The TESDA COURSE in FOUNDRY MELTING/CASTING NC II consists of competencies that a person must achieve to be able to melt different kinds of metals, cast it and clean. This will not be limited to ferrous metals and only one type of furnace.

Melting of different type of metals may use different kinds of furnaces. The melting operations may use different furnaces, each type of which may use different heating systems and fuel. When the metal is molten, the composition is checked and adjusted. Then this is tapped from the furnace and cast into molds. The resulting castings are fettled and cleaned.

The furnaces are subjected to intense heat and temperature. Furnaces are lined with refractory linings which are eroded in every melting. The refractory linings will need periodic maintenance and replacement. This unit covers all operations of melting and casting including the maintenance of furnaces.

Tasks undertaken include utilizing knowledge in estimating metal charges, controlling temperature and chemical composition and designated procedures, use of correct and appropriate tools and equipment in cleaning castings and maintaining furnaces.

He should also be able to inspect, measure and interpret drawings and repair procedures; sets up and operates variety of specialized furnaces and uses precision measuring instrument in operating and maintaining the melting equipment.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Automotive Industry (Manufacturing sub-sector)

A student who has achieved this TESDA Course in FOUNDRY MELTING/ CASTING NC II is competent to be:

  • Foundry Melter


Course Title: Foundry-Melting/Casting
Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration : 128 Hours

This course is designed to equip individual the competencies that a person must achieve to be able to melt different kinds of metals, cast it using different operations and different furnaces or heating systems and fuel. It also includes fettling and cleaning; ability to inspect, measure and interpret drawings; set up and operate variety of specialized furnaces; use appropriate measuring instrument in operating and maintaining the melting equipment and perform repair.

This course is also designed to provide basic and common skills to equip individual with operational skills in foundry-melting/casting.


This section specifies the qualifications of trainees and educational experience. Other requirements like health and physical requirements are also stated. Passing entry written examinations may also be indicated if necessary.

  • With experience in basic machining
  • With good moral character;
  • Ability to communicate both oral and written; and
  • Physically and mentally fit


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, Elective and Core Competencies.

To obtain this TESDA course in FOUNDRY MELTING/ CASTING NC II, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

ALT812307 Operate Melting Furnaces (Non Electric)
ALT812308 Operate Cupola Melting Furnaces
ALT812309 Operate Electric Induction Melting Furnaces
ALT812310 Fettle and Trim Metal Castings/Forgings
ALT812311 Perform Refractory Installation and Repair
ALT821303 Use and Maintain Measuring Instrument
ALT742201 Read & Interpret Engineering Drawings
ALT311202 Perform Mensuration and Calculation
ALT723203 Read, Interpret and Apply Specifications and Manuals
ALT723205 Perform Shop Maintenance
500311105 Participate in workplace communication
500311106 Work in a team environment
500311107 Practice career professionalism
500311108 Practice occupational health and safety procedures



This unit covers operating a non electric metal melting furnace.

  1. Select materials
    • Requisitions for materials are completed as required according to standard operating procedures.
    • Charge analysis is undertaken in accordance with standard operating procedures.
    • The charge analysis is converted to furnace charge weight using standard operating procedures.
    • Charge is weighed according to standard operating procedures.
  2. Start up furnace
    • Furnace is inspected for any defects or damage.
    • Routine operational maintenance of furnace is undertaken to standard operating procedures.
    • Furnace is started-up to standard operating procedures.
    • Faults are reported according to standard operating procedures.
  3. Charge furnace
    • Emergency/safety procedures are identified and followed as necessary.
    • Materials are pre-heated if required according to standard operating procedures.
    • Materials are charged into furnace using standard operating  procedures.
    • Suitable areas for emergency unloading of molten metal are identified and kept available.
  4. Monitor furnace
    • Furnace is maintained at optimum operating condition to standard operating procedures.
    • Sample for chemical analysis is taken and remedial action is applied as required to correct composition using standard operating procedures.
    • Dross or slag is removed from furnace per standard operating procedures.
    • If necessary, metal in the furnace is de-gassed to standard operating procedures.
    • Temperature of metal is checked and adjustment made if necessary.
  5. Tap or unload the furnace
    • Quantity of the required metal is identified.
    • Tap rate is carried out to standard operating procedures.
    • Tapping or unloading is undertaken and completed safely according to standard operating procedures.
  6. Shut down furnace
    • Shut-down of furnace is completed to standard operating procedures.
    • Routine operational maintenance of furnace is undertaken to standard operating procedures.


