Animal Production (Ruminants) National Certificate II (TESDA Course)

The Animal Production (Ruminants) NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to raise ruminants for production of milk, meat and breeder. It comprises of maintenance of housing, farm implements and surrounding area, providing forage, performing breeding of ruminants, raising of dairy animals and raising of meat-type animals. The ruminants include both the large (cattle and buffalo) and small (goat and sheep) ruminants.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agri-Fishery Sector.

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

  • Livestock Raiser/Farmer
  • Cattle Farm Worker (Specialist)
  • Goat raiser/farmer
  • Dairy Raiser/Farmer


Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration : 306 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of animal production farm worker in accordance with industry standards. It covers maintenance of housing, farm implements and surrounding area, provision of forage, breeding of ruminants, raising dairy animals and raising meat-type animals. It also includes competencies in workplace communication, teamwork, safety in the use of hand tools and equipment, housekeeping and processing of farm wastes.


Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements.

  • Able to read and write;
  • With good moral character;
  • Able to communicate, both orally and in writting; and
  • Physically fit and mentally healthy as certified by a Public Health Officer


This units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

AFF621901 Maintain housing, farm implements and surrounding area
AFF621902 Provide forage
AFF621903 Perform breeding of ruminants
AFF621904 Raise dairy animals
AFF621905 Raise meat-type animals
AFF321201 Apply safety measures in farm operations
AFF321202 Use farm tools and equipment
AFF321203 Perform estimation and calculations
AFF321205 Process farm wastes
500311105 Participate in workplace communication
500311106 Work in a team environment
500311107 Practice career professionalism
500311108 Practice occupational health and safety procedures

CORE COMPETENCIES (Duration 240 Hours)

MAINTAIN HOUSING, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND SURROUNDING AREAS (AFF621901) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to manage farm structures and environment. It comprises activities such as preparing for maintenance activities, maintaining of farm and its structures, applying bio-security measures and perform work to completion.

  1. Prepare for farm maintenance activities
    • Farm and surrounding area are checked for problems according enterprise and DENR standards.
    • Equipment, tools and materials for maintenance activities are prepared according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).
    • Condition of facilities is recorded and reported to appropriate authority based on enterprise requirements.
  2. Maintain farm and housing facilities
    • Farm is maintained based on enterprise standards.
    • Pest and vermin are controlled according to industry procedures and environmental regulations (Environmental Management Standards) .
    • Animal housing and facilities are maintained according to BAI.
    • Farm supplies and tools for maintenance are made available according to farm requirements.
    • Fence is repaired according to work requirements.
    • Safety measures are applied according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS)
  3. Apply bio-security measures
    • Bio-security threats and hazards are identified with reference to Bureau of Animal Industry-Department of Agriculture (BAI-DA) animal health standards.
    • Bio-security measures are applied according to Bureau of Animal Industry-Department of Agriculture (BAI-DA) standards and OSHS
    • Relevant records are collected and maintained according to enterprise standards.
  4. Perform work to completion
    • Tools and materials are maintained and stored according to established enterprise practices and following 5S principle.
    • Farm wastes are disposed according to DENR regulations and 3Rs principle.
    • Report on work outputs and updates are prepared and submitted to concerned person or authority according to industry practices.

PROVIDE FORAGE (AFF621902) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to provide forage which include functions during forage area preparation, planting and maintenance activities of forage area, production of silage and completion of work.

