The TERSDA Course in PYROTECHNICS NC II consists of competencies that a person must achieve that will enable him/her to acquire and store chemicals, make cylinder container for pyrotechnic products, wrap/package pyrotechnic products, load mixed composition into container, prepare safety fuse for fireworks and make firecrackers.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of PYROTECHNICS.

A student who has achieved this Course in PYROTECHNICS NC II is competent to be:

  • Assistant Pyrotechnician
  • Pyrotechnician


Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this course should possess the following requirements:

  • can communicate either oral and written
  • physically and mentally fit
  • at least 18 years old
  • with good moral character
  • can perform basic mathematical computation

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.


Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration :

(Basic Competency) 18 Hours
(Common Competency) 24 Hours
(Core Competency) 200 Hours

Total Training Duration 242 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitude of Pyrotechnics in accordance with industry standards. It covers specialized competencies on acquiring and storing chemicals, making cylinder container for pyrotechnic products, loading mixed composition into container, preparing safety fuse and making firecrackers.


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common and Core Competencies. To obtain this course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

PYR311301 Acquire and store chemicals
PYR311302 Make cylinder container for pyrotechnic products
PYR311303 Wrap/package pyrotechnic products
PYR311304 Load mixed composition into container
PYR311305 Prepare safety fuse for fireworks
PYR311306 Make firecrackers
PYR311202 Observe procedures, specifications and manuals of instructions
PYR311203 Perform mensurations and calculations
PYR516201 Perform fire fighting and fire prevention
PYR311205 Apply quality standards
PYR513201 Apply first aid treatment
500311105 Participate in Workplace Communication
500311106 Work in Team Environment
500311107 Practice career professionalism
500311108 Practice occupational health and safety procedures

This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in PYROTECHNICS NC II. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.



This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in procuring, handling and storing chemicals for pyrotechnic production in a safe manner.

  1. Initiate procurement of chemicals for pyrotechnic product
    • Specifications and quantity of chemicals are prepared based on production requirements.
    • Sources/suppliers of chemicals are identified for procurement.
    • Chemicals are procured in accordance to legal and other statutory requirements.
  2. Store chemicals
    • All chemicals procured are properly identified and labeled in sealed container/packaging.
    • Chemicals are stored in warehouse/storage magazine or separate location designated for this purpose and in accordance with established/recommended procedures.
    • Chemical materials are secured from rain or excessive heat during storage.
    • Storage area is cleaned up and made safe in accordance with OH & S requirements
    • Unexpected situations are responded to in accordance with company rules and regulations.


This unit covers the required knowledge, skills and attitudes in making cylinder container for pyrotechnic products.

  1. Prepare paste
    • Work instruction is secured from appropriate personnel.
    • Flour/starch is mixed with water and preservative based on desired concentration.
    • Mixture is boiled to desired consistency.
  2. Roll and dry paper into cylinder or tubing
    • End of chipboard paper is scraped to desired thickness prior to rolling.
    • Appropriate thin film of paste is applied to paper.
    • Paper is rolled into cylindrical container using former in accordance with specifications.
    • Rolled paper into cylinder tube is dried to desired condition/quality.


This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in wrapping/packaging pyrotechnic products.

  1. Wrap pyrotechnic products
    • Pyrotechnic products are wrapped using specified wrapping material.
    • Wrapping is performed in accordance with established wrapping procedures and safety precautions.
    • Label is attached to wrapper for marketability, for instruction and proper use of pyrotechnics.
  2. Pack pyrotechnic products
    • Wrapped loaded containers are dried based on product specification.
    • Wrapped loaded containers are packed, bundled and properly labeled according to specification.
    • Wrapped loaded containers are transported and stored in the warehouse.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in loading mixed composition into container in a safe manner.

  1. Load fireworks
    • Specific type of container is selected and checked based on product requirement
    • Chemical mixture and proportions are selected and checked based on fireworks quality requirements.
    • Mixed composition is loaded in container following loading procedures as per pyrotechnic product based on recommended standard and safety practices.
    • Loading is performed using appropriate tools and equipment and with minimum wastage.
    • Unexpected situations are responded to in accordance with company rules and regulations
  2. Install safety fuse
    • Safety fuse is installed according to product standard.
    • Initial loaded mixture is tested as to desired performance and based on product requirements.
    • Deficiencies are corrected based on test performance.
    • Unexpected situations are responded to in accordance with company rules and regulations


This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in preparing safety fuse for fireworks.

