.
      Ibayo St., Balanga City, Bataan

      Philippine Academy of Technical Studies, Inc.
      Pilar Shopping Arcade, National Road Panilao, Pilar, Bataan
      09175217396/ 09993088744

      Philippine Women’s University Career Dev’t & Continuing Education Center-Bataan, Inc.
      MLW Bldg. Sampaguita St., San Jose, Balanga City, Bataan

    • JMAC Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      171 Gen. Mascardo St. City of Imus, Cavite
      0908 817 4782

      ISHRM School System, Inc.
      Tirona Highway, Habay, Bacoor, Cavite
      (046) 970 1551 loc 222/ 519 1617/ 416 2974

    • Asia Source College of Arts and Technology, Inc.
      4/F Gate 3 Plaza, Lawton Avenue cor. Juliano Ave., AFPOVAI Phase III, Western Bicutan, Taguig City

      Asian Christian Theological School & Colleges Inc.
      503 Eagle St., Blk. 5, G2 Village, Brgy. Pinagsama, Taguig City

      Information Hub Inc.
      L11 B13 EP Village Phase 2, Western Bicutan, Taguig City

      Pasay-Makati District Training and Assessment Center (PMDTAC)
      Building 15, TESDA Complex, East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City

      Treston International College, Inc.
      Treston Building, 32nd St. corner C5 Road, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City

      J&M Building 159-N Mapayapa St., 19th Ave., East Rembo, Makati City

      Fine International Training Center, Inc.
      518 Narra St. Cembo, Makati City
      0284006976/ 09215769341

      LTC Training, Assessment and Multi Services, Inc.
      Light Tower Center II, 2nd floor 5441 Curie St. Barangay Palanan, Makati City
      09456655403/09959808051/ 8832-6513/09388478181

      Philippine Call Center Institute Inc.
      3/F Sterling Annex, 2302 Chino Roces Ext., Brgy. Magallanes, Makati City

      Pro-Tech Skills Development Center Corporation
      6488 P. Medina St. Pio Del Pilar, Makati City

      Uno Caregiver and Domestic Mngt Training, Inc.
      No. 1587 Paradiso Centre, Copernico Street, Brgy. San Isidro Makati City

  • Good day!

    Looking for TESDA TRAINING Center for Events Management Services near Pasig area.

    Thank you!

    • Asia Source iCollege Inc.
      One Victoria Plaza, A. Mabini, Kapasigan, Pasig City

      Excel Technical Skills and Career Center Inc.
      201 Mahogany Street cor Marcos High-way, Barangay Santolan, Pasig City

      Infotech College of Arts & Sciences Philippines, Inc.
      3rd Floor Buenviaje Bldg., Felix Ave., cor. Marcos Highway, Midtown III Subd., San Roque, Marikina City

      Mindtech Training & Development Institute, Inc.
      No. 163 Dr. Sixto Avenue, Brgy. Rosario, Pasig City
      719-2089/ 0917-841-4317

    • Cebu Call Center Academy
      G/F VEG Bldg., Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City
      (032) 341-3220/ 0906-5282855/ 0921-8528404/ (032) 316-3655

      International Skills Republic Academy, Inc.
      755 Jasmin Street, Barangay Capitol Site Cebu City, Cebu 6000
      (032) 234-3933 09352159814

  • Good day, I’m from Brgy.Militar, Palayan City. May I ask if there is enrollment in housekepping and event’s management this coming holiday?

        • Please inquire below:

          City College Of Technology And Trade, Inc.
          Tinio St., San Vicente, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija
          (044) 333-0041/ 09178122724

          Microtech Institute of Trade, Inc.
          Tinio St., San Vicente, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija

  • Inquiry on Event Management Course
    Location: Angono Rizal, Mandaluyong or any NCR city
    How and where to enroll pleade?
    Do you have online classes for this course?

