The BIOGAS PLANT INSTALLATION NC III Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to lead in the installation of biogas system. It consists of performing preparatory activities, overseeing and participating in the construction activities of biogas digester, leading in the installation of gas conveyance, conducting biogas quality assessment tasks and managing construction of secondary storage. This covered small (below 150 cubic meter), medium scale (150-499 cubic meter) up to large scale (500 cubic meters and above) production of biogas. In large scale, the individual is required to report to a site/project engineer.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Sector.

A person who has achieved this qualification is competent to be:

  • Biogas Project Supervisor/ Foreman
  • Biogas Plant Construction Lead Man/ Foreman
  • Biogas Piping Specialist


Level: NC III
Nominal Training Duration : 304 Hours

This course is designed to provide the learner with knowledge, practical skills and attitude, applicable in performing work activities involve in leading biogas plant site preparation, supervising biogas plant construction and leading installation of biogas conveyance system.

Upon completion of the course, the learners are expected to demonstrate the above-mentioned competencies to be employed. To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.


Trainees or students who would like to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements:

  1. Good communication skills
  2. At least Senior High School level or 2 years industry experience within the last 5 years, preferably with experience relevant to Construction and Plumbing


To obtain this course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

This units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

AFF312301 Lead biogas plant site preparation
AFF312302 Supervise biogas plant construction
AFF312303 Lead installation of biogas conveyance system
CON931201 Prepare construction materials and tools
CON311201 Observe procedures, specifications and manuals of instruction
CON311202 Interpret technical drawings and plans
CON311203 Perform mensuration and calculations
CON311204 Maintain tools and equipment
400311319 Lead workplace communication
400311320 Lead small teams
400311321 Apply critical thinking and problem solving techniques in the
400311322 Work in a diverse environment
400311323 Propose methods of applying learning and innovation in the
400311324 Use information systematically
400311325 Evaluate occupational safety and health work practices
400311326 Evaluate environmental work practices
400311327 Facilitate entrepreneurial skills for micro-small-medium enterprises


Core competency units comprising the qualification in BIOGAS PLANT INSTALLATION NC III

LEAD BIOGAS PLANT SITE PREPARATION (AFF312301) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead in the preparation and acquisition of tools, materials and equipment, source out labor and machineries, perform ocular survey, set-up boundaries and elevation, comply with legal requirements on clearing activities, oversee removal of obstructions, and monitor clearing activities. This may be performed with one or more assistants working with the lead technical personnel.

  1. Perform preparatory activities
    • Approved project plan and required permits are secured and confirmed with agricultural engineer.
    • Program of activities is prepared based on approved project plan
    • Preparation and acquisition of tools, materials and equipment is led following program of activities
    • Manpower and equipment requirement are sourced out following program of activities
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule
  2. Confirm site location
    • Ocular survey is performed based on approved project plan specifications
    • Inspection checklist is