  1. Prepare and mix fuse ingredients
    • Black powder is prepared from recommended raw material.
    • Fuse ingredients are weighed and measured in accordance with pyrotechnic product safety fuse specifications.
    • Chemical ingredients are pounded/sieved into desired mesh size.
    • Chemicals are mixed using wet process following safety and quality requirements.
  2. Make fuse
    • Cotton string or paper is dipped/soaked in mixture in accordance with established procedures.
    • Soaked string is dried and wrapped and cut into pieces into desired specifications.
    • Sample safety fuse is tested according to job requirement.
    • Finished safety fuse stored in designated location in accordance with safety procedures.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for making firecrackers in a safe manner.

  1. Prepare container for firecrackers
    • Work instruction is secured from appropriate personnel.
    • Container is prepared in accordance with product requirement.
    • Paper container is folded in accordance with specifications.
  2. Weigh/sieve/test firecracker’s chemical composition
    • Weighing is performed using appropriate weighing scale.
    • Appropriate chemicals for safety fuse/firecrackers are identified in accordance with product and safety requirements.
    • Chemicals are weighed and measured in accordance with recommended ratio and proportion.
    • Chemicals are sieved using appropriate mesh sieving screen before and after mixing chemicals.
    • Mixed chemical is tested according to desired performance
    • Unexpected situations are responded to in accordance with company rules and regulations.
  3. Load chemical mixture into container
    • Work instruction is secured from appropriate personnel
    • Loading of chemical mixture is performed based on product requirements.
    • Firecracker products are sun dried in accordance with established drying procedures.
    • Unexpected situations are responded to in accordance to company rules and regulations



This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in identifying, interpreting, applying services to specifications and manuals, and storing manuals.

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in identifying, interpreting, applying services to specifications and manuals, and storing manuals.

  1. Identify and access specification/manuals
    • Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed as per job requirements
    • Version and date of manual is checked to ensure correct specification and procedure are identified
  2. Interpret manuals
    • Relevant sections, chapters of specifications/ manuals are located in relations to the work to be conducted
    • Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted in accordance to industry practices
  3. Apply information in manual
    • Manual is interpreted according to job requirements
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with manufacturer’s specification
    • Manual data is applied according to the given task
    • All correct sequencing and adjustments are interpreted in accordance with information contained on the manual or specifications
  4. Store manuals
    • Manual or specification are stored appropriately to ensure prevention of damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in identifying and measuring objects based on the required performance standards.

  1. Select measuring instruments
    • Object or component to be measured is identified, classified and interpreted to the appropriate regular geometric shape
    • Measuring tools are selected/identified as per object to be measured or job requirements
    • Correct specifications are obtained from relevant sources
    • Appropriate measuring instruments are selected according to job requirements
    • Alternative measuring tools are used without sacrificing cost and quality of work
  2. Carry out measurements and calculations
    • Accurate measurements and calculations are obtained to job requirements
    • Alternative measuring tools are used without sacrificing cost and quality of work
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (/) including but not limited to: trigonometric functions, algebraic computations
    • Calculations involving fractions, percentages and mixed numbers are used to complete workplace tasks
    • Numerical computation is self-checked and corrected for accuracy
    • Instruments are read to the limit of accuracy of the tool
    • Systems of measurement identified and converted according to job requirements/ISO
    • Workpieces are measured according to job requirements


This unit identifies the competence required to prevent and fight fires including management of fire prevention measures, initiation and management of evacuation, emergency shutdown and isolation procedures and the execution and coordination of fire fighting operations.