    • Mission School of St. Martin Inc.
      111 First Street, San Martin Subdivision, Brgy. San Isidro, Angono, Rizal

      55 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City

      Excel Career Innovators, Inc.
      No. 287 PVT. E. Reyes St., New Zaniga, Mandaluyong City

      International Training Center and Hospitality Institute, Inc.
      2nd Floor Elena Roces Building, No. 7 Pioneer St., Mandaluyong City
      634-8244 / 634-3300 or 0927-418-7015

      La Salle Greenhills, Inc.
      343 Ortigas Ave., Mandaluyong City
      8721-2000 loc 249

    • Blend Assessment & Training Skills Academy Inc.
      C-50 Narra Avenue, Capitol Shopping, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

      First Academy of Skills and Technology, Inc.
      RMD Bldg., Block 25 B Rodriguez Ave., Brgy. 36, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

      Northern Summit Technical Institute Inc.
      Hugos Walden Bldg., 2nd Flr., Bonifacio-Locsin Streets, Brgy. 5, Silay City, Negros Occidental

      San Enrique Polytechnic Academy, Inc.
      Dulaca St., Barangay Poblacion, San Enrique, Negros Occidental

    • Aphrodite Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      0721 Navarette St., Arkong Bato, Valenzuela City

      #52 Karuhatan Road, Karuhatan, Valenzuela City

      Milestone Technological Institute Inc.
      3F JLB Bldg., Km 12, MacArthur Highway, Marulas, Valenzuela City

      Philippine School for Technology Development and Innovation Inc.
      Corner De Leon Street, Purok 1-A Kabatuhan Street Mapulang Lupa Valenzuela City

      SABAS Skills Development and Assessment Center, Inc.
      3003 South Road, Brgy. Veinte Reales, Raminel Subdivision, Valenzuela City

    • City University of Pasay
      Pasadeña St., Pasay City

      Metro Business College, Inc.
      200 Dolores St., Arnaiz Ave., Pasay City

      SMI Institute Inc.
      Unit 3- A 3rd Floor Wardley Bldg. 1991 San Juan St. Pasay City

    • (S.J.B) Saint John Bosco I.A.S. (Ampid, San Mateo Rizal) Inc.
      1752 One Princeway Bldg., General Luna, Ampid II, San Mateo, Rizal

      Eastern Star Institute of Science & Technology-ESIST, Inc.
      Gen. Luna St., Bgy. Sta. Ana, San Mateo, Rizal
      (02) 475-0972/ 654-0662/ 997-1492; 297-4596

      712 JP Rizal Concepcion Uno, Marikina City

      34 Lark St., Sta Elena, Marikina City
      8682-3445 / 8682-2984

      Infotech College of Arts & Sciences Philippines, Inc.
      3rd Floor Buenviaje Bldg., Felix Ave., cor. Marcos Highway, Midtown III Subd., San Roque, Marikina City

      RGTECH Institute and Assessment Center
      3rd floor 7 Sumulong High-way corner M. Cruz St., Santo Niño, Marikina City

      Sector East Training Solutions Inc.
      2nd Floor #8 Jacamar St., Brgy. Sta. Elena, Marikina City

      Cabalen Training Institute Corp.
      No. 54 J.P. Rizal St., Project 4, Quezon City
      911-1584/ 437-0396

      Center for Barista and Tourism Academy Training and Assessment, Inc.
      3/F Lot 13-A, Blk. 31 cor. Camaro St., Fairview Ave., Fairview, Quezon City

      Electron College of Technical Education Corporation
      No. 664 Electron Bldg., Quirino Highway, Bagbag, Novaliches, Quezon City
      418-2232 / 352-0081 / 703-0878

      In Purpose International Training Institute, Inc.
      6th Flr. Caswynn Buidling, 134 Timog Ave., Brgy. Sacred Heart, Quezon City
      639275388493 639662812375

      Miesha Training Academy and Assessment Center, Inc.
      Bonanza Bldg. II, Block 1 Lot 6 Hilltop Subd., Putol na Daan St., Greater Lagro, Quezon City
      09494508000 / 751-6420

      Simplicity Academy Inc.
      Simplicity Fairview Building, Lot 11 Block 2, Benevento Ave., Greater Lagro, Quezon City

      Technology & Science Institute of the Philippines (Diliman), Inc.
      Lirio 1 Building Lot 31 Block 11 Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City

      The Asian Academy of Professional Studies (TAAPS), Incorporated
      139 Geronimo Drive Brgy. Banlat, Tandang Sora, Quezon City
      814-318/ 358-3399

      960 Aurora Blvd., Quezon City

        • Concordia College, Inc.
          1739 P. Gil Street, paco, Manila
          564-2001-02/ 563-4352

          Excelsior Center for Technology and Innovation Inc.
          514 B 3rd St. San Beda Subdivision, San Miguel – Barangay 638 City of Manila

