The TESDA Course DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY SERVICES NC I consists of competencies that a person must achieve to fabricate models, custom impression trays, and registration bite rims, articulate models, and transfer records.

A student who has achieved this Course in DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY SERVICES NC I is competent to be:

  • Dental Laboratory Aide/Assistant


Level: NC I
Nominal Training Duration :

(Basic Competency) 18 Hours
(Common Competency) 28 Hours
(Core Competency) 930 Hours

Total Training Duration 976 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of dental technicians in accordance with industry standards. It covers the basic, common and core competencies in NC I.


This section specifies the qualifications of trainees including their education/experience.

  • Must be physically and mentally fit (specifically on eye and hand coordination)
  • Must be able to communicate either oral or written
  • Must be at least fifteen (15) years old
  • Must be at least a high school graduate or its equivalent


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common and Core Competencies. To obtain this course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

HCS322323 Fabricate models
HCS322324 Fabricate custom impression trays
HCS322325 Fabricate registration bite rims
HCS322326 Articulate models and transfer records
HCS322327 Fabricate mouth guard
HCS346201 Maintain instruments and equipment in work area
HCS346202 Assist in dental laboratory procedures
HCS346203 Assist with administration in dental laboratory practice
ICT311201 Operate a personal computer
500311101 Receive and respond to workplace communication
500311102 Work with others
500311103 Demonstrate work values
500311104 Practice basic housekeeping procedures

This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY SERVICES NC I. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.



This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in fabricating models.

  1. Verify integrity of impressions
    • Impression is disinfected according to Department of Health guidelines.
    • Impressions are examined for defects.
    • Impression is checked to ensure it meets the specifications of the work.
  2. Select and prepare model materials
    • Appropriate materials are selected.
    • Materials are prepared in accordance with desired outcome.
  3. Pour impressions
    • Impressions are prepared for pouring.
    • Materials are poured into impressions in accordance with accepted techniques.
    • Required setting time is allowed.
  4. Finish model
    • Model is recovered intact from impression.
    • Model is inspected for defects.
    • Models a re trimmed according to requirements.
  5. Duplicate model
    • Duplicating materials are prepared according to manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Duplicating materials are mixed according to manufacturer’s instructions.
    • An accurate, bubble free cast is produced.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in fabricating custom impression trays.

  1. Prepare model
    • Work is interpreted.
    • Undesirable undercuts are blocked out.
    • Outline is marked and spacer is applied as required.
  2. Select and prepare materials
    • Selected materials are obtained and mixed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Equipment is prepared for processing.
    • Mixing vessels and templates are provided.
  3. Fabricate custom impression tray
    • Materials are mixed or manipulated to desired outcome.
    • Material is adapted to the cast.
    • Handle is fabricated and attached as required.
    • Custom tray is processed in accordance with industry standards.
    • Outline is trimmed.
    • Spacer material is removed.
    • Outline is refined and polished as required.
    • Impression tray is customized to particular impression material requirements.
    • Impression tray is disinfected according to DOH guidelines.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in fabricating registration bite rims.

  1. Select and prepare materials
    • Appropriate material for the base and rims is selected.
    • Model is prepared to enable appropriate application of selected base metal.
  2. Fabricate base
    • Selected base material is applied to model.
    • Base material is processed in accordance with type of base material selected.
    • Base material is trimmed to peripheral contours of model and appropriate landmarks.
  3. Fabricate registration bite rims
    • Bite rim is fabricated in selected material.
    • Bite rim is trimmed to prescribed dimensions and appropriate landmarks.
    • Bite rim is smoothed and polished in accordance with material chosen.
  4. Prepare face-bow (if required)
    • Face-bow fork is located in required position.
    • Material is selected as required by the presentation.
    • Face-bows are finished in accordance with acceptable industry standard.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in articulating models and transferring records.

  1. Select and prepare articulator
    • Work order requirements are confirmed.
    • Articulator is selected and adjusted as required.
    • Mounting method to be used is identified in accordance with the type of articulator.
  2. Select and prepare materials
    • Models and oral records are positioned in articulator.
    • Mounting materials are prepared and applied to models.
    • Centric records are established and secured.
    • Excess material is removed in accordance with industry standards
    • Equipment is cleaned in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOPs).
  3. Transfer oral records to articulator
    • Records are transported as provided.
    • Midline is recorded.
    • Vertical height is set and recorded.
    • Condylar angle is set as required.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in fabricating mouth guard.