  1. Prepare area for forage plantation
    • Tools, materials and equipment are prepared according to work requirements and plan.
    • Forage area is cleared from unwanted vegetations and debris according to site plan.
    • Land is prepared according to site plan and production requirements.
    • Fence is set-up in the perimeter following site plan.
    • Safety measures are practiced according to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures..
  2. Plant forage species
    • Forage species to be planted are determined according to types of ruminants and availability of forage species.
    •  Forage planting materials are sourced-out and collected from recommended sources and other farmers.
    • Forage species are planted according to plan and production requirements.
    • Task is performed according to OSHS.
  3. Maintain forage plants
    • Pest control measures are employed according to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
    • Fertilizers are applied according to plant requirements
    •  Plants are watered according to plant requirements.
    • Other maintenance practices are done following GAP and plant requirements.
    •  Tasks are performed following GAP and OSHS procedures.
  4. Produce silage
    • Excess forages and other materials for silage are
      gathered following established farm procedures.
    • Silos are used according to supply of silage materials.
    • Ensiling is done following standard procedures.
    • Commercial silage additives are mixed according to enterprise requirements.
    • Forage silage is stored following established storage requirements and condition.
    •  Forage silage are inspected for quality check and improvement.
  5. Perform work to completion
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned, maintained and stored according to established standard practices
    • Maintenance of clean and safe area is undertaken throughout and on completion of work.
    • Records of silage production are compiled for reference and reporting purposes following enterprise procedures and 5S principles.
    • Work output is reported to concerned person or authority according to industry practices.

PERFORM BREEDING OF RUMINANTS (AFF621903) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform breeding of ruminants. It comprises of preparing animal stocks, breeding of ruminants, carrying-out monitoring activities, feeding the animals, applying basic health care and performing post breeding activities.

  1. Prepare animal stocks
    • Breeds of animals suitable for meat, dairy and mixed-type/dual purpose are obtained based on breed standards and adoptability on the farm environment following instructions from authority.
    • Animals are placed in suitable house and facilities following Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) and Animal Welfare Act.
    • Animals are well fed and maintained regularly following Animal Welfare Act.
  2. Breed ruminants
    • Prepare tools, materials and equipment for breeding operations following breeding schedule and requirements.
    • Breeding program for ruminants is followed according to the business objective
    • Reproductive phenomena of ruminants are observed, recorded and reported following enterprise protocols.
    • Ruminants are bred naturally according to designed mating plan.
    • Where necessary, small ruminants are inseminated artificially according to instructions of supervisor.
    • Tasks are performed following Animal Welfare Acts.
    • Safety measures are practice according to OSHS procedures.
  3. Carry-out monitoring activities
    • Breeding performance of ruminants are observed recorded and reported following enterprise protocols.
    • Unproductive animals are treated and disposed according to the set standard
    • Breeding and reproduction data are regularly gathered and kept for evaluation according to enterprise protocols.
  4. Feed animals
    • Basal rations for ruminants at various physiological stage are provided based on industry standard.
    • Feed supplements like concentrates, minerals and vitamins are offered according to animal dietary requirements
    • Grazing management for ruminants are identified and practiced
    • Grazing capacity of the pasture is determined based on pasture land condition.
  5. Apply basic health care
    • Sick animals are reported to appropriate authority.
    • Assistance is provided during implementation of medication n program in accordance with enterprise standards and instructions of authority.
    • Safety practices are observed according to OSHS.
  6. Perform post-breeding activities
    • Tools, materials and equipment are cleaned and stored following procedural manual and 5S principles.
    • Proper disposal of wastes are practiced according to DENR regulations.
    • Records are updated and kept following enterprise protocol.
    • Work outputs are reported to the authority following enterprise protocol.

RAISE DAIRY ANIMALS (AFF621904) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to manage dairy animals. It comprises of functions such as handling dairy animals, rearing calves and kids, rearing dairy-breeder animals and completing the operations of raising dairy animals.

