The FORGING NC III consists of competencies that a person must achieve to be able to perform hand forging to complex shapes of different metals. It also covers hammer forging to complex shapes using power hammer which applies to open die forging of complex shapes such as forged bosses, heavy rings and bushes. Both competencies also cover specialized methods of holding, positioning and lifting complex forgings. Competency on performing drop and upset forging on a range of metals is also included.

A student who has achieved this TESDA Course in FORGING NC III is competent to be:

  • Forging Machine Operator


Course Title: FORGING
Level: NC III
Nominal Training Duration : 112 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual in the field of FORGING NC III Qualification. It consists of competencies that a person must achieve to be able to perform hand forging to complex shapes of different metals. It also covers hammer forging to complex shapes using power hammer which applies to open die forging of complex shapes such as forged bosses, heavy rings and bushes. Both competencies also cover specialized methods of holding, and positioning and lifting complex forgings. Competency on performing drop and upset forging on a range of metals is also included.

Basic competencies such as: Lead workplace communication; Lead small teams; Develop and practice negotiation skills; Solve problems related to work activities; Use mathematical concepts and techniques and Use relevant technologies are included.

It also includes common competencies such as: Read, Interpret and Apply Engineering Drawings; Perform Mensuration and Calculation Read; Interpret and Apply Specifications and Manuals and; Perform Shop Maintenance.


This section specifies the qualifications of trainees and educational experience. Other requirements like health and physical requirements are also stated. Passing entry written examinations may also be indicated if necessary.

  • With 2 year experience in basic foundry melting;
  • Ability to communicate both orally and in writing;
  • Physically and mentally fit; and
  • Must possess the FORGING National Certificate NC II or equivalent qualification in forging


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, Elective and Core Competencies.

To obtain this TESDA Course in FORGING NC III, all units prescribed below for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

ALT722304 Hand Forge Complex Shapes
ALT722305 Hammer Forge Complex Shapes
ALT722306 Perform Drop and Upset Forging
ALT742201 Read & Interpret Engineering Drawings
ALT311202 Perform Mensuration and Calculation
ALT723203 Read, Interpret and Apply Specifications and Manuals
ALT723205 Perform Shop Maintenance
500311109 Lead Workplace Communication
500311110 Lead Small Teams
500311111 Develop and Practice Negotiation skills
500311112 Solve Problems Related to Work Activities
500311113 Use Mathematical Concepts and Techniques
500311114 Use Relevant Technologies


This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in FORGING NC III

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers production of intricate solid forged shapes by hand-forging of different metals, using specialized techniques, tools and jigs. This unit applies to hand-forging of complex shapes commonly forged in the forging and fabrication areas of industry. Specialized methods of holding, positioning and lifting complex forgings are covered. Equipment may include diesel, electric and gas furnaces, coke fires and gaseous oxygen/fuel equipment.

  1. Forge complex shapes using hand tools on an anvil
    • Task requirements for complex hand forging are identified and clarified as required.
    • Material volume is calculated based on task requirements.
    • Allowances for bending, material shrinkage and oxidization are made as required.
    • Hand tools and formers are selected and used in accordance with standard operating procedures.
    • Safe hand forging procedures are followed.
    • Techniques and principles for producing complex shapes are applied correctly.
    • Forging is checked to ensure conformance to tolerances and specifications.
  2. Perform splitting and bundling on anvil
    • Tools and equipment are selected and used in accordance with standard operating procedures.
    • Hand forging techniques and procedures are applied to forging and opening bundled and split sections.
    • Allowance is made for material shrinkage, distortion and oxidization.
    • Heat is applied and controlled in specified areas of the material to be forged in accordance with standard operating procedures.
    • Forgings are handled safely and correctly according to workplace procedures.
    • Forgings are checked to ensure conformance to tolerances and specifications.
  3. Produce jigs and tools for complex shapes
    • Tools and equipment required to taper and bend materials are selected appropriate to task requirements.
    • Techniques for producing jigs and tools are applied correctly.
    • Jigs and patterns are bent and shaped to specifications.
    • Hand held tools are forged to cut pattern, in accordance with specifications.
    • Final shaping, heat treatment and sharpening is performed to specifications


This unit covers forging complex shapes using a power hammer. This unit applies to open die forging of complex shapes commonly forged in the forging and fabrication areas of industry including forged bosses, heavy rings and bushes. Specialized methods of holding, and positioning and lifting complex forgings are covered. Equipment may include forging plant, diesel and gas furnaces.