          Manila Business College Foundation Inc.
          1671 Alvarez St. Sta. Cruz Manila

          Saint Mark Technical Vocational Institute Inc.
          580 Florentino Torres, Brgy. 303, Sta. Cruz, Manila

    • C & C Academy Inc.
      Blk 1 and 2A Lot 3550 Chunnel and Channel Building, Central Market Avenue, ZOne IV (Pob.) City of Dasmariñas

      ISHRM School System, Inc.
      Tirona Highway, Habay, Bacoor, Cavite
      (046) 970 1551 loc 222/ 519 1617/ 416 2974

      JMAC Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      171 Gen. Mascardo St. City of Imus, Cavite
      0908 817 4782

      OzPhil College of Cavite Inc.
      Blk. 43 Lot 1, The Garden Grove, Salitran 4, Dasmariñas, Cavite
      (046) 541 0328

      Protec International Institute Inc.
      Grand Garden Villas, First Cavite Industrial Estate (FCIE) Brgy. Langkaan 1, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
      (046) 402 0845

    • ACLC College of Iriga City, Inc.
      2F JASACA Bldg., Highway 1, San Miguel, Iriga City
      (054) 4580400 09988862510

      Camarines Sur International Headway Inc.
      Rm. D 3rd Floor S.R. Romero Building, Peñafrancia Avenue, Naga City

      Camarines Sur International School, Inc.
      San Juan Ave., cor. Dacanay St., Brgy. South Centro, Sipocot, Camarines Sur

      Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
      San Miguel, Nabua, Camarines Sur
      (054) 288-46277

      Genesis Children’s Growth Academy Corporation
      San Francisco, Ocampo, Camarines Sur

      Global Site for IT Studies, Inc. – Goa
      2nd-5th Flrs., Rosario Uy Bldg., Rizal corner San Jose St., Goa, Camarines Sur

      Global Site for IT Studies, Inc. – Naga
      Simeon Lee Bldg., Abella St., Naga City
      (054) 4787275

      I.T. Institute of Asia and America Inc.
      3rd Flr. Alisagaoo Commercial Complex, San Francisco, Nabua, Camarines Sur

      Logicz Computer Training Center, Inc.
      3F Madecs Building Zone 1, Dayangdang, Naga City

      Memorecall Study Center, Inc.
      #22 RLP Building, Ateneo Avenue, Naga City
      (054) 473-6580 /09175004008

      Oliveros College, Inc. (OCI)
      Basilio Orobia Bldg., Zone 2, San Francisco, Iriga City

      Ragay Polytechnic Skills Institute
      Poblacion, Ilaod, Ragay, Camarines Sur

      SPJ Institute of Technology & Security Training Center, Inc.
      71-3 Zone 5 PMO Rd., Concepcion Grande, Naga City

      SPJ International Technology Institute, Inc. – Tinambac
      San Isidro, Poblacion Tinambac, Camarines Sur

      Universidad De Sta. Isabel De Naga, Inc.
      Elias Angeles St., Naga City

      Worldtech Resources Foundation, Inc. – Naga City
      National Highway, Concepcion Grande, Naga City
      (054) 4728729 4728733

      WRI Colleges-Partido, Inc.
      San Juan, Evangelista, Goa, Camarines Sur

      WRI Colleges-Rinconada, Inc.
      Highway 1, Alfelor St., San Miguel, Iriga City

    • PROFES-SKILLS INSTITUTE Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      (042) 797-0382

    • St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts inc.
      3/F Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Bldg., Old National Highway, Brgy. Balibago, Sta. Rosa City, Laguna
      (049) 534-0446

  • Hello! Do I need to take lessons even I am an Event Professional for several years already? I just want the certification. Can I go straight to assessment? If yes, what are the assessment and certification centers in Paranaque for Events Management?