  1. Prepare model for procedure
    • Prescription is interpreted in accordance with the dentist’s instruction.
    • Model is seated and correctly positioned for procedure.
  2. Check the dental mouth guard prior to insertion
    • Mouth guard is decontaminated in accordance with DOH infection control guidelines.
    • Potential injury causing areas of a mouth guard are removed prior to insertion.
    • Mouth guard is assessed to ensure desired thickness and protective capabilities have been achieved.
  3. Fit and evaluate the mouth guard
    • Retention and stability are examined.
    • The fitting surfaces of the mouth guard are checked for accuracy and comfort.
    • Current DOH infection control guidelines are followed.
  4. Alter mouth guard if required
    • Materials and equipment required to carry out alterations are used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, current DOH infection control and OHS guidelines.
    • Fitting surfaces and occlusion are checked for accuracy and altered where pressure is indicated or where discrepancies to retention and stability are found.
    • Documentation is completed as required.



This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in maintaining instruments and equipment in the work area.

  1. Prepare to clean used items
    • Safe work practices and standard precautions are followed at all times in accordance with legislative and workplace guidelines.
    • Sharps and sharps debris are disposed into a container and in accordance with workplace guidelines.
    • Waste is segregated and disposed in accordance with organization and legislative guidelines.
  2. Clean and dry used items
    • Workflow protocols are maintained in instrument reprocessing area and in accordance with workplace guidelines.
    • Instruments are prepared for cleaning and in accordance with workplace guidelines.
    • Appropriate cleaning agents are selected and used in accordance with workplace guidelines and manufacturer’s specification.
    • Cleaning methods that avoid the generation of aerosols are used in accordance with workplace guidelines.
    • Instruments are dried and inspected for damage and remaining debris and in accordance with workplace procedures.
    • Cleaning process is monitored in accordance with workplace guidelines.
  3. Prepare and pack items for storage
    • Instruments with hinges or ratchets are opened and unlocked in accordance with standard operating procedures.
    • Instrument trays are prepared in accordance with workplace protocols.
    • Critical site instruments are packaged or wrapped in a manner that prevents damage to delicate items.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in assisting in dental laboratory procedures.

  1. Follow dental laboratory procedures
    • Planned procedure is identified correctly.
    • Equipment, instruments and materials is anticipated and selected for the planned procedure and arranged them in their likely order of use.
  2. Use dental laboratory terminology in communication
    • Dental terminology is used in communicating with the dental team.
    • Dental terminology is used in receiving, understanding and documenting written and oral instructions.
    • Frequently used abbreviations and symbols in dental laboratory are understood.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in managing appointments to suit the client and the organization, to record and reconcile payments and to maintain client record.

  1. Communicate effectively with clients and other persons
    • Clients and other visitors are greeted appropriately.
    • An appropriate environment is made available for the client to complete medical, dental and financial details.
    • Client and/or career point of view is listened carefully.
    • Information provided to client and/or career appropriately and language used completely so that it can easily be understood.
    • Client and/or career ensured they understood information provided to them.
    • Being polite and negative comments avoided shows empathy and respect for client and/or career.
  2. Respond appropriately to enquiries from clients and visitors
    • Personal dress and presentation is maintained.
    • Communication equipment is used effectively.
    • Enquiries are responded promptly, politely and ethically.
    • Purpose of an enquiry, the identity of the person is determined and relevant record/s retrieved if required.
    • Messages prioritized and recorded legibly and accurately.
    • Enquiries outside area of responsibility are referred to appropriate supervisor.
    • Electronic communication with clients and /or careers is complied in accordance with organizational protocols.
    • Confidentiality of information relating to clients, staff and the dental practice/organization is maintained.
  3. Allocate appointments appropriate to client and organization requirements
    • Client’s appointment requirements are identified.
    • Appointment time is set in accordance with the client’s preferences and the organization’s requirements.
    • Appointment details are recorded accurately and legibly using standard dental notation in the organizations appointment system.
    • Copy of appointment details is provided to the client.
    • Appointment schedules are monitored; clients and the oral health care team are notified of any necessary changes within a suitable timeframe.
  4. Calculate and record basic financial transactions
    • Petty cash vouchers and all monies are completed accurately and account for.
    • Correct fees are calculated.
    • GST applied in accordance with identified requirements.
    • Payments received are checked and recorded legibly and accurately.
    • Checks and credit card vouchers are validated
    • Client is provided with a receipt.
  5. Handle cash and record financial transactions
    • Balances accurately monies received against records of payment in accordance with organization policies
    • Cash is secured in an approved location.
    • Suspected breaches of security are responded and appropriate action taken within minimum delay in accordance with organization policies.
    • Record of bad debts identified and appropriate action taken in line with office procedures.
    • Banking procedures are followed in accordance with organization policies.
  6. Maintain client records
    • Correct client files are removed and appropriate fees and diagnostic records attached.
    • Order of payment is placed in files.
    • Information entered legibly, accurately and updated as appropriate
    • Client’s dental records are filed correctly after use
    • Records of laboratory work are maintained up-to-date, accurate, legible and complete
  7. Assist with client recalls
    • Knowledge of client recall system is applied
    • Client records is marked with relevant recall date as appropriate and as directed by the operator
    • Clients who are due for recall are identified and notified them that an appointment is due
    • Clients who do not respond to a recall appointment request are followed-up with courtesy