  1. Set up and operate forging machine
    • Forging machine is set up and operated in accordance with standard operating procedures and specifications.
    • Complex open-die tooling is selected and used according to workplace procedures.
    • Safe operating procedures are followed.
  2. Forge complex shapes and heavy parts
    • The material to be forged is safely and correctly positioned in the forming equipment in accordance with standard operating procedures.
    • Hot forgings are marked and measured as required.
    • Allowance is made for material shrinkage and oxidization.
    • Hammer tools and fixtures attached to power hammer are used according to workplace procedures.
    • Forging is checked to ensure conformance to tolerances and specifications.
    • Forgings are handled safely and correctly according to workplace procedures.
  3. Heat complex forgings
    • Heating plant and equipment is selected appropriate to work undertaken.
    • Techniques used to heat heavy complex forgings are applied correctly
    • Post-forging heating is performed correctly and safely.
    • Hot forgings are handled safely and according to workplace procedures.


This unit covers selecting, setting up, and operating drop and upset forging equipment. This unit includes the preparation and forging of material using drop and upset methods on a range of metals, and a range of drop forging and upset forging equipment including cold upset forging equipment. The material forged is to specified dimensional accuracy and finish.

  1. Identify and select drop and upset forging equipment and tools for specific operation
    • Appropriate equipment is selected which accounts for size of material and procedures.
    • Dies and punches are selected for specific operations and equipment.
    • Die replacement is determined with regard to relief allowances, cracking, dimensions, etc.
  2. Set up and operate drop and upset forging equipment
    • Equipment is correctly and safely set up, adjusted and operated according to workplace procedures.
    • Correct die setting techniques are applied in setting correct die and punch alignment.
    • Die preheating procedures are applied according to workplace procedures.
    • Heating process is applied according to workplace procedures.
  3. Prepare material
    • Materials are prepared and heated in accordance with job requirements and/or specifications.
  4. Drop and upset forge material
    • Material is drop forged using the correct procedures and techniques.
    • Lubricant is applied for die wear and forging release according to workplace procedures.
    • Correct grain flow is determined.
    • Galls, folds and cracks are identified and corrected according to workplace procedures.
    • Removal of flash or fin is carried out according to procedure.
    • Material amounts are calculated with allowance for heat wastage and flash or fin.



This unit deals with identifying, interpreting and applying specification from Engineering blue prints or drawings that provides the measurements of the product and pattern that is to be produced.

  1. Identify and access engineering drawings/specification
    • Appropriate Engineering drawings are identified and accessed as per job requirements.
    • Version and date of drawing is checked to ensure correct specification and procedure are identified.
  2. Interpret drawings
    • Relevant dimensions and sections of the drawings/specifications are located in relation to the work to be conducted
    • Information in the manual are interpreted in accordance to industry practices
  3. Apply information in the drawings & specifications
    • Engineering drawing is interpreted according to job requirements
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with the specifications in the drawings.
    • Dimensional data and shape are applied according to the given task
  4. Store drawings
    • The drawings and specification are stored properly to ensure prevention of damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements


This unit includes identifying, caring for, handling, using and maintaining measuring instruments.

  1. Select measuring instruments
    • Object or component to be measured is identified
    • Correct specifications are obtained from relevant source
    • Appropriate measuring instrument is selected according to job requirements
  2. Carry out measurements and calculation
    • Measuring tools are selected in line with job requirements
    • Accurate measurements are obtained to job
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (/).
    • Calculations involving fractions, percentages and mixed numbers are used to complete workplace tasks.
    • Numerical computation is self-checked and corrected for accuracy
    • Instruments are read to the limit of accuracy of the tool.
  3. Maintain measuring instruments
    • Measuring instruments are kept free from corrosion
    • Measuring instruments are not dropped to avoid damage
    • Measuring instruments are cleaned before and after using.


This unit deals with identifying, interpreting and applying service specification manuals, maintenance procedure manuals and periodic maintenance manual.

  1. Identify and access manual/specification
    • Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed as per job requirements.
    • Version and date of manual is checked to ensure correct specification and procedure are identified.
  2. Interpret manuals
    • Relevant sections, chapters of manuals/specifications are located in relations to the work to be conducted
    • Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted in accordance to industry practices
  3. Apply information in manual
    • Manual is interpreted according to job requirements
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with manufacturer specification
    • Manual data is applied according to the given task
    • All correct sequencing and adjustments are interpreted in accordance with information contained on the manual or specifications
  4. Store manuals
    • Manual or specification are stored appropriately to ensure prevention of damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements


This unit deals with inspecting and cleaning of work area including tools, equipment and facilities. Storage and checking of tools/ equipment and disposal of used supplies/materials are also incorporated in this competency.