  1. Handle dairy animals
    • Pregnant animals are separated from the general herd and are kept in maternity pen.
    • Assistance during calving/lkidding is provided according to GAHP.
    • Lactating ruminants are fed according to standards.
    • Lactating ruminants are maintained following production objective.
    • Milk is collected and checked for quality based on the standard procedures.
    • Collected milk are pasteurized and packaged following standard hygienic procedures (HACCP).
  2. Rear calves and kids
    • Newly born calf /kid is reared according to developed rearing system.
    • Tools and materials are prepared according to work requirements.
    • Routine feeding is carried-out at prescribed feeding intervals.
    • Small and less vigorous calves and kids are identified and separated from others for specialized feeding.
    • Calves and kids are separated as required for routine husbandry or animal health procedures.
    • Progress and development of calves/kids is monitored regularly through weighing and/or visual appraisal.
    • Welfare and health abnormalities are reported to the appropriate authority
  3. Rear dairy-breeder animals
    • Dairy-breeder- animals-to-be are placed in appropriate housing according to establish farm procedures and GAHP
    • Animals are fed according to prescribed feeding intervals.
    • Welfare and health abnormalities are reported to the appropriate authority
    • Monitoring of animals is done regularly through weighing and/or visual appraisal.
    • Adult Breeder for dairy-type animals are selected for breeding purposes according to breeds standard.
    • Male animals not intended for breeding are sold for meat.
  4. Complete the operations
    • Animal and financial records derived from dairy operations are kept and updated according to industry standard.
    • Tools and materials are maintained and stored according to manufacturer’s specification and enterprise protocol.
    • Area is cleaned-up according to enterprise protocol
    • Wastes are disposed following environmental regulations and enterprise procedures.

RAISE MEAT-TYPE ANIMALS (AFF621905) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to raising feedlot cattle and buffaloes. It comprises of functions starting from preparation of animals, handling and feeding the feedlot animals including the applying health care until to the completion of tasks.

  1. Provide assistance in management of meat type animals
    • Assistance in pre-selection process of meat-type animals are provided following instructions of authority and industry standards.
    •  Meat-type animals are raised in complete/semiconfinement or under grazing conditions
    • Fattening period is determined according to the target market weight.
    • Unproductive animals are managed according to the industry standards.
    • Assistance in animal husbandry practices are provided following GAHP.
  2. Feed animals
    • Basal rations both for meat-type animals at various fattening periods are identified and provided based on feeding standard.
    • Feed supplements like concentrates, minerals and vitamins are offered according to animal requirements.
    • Feeding management for meat-type animals are identified and practiced
    • Grazing capacity of the pasture is determined based on established pasture
  3. Apply basic health care
    • Sick animals are reported to appropriate authority.
    • Assistance is provided during implementation of medication program in accordance with industry standards and instructions of authority.
    • Supplementation is done based on medication program.
    • Safety practices are observed according to Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).
  4. Perform work to completion
    • Breeder for meat-type animals are selected for breeding purposes according to breeds standard.
    • Animals are prepared for market disposal following instructions of authority.
    • Animal and financial records derived from meat-type animals are updated and kept according to industry standard.
    • Wastes disposal is done according to enterprise protocol and environmental legislations.
    • Tools, materials and supplies are maintained and stored according to enterprise procedures.
    • .Reporting was done to immediate authority following enterprise requirements


APPLY SAFETY MEASURES IN FARM OPERATIONS (AFF321201) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and  attitudes required to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing safety measures..

  1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures
    • Work tasks are identified in line with farm operations
    • Place for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations
    • Time for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations
    • Appropriate tools, materials and outfits are
      prepared in line with job requirements
  2. Apply appropriate safety measures
    • Tools and materials are used according to specifications and procedures
    • Outfits are worn according to farm requirements
    • Effectivity/shelf life/expiration of materials are strictly observed
    • Emergency procedures are known and followed to ensure a safework requirement
    • Hazards in the workplace are identified and reported in line with farm guidelines
  3. Safekeep/dispose of tools, materials and outfit
    • Used tools and outfit are cleaned after use and stored in designated areas.
    • Unused materials are properly labeled and stored according to manufacturers recommendation and farm requirements.
    • Waste materials are disposed according to manufacturers, government and farm requirements.

USE FARM TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (AFF321202) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use farm tools and equipment. It includes selection, operation and preventive maintenance of farm tools and equipment.

  1. Select and use farm tools
    • Identified appropriate farm tools according to requirement/use
    • Farm tools are checked for faults and defective tools reported in accordance with farm procedures
    • Appropriate tools and equipment are safely used according to job requirements and manufacturers conditions
  2. Select and operate farm equipment
    • Identify appropriate farm equipment
    • Instructional manual of the farm tools and equipment are carefully read prior to operation
    • Pre-operation check-up is conducted in line with manufacturers manual
    • Faults in farm equipment are identified and reported in line with farm procedures
    • Farm equipment used according to its function
    • Followed safety procedures
  3. Perform preventive maintenance
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned immediately after use in line with farm procedures
    • Routine check-up and maintenance are performed
    • Tools and equipment are stored in designated areas in line with farm procedures.