This unit defines the competency required to operate a personal computer by: starting the PC, logging in, using and working with files, folders and programs, saving work, and closing down the PC.

  1. Start the computer
    • The peripheral devices are properly connected
    • Power is checked and the computer and peripheral devices are switched on
    • Proper logging in and logging off is successfully done
    • The operating system features and functions are accessed and navigated
    • Hardware configuration and other system features are checked
  2. Arrange and customize desktop display/ Windows settings
    • The desktop screen or Windows elements are changed as needed
    • Desktop icons are added, renamed, moved, copied or deleted
    • The online help functions are accessed or used as needed
    • Desktop icons of application programs are selected, opened and closed
    • Properties of icons are displayed
    • Computer or desktop settings are saved and restored
  3. Work with files and folders (or directories)
    • A file or folder is created, opened, moved, renamed or copied
    • Files are located, deleted and restored
    • Details and properties of files and folders are displayed or viewed
    • Various files are organized for easy lookup and use
    • Files and information are searched
    • Disks are checked, erased or formatted as necessary
  4. Work with user application programs
    • Application programs are added, changed, removed or ran
    • User software or application program are installed, updated and upgraded
    • Information/data are moved between documents or files
  5. Print information
    • Printer is added or installed and correct printer settings is ensured
    • Default printer is assigned accordingly
    • Information or document is printed on the installed printer
    • Progress of print jobs are viewed and deleted as required
  6. Shut down computer
    • All open application programs are closed
    • Computer and peripheral devices are properly shut down


UNIT CODE : 500311101

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to receive, respond and act on verbal and written communication.

  1. Follow routine spoken messages
    • Required information is gathered by listening attentively and correctly interpreting or understanding information/instructions
    • Instructions/information are properly recorded
    • Instructions are acted upon immediately in accordance with information received
    • Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions when any instruction/information is not clear
  2. Perform workplace duties following written notices
    • Written notices and instructions are read and interpreted correctly in accordance with organizational guidelines
    • Routine written instruction are followed in sequence
    • Feedback is given to workplace supervisor based on the instructions/information received

UNIT CODE : 500311102

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to develop workplace relationship and contribute in workplace activities.

  1. Develop effective workplace relationship
    • Duties and responsibilities are done in a positive manner to promote cooperation and good relationship
    • Assistance is sought from workgroup when difficulties arise and addressed through discussions
    • Feedback provided by others in the team is encouraged, acknowledged and acted upon
    • Differences in personal values and beliefs are respected and acknowledged in the development
  2. Contribute to work group activities
    • Support is provided to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met
    • Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks are made according to organizational requirements
    • Information relevant to work is shared with team members to ensure designated goals are met

UNIT CODE : 500311103

This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude in demonstrating proper work values.

  1. Define the purpose of work
    • One’s unique sense of purpose for working and the why’s of work are identified, reflected on and clearly defined for one’s development as a person and as a member of society.
    • Personal mission is in harmony with company’s values
  2. Apply work values/ethics
    • Work values/ethics/concepts are classified and reaffirmed in accordance with the transparent company ethical standards, policies and guidelines.
    • Work practices are undertaken in compliance with industry work ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines
    • Personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients are conducted in accordance with ethical standards, policy and guidelines.
    • Company resources are used in accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
  3. Deal with ethical problems
    • Company ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines on the prevention and reporting of unethical conduct are accessed and applied in accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
    • Work incidents/situations are reported and/or resolved in accordance with company protocol/guidelines.
    • Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified are used as learning opportunities.
  4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
    • Personal work practices and values are demonstrated consistently with acceptable ethical conduct and company’s core values.
    • Instructions to co-workers are provided based on ethical, lawful and reasonable directives.
    • Company values/practices are shared with co-workers using appropriate behavior and language.

UNIT CODE : 500311104

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply the basic housekeeping procedures.