  1. Inspect/clean tools and work area
    • Cleaning solvent used as per workshop/tools cleaning requirement
    • Work area is checked and cleaned
    • Wet surface/spot in work area is wiped and dried
  2. Store/arrange tools and shop equipment
    • Tools/equipment are checked and stored in their respective shelves/location
    • Corresponding labels are posted and visible
    • Tools are safely secured and logged in the records
  3. Dispose wastes/used lubricants
    • Containers for used lubricants are visibly labeled
    • Wastes/used lubricants are disposed as per workshop SOP
  4. Report damaged tools/equipment
    • Complete inventory of tools/equipment is maintained
    • Damaged tools/equipment/facilities are identified and repair recommendation is given
    • Reports prepared has no error/discrepancy


The BASIC COMPETENCIES refer to non-technical skills (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that everybody will need in order to perform satisfactorily at work and in society and are considered portable and transferable irrespective of jobs and industrial settings.

UNIT CODE : 500311109

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead in the dissemination and discussion of ideas, information and issues in the workplace.

  1. Communicate information about workplace processes
    • Appropriate communication method is selected
    • Multiple operations involving several topics areas are communicated accordingly
    • Questions are used to gain extra information
    • Correct sources of information are identified
    • Information is selected and organized correctly
    • Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when required
    • Communication skills are maintained in all situations
  2. Lead workplace discussions
    • Response to workplace issues are sought
    • Response to workplace issues are provided immediately
    • Constructive contributions are made to workplace discussions on such issues as production, quality and safety
    • Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the workplace are communicated
  3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace
    • Issues and problems are identified as they arise
    • Information regarding problems and issues are organized coherently to ensure clear and effective communication
    • Dialogue is initiated with appropriate personnel
    • Communication problems and issues are raised as they arise

UNIT CODE : 500311110

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead small teams including setting and maintaining team and individual performance standards.

  1. Provide team leadership
    • Work requirements are identified and presented to team members
    • Reasons for instructions and requirements are communicated to team members
    • Team members’ queries and concerns are recognized, discussed and dealt with
  2. Assign responsibilities
    • Duties, and responsibilities are allocated having regard to the skills, knowledge and aptitude required to properly undertake the assigned task and according to company policy
    • Duties are allocated having regard to individual preference, domestic and personal considerations, whenever possible
  3. Set performance expectations for team members
    • Performance expectations are established based on client needs and according to assignment requirements
    • Performance expectations are based on individual team members duties and area of responsibility
    • Performance expectations are discussed and disseminated to individual team members
  4. Supervised team performance
    • Monitoring of performance takes place against defined performance criteria and/or assignment instructions and corrective action taken if required
    • Team members are provided with feedback, positive support and advice on strategies to overcome any deficiencies
    • Performance issues which cannot be rectified or addressed within the team are referenced to appropriate personnel according to employer policy
    • Team members are kept informed of any changes in the priority allocated to assignments or tasks which might impact on client/customer needs and satisfaction
    • Team operations are monitored to ensure that employer/client needs and requirements are met
    • Follow-up communication is provided on all issues affecting the team
    • All relevant documentation is completed in accordance with company procedures

UNIT CODE : 500311111

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to collect information in order to negotiate to a desired outcome and participate in the negotiation.

  1. Plan negotiations
    • Information on preparing for negotiation is identified and included in the plan
    • Information on creating non verbal environments for positive negotiating is identified and included in the plan
    • Information on active listening is identified and included in the plan
    • Information on different questioning techniques is identified and included in the plan
    • Information is checked to ensure it is correct and up-to- date
  2. Participate in negotiations
    • Criteria for successful outcome are agreed upon by all parties
    • Desired outcome of all parties are considered
    • Appropriate language is used throughout the negotiation
    • A variety of questioning techniques are used
    • The issues and processes are documented and agreed upon by all parties
    • Possible solutions are discussed and their viability assessed
    • Areas for agreement are confirmed and recorded
    • Follow-up action is agreed upon by all parties

UNIT CODE : 500311112

This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to solve problems in the workplace including the application of problem solving techniques and to determine and resolve the root cause of problems.