    • Please inquire below:

      Infotech Institute of Arts and Sciences, Inc.
      8347 CAP Bldg., Dr. A. Santos Ave., Sucat Parañaque City
      825-6531/ 400-7793

      Marymount Academy of Parañaque (MAPI), Inc.
      J. Villaroman St., Classic Homes Village, BF Homes, Parañaque City

      South CompEdge College, Inc.
      Protacio Building, 260 Quirino Avenue, Baclaran, Parañaque City

      • Daan Sa Kaunlaran Technical and Training Institute Inc.
        2nd Floor, E & M Building, Cartagena St. Brgy. Ilaud, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
        (033) 323-0721

        Philippine Call Center Institute, Inc.-Iloilo
        2nd Floor, Unit 204, Perpetual Succor Building, #38 San Agustin St., Iloilo City

        Professional Electronics Institute, Inc.
        2nd Floor La Salette Bldg., Valeria St., Iloilo City with extension campus – PEI Jaro Site, Jayme St., Jaro, Iloilo City

        RGO International Training Institute, Inc.
        Unit A, 3rd Flr. Executive Bldg., Ledesma St., Brgy. Hipodromo, Iloilo City

        The Perfectplanners Corp.
        Zone 3, Brgy. Jibao-an, Pavia
        (033) 393 – 5159

  • First question: Is this a free training course?

    If yes, are there training centers in Manila or Quezon City?

    • Infotech Institute of Arts and Sciences, Inc.
      8347 CAP Bldg., Dr. A. Santos Ave., Sucat Parañaque City
      825-6531/ 400-7793

      Marymount Academy of Parañaque (MAPI), Inc.
      J. Villaroman St., Classic Homes Village, BF Homes, Parañaque City

      South CompEdge College, Inc.
      Protacio Building, 260 Quirino Avenue, Baclaran, Parañaque City

    • First Global Point Skills Academy Inc.
      Lot 21, Block 6, Meyland Village, Meycauayan, Bulacan

    • Fine International Training Center, Inc.
      518 Narra St. Cembo, Makati City
      0284006976/ 09215769341

      Pro-Tech Skills Development Center Corporation
      6488 P. Medina St. Pio Del Pilar, Makati City

      No. 1587 Paradiso Centre, Copernico Street Brgy. San Isidro, Makati City

    • Cebu Call Center Academy
      G/F VEG Bldg., Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City
      (032) 341-3220/ 0906-5282855/ 0921-8528404/ (032) 316-3655

      Immaculate Conception School of Technology of Ozamiz City, Inc.
      3rd floor Conchita Building, 311 Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
      0998-9736747 032-2250654

      International Skills Republic Academy, Inc.
      755 Jasmin Street, Barangay Capitol Site Cebu City, Cebu 6000
      (032) 234-3933 09352159814

      Talisay City Livelihood Training and Assessment Center
      Barangay Lagtang, City of Talisay, Cebu
      (032) 462-1802 / 09204355453

    • Cebu Call Center Academy
      G/F VEG Bldg., Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City
      (032) 341-3220/ 0906-5282855/ 0921-8528404/ (032) 316-3655

      Immaculate Conception School of Technology of Ozamiz City, Inc.
      3rd floor Conchita Building, 311 Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
      0998-9736747 032-2250654

      International Skills Republic Academy, Inc.
      755 Jasmin Street, Barangay Capitol Site Cebu City, Cebu 6000
      (032) 234-3933 09352159814

      Talisay City Livelihood Training and Assessment Center
      Barangay Lagtang, City of Talisay, Cebu
      (032) 462-1802 / 09204355453

  • Just wanted to ask the list of accredited training centers for events management in quezon City Dillman area? Thanks

    • Cabalen Training Institute Corp.
      No. 54 J.P. Rizal St., Project 4, Quezon City
      911-1584/ 437-0396

      Technology & Science Institute of the Philippines (Diliman), Inc.
      Lirio 1 Building Lot 31 Block 11 Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City

      The Asian Academy of Professional Studies (TAAPS), Incorporated
      139 Geronimo Drive Brgy. Banlat, Tandang Sora, Quezon City
      814-318/ 358-3399

    • JMAC Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      171 Gen. Mascardo St. City of Imus, Cavite
      0908 817 4782

      OzPhil College of Cavite Inc.
      Blk. 43 Lot 1, The Garden Grove, Salitran 4, Dasmariñas, Cavite
      (046) 541 0328

      • La Escuela De Ylocos Training Institute, Inc.
        #16 Rizal Namnama (Pob.) Sinait, Ilocos Sur

  • Good day po. Just want to ask po if I can renew may certificate for Event management Services, it will expire this coming January 5?

  • Hi,

    Can you provide me a list of VA DEA program-approved schools that offers the Event Management course in Pampanga?