  1. Manage fire prevention procedures
    • Fire hazards are identified and action is taken to eliminate or minimize them
    • Fire detection and fire fighting equipment and systems are regularly checked and appropriate action is taken to ensure that they are operational
    • Appropriate educational activities are organized to ensure that personnel are aware of the dangers of fire, how to prevent it and what to do if a fire is detected
    • Personnel in the workplace are made aware of emergency procedures to be followed in the event of fire
  2. Operate fire fighting equipment
    • Classes of fires are correctly identified in accordance with accepted fire-fighting practice
    • Correct portable fire-fighting equipment is selected and used to fight specific classes of fire
    • Class F fires are correctly extinguished with a fire blanket in accordance with accepted fire-fighting practice
    • Methods of extinguishing fire in the workplace are correctly applied
    • Correct techniques are applied for the setting up of foam-making equipment to extinguish B Class Fires on board vessel
    • Where applicable, correct techniques are used to recharge the various types of portable fire extinguisher
    • Where applicable, portable fire fighting equipment is confirmed as operational following recharging
  3. Conduct interior search and rescue fire-fighting operations (where applicable)
    • Search and rescue operations in a smoke filled environment are correctly conducted as a member of a fire-fighting team in accordance with accepted fire-fighting practice
    • Interior fires are extinguished using appropriate firefighting equipment and procedures as a member of a fire fighting team in accordance with accepted firefighting practice
    • Lifeline signals are correctly used during interior firefighting operations


This unit identifies the competence required to perform fist aid treatment to workers during a medical emergency in the workplace, including the performance of immediate life saving first aid until qualified medical assistance is available, the recognition of symptoms and sign of acute illness and or injury and the taking of appropriate action.

  1. Perform immediate life saving first aid pending the arrival of medical assistance
    • The priorities of First Aid Care are correctly applied in real or simulated first aid situation
    • The DRABC Action Plan is correctly used to identify and control danger, loss of consciousness, loss of airway, breathing and circulation
    • An unconscious casualty is correctly placed in stable side position and the steps in clearing the airways to promote breathing in accordance with established first aid procedures
    • The correct method of Expired Air Resuscitation (EAR), External Cardiac Compression (ECC) and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is applied in real life resuscitation situation or in a simulated exercise using a mannequin
  2. Recognize the symptoms and acute illness and or injury and take appropriate action
    • The conditions requiring special first aid procedures are correctly identified
    • A real or simulated unconscious casualty is cared for in accordance with established first aid procedures
    • Cause of respiratory failure and breathing difficulty are correctly identified and appropriate care is provided for a real or simulated casualty with obstructed breathing
    • The symptoms and signs of casualty with angina pain, heart attack and heart failure are correctly identified
    • The symptoms and signs of poisoning, bites and stings are correctly identified and appropriate immediate management of the conditions is provided in real or simulated situation
    • A real or simulated conscious casualty with an acute illness and or injury is cared for in accordance with established first aid procedures
  3. Manage wounds and bleeding
    • Severe external bleeding is correctly controlled in a real or simulated situation
    • The symptoms and signs of severe internal bleeding are correctly identified and appropriate immediate management of these conditions is provided in a real or simulated situation
    • A real or simulated laceration, abrasion and a deep puncture wound is correctly manage in accordance with established first aid procedures
    • The signs of wound infection is correctly managed in accordance with established procedures
  4. Manage burns
    • Immediate rescue procedures are correctly used in real or simulated first aid situations involving a burned casualty
    • The severity of burn is correctly assessed in terms of depth, position and size in accordance with established procedures
    • The correct method of treatment for burns and associated shock is correctly applied in real or simulated first aid situations involving a burned casualty
  5. Manage bone, joint and muscles injuries
    • Symptoms and signs of fractures (simple and complicated) are correctly recognized in accordance with established first aid procedures
    • Problems and treatment associated with dislocated joints are correctly managed in accordance with established procedures
    • First aid treatment of pelvic and chest injuries and fractures of limbs, including immobilization techniques is correctly performed in accordance with established procedures
    • The symptoms and signs of sprains and strains are correctly identified in accordance with established procedures
  6. Adapt first aid procedures for remote situations
    • Safety precautions needed to prevent accidents, illness and injuries and infection in remote situations are correctly applied in real or simulated situations
    • Identify and discuss the factors involved in the prevention of heat and cold exposure
    • The symptoms and signs of real or simulated casualty exposed to heat or cold are correctly identified including hyperthermia and hypothermia and appropriate management of the casualty carried out in accordance with established procedures
    • A real or simulated ill or injured person in remote conditions is correctly cared for until help arrives, including the monitoring of airway, breathing and heart beat, the control of pain, hydration and maintenance of body temperature
    • First aid resources and emergency equipment required for remote area situations are correctly identified and used in real or simulated situations in accordance with established first aid procedures


