The TESDA Course in WAREHOUSING SERVICES NC IV consists of competencies needed to supervise a warehouse team or workgroup, oversee the warehouse facilities and equipment, supervise warehouse operations and implement process improvement system.

These documents must conform to workplace requirements in the transport and logistics industry to ensure customer satisfaction.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Logistics and Transport Sector.

A person who has achieved this qualification is competent to be:

  • Warehouse Supervisor
  • Logistics Supervisor
  • Distribution Supervisor
  • Supply Chain Supervisor
  • Materials Supervisor
  • Supply Chain Officer
  • Materials Management Supervisor
  • Inventory Planning and Control Officer
  • Supply Chain Team Leader
  • Inbound Supervisor
  • Transport Supervisor
  • Outbound Supervisor

The above-mentioned job titles are used interchangeably in the Logistics and Transport industry.
Likewise, the list may not be inclusive of job titles. On this premise, clustering will not be applied.


Level: NC IV
Nominal Training Duration :

Basic Competencies – 47 Hours
Common Competencies – 82 Hours
Core Competencies – 168 Hours

Total Duration: 297 Hours

SIL – 240 hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of trainees in WAREHOUSING SERVICES NC IV in accordance with industry standards. This covers competencies that a person must achieve supervise a warehouse team or workgroup, oversee warehouse facilities and equipment, supervise warehouse operations and implement process improvement system.

This course is also designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes/values* of an individual in the field of warehousing/logistics.


Trainees or students who would like to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements:

  • Must have completed the ten (10) year basic education or an Alternative Learning System (ALS) Certificate of Completion with Grade 10 equivalent holder
  • Must possess good communication skills
  • Must be computer literate
  • Must be knowledgeable in Inventory Management/Warehouse Management System
  • Must have an experience in supervising people


To obtain this course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

This units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

LOG333312 Supervise a warehouse team or workgroup
LOG333313 Oversee warehouse facilities and equipment
LOG333314 Supervise warehouse operations
LOG333315 Implement process improvement system
LOG493201 Apply workplace procedures in warehousing operations
LOG493202 Perform industry calculations in warehousing operations
LOG493203 Ensure security of stocks and cargo
LOG493204 Provide efficient customer service
LOG493205 Contribute to quality systems
LOG493206 Comply with workplace procedures in handling stocks
LOG493207 Maintain warehouse records
500311401 Utilize specialized communication skills
500311402 Develop and lead teams
500311403 Perform higher-order thinking processes and apply techniques in the workplace
500311404 Contribute to the practice of social justice in the workplace
500311405 Manage innovative work instructions
500311406 Manage and evaluate usage of information
500311407 Lead in improvement of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) programs, policies and procedures
500311408 Lead towards improvement of environment work programs, policies and procedures
500311409 Sustain entrepreneurial skills

This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in WAREHOUSING SERVICES NC IV. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.


Core competency units comprising the qualification in WAREHOUSING SERVICES NC IV.


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to organize, train and supervise a warehouse team or workgroup to maximize operational efficiency. This also involves the skills and knowledge to conduct performance appraisals and to upgrade competencies.

  1. Determine appropriate staffing levels and assign workload
    • Competencies and skills requirements for warehouse tasks are determined in accordance with the workplace requirements
    • Job descriptions, roles and responsibilities for each position are prepared accordingly
    • Tasks, roles and responsibilities are concurred and documented with the warehouse staff.
    • Additional warehouse staff are hired as needed
  2. Mentor warehouse staff
    • Goals and targets are discussed with the warehouse staff.
    • Warehouse staff are trained and retrained on new developments
    • Coaching and mentoring are applied as needed
    • Cross-posting is done when feasible
  3. Conduct performance appraisal of warehouse staff.
    • Performances of warehouse staff are assessed on regular intervals.
    • Results of performance appraisal of warehouse staff are documented and concurred.
    • Assists in the development of Personnel performance improvement plans (PPIP) through Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
    • Commendations and disciplinary actions are given as necessary
  4. Enhance warehouse staff skills
    • Assists in the preparation of the competencies and skills inventory of each warehouse staff
    • Personnel Performance Improvement plan (PPIP) is concurred
    • Training programs are implemented to support PPIP


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to oversee the safe, secured and efficient operation of warehouse facilities and equipment for the seamless flow of goods in accordance with workplace requirements and in compliance with applicable Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS), environment, and other government regulatory requirements.