  1. Identify the problem
    • Variances are identified from normal operating parameters; and product quality
    • Extent, cause and nature are of the problem are defined through observation, investigation and analytical techniques
    • Problems are clearly stated and specified
  2. Determine fundamental causes of the problem
    • Possible causes are identified based on experience and the use of problem solving tools / analytical techniques.
    • Possible cause statements are developed based on findings
    • Fundamental causes are identified per results of investigation conducted
  3. Determine corrective action
    • All possible options are considered for resolution of the problem
    • Strengths and weaknesses of possible options are considered
    • Corrective actions are determined to resolve the problem and possible future causes
    • Action plans are developed identifying measurable objectives, resource needs and timelines in accordance with safety and operating procedures
  4. Provide recommendation/s to manager
    • Report on recommendations are prepared
    • Recommendations are presented to appropriate personnel.
    • Recommendations are followed-up, if required

UNIT CODE : 500311113

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in the application of mathematical concepts and techniques.

  1. Identify mathematical tools and techniques to solve problem
    • Problem areas are identified based on given condition
    • Mathematical techniques are selected based on the given problem
  2. Apply mathematical procedure/solution
    • Mathematical techniques are applied based on the problem identified
    • Mathematical computations are performed to the level of accuracy required for the problem
    • Results of mathematical computation is determined and verified based on job requirements
  3. Analyze results
    • Result of application is reviewed based on expected and required specifications and outcome
    • Appropriate action is applied in case of error

UNIT CODE : 500311114

This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude required in selecting, sourcing and applying appropriate and affordable technologies in the workplace.

  1. Study/select appropriate technology
    • Usage of different technologies is determined based on job requirements
    • Appropriate technology is selected as per work specification
  2. Apply relevant technology
    • Relevant technology is effectively used in carrying out function
    • Applicable software and hardware are used as per task requirement
    • Management concepts are observed and practiced as per established industry practices
  3. Maintain/enhance relevant technology
    • Maintenance of technology is applied in accordance with the industry standard operating procedure, manufacturer’s operating guidelines and occupational health and safety procedure to ensure its operative ability
    • Updating of technology is maintained through continuing education or training in accordance with job requirement
    • Technology failure/ defect is immediately reported to the concern/responsible person or section for appropriate action


  • Forging – Forging is the term for shaping metal by using localized compressive forces
  • Cold forging – Cold forging is done at room temperature or near room temperature.
  • Hot forging – Hot forging is done at a high temperature, which makes metal easier to shape and less likely to fracture.
  • Warm forging – Warm forging is done at intermediate temperature between room temperature and hot forging temperatures.
  • Hammer forging – In modern times, industrial forging is done either with presses or with hammers powered by compressed air, electricity, hydraulics or steam. These hammers are large, having reciprocating weights in the thousands of pounds. Smaller power hammers, 500 lb (230 kg) or less reciprocating weight, and hydraulic presses are common in art smithies as well. Steam hammers are becoming obsolete.
  • Open-die forging – Open-die forging is also known as smith forging. In open-die forging a hammer comes down and deforms the workpieces, which is placed on a stationary anvil. Open-die forging gets its name from the fact that the dies (the working surfaces of the forge that contract the workpiece) do not enclose the workpiece, allowing it to flow except where contacted by the dies. Therefore the operator needs to orient and position the workpiece to get the desired shape. The dies are usually flat in shape, but some have a specially shaped surface for specialized operations. For instance, the die may have a round, concave, or convex surface or be a tool to form holes or be a cut-off tool.
  • Impression-die forging – Impression-die forging is also called closed-die forging. In impression-die work metal is placed in a die resembling a mold, which is attached to the anvil. Usually the hammer die is shaped as well. The hammer is then dropped on the workpiece, causing the metal to flow and fill the die cavities. The hammer is generally in contact with the workpiece on the scale of milliseconds. Depending on the size and complexity of the part the hammer may be dropped multiple times in quick succession.
  • Flash Excess metal – is squeezed out of the die cavities; this is called flash. The flash cools more rapidly than the rest of the material; this cool metal is stronger than the metal in the TR FORGING NC III Promulgated 52 die so it helps prevent more flash from forming. This also forces the metal to completely fill the die cavity. After forging the flash is trimmed off
  • Press forging – Press forging is variation of drop-hammer forging. Unlike drop-hammer forging, press forges work slowly by applying continuous pressure or force. The amount of time the dies are in contact with the workpiece is measured in seconds (as compared to the milliseconds of drop-hammer forges). The press forging operation can be done either cold or hot.
  • Upset forging – Upset forging increases the diameter of the workpiece by compressing its length.] Based on number of pieces produced this is the most widely used forging process. A few examples of common parts produced using the upset forging process are engine valves, couplings, bolts, screws, and other fasteners.

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