PERFORM ESTIMATION AND BASIC CALCULATION (AFF321203) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to perform basic workplace calculations

  1. Perform estimation
    • Job requirements are identified from written or oral communications
    • Quantities of materials and resources required to complete a work task are estimated
    • The time needed to complete a work activity is estimated
    • Accurate estimate for work completion are made
    • Estimate of materials and resources are reported to appropriate person
  2. Perform basic workplace calculation
    • Calculations to be made are identified according to job requirements
    • Correct method of calculation identified
    • System and units of measurement to be followed are ascertained
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition, division, multiplication and subtraction
    • Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed when are used to complete the instructions
    • Number computed in self checked and completed for alignment

PROCESS FARM WASTES (AFF321205) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to process farm wastes. It comprises functions such as collecting farm wastes, conducting waste identification and segregation, treating and processing farm wastes and performing housekeeping duties.

  1. Collect farm wastes
    • Tools and materials are prepared for collection of farm wastes.
    • Wastes are collected following OSHS and waste collection requirements and plan.
    • Dangerous and hazardous wastes are collected following the HAZMAT(hazardous material) protocol.
    • Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) are worn as prescribed by Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).
  2. Identify and segregate wastes
    • Wastes are identified by categories according to industry standards and environmental legislation.
    • Wastes are segregated according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation.
    • Sorted waste is placed into labelled container to avoid littering and prevent cross-contamination.
    • Information on waste is obtained by asking authority to ensure correct identification.
  3. Treat and process farm wastes
    • Dangerous and hazardous wastes are handled according to organizational requirements and relevant legislation following OSHS procedures.
    • Processing of farm wastes is done following environmental legislation and codes.
    • Principles of 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) are applied accordingly.
    • Farm wastes are disposed of according to environmental legislation and codes.
  4. Perform housekeeping
    • Appropriate warning signs and labels are displayed in conspicuous places around the workplace.
    • Work area is cleaned according to 5S principles.
    • Tools are checked, cleaned and stowed according to established industry procedures and following user’s manual.
    • Materials are stored following industry standard procedures and manufacturer’s specifications.
    • PPE is checked for damage prior to ensuring that clean and undamaged equipment is stored.
    • Storage facility is checked to ensure no contamination in the area according to organizational requirements and legislation and codes.
    • Record keeping is done according to industry requirements.

BASIC COMPETENCIES (Duration 18 Hours)

PARTICIPATE IN WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION (500311105) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements..

  1. Obtain and convey workplace information.
  2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
  3. Complete relevant work related documents.
  4. Participate in workplace meeting and discussion.

WORK IN TEAM ENVIRONMENT (500311106) – This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team..

  1. Describe team role and scope
  2. Identify own role and responsibility within team
  3. Work as a team member

PRACTICE CAREER PROFESSIONALISM (500311107) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.

  1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals.
  2. Set and meet work priorities.
  3. Maintain professional growth and development.

PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES (500311108) – This unit covers the outcomes  required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.

  1. Identify hazards and risks
  2. Evaluate hazard and risks
  3. Control hazards and risks
  4. Maintain occupational health and safety awareness