This unit covers operating a cupola metal melting furnace for cast iron.

  1. Select materials
    • Charges are computed for the required metal composition needed as per standard operating procedures.
    • The charge computation is converted to furnace charge weight using standard operating procedures.
    • Charge is weighed according to standard operating procedures.
  2. Start up furnace
    • Furnace is inspected for any defects or damage.
    • Routine operational maintenance of furnace is undertaken to standard operating procedures.
    • Fuel (coke) is charge into the cupola furnace and fired up with a fire starter according to standard operating procedures.
    • Additional fuel is added to the initial volume according to standard operating procedures and until the right level is reached.
  3. Charge furnace
    • Safety/emergency procedures are identified and followed as necessary.
    • Materials are prepared. Scrap metal are cut to required size, cleaned and dried.
    • Materials are charged into furnace using standard operating procedures. Charges are arranged in layers, in  sequence of coke, limestone and metal scrap.
  4. Monitor furnace
    • Furnace is operated at optimum condition according to standard operating procedures.
    • Sample for chemical analysis is taken and remedial action is applied as required according to standard operating procedures.
    • Temperature of metal is checked and adjustment made according to standard operating procedures if necessary.
  5. Tap the furnace
    • Quantity of the required metal is computed and determined.
    • Tapping is carried out according to standard operating procedures.
    • Tapping is undertaken and completed safely according to standard operating procedures.
  6. Shut down furnace
    • Shut-down of furnace is completed according to standard operating procedures and when all the metal have been tapped,
    • Routine operational maintenance of furnace is undertaken to standard operating procedures.
  7. Cool down furnace
    • Bottom of furnace is opened and all loads are dropped.
    • Air blast is introduced to cool down the furnace
    • Cupola hearth is inspected once the furnace is cooled and repair of lining is undertaken.


This unit covers operating an electric furnace for melting of ferrous metals.

  1. Select materials
    • Material requisitions are prepared according to standard operating procedures / Job instructions.
    • Charge analysis is undertaken in accordance with standard operating procedures.
    • The charge analysis is converted to furnace charge weight using standard operating procedures.
    • Charge is weighed according to standard operating procedures.
  2. Start up furnace
    • Furnace is inspected for any defects or damage.
    • Routine operational maintenance of furnace is undertaken to standard operating procedures.
    • Furnace is started up to standard operating procedures.
    • Faults are reported according to standard operating procedures.
  3. Charge furnace
    • Emergency/safety procedures are identified and observed / followed as necessary.
    • Materials are pre-heated (if required) according to standard operating procedures.
    • Materials are charged into furnace using standard operating procedures.
    • Suitable areas for emergency unloading of molten metal are identified and kept available.
  4. Monitor furnace
    • Furnace is maintained at optimum operating condition to standard operating procedures.
    • Sample for chemical analysis is taken and remedial action is applied as required to standard operating procedures.
    • Furnace is drossed and/or de-slagged to standard operating procedures.
    • Temperature of metal is checked and adjustment made if necessary.
  5. Tap or unload the furnace
    • Pouring ladles repaired / pre-heated.
    • Quantity of the required metal is identified.
    • Tap rate is carried out to standard operating procedures.
    • Tapping or unloading is undertaken and completed safely according to standard operating procedures.
  6. Shut down furnace
    • Shut-down of furnace is completed to standard operating procedures.
    • Routine operational maintenance of furnace is undertaken to standard operating procedures.