  1. Comply with the standards of a safe and secured warehouse facility and equipment
    • Good warehousing practices on facility and equipment are implemented and monitored in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Applicable OSHS, environment, and other government regulatory requirements are complied with.
    • A security system is established for controlling access to the facility and equipment
  2. Contribute in the design of the warehouse storage facility
    • A warehouse lay-out is drawn based on flow of goods
    • Storage requirements and relevant government regulatory requirements are considered in warehouse design
    • Capacity requirements is factored in the design
    • Stock Locator Map and visual cues are prominently displayed at strategic areas.
  3. Maintain warehouse facility and equipment
    • A warehouse maintenance checklist is made available
    • Warehouse facility and equipment are assessed to maximize operational efficiency
    • Warehouse facility and equipment are upgraded as necessary


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to supervise the warehouse operations from receiving of stocks, order processing to dispatching using cost efficient transport and logistics resources.

This also involves the skills and knowledge required to apply warehouse management systems in managing stocks.

  1. Organize warehouse operations
    • Warehouse activities are executed to meet objectives
    • Operational resources are made available
    • Work schedules and cut-offs are observed
    • Warehouse policies and procedures are complied with
    • Key performance indicators are put in place to measure effectiveness of warehouse operations
  2. Supervise warehouse inventory activities
    • Inventory Management and Warehouse Management (IM/WM) system is adapted
    • Stock inventory control policies are reinforced
    • Physical counts are conducted to validate inventory records accuracy
  3. Engage with efficient transport and logistics service providers
    • Customer transport requirements are identified
    • Services of efficient transport providers are engaged with
    • Conducts a review of performance with transport and logistics service providers


This unit involves skills and knowledge required to measure, analyze and evaluate performance results against targets.

This unit also involves knowledge and skills to implement sustainable process improvement system.

  1. Evaluate operational performance
    • Key Performance Indicators are identified
    • Operational performance is measured
    • Current performance results are analysed
  2. Adapt process improvement
    • Key Performance Indicators are identified
    • Operational performance is measured
    • Current performance results are analysed
  3. Adapt process improvement
    • Process improvement programs are implemented
    • Results of process improvements are regularly reviewed
    • Benchmarking with best industry practices is done
  4. Calibrate targets based on historical performance results
    • Performance results are reviewed at regular intervals
    • Key performance targets are reviewed against historical performance results
    • Adjust performance targets as necessary



This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply workplace procedures in warehousing operations. It includes identifying critical aspects of warehousing operations, performing workload, and applying ethical practices.

  1. Identify critical aspects of the warehousing operations
    • The layout of the workplace, the flow of materials and goods/stocks (where relevant) and the workplace procedures in each work area are identified
    • Organizational structure and working relationship is identified
    • Individual responsibilities under employment contracts are adhered to.
    • Workplace hazards are identified and eliminated.
    • Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) are identified and used in accordance with safety regulations and workplace requirements.
    • Workplace emergency procedures are identified and followed in real and simulated emergency situation
  2. Perform assigned workload
    • Priorities, schedules and deadlines are agreed with stakeholders
    • Work activities are planned and work progress is communicated
    • Work is completed in accordance with workplace procedures and standards.
    • Work improvement is discussed with appropriate personnel prior to implementation
  3. Apply ethical practices
    • Relevant regulations and legislation are identified and complied
    • Code of ethics is observed
    • Deadlines and commitments are met
    • Required confidentiality is maintained
    • Workplace security policies are followed


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to carry out basic routine workplace calculations. It specifically includes carrying out required mathematical operations; preparing basic estimates of mass, size and volume; and interpreting basic graphical representations of data.

  1. Carry out calculations
    • Items are counted singly and in batches and sorted numerically, as required in workplace tasks
    • Calculations needed to complete work tasks are performed using the mathematical operations in accordance with workplace procedures.
    • Results of calculations are validated.
  2. Prepare estimates
    • Materials and resources that require estimates are identified
    • Estimates on materials and resources are prepared in accordance with workplace requirements
    • Adjustment is made for any discrepancy between the estimates and actual materials and resources
  3. Interpret graphical representations of data
    • Data are collated.
    • Data are translated into graphical representations
    • Graphical representations are interpreted in accordance with workplace requirements


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to comply with the security procedures in the transport and logistics industry. It includes maintaining the security of stocks and cargo, identifying security threats and responding to a security threat.