This unit covers the knowledge and skills required in inspecting the work done against job specification and company standards, applying quality standards to work and protecting company property and customer interests

  1. Inspect work done against job specification
    • Inspections are conducted according to company quality systems and procedures
    • Job specification/work order and quality standards are identified
    • Faults are identified and processed according to company procedures
  2. Apply quality standards to work
    • Monitoring of manufacturing processes is conducted to maintain quality standards
    • Quality standards are applied throughout the manufacturing processes
    • Activities are coordinated throughout the workplace for efficient quality work
    • Records of work quality are maintained according to the requirements of the company
  3. Protect company property and customer interests
    • Possible damage to company property is avoided by adhering to company quality procedures
    • Quality of work is reviewed to ensure customer requirements and company standards are met


UNIT CODE : 500311105

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.

  1. Obtain and convey workplace information
    • Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources
    • Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used together and convey information
    • Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas
    • Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
    • Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed
    • Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used
    • Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
  2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
    • Team meetings are at ended on time
    • Own opinions are clear expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption
    • Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols
    • Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
    • Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to.
    • Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented
  3. Complete relevant work related documents
    • Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly
    • Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents
    • Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations
    • Errors in recording information on forms/documents are identified and properly acted upon
    • Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines

UNIT CODE : 500311106

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.

  1. Describe team role and scope
    • The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information
    • Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources.
  2. Identify own role and responsibility within team
    • Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified.
    • Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized.
    • Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified.
  3. Work as a team member
    • Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives.
    • Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context.
    • Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures.
    • Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the members.

UNIT CODE : 500311107

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.

  1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals
    • Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession
    • Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation
    • Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties
  2. Set and meet work priorities
    • Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives.
    • Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
    • Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures
  3. Maintain professional growth and development
    • Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements
    • Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement
    • Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed

UNIT CODE : 500311108

This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.

  1. Identify hazards and risks
    • Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization procedures
    • Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures
    • Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures
  2. Evaluate hazards and risks
    • Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV)
    • Effects of the hazards are determined
    • OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation
  3. Control hazards and risks
    • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
    • Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OHS policies
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices
    • Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol
  4. Maintain OHS awareness
    • Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and procedures
    • OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements


  • Binder This can be sugar or starch. Mixed with water, these chemicals form a slurry that can be coated on a wire (by dipping) or poured into a tube.
  • Black Match A fuse made from string that is impregnated with Black Powder.
  • Black Powder Material found in fireworks. This material can be used as a propellant charge, to produce sound, as a constituent of other compositions, or in the ignition fuse or timing system of fireworks. Also known as gun powder.
  • Certification The process of verifying and validating competencies of a person through qualifications assessment.
  • Chemical Composition All pyrotechnic and explosive composition contained in a fireworks device. Inert materials (such as clay used for plugs or organic matter used for density) are not considered to be part of chemical composition.
  • Competency refers to the specification of knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform work activities to the standard expected in the workplace
  • Display Fireworks (formerly known as special fireworks) Large fireworks articles designed to produce visible or audible effects for entertainment purposes by combustion, deflagration, or detonation.
  • Display Site The immediate area where a fireworks display is conducted, including the discharge site, the fallout area, and the required separation distance from mortars to spectator viewing areas, but not spectator viewing areas or vehicle parking areas.
  • Dud Any device in which the fuse or igniter fails to ignite the main pyrotechnic charge. The term, dud, is reported to have originated as an acronym for dangerous unexploded device.
  • Electrical Firing Unit A device that provides and controls the electric current used to ignite fireworks during a display.
  • Electrical Firing Unit, Automatic A panel or box that operates automatically to provide the source of electric current used to ignite electric matches.
  • Electrical Firing Unit, Handheld A small, handheld unit with manually operated switches that control the flow of electric current to electric matches attached to fireworks devices.
  • Electrical Firing Unit, Manual A panel or box with manually operated switches that control the flow of electric current to electric matches attached to fireworks devices.
  • Electrical Ignition A technique used to ignite fireworks using a source of electric current.
  • Electric Match An electric device that contains a small amount of pyrotechnic material that ignites when current flows through the device.
  • Element Are the building blocks of a unit of competency. It describe in outcome terms the functions that a person who works in a particular area of work is able to perform.
  • Evidence Guide Guide for assessment that provides information on critical aspects of competency, underpinning knowledge, underpinning skills, resource implications, context of assessment and assessment method.
  • Explosive (Technical Definition) Any material that is capable of undergoing a self-contained and self-sustained exothermic chemical reaction at a rate that is sufficient to produce substantial pressures on their surroundings, thus causing physical damage. Explosives fall into 2 classes, detonating and deflagerating.
  • Explosive Composition Any chemical compound or mixture, the primary purpose of which is to function by explosion, producing an audible effect.
  • Fire To ignite pyrotechnics by using an electric match, electrical current, or some other means. Firecrackers Consist of either black powder (also known as gunpowder) or flash powder in a tight paper tube with a fuse to light the powder.
  • Fireworks Any composition or device for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect by combustion, deflagration, or detonation, and that meets the definition of consumer fireworks or display fireworks.
  • Fireworks Display A presentation of fireworks for a public or private gathering.
  • Flash Powder Mixtures which contain powdered aluminum or a magnesium/aluminum alloy which, when ignited, can result in a violent explosion and flash.
  • Fountain Device that projects a spray of sparks.
  • Fuel Material (charcoal or sulfur) that can be burned or otherwise consumed to produce heat.
  • Fuse Provides a time delay so the shell explodes at the right altitude.
  • Gerb Small fountain sometimes used with lance-work set pieces.
  • Girandola Special wheel which rises rapidly in the air while emitting a spray of sparks and, sometimes, a whistle.
  • Labels All legal consumer explosives have mandatory labeling requirements. Included on these labels should be the manufacturer’s name and address, cautions, and directions for use.
  • Level Refers to the category according to the level of difficulty and complexity of skills and knowledge required to the job
  • Low Level Fireworks (Also Ground-to-Air Fireworks) Any of a class of fireworks devices that either perform below approximately 200 feet (60 m) or begin their display at ground level and rise to complete their effect. Some examples of low level fireworks are comets, mines, roman candles, and many consumer fireworks.
  • Mortar A tube from which certain aerial devices are fired into the air.
  • Mortar Rack Sturdy wooden or metal frames used to support mortars in an upright position usually above ground.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) – A government agency that promotes and protects workers’ welfare through effective implementation of the OSH programs that will enhance productivity and subsequently contribute to national economic development efforts as well as preventive approach of reducing/eliminating occupational accidents and illnesses in the workplace.
  • Performance Criteria Are evaluative statements that specify what is to be assessed and the required level of performance
  • PTQF It provides a comprehensive, nationally consistent framework for qualifications in the TVET sector. It also provides the parameter for the integration of learning and assessment in the middle skills development
  • Pyrotechnic Device Any device containing pyrotechnic materials and capable of producing a special effect.
  • Pyrotechnic Material A chemical mixture used in the entertainment industry to produce visible or audible effects by combustion, deflagration, or detonation.
  • Pyrotechnic Special Effect A special effect created through the use of pyrotechnic materials and devices.
  • Pyrotechnics Controlled exothermic chemical reactions that are timed to create the effects of heat, gas, sound, dispersion of aerosols, emission of visible electromagnetic radiation, or a combination of these effects to provide the maximum effect from the least volume.
  • Qualification Refers to the national certificate issued by the TESDA or its accredited industry organizations in recognition that a person has achieved competencies relevant to a trade or industry.
  • Range of Variable Describes the circumstances or context in which the work is to be performed.
  • Roman Candle A chain-fused firework that propels a series of aerial shell, comet or mine effects into the air from a single tube.
  • Safety Cap A tube, closed at one end that is placed over the end of the fuse until intended ignition to protect it from damage and accidental ignition.
  • Sparklers A very different from firecrackers. A sparkler burns over a long period of time (up to 1 minute) and produces extremely bright and showery light.
  • Theatrical Pyrotechnics Pyrotechnic devices for professional use in the entertainment industry. Similar to consumer fireworks in chemical composition and construction but not intended for consumer use.
  • Unit of competency Describe a work activity.