  1. Sort and remove unnecessary items
    • Reusable, recyclable materials are sorted in accordance with company/office procedures
    • Unnecessary items are removed and disposed of in accordance with company or office procedures
  2. Arrange items
    • Items are arranged in accordance with company/office housekeeping procedures
    • Work area is arranged according to job requirements
    • Activities are prioritized based on instructions.
    • Items are provided with clear and visible identification marks based on procedure
    • Safety equipment and evacuation passages are kept clear and accessible based on instructions
  3. Maintain work area, tools and equipment
    • Cleanliness and orderliness of work area is maintained in accordance with company/office procedures
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions/manual
    • Minor repairs are performed on tools and equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction/manual
    • Defective tools and equipment are reported to immediate supervisor
  4. Follow standardized work process and procedures
    • Materials for common use are maintained in designated area based on procedures
    • Work is performed according to standard work procedures
    • Abnormal incidents are reported to immediate supervisor
  5. Perform work spontaneously
    • Work is performed as per instruction
    • Company and office decorum are followed and complied with
    • Work is performed in accordance with occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements


  • ABUTMENT – Tooth or teeth that support a fixed or removable bridge
  • ANTERIOR TEETH – the six upper or six lower front teeth (canines, laterals & central incisors)
  • APEX – the tip of the root of a tooth
  • APPLIANCE – a general term referring to devices used to provide a function or therapeutic effect
  • ARCH – describes the alignment of the upper or lower teeth
  • ARTICULATE – to unite by forming a joint or joints
  • ARTICULATOR – a mechanical device representing the temporo-mandibular joints and jaw members to which casts of the mouth
  • BASE – cement placed under a dental restoration to insulate the pulp (nerve chamber)
  • BITE – relationship of the upper and lower teeth on closure (occlusion)
  • BITE/OCCLUSION RIM – an occluding border or surface constructed on temporary or permanent denture bases for the purpose of recording the maxillomandibular relation and for positioning the teeth
  • BLEACHING – chemical or laser treatment of natural teeth for whitening effect
  • BONDING – adhesive dental restoration technique; a tooth-colored composite resin to repair and/or change the color or shape of a tooth
  • BRACES – devices used by orthodontists to gradually reposition teeth to a more favorable alignment
  • BRIDGE – stationary dental prosthesis (appliance) fixed to teeth adjacent to a space; replaces one or more missing teeth, cemented or bonded to supporting teeth or implants adjacent to the space
  • BUCCAL – in dental anatomy, the term is used to refer to the vestibular (or oral) surface of the premolars and molars that faces the cheek
    CANTILEVER BRIDGE – fixed bridge that attaches to adjacent teeth only on one end CAP – common term for dental crown
    CAST – an accurate reproduction or replica of an object or part produced in a plastic material which has taken form in an impression or mold
  • CLASP – device that retains a removable partial denture to stationary teeth; can be metal or acrylic (matches teeth and gums)
  • CONDYLAR – Pertaining to condyle
  • CONDYLE – A round eminence or protuberance at the articular extremity of the bone
  • CROSS BITE – reverse biting relationship of upper and lower teeth; aka “under bite,” as in Class III malocclusuion (prognathic jaw)
  • CROWN (1) the portion of a tooth above the gum line; (2) dental restoration covering all or most of the natural tooth
  • CUSTOM IMPRESION TRAY – an impression tray made from a preliminary impression used to make the final impression
  • DENTAL WAXES – wax compounds used in dentistry are mixtures of individual waxes of materials or synthetic origin. As with all other dental materials, each component n the mixture is selected to given specific properties best suited for the procedure being performed
  • DENTURE – removable (partial or complete) set of artificial teeth
  • DIASTEMA – open space between teeth
  • DISTAL – farthest from any point of reference, as the surfaces of teeth more distant from the median line
  • DUPLICATE – identically copied from an original
  • FABRICATE – to make; create; to construct by combining or assembling
  • FACE-BOW – a caliper-like device used to record the positional relationship of the maxillary arch to the temporo-mandibular joint (or opening axis of the jaw and to orient dental casts in the same relationship to the opening axis of the articulator
  • FACE-BOW FORK – a device used to attach the face-bow to an occlusion rim for a facebow transfer
  • FACIAL – the term is used to refer to the surface of a tooth directed toward the face (including the buccal and labial surfaces) and opposite the lingual (or oral) surface.
  • FACING – tooth colored overlay on the visible portion of a crown; may be acrylic, composite or porcelain
  • FILLING – restoration of lost tooth structure with metal, porcelain or resin materials
  • FULL DENTURE – removable dental prosthesis (appliance) replacing all upper or lower teeth
  • FULL MOUTH RECONSTRUCTION – extensive restorations of natural teeth with crowns and or fixed bridges to manage restorative and bite problems.
  • GYPSUM – is the common name for calcium sulfate dehydrate. Gypsum products are more frequently used on laboratory procedures than any other single group of compounds. Controlled variations in the manufacturing of gypsum products yield a group of dental materials including plaster, artificial stone(hydrosol), disc stone, casting investment and soldering investment
  • IMPRESSION – mold made of the teeth and soft tissues
  • INLAY – indirect – filling made by a dental laboratory that is cemented or bonded into place, Direct – placement of dental composite resin, or porcelain restoration at chairside
  • INTEROCCLUSAL – space between upper and lower teeth
  • INVESTING – the act or process of covering or enveloping wholly or in part an object such as a denture, tooth, wax form etc.
  • JACKET – crown for a front tooth, usually made of porcelain
  • LABIAL – in dental anatomy, the term is used to refer to the vestibular (or facial) surface of the incisors and canines that faces the lips
  • LAMINATE – thin plastic or porcelain veneer produced in a dental laboratory and then bonded to a tooth
  • MALOCCLUSION – “bad bite” or misalignment of the upper and lower teeth
  • MARGIN – interface between a restoration and tooth structure
  • MARYLAND BRIDGE – a bridge that is bonded to the back of the adjacent teeth; requires minimum tooth reduction
  • MODEL – a material used extensively for making impressions. It contains shellac, talc, glycerin, wax, tallow and palm oil
  • MOUTHGUARD – an intra-oral appliance, made of a soft plastic, which covers all occlusal surfaces and the palate and extends to the border of the attached gingiva on the vestibular surface of the teeth
  • OVERBITE – vertical overlap of the front teeth; deep bite
  • PARTIAL DENTURE – removable dental prosthesis (appliance) replacing one or more natural teeth
  • PONTIC – replacement tooth mounted on a fixed or removal appliance
  • PORCELAIN CROWN – all porcelain restoration covering the coronal portion of tooth (above the gum line)
  • PORCELAIN FUSED TO METAL (PFM) CROWN – restoration with metal coping (for strength) covered by porcelain (for appearance)
  • PORCELAIN INLAY OR ONLAY – tooth-colored restoration made of porcelain, cemented or bonded in place
  • PORCELAIN VENEERS – a thin layer of porcelain, fabricated by a laboratory) bonded to a natural tooth to replace lost tooth structure, close spaces, straighten teeth or change color and/or shape
  • POSTERIOR – Situated in the back of, or in the back part of, or affecting the back part of an organ; used in reference to the back or dorsal surface of the body.
  • PROSTHESIS an artificial appliance for the replacement for a body part, tooth or teeth
  • REBASE – the process of refitting a denture by means of the replacement of the denture base material without changing the occlusal relations of the teeth
  • RETAINER – a device for retaining or keeping something in position – the part of a denture that unites the abutment tooth with the suspended portion of the bridge, such as inlay, partial crown or complete crown.
  • SOLDERING INVESTMENT – a soldering investment is similar in composition to a casting investment that has a
  • SPLINT – connection of two or more teeth so they function as a stronger single structure