    • ATEC Technological College Apalit, Inc.
      R and L San Juan (Pob.) Apalit, Pampanga

      Clark College of Science & Technology Inc.
      SNS Bldg. Aurea St., Samsonville Dau, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
      (045) 624-0215

      East Pacific Institute for Computer Graphics and Technical Skills, Inc.
      2/F KL Bldg., A. Consunji St., Poblacion, Brgy Sto Rosario, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

      Systems Plus College Foundation Inc.
      Miranda & Rizal Sts., San Nicolas, Angeles City, Pampanga

      World Link Institute for Technical Studies Inc.
      Purok Magalang Road, Gatiawin, Arayat, Pampanga

      • Hi, good day po. Kindly show us the list of training schools in Muntinlupa, Las Piñas and Parañaque where this Events Management Course is being offered po. Thank you very much. God bless Tesda!


        • Infotech Institute of Arts and Sciences, Inc.
          8347 CAP Bldg., Dr. A. Santos Ave., Sucat Parañaque City
          825-6531/ 400-7793

          Marymount Academy of Paranaque (MAPI), Inc.
          J. Villaroman St. Classic Homes, B.F. Homes, Paranaque City
          809-4486/88/89/ 09178035084

          South CompEdge College, Inc.
          Protacio Building, 260 Quirino Avenue, Baclaran, Parañaque City

    • Grand Achievers Training Institute, Inc.
      #156 F. Don Iñigo St., Davao City
      (082) 3024127/09473492577

      Grand Achievers Training Institute, Inc.
      #156 F. Don Iñigo St., Davao City
      (082) 3024127/09473492577

      International School of Technology, Arts, and Culinary of Davao City
      Cor. A. Loyola St., and JP Laurel Ave.,
      09226086280/ 09089599230

      International School of Technology, Arts, and Culinary of Davao City – Ecoland
      267 Juna Subdivision, Quimpo Boulevard, Ecoland, Davao City

      Mary Mediatrix of All Graces Academy, Inc.
      Medina Bldg.,cor Rizal Ave.& Lapulapu Sts., Digos City,Davao del sur (new address)
      082 333-0030/ 272-0253/ 09464224548

      Regional Training Center-Davao/Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center
      Buhisan, Tibungco, Davao City
      (082) 238-0008

      St. Joseph Technical Academy of Davao City, Inc.
      332 Ramon Magsaysay Avenue, Davao City
      (082) 301-6168

      University of Mindanao – Matina
      Matina, Davao City
      (082) 297-70-24

    • CSTC College of Sciences, Technology and Communications, Inc.
      Gen. Luna St., Maharlika Highway, Poblacion 3, Arellano Subd. Sariaya, Quezon
      ‘(042) 3290850

      PROFES-SKILLS INSTITUTE Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      (042) 725-0039

        • PROFES-SKILLS INSTITUTE Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
          – Events Management Services NC III
          (042) 797-0382

  • Hello! May I ask for list of schools offering Events Management in Cebu City and Cagayan de Oro City? Thank you.

    • Cebu Call Center Academy
      G/F VEG Bldg., Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City
      (032) 253-4682/ 412-0111 (032) 234-6102/ 254-8163

      Immaculate Conception School of Technology of Ozamiz City, Inc.
      3rd floor Conchita Building, 311 Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
      0998-9736747 032-2250654

      International Skills Republic Academy, Inc.
      755 Jasmin Street, Barangay Capitol Site Cebu City
      (032) 234-3933

      Philippine Call Center Institute Inc.
      403 TTK Tower, Imperial Appliance Plaza,Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City
      0915 757 5491

    • Nearest in your area

      Center for Competencies Enhancement and Development, Incorporated
      3/F Kristine Business Center, Chipeco Ave. cor. Burgos St., Calamba City
      (049)502-3802; 09163383431; 09982022361

      Laguna Institute of Hospitality and Kitchen Services, Inc.
      04-0907 J.P. Rizal Street Brgy. 4 – Quinale, Paete, Laguna

      LFS Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      National Hi-way, Brgy. Dayap, Calauan, Laguna

      • Please inquire below

        Asia Pacific College of Business and Arts, Inc.
        Manzano Street, Poblacion Norte, Rizal, Nueva Ecija
        0943-636-0603/ 044-9403400

        Chelsea’s Training Center (CTC) Corporation
        Blk 4 Lot 1 & 2, Ontario, Lakewood, Cabanatuan City