This unit covers fettling and trimming metal castings and assessing the quality of the casting.

  1. Determine job requirements
    • Job requirements are correctly determined from instructions and specifications.
    • Correct moldings and/or castings are located and arranged for efficient processing.
  2. Observe safety requirements
    • Personal protective equipment is selected and used correctly.
    • Castings are handled using manual or mechanical handling methods appropriate to the task.
    • Castings/forgings are stored or positioned in a safe manner.
  3. Identify excess material for removal
    • Casting is removed from mold and/or sand media is removed from casting as required.
    • Castings are visually checked as suitable for further processing, and excess metal is correctly identified according to standard operating procedures.
  4. Select correct tools and equipment
    • Cleaning method is selected appropriate to casting and job requirements.
    • Rumbling/shot blast/sand blast equipment is set to specification and used in accordance with standard operating procedures as required.
    • Appropriate hand tools are selected and used for the given task.
    • Appropriate power tools and accessories are selected and used for the given task.
  5. Remove excess material
    • Excess metal (e.g. runners, risers and flashing) is removed using methods and equipment appropriate to the task and to standard operating procedures.
    • Excess metal suitable for recycling is identified according to standard operating procedures.
    • Excess metallic materials are identified from specifications and isolated as required according to standard operating procedures.
  6. Quality assess castings/forgings
    • Castings are visually checked for conformance with specifications to standard operating procedures.
    • Non-conforming castings are rejected or set aside and identified for further consideration or remedial action according to standard operating procedures.
    • Faults are reported/recorded as required according to standard operating procedures.


This unit covers repairing and installing/replacing refractory.

  1. Inspect refractory
    • Specification is interpreted and understood.
    • Specific areas of the refractory are identified for repair or replacement.
  2. Knock out refractory
    • Sequence of operations to remove refractory is determined to meet the job specification.
    • Appropriate tools and equipment are selected to safely remove damaged refractory.
    • Damaged refractory is removed and disposed of safely.
  3. Prepare refractory materials
    • Appropriate refractory materials are selected to meet specifications.
    • Refractory media is mixed to specification.
  4. Install refractory
    • Sequence of operations to install refractory is determined to meet the job specification.
    • Installation of refractory is performed in accordance to standard operating procedures and techniques to meet the job specification. using appropriate tools and equipment
  5. Cure refractory
    • Refractory is cured to specifications using appropriate techniques and equipment to meet the job specification.


This unit identifies the competence required to measure components or sections using non-specialist instrument and maintain the measuring instrument.

  1. Measure dimensions or variables using appropriate instrument
    • Measurement of dimensions and variables are completed without causing damage to any instrument or components
    • Appropriate measuring instrument is selected
    • Relevant measuring techniques are used and results appropriately recorded
    • All measuring activities are carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines OHS & requirements and enterprise/procedures policies
  2. Maintain measuring instrument
    • Maintenance of measuring instrument is achieved without causing damage to any instrument or component
    • Routine care and storage of measuring instrument is undertaken according to manufacture specifications
    • Checking and calibrating of measuring devices is done prior to use.
    • All maintenance activities of measuring instruments are carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines OHS legislation, and enterprise procedures policies



This unit deals with identifying, interpreting and applying specification from Engineering blue prints or drawings that provides the measurements of the product and pattern that is to be produced.

  1. Identify and access engineering drawings/specification
    • Appropriate Engineering drawings are identified and accessed as per job requirements.
    • Version and date of drawing is checked to ensure correct specification and procedure are identified.
  2. Interpret drawings
    • Relevant dimensions and sections of the drawings/specifications are located in relation to the work to be conducted
    • Information in the manual are interpreted in accordance to industry practices
  3. Apply information in the drawings & specifications
    • Engineering drawing is interpreted according to job requirements
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with the specifications in the drawings.
    • Dimensional data and shape are applied according to the given task
  4. Store drawings
    • The drawings and specification are stored properly to ensure prevention of damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements


This unit includes identifying, caring for, handling, using and maintaining measuring instruments.