  • Buck – male breeder goat
  • Buckling –young male breeder ruminant
  • Bull – an adult male bovine mammal.
  • Cage Housing – a type or system of poultry housing where layers could be kept alone, by two or in big groups in cage
  • Calf – a newly born male or female cattle or buffalo
  • Calving – the act or process of delivering young cattle or buffalo
  • Castration – act of removing testicles from male animals
  • Chevon – meat of goat
  • Colostrum – first milk from a female animal after giving birth
  • Cow – a mature female cattle
  • Crossbreed – a group of animals produced by mating two or more different breeds or strains of animals
  • Culling – is the removal of undesirable or inferior animals in the herd based on important economic traits and overall performance
  • Doe – female goat that has given birth, usually more than 1 year old
  • Doeling – female goat that has not given birth, usually less than one (1) year old
  • Estrus – period of time when the female will accept male. Also known as heat period
  • Ewe – (pronounced as “you”) female sheep that has already given birth, usually more
    than one (1) year old
  • Ewe lamb – female sheep that has not given birth usually less than 1 year old
    Gestation period – refers to the period of carrying the young in the womb
  • Heifer – a young female cattle or buffalo
  • Hogget – meat of sheep more than one (1) year old but less than two (2) years old
  • Immunization – prevention of diseases by providing appropriate vaccines to animals
  • Inbreeding – mating of closely related animals in a herd
  • Lamb – young goat usually less than 1 year old. Also refers to meat of sheep less than
    one (1 ) year old
  • Lambing – act of giving birth in sheep
  • Livestock – domestic animals kept for use on a farm and raised for sale and profit
  • Mutton – meat of sheep more than 2 years old
  • Nutrients – food elements or substance found in the feeds such as protein,
    carbohydrates, fats and others
  • Purebreeding – is the mating of the unrelated individuals in the same breed
  • Ram – male breeder sheep
  • Ration – the total amount of feeds taken in by an animal during a 24 hour period
  • Ruminants – refers to animals with complex digestive system e.g. cattle, carabao,
    goats and sheep
  • Selection – refers to the process of choosing males and females with desirable
    characteristics either for breeding or replacement stocks
  • Simple stomach/non-ruminant animals – animals that possess simple digestive
    system e.g. poultry, horse and pigs
  • Steer – a young male calf one year to 18 months old
  • Swine – a collective term for hogs
  • Vaccination – a preventive measure to inoculate an animal with a mildly toxic
    preparation of bacteria or a virus of specific disease to prevent or to lessen the
    effects of the disease
  • Waterer – equipment used in providing water to animals
  • Weanling – refers to a young animal of either sex which has been separated from the
    mother at the end of the lactation period
  • Yearling – An animal that is one year old or has not completed its second year.

List of Schools that offer TESDA Courses for Animal Production (Ruminants) NC II


  • I would like to learn about the Animal production (ruminant) course.
    Please guide me.
    More thanks


  • Updated list on below Tesda Trainings within Pangasinan Area, La Union and Baguio City?
    Animal Production Ruminants NC II
    Animal Production Poultry Chicken NC II
    Animal Production Swine NC II
    Artificial Insemination Swine NC II
    Artificial Insemination Large Ruminants NC II

    • Bautista Educational Skills Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Brgy. Maticmatic, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

      Rocapor’s Farm Learning Site School for Practical Agriculture Inc.
      0606, Purok 6 Tabtabungao, Rosario, La Union
      072-682-2327 09613318143

  • Good morning. Is there an available accredited school in Batangas for Animal Production (Ruminants) NC II?
    Thank you!

    • Good day po. Meron po kau pinaka malapit na pwede mapag enrollan ng animal production ( ruminants) ncll Zamboanga del norte po area namin. At kailan po ang pinaka agarang maka pag enroll

        Villahermosa, Polanco, Zamboanga del Norte

        Center for Ecology and Organic Farming (CEOF), Inc.
        Biayon, Sergio Osmeña, Zamboanga del Norte

        Equipped Training, Development, Assessment and Services Center, Inc.
        Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte

        SouthPhil Integrated Resources for Advancement and Transformation (SIRAT), Inc.
        Banganon, Gutalac, Zamboanga del Norte

  • Hello po,ask ko Lang po kung available pa po course na Animal Production,ilang months po para makakuha ng NC2?maraming salamat po sa reply niyo!God bless

    • This course is available Nationwide, it depends in your area if the schools is offering this course

  • Meron po ba online or tesda accrideted school small ruminants pikit north cotabato po kami or malapit samin

  • Good day, I would like to avail po animal products (ruminant) that’s nearest from me.. I’m Whitney Go/30years old from Camiguin. And hoping to have a chance to own a certificate thats credited tesda. Thanks please me