        City College of Technology and Trade, Inc.
        Tinio St., San Vicente, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija
        (044) 333-0041/ 09178122724

        City College of Technology and Trade, Inc.
        Tinio St., San Vicente, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija
        (044) 333-0041/ 09178122724

        College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan, Inc.
        Beedle St., P. Burgos Ave., Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

        College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan, Inc. – Guimba Campus
        Parairo St., Saranay Dististrict, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
        (044) 958 145

        Decisive Empowerment Technical Skills Institute, Inc.
        711 Tobias St., Poblacion East, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

        First Asian International System College, Inc. – Cabiao
        1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Agustin Bldg., San Juan North, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija
        (044) 333-1462/09991502813

        Golden Rosas Multi Skills Center, Inc.
        Purok 3, Brgy. Patalac , Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

        Imperium Training Center Inc.
        Purok 7 Barangay Caballero, Palayan City Nueva Ecija

        IVG Educational Institute Inc.
        1182 Medina Street, Brgy. Malapit, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija
        0917-556-2025 / 09175115510

        Juliann Skills and Traininng Institute (J.S.T.I.) Inc.
        622 Luz Street, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

        Lornwill Techno Co. Inc.
        Lornwill Building 1, Maharlika Highway, Barangay Abar 2nd, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

        Lux Prima Training Institute Inc.
        001 Purok 1 Macasandal Gabaldon (Bitulok & Sabani), Nueva Ecija

        Microtech Institute of Trade, Inc.
        Tinio St., San Vicente, Gapan City. Nueva Ecija

        Pamantasan ng Araullo (Araullo University), Inc.
        Maharlika Highway, Bitas, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

        Philippine Academy of Technical Studies, Inc.
        Soriano St., Aduas Norte, Cabanatuan City

        Prestige Skills College, Inc.
        Diego Building, Maharlika Highway, Magsaysay Norte, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
        0977-391-3833 0917-753-8666

        St. Elizabeth Global Skills Institute Inc.
        Km 131 Esguerra District, Maharlika Highway, Talavera, Nueva Ecija
        044-411-0292/ 0926-651-8646

        Top Link Global College Inc.
        4 Top Link Bldg.,Purok Lambingan Daan Sarile Cabanatuan City
        0917-203-3525/ (044-329-1478)

    • List of TESDA accredited schools that offer Events Management Services NC III in Naga City

      Camarines Sur International Headway Inc.
      Rm. D 3rd Floor/Rm. 208 and 209 Floor, S.R. Romero Building, Peñafrancia Avenue, Naga City

      Global Site for IT Studies, Inc. – Naga
      Simeon Lee Bldg., Abella St., Naga City

      Logicz Computer Training Center, Inc.
      3F Madecs Building Zone 1, Dayangdang, Naga City

      Memorecall Study Center, Inc.
      #22 RLP Building, Ateneo Avenue, Naga City

      SPJ Institute of Technology & Security Training Center, Inc.
      71-3 Zone 5 PMO Rd., Concepcion Grande, Naga City

      Universidad De Sta. Isabel De Naga, Inc.
      Elias Angeles St., Naga City

      Worldtech Resources Foundation, Inc. – Naga City
      National Highway, Concepcion Grande, Naga City

    • List of TESDA accredited schools that offer Events Management Services NC III Course in Rizal

      Binangonan Catholic College Inc.
      Libid, Binangonan, Rizal

      Central Rizal Institute of Technology, Inc.
      1024 Felix Ave., Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Cainta, Rizal

      Eastern Star Institute of Science & Technology-ESIST, Inc.
      94 Gen. Luna St., Bgy. Sta. Ana, San Mateo, Rizal

      Events 101 Business and Arts Academy Inc.
      Blk 171 Lot 6 Road 1, Robinson’s Home East, San Jose (Pob.), Antipolo City, Rizal

      Genesis Children’s Growth Academy Corp.
      C. Lawis Ext. Brgy. San Isidro, Antipolo City, Rizal

      Gintong Aral Skills Development Academy Inc.
      CRF Hall Florence St., San Francisco Village, Muzon, Taytay, Rizal

      Infotech College of Arts & Sciences Philippines, Inc.
      Rafael Tower 4A-4B 102 Plaza Condominium, Marcos Highway Brgy. Mayamot, Antipolo City