  1. Select measuring instruments
    • Object or component to be measured is identified
    • Correct specifications are obtained from relevant source
    • Appropriate measuring instrument is selected according to job requirements
  2. Carry out measurements and calculation
    • Measuring tools are selected in line with job requirements
    • Accurate measurements are obtained to job
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (/).
    • Calculations involving fractions, percentages and mixed numbers are used to complete workplace tasks.
    • Numerical computation is self-checked and corrected for accuracy
    • Instruments are read to the limit of accuracy of the tool.
  3. Maintain measuring instruments
    • Measuring instruments are kept free from corrosion
    • Measuring instruments are not dropped to avoid damage
    • Measuring instruments are cleaned before and after using.


This unit deals with identifying, interpreting and applying service specification manuals, maintenance procedure manuals and periodic maintenance manual.

  1. Identify and access manual/specification
    • Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed as per job requirements.
    • Version and date of manual is checked to ensure correct specification and procedure are identified.
  2. Interpret manuals
    • Relevant sections, chapters of manuals/specifications are located in relations to the work to be conducted
    • Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted in accordance to industry practices
  3. Apply information in manual
    • Manual is interpreted according to job requirements
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with manufacturer specification
    • Manual data is applied according to the given task
    • All correct sequencing and adjustments are interpreted in accordance with information contained on the manual or specifications
  4. Store manuals
    • Manual or specification are stored appropriately to ensure prevention of damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements


This unit deals with inspecting and cleaning of work area including tools, equipment and facilities. Storage and checking of tools/ equipment and disposal of used supplies/materials are also incorporated in this competency.

  1. Inspect/clean tools and work area
    • Cleaning solvent used as per workshop/tools cleaning requirement
    • Work area is checked and cleaned
    • Wet surface/spot in work area is wiped and dried
  2. Store/arrange tools and shop equipment
    • Tools/equipment are checked and stored in their respective shelves/location
    • Corresponding labels are posted and visible
    • Tools are safely secured and logged in the records
  3. Dispose wastes/used lubricants
    • Containers for used lubricants are visibly labeled
    • Wastes/used lubricants are disposed as per workshop SOP
  4. Report damaged tools/equipment
    • Complete inventory of tools/equipment is maintained
    • Damaged tools/equipment/facilities are identified and repair recommendation is given
    • Reports prepared has no error/discrepancy


UNIT CODE : 500311105

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.

  1. Obtain and convey workplace information
    • Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources
    • Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used together and convey information
    • Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas
    • Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
    • Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed
    • Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used
    • Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
  2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
    • Team meetings are at ended on time
    • Own opinions are clear expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption
    • Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols
    • Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
    • Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to.
    • Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented
  3. Complete relevant work related documents
    • Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly
    • Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents
    • Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations
    • Errors in recording information on forms/documents are identified and properly acted upon
    • Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines

UNIT CODE : 500311106

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.

  1. Describe team role and scope
    • The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information
    • Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources.
  2. Identify own role and responsibility within team
    • Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified.
    • Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized.
    • Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified.
  3. Work as a team member
    • Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives.
    • Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context.
    • Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures.
    • Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the members.

UNIT CODE : 500311107

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.

  1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals
    • Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession
    • Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation
    • Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties
  2. Set and meet work priorities
    • Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives.
    • Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
    • Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures
  3. Maintain professional growth and development
    • Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements
    • Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement
    • Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed

UNIT CODE : 500311108

This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.