  1. Maintain security of stocks and cargo
    • Stocks and cargo are secured in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Security measures on stocks and cargo are maintained in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Signs of pilferage, theft and interference are reported in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Suspicious stocks and cargo are reported promptly to appropriate personnel
    • Any breach of security is reported promptly to appropriate personnel
  2. Identify a security threat
    • Information on security threats is disseminated
    • Simulation of security threat is conducted
    • Actual security threat is identified
    • Security threat is assessed
  3. Respond to a security threat
    • Response to an identified security threat is in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Security threats are handled within limits of responsibility using available
      communications systems in the workplace
    • Documentation of security threat is prepared


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to provide efficient customer service. It includes defining customer service requirements, rendering customer service, and monitoring customer satisfaction.

  1. Define customer service requirements
    • Products and services are understood
    • Customers are identified
    • Customer service requirements are determined
  2. Render customer service
    • Workplace standards on customer service are disseminated
    • Customer inquiries and complaints are dealt with in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Customer service is delivered efficiently.
  3. Monitor customer satisfaction
    • Customer feedback mechanism is in place
    • Customer satisfaction is monitored
    • Reports are analyzed for customer service improvement


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to contribute to quality systems within the workplace. It includes applying quality concepts to work, evaluating proposed work process improvements and implementing work process improvements.

  1. Apply quality concepts
    • Workplace quality concepts are identified
    • Responsibility for quality of work is assumed
    • Quality concepts are applied at work
  2. Evaluate proposed work process improvements
    • Proposed work process improvements are drafted
    • Proposed process improvements are shortlisted
    • Probable work process improvements are evaluated
  3. Implement work process improvements
    • Feasible work process improvements are selected
    • Work process improvement is implemented
    • Work process improvements are monitored


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to comply with workplace procedures in handling stocks. It includes categorizing stocks, identifying storage locations and handling stocks.

  1. Categorize stocks
    • Warehouse personnel is required to attend product orientation
    • Stocks are grouped according to classification
    • Stock movements are considered in stocks classification
  2. Identify storage locations
    • Stocks storage requirements are identified.
    • Stocks storage locations are assigned based on product storage requirements, volume, movements, and available space
    • Stock locator chart is designed for efficient stock movements
  3. Follow stocks handling procedures
    • Orientation on stock handling procedures is undertaken
    • Stock handling procedures are observed
    • Stock handling procedures are updated as necessary


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values needed to maintain warehouse records. This includes data recording, document control and preparing reports.

  1. Record warehouse data
    • Sources of data are collected
    • Warehouse data are classified
    • Data are recorded either manually or electronically
    • Proof-reading is done to ensure data accuracy
  2. Control document
    • Records are maintained based on workplace procedures
    • Access to documents is limited to authorized personnel
    • Records are disposed based on workplace procedures
  3. Prepare reports
    • Relevant warehouse reports are identified
    • Warehouse reports are prepared based on workplace procedures
    • Reports are distributed to stakeholders


UNIT CODE : 500311401

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of internal and internal clients, conduct interviews, facilitate discussion with groups, and contribute to the development of communication strategies.

  1. Meet common and specific communication needs of clients and colleagues
    • Specific communication needs of clients and colleagues are identified and met
    • Different approaches are used to meet communication needs of clients and colleagues
    • Conflict is addressed promptly in a manner which does not compromise the organization
  2. Contribute to the development of communication strategies
    • Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information are developed, promoted, implemented and reviewed as required
    • Channels of communication are established and reviewed regularly
    • Coaching in effective communication is provided
    • Work related network and relationship are maintained
    • Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used where required
    • Communication with clients and colleagues is performed appropriate to individual needs and organizational objectives
  3. Deliver a technical presentation
    • Presentation is delivered clearly, sequential and delivered within allotted time
    • Utilize appropriate media to enhance presentation
    • Differences in views/opinions are respected
    • Questions during fora are responded in a manner consistent with organizational standard
  4. Represent the organization
    • When participating in internal or external forums, presentation is relevant, appropriately researched and presented in a manner to promote the organization
    • Presentation is clear and sequential and delivered within a predetermined time
    • Utilize appropriate media to enhance presentation
    • Differences in views are respected
    • Written communication is consistent with organizational standards
    • Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with organizational standard
    • Consolidate ideas and suggestions
    • Generalize and summarize all ideas and suggestions
  5. Facilitate group discussion
    • Mechanisms which enhance effective group interaction is defined and implemented
    • Strategies which encourage all group members to participate are used routinely
    • Objectives and agenda for meetings and discussions are routinely set and followed
    • Relevant information is provided to group to facilitate outcomes
    • Evaluation of group communication strategies is undertaken to promote participation of all parties
    • Specific communication needs of individuals are identified and addressed
  6. Conduct interview
    • A range of appropriate communication strategies are employed in interview situations
    • Records of interviews are made and maintained in accordance with organizational procedures
    • Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal communication techniques are used to ensure that required message is communicated