    • De Ocampo Memorial College, Inc.
      Dental Laboratory Technology Services (Fixed Dentures/Restorations) NC II
      3222 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd., Zone 064 Brgy. 631, Sta. Mesa, Manila
      8715-6445 / 8715-6446 / 09082016989

    • List of TESDA Accredited Schools that offer Dental Courses

      • De Ocampo Memorial College Inc.
        3200-3222 R. Magsaysay Blvd., Sta. Mesa, Manila
        Armed Forces of the Philippines Dental Services Center, AFP Medical Center Compound, V. Luna Road, Quezon City
      • Emilio Aguinaldo Educational Corporation
        1113-1117 San Maecelino St., cor., Gonzales St., Ermita, Manila
      • Lyceum-Northwestern University
        Tapuac District, Dagupan City
      • National University, Inc.
        551 M.F. Jhocson St., Sampaloc, Manila
      • Philippine Dental Assisting Training School, Inc.
        2B Hernan Cortes St. Subangdaku Mandaue City Cebu, Philippines
      • The Alps Technology Academy (TATA), Inc.
        Unit 5-8A 4th Floor, Maga Center Paseo de Magallanes, Magallanes Village Makati City
      • Universidad de Zamboanga
        ZAEC Quadrangle, J.S. Alano St., Zamboanga City
      • University of the East
        University of the East – Manila Annex, Dr. Lucio C. Tan Building, 1960 Matapang St., Brgy 3933, Quiapo, Manila