  1. Identify hazards and risks
    • Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization procedures
    • Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures
    • Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures
  2. Evaluate hazards and risks
    • Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV)
    • Effects of the hazards are determined
    • OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation
  3. Control hazards and risks
    • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
    • Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OHS policies
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices
    • Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol
  4. Maintain OHS awareness
    • Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and procedures
    • OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements


  • Alloy – An alloy is a homogeneous blend of two or more elements at least one of which is a metal, and where the resulting material as metallic properties.
  • Carbon Dioxide  – Carbon Dioxide Process consist of mixing a clean dry silica sand with a silicate binder, compacting the mixture to shape and hardening it by passing carbon dioxide gas.
  • Casting – Casting is the term used to describe both the process and the product when molten metal is poured and solidified in a mold.
  • Chemical Analysis – Analytical chemistry is the science that seeks ever improved means of measuring the chemical composition of natural and artificial materials.
  • Cope – In a two-part mold, the cope is the name given to the top half of the pattern, flask, mold, or core.
  • Core – The core is a sand shape that is inserted into the mold to produce the internal features of a casting, such as, holes or passages for water-cooling.
  • Core Box – A core box is the mold or die used to produce casting cores.
  • Core Print – The core print is the region added to the pattern, core, or mold that is used to locate and support the core within the mold.
  • Draft – Draft is the taper on a pattern or casting that permits it to be withdrawn from the mold.
  • Drag – The drag is the bottom part of the two-part mold.
  • Dross – Dross is a mass of solid impurities floating on a molten metal bath. It appears usually on the melting of low melting point metals or alloys such as aluminum, copper, magnesium or each alloys.
  • Fettle / Finishing – The process of cleaning the casting, removal of excess metal, grinding and inspection operation which may be required for some casting process.
  • Flask – The flask is the box that contains the molding aggregate.
  • Foundry – A Foundry is a factory which produces metal castings from either ferrous or non-ferrous alloys.
  • Furnace – Furnaces are refractory lined vessels that contain the material to be melted and provide the energy to melt it.
  • Gate – Gate is controlled entrances to the mold cavity.
  • Gating System – Gating system is the network of channels used to deliver the molten metal to the mold cavity.
  • Green Sand – The term Green Sand refers to that molded sand mixture which is allowed to remain moist and is used in casting ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
  • Melting – The process includes melting the charge, refining the melt, adjusting the melt chemistry and tapping into a transport vessel. Refining is done to remove deleterious gasses and elements from the molten metal. Material is added during the melting process to bring the final chemistry within a specific range specified by industry and/or internal standards. During the tap, final chemistry adjustments are made.
  • Molding – Is the process of making the mold cavity with a necessary allowances such as shrinkage, machining, taper, and surface finish. Usually it is done with green sand as the molding medium.
  • Mold Cavity – The mold cavity is the shaped hole into which the molten metal is poured and solidified to produce the desired casting.
  • Parting Line – Parting Line or Parting Surface is the interface that separates the cope and drag halves of a mold, flask, or pattern. The same part can also be found in some core making processes.
  • Pattern – The pattern is the approximate copy of the final casting. The molding material (sand for sand molds) is then packed around the pattern and the pattern is removed to produce the mold cavity.
  • Pattern Shrinkage Allowance – Dimensions added to the pattern to compensate for the solid shrinkage or contraction occurs in the solidified casting as it cools to room / ambient temperature.
  • Pouring Cup – A Pouring Cup or Pouring Basin is the portion of the gating system that initially receives the molten metal from the pouring vessel and controls its delivery to rest of the mold.
  • Refractories – Refers to materials that are used to make crucibles, linings for furnaces, kilns, ovens and incinerators. A practical requirement is the ability of the material to withstand temperatures above 1100oC without softening.
  • Riser – A riser is an extra void created in the mold that will also fill with molten metal. It provides a reservoir of molten metal that flow into the mold cavity to compensate for any shrinkage during solidification.
  • Runners – Runners are the horizontal part of the gating system that is connected to the gate.
  • Slag – Are by-product of melting metals. They are composed of metal oxides and sulfides. The assist in melt temperature control and minimize oxidation of the liquid metal before casting.
  • Sprue – From the pouring cup, the molten metal travels down the sprue the vertical part of the gating system that connects with the runners.
  • Vents – Vents are additional channels providing an escape for the gasses that are generated within the mold.
  • Wedge Chill Test – Indicates the chilling tendencies of cast iron melt which is related to melting conditions, chemical composition and casting section thickness.

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