      Renaissance School of Science and Technology, Inc.
      National Road, Sitio Paglabas, Morong, Rizal

      Techno Solutions Skills Institute Inc.
      2/F WCS Bldg. Don Marinao Subd., Ortigas Extn, Brgy. San Juan, Cainta, Rizal

      Trent Information First Technical Career Institute, Inc.
      RLC Bldg Cresdaville 1, National Rd., San Juan, Taytay, Rizal

      Victory Elijah Christian College Inc.
      L1032 Rose St., Lourdes Subd.,Mambugan, Antipolo City, Rizal

      Victory Elijah Christian College Inc.
      Orchids Street, Flower Drive, Adelina, San Isidro, Cainta, Rizal

      Zion Institute of Science and Technology Inc.
      Bentley Park Subd., Brgy. Sta. Cruz, Antipolo City

    • List of TESDA accredited schools that offer Events Management Services NC III in Valenzuela

      • Aphrodite Training and Assessment Center Inc.
        0721 Navarette St., Arkong Bato, Valenzuela City
      • Hope Institute of Technology Inc.
        304 McArthur Highway, Malinta, Valenzuela City
      • SABAS Skills Development and Assessment Center, Inc.
        3003 South Road, Raminel Subd. Valenzuela City
  • Hello, Where I can enroll for this course? I’m located at Bacoor and General Trias Cavite. Do you also offer Online trainings?

    • List of TESDA Accredited Schools in Cavite that offer Events Management Services NC III Course

      • ISHRM School System, Inc.
        Tirona Highway, Habay, Bacoor, Cavite
      • JMAC Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
        171 Gen. Mascardo St. City of Imus, Cavite
    • PROFES-SKILLS INSTITUTE Training and Assessment Center, Inc.
      (042) 725-0039

  • Hi I’m from San Jose, Nueva Ecija. Could you help me to find school nearby my location. Thank you so much for the help.

    • List of TESDA Accredited Schools that offer EVENTS MANAGEMENT SERVICES in Nueva Ecija

      • Asia Pacific College of Business and Arts, Inc.
        Manzano Street, Poblacion Norte, Rizal, Nueva Ecija
      • Chelsea’s Training Center (CTC) Corporation
        Blk 4 Lot 1 & 2, Ontario, Lakewood, Cabanatuan City
      • City College of Technology and Trade, Inc.
        Tinio St., San Vicente, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija
      • City College of Technology and Trade, Inc.
        Tinio St., San Vicente, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija
      • College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan, Inc.
        Beedle St., P. Burgos Ave., Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
      • College for Research and Technology of Cabanatuan, Inc. – Guimba Campus
        Parairo St., Saranay Dististrict, Guimba, Nueva Ecija
      • Decisive Empowerment Technical Skills Institute, Inc.
        711 Tobias St., Poblacion East, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
      • First Asian International System College, Inc. – Cabiao
        1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Agustin Bldg., San Juan North, Cabiao, Nueva Ecija
      • Golden Rosas Multi Skills Center, Inc.
        Purok 3, Brgy. Patalac , Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
      • Imperium Training Center Inc.
        Purok 7 Barangay Caballero, Palayan City Nueva Ecija
      • Juliann Skills and Traininng Institute (J.S.T.I.) Inc.
        622 Luz Street, Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
      • Lux Prima Training Institute Inc.
        001 Purok 1 Macasandal Gabaldon (Bitulok & Sabani), Nueva Ecija
      • Microtech Institute of Trade, Inc.
        Purok 4, Sto. Niño, De Praga St., San Vicente
      • Pamantasan ng Araullo (Araullo University), Inc.
        Maharlika Highway, Bitas, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
      • Philippine Academy of Technical Studies, Inc.
        Soriano St., Aduas Norte, Cabanatuan City
      • Prestige Skills College, Inc.
        Diego Building, Maharlika Highway, Magsaysay Norte, Cabanatuan City
      • St. Elizabeth Global Skills Institute Inc.
        Km 131 Esguerra District, Maharlika Highway, Talavera, Nueva Ecija
      • Top Link Global College Inc.
        4 Top Link Bldg.,Purok Lambingan Daan Sarile Cabanatuan City
  • I want to enroll for events management course. Where can I enroll? I am from Kalibo, Aklan.