UNIT CODE : 500311402

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to determine individual and team development needs and facilitate the development of the workgroup.

  1. Foster Individual growth
    • Learning and development needs of team members are systematically identified in line with organizational requirements
    • Development plan to meet individual needs is collaboratively developed and implemented
    • Individuals are encouraged to self – evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement
    • Feedback on performance of team members is collected from relevant sources and compared with established team learning process
  2. Foster individual and team growth
    • Learning and development program goals and objectives are identified to match the specific knowledge and skills requirements of competency standards
    • Learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning goals, the learning style of participants and availability of equipment and resources
    • Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring assistance are provided to facilitate individual and team achievement of competencies
    • Resources and timelines required for learning activities are identified and approved in accordance with organizational requirements
  3. Monitor and evaluate workplace learning
    • Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and implement improvements in future learning arrangements
    • Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are assessed and recorded to determine the effectiveness of development programs and the extent of additional support
    • Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning
    • Records and reports of competency are maintained within organizational requirement
  4. Develop team commitment and cooperation
    • Open communication processes to obtain and share information is used by team
    • Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its agreed roles and responsibilities
    • Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the team
    • Career planning for each member are monitored
  5. Facilitate accomplishment of team goals
    • Team members actively participated in team activities and communication processes
    • Teams members developed individual and joint responsibility for their actions
    • Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational goals

UNIT CODE : 500311403

This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use fundamental critical thinking skills in the workplace.

  1. Evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of the workplace systems, processes and procedures.
    • Effectiveness and efficiency of workplace standards and procedures are examined.
    • Usage of inquiry and dialogue to communicate evaluation measures and results are implemented.
    • Evaluation reports are prepared and communicated to team members.
  2. Foster the habit of critical inquiry and curiosity in the workplace.
    • Issues and situations are reflected on and wondered about.
    • Issues and problems in the workplace particularly in the policies, procedures and protocols are discussed and evaluated between and among teams.
    • Evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of workplace policies, procedures and protocols are documented, communicated and agreed upon between and among teams.
    • Growth mindset and positive relationship and communication is applied in the context of curiosity and critical inquiry in the workplace.
  3. Develop practical action plans for improving workplace conditions.
    • Evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of workplace policies, procedures and protocols are documented, communicated to stakeholders.
    • Practical action plans in improving workplace conditions are formulated, presented and negotiated with stakeholders.
    • Proposed changes and directions are inquired, processed and negotiated between and among teams, and stakeholders as well of the organization.
    • Commitment to continuous improvement and change is highlighted.
    • Passion and dedication for changing and adapting to the demands of the 21st century workplace are considered.

UNIT CODE : 500311404

This unit covers ways and means to assume active roles in resolving local and global challenges and to become proactive contributors to a more peaceful and sustainable world.

  1. Update self on local, national and global trends/issues in the workplace
    • Media are regularly scanned/ monitored for trends and issues relevant to human rights, gender equality, promotion of culture of peace and nonviolence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity.
    • Knowledge and understanding of local, national and global issues and their interconnectedness and interdependency are acquired.
    • Notable issues and trends are critically examined and discussed with peers, colleagues, or family members.
  2. Relate local and global trends to workplace context
    • Local events are reflected on for implications in one’s own situation and in the external global environment.
    • Sense of belonging to a common humanity, sharing values and responsibilities are developed.
    • Attitudes of empathy, solidarity and respect for differences and diversity are strengthened.
  3. Engage and take actions on workplace issues and concerns
    • Effective and responsible actions at local, national and global levels are identified.
    • Motivation and willingness to take necessary actions are developed.
    • Attitude of “thinking globally and acting locally” is practiced.

UNIT CODE : 500311405

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to sustain and develop a workplace environment in which improvement, innovation and learning are promoted and reinforced.

  1. Review and analyze existing workplace practices
    • Current instructions and strategies to perform tasks in the workplace are reviewed
    • Climate for innovation at the organizational level is defined
    • Innovation drivers in the workplace are identified
  2. Examine opportunities for continuous improvement and innovation of practices in the workplace
    • Effectiveness of innovative practices in the workplace is determined
    • Innovative behaviors of leaders or managers in the organization are assessed
    • Driving principles of innovation are discussed
  3. Implement innovative ways in the conduct of usual workplace practices
    • Innovative behaviors in the workplace are performed
    • Innovative climate in the workplace is maintained
    • Adoption or modification of new ideas relevant to the organizational needs is achieved

UNIT CODE : 500311406

This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to support

  1. Review information needs and sources
    • The information needs of individuals/teams are determined and the sources are identified.
    • Information held by the organization is reviewed to determine suitability and accessibility.
    • Plans are prepared to obtain information that is not available or accessible within the organization.
  2. Collect and analyze information
    • Collection of information is interpreted timely and relevant to the needs of individuals/teams.
    •  Information is collected in formal suitable for analysis, interpretation and dissemination.
    • Information is analyzed to identify relevant trends and developments in terms of the needs for which is acquired.
  3. Use management information systems
    • Management information systems are used to store and retrieve data for decision making.
    • Technology available in the work area/organization is used to manage information.
    • Recommendations for improving the information system are submitted to designated persons/ groups.
  4. Report and disseminate analyzed information
    • The results of information gathering, analysis and synthesis are reported within specified time frames and to the standard defined by the organization.
    • The results of information gathering, analysis and synthesis are reported so they can be inputs to policy development and organization decision making.
    • Information which is gathered is disseminated to appropriate personnel within the specified timeframe

UNIT CODE : 500311407

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to assess Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) practices and programs, recommend OSH program improvement initiatives, and implement recommended improvements on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Programs, Procedures and Policies

  1. Assess Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) practices and programs
    • OSH practices and programs are reviewed based on workplace policies and procedures
    • Appropriate personnel or OSH reference guides are consulted for proper guidance based on workplace policies and procedures
    • Current practices and programs are evaluated based on acceptable level of OSH work standards
  2. Recommend OSH program improvement initiatives
    • OSH work improvement initiatives are identified that are relevant with the workplace scenario
    • OSH program improvement plans are organized based on workplace policies and procedures
    • OSH program improvement plans are presented based on workplace policies and procedures
  3. Implement recommended improvements on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Programs, Procedures and Policies
    • Approved improvements on OSH work improvement initiatives are communicated based on workplace policies and procedures
    • Concern personnel are guided in accordance with workplace policies and procedures
    • Implementation of the approved OSH initiatives are monitored in accordance with workplace policies and procedures
    • Implementation of approved OSH initiatives are evaluated based on workplace policies and procedures

UNIT CODE : 500311408

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in assessing environmental work practices and standards, recommending environmental work improvement initiatives and implementing recommended environmental improvements

  1. Assess environmental work practices and programs
    • Environmental practices and programs are reviewed based on workplace policies
    • Appropriate personnel or environmental reference guides are consulted for proper guidance based on workplace policies*
    • Current practices and programs are evaluated based on acceptable level of environmental work standards*
  2. Recommend environmental program improvements initiatives
    • Environment practices opportunities are Identified that are relevant with the workplace scenario
    • Environmental program improvement plans are organized based on workplace policies and procedures*
    • Environmental program improvement plans are presented based on workplace policies and procedures*
  3. Implement recommended improvements on environmental programs, policies and procedures
    • Approved improvements on environmental work program initiatives are promoted based on workplace policies and procedures
    • Implementation of the approved environmental initiatives are monitored in accordance with workplace policies and procedures
    • Implementation of approved environmental initiatives are evaluated based on workplace policies and procedures

UNIT CODE : 500311409

This unit covers the outcomes required to update and continue one’s professional development along entrepreneurship, including applying such growth in skills toward expanding the enterprise and developing its work force.

  1. Enhance one’s business skills
    • Entrepreneurial skills development needs are identified and responded to promptly.
    • Market trends are monitored, anticipated and taken advantage of where feasible.
    • New technologies, products and processes are included/utilized where advantageous to the enterprise.
    • Constant dialog/linkages with other entrepreneurs/peers and stakeholders are maintained
    • Circulation and participation in business for a, meetings, conventions and exhibits are maintained.
  2. Manage entrepreneurial practices
    • Ideas and comments for improvements are sought from workers and clients.
    • Staff/workers are encouraged and supported in their skills development and enhancement.
    • A culture of continuous improvement is fostered within the enterprise.
    • Innovations on the existing lines of products and services are encouraged
  3. Expand markets and clientele
    • Enterprise is built up and sustained through judicious control of cash flows.
    • Profitability of enterprise is ensured though appropriate internal controls.
    • Unnecessary or lower priority expenses and purchases are avoided.
    • New markets and clients are identified based on current market trends


  • Barcode Optical machine-readable representation of data relating to the object to which it is attached. It is a small image of lines (bars) and spaces that is affixed to store items identification cards, and etc. to identify a particular product number, person, or location.
  • Benchmarking Process of comparing business performance against best
    practices of other businesses in the industry
  • Best Industry Practice Method that has been generally accepted as superior and is
    used as a benchmark
  • Capacity Planning Identifying how much space is needed in order to maximize productivity, reduce costs, and support sales growth.
  • Certificate of Compliance Document certified by a competent authority that the supplied good or service meets the required specifications.
  • Coaching process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future.
  • Code of Ethics outlines the mission and values of the business or organization. It lays out the rules of behavior and provides groundwork for ethical conduct of employees to follow
  • Competency ability to do something successfully or efficiently
  • Count sheet form used to record physical inventory
  • Count team group of people who conducts physical inventory
  • Cross-posting management initiative wherein employee is transferred to another department for a defined period of time
  • Customer person that buys goods or services from a business
  • Customer service process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or service.
  • Cut-off point or level that is a designated limit of something
  • Cycle count inventory auditing procedure where a small subset of inventory in a specific location is counted on a specific date
  • Document control policy regulates documents by number, name, version, effective date, review date and history of amendments..
  • Dispatch sending something to a destination with promptness and speed
  • Entrepreneurial skills combine a range of technical management and personal skills vital to promoting innovation, competitiveness and economic growth
  • Ergonomics scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system.
  • Feedback mechanism an effective way to gather, learn, and apply your customer suggestions in order to enhance product or service
  • Forklift a powered industrial truck (usually engine, hydraulics or electricity used to lift and move materials in short distances
  • Goal an idea of the future or desired result that a group of people plans and commits to achieve
  • Good warehousing practices a list of principles applied in warehousing operations to optimize cost so that products are always available, accessible and in good condition
  • Government regulatory laws passed by legislative bodies to conform to rules, policies, specifications and standards requirements
  • Inventory total amount of goods and/or materials contained in a warehouse, store or factory at any given time.
  • Inventory count a carefully coordinated counting process for an actual count of goods in stock compared to the quantities reported on the detailed inventory records
  • Inventory record accuracy (IRA) a measure of how closely inventory records match the physical
  • Job description an informative documentation that describes the general tasks or other related duties and responsibilities
    expected to be done at work
  • Key Performance Indicators a type of performance measurement. It demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. It is use to evaluate business’ success at reaching targets
  • Key Performance Target desired level of performance as measured by indicators
  • Lay-out the manner in which parts of the warehouse are arranged or laid-out
  • Lift truck a vehicle used to lift, move, stack, rack, or otherwise manipulate loads.
  • Load describes the materials being handled by a piece of equipment.
  • Loading Dock also called loading bay is an area of a warehouse building where goods vehicles (usually road or rail) are loaded and unloaded.
  • Logistics Provider a company that provides management over the flow of goods and materials between points of origin to end use destination. The provider will often handle shipping, inventory, warehousing, packaging and security functions for shipment
  • Maintenance checklist tool commonly used to keep building and equipment safe by periodical planning, checkups and maintenance activities
  • Mentoring an experienced person assist a mentee in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance
    professional and personal growth
  • Negotiation discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.
  • Objectives a result that a company aims to achieve within a time frame and resources available
  • Order a request by one party to another to make, supply, deliver, transfer or receive goods and services.
  • Order fulfillment complete process from point of sales inquiry to a delivery of product to the customer
  • Outbound managing and controlling outgoing materials starting from the download of materials to the shipping of
    products from the warehouse
  • Pallet loader a warehousing or manufacturing equipment designed to lift and move load on a pallet
  • Pallet truck an equipment used to lift and move pallets are either manually operated or powered by means of electricity
    and hydraulics
  • Palletizing scheme create a number of alternative patterns or arrangement which ensures cargo stability, taking into account pallet and box volumes
  • Performance appraisal regular review of an employee’s job performance and overall contribution to a company.
  • Performance metrics measures an organization to assess how well workers are doing their tasks and how companies are accomplishing their objectives
  • Personnel management an administrative specialization that focuses on hiring and development of employees to become more valuable to the company
  • Pest control the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest
  • Pilferage theft of part of the contents of a package in small amounts
  • Preventive maintenance maintenance regularly performed on a piece of equipment to lessen the likelihood of breakdown
  • Project management practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, closing the  work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet success criteria within a specified time
  • Process improvement program process of identifying, analyzing, improving existing business processes to eliminate weak points or bottlenecks in operations
  • Purchase Order a document used to approve, track, and process purchased items
  • Racking system storage system designed to stack materials in horizontal rows with multiple levels
  • Receipt involves the transfer of ownership of incoming goods ensuring that the documentation is accurate, correct and allows the goods to be made available as soon as possible
  • Reconciliation a process where a company balances its physical inventory with the figures in its accounting books.
  • Reverse logistics process of moving goods beyond their typical final destination for re-use, capturing value or proper disposal
  • Shelf Life length of time that a product maybe stored without becoming unfit for use, consumption or for sale
  • Signages and visual cues information or instruction on a signboard
  • Skills type of work and activity which requires special training and knowledge
  • Skills inventory report containing information on knowledge skills abilities and experiences of current employees
  • Stacking height an orderly pile of stocks/goods, especially one arranged in layers.
  • Stock level quantity of stocks kept on the warehouse required for efficient and effective control
  • Stock Locator System a system with the capability of tracking supplies and inventory during transport and storage.
  • Storage location a place where stock is physically kept
  • Strategies plans of action designed to achieve over-all aim
  • Surveillance Equipment system to monitor activities, behavior or information for the purpose of managing operations
  • Tactics conceptual action aiming at the achievement of a goal
  • Transport provider a company that provides management over the flow of goods and materials between points of origin to end use destination. The provider will often handle shipping, inventory, warehousing, packaging and security functions for shipment
  • Transport-Route planning process to plan for the most cost-effective route by minimizing the distance traveled and time taken in the delivery process
  • Truck turnaround process of readying a transport vehicle for departure after its arrival
  • Warehouse Facility a facility where raw materials and manufactured goods materials are stored before distribution.
  • Work-in-Process part of manufacturer’s inventory that has not yet been completed and transferred as finished goods inventory


  • BFP Bureau of Fire Protection
  • BIR Bureau of Internal Revenues
  • DA Department of Agriculture
  • DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
  • DOLE – OSHS Department of Labor and Employment – Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  • DTI Department of Trade and Industry
  • FDA Food and Drug Administration
  • FIFO First in First Out
  • GPS Global Positioning System
  • GWP Good Warehousing Practices
  • IM Inventory Management
  • IMWM Inventory Management Warehouse Management
  • IRA Inventory Records Accuracy
  • KPI Key Performance Indicators
  • LIFO Last In First Out
  • LIFR Line Item Fill Rate
  • MSME Micro Small Medium Enterprise
  • OFR Order Fill Rate
  • PDEA Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
  • PPIP Personnel Performance Improvement Plan
  • RFID Radio Frequency Identification
  • SCMAP Supply Chain Management Association of the Philippines
  • SCOR Supply Chain Operations Reference
  • SKU Stock Keeping Unit
  • SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
  • TNA Training Needs Analysis
  • TPLP Third Party Logistics Provider
  • WMS Warehouse Management System
  • 5S Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, – A system organizing spaces so work can be performed efficiently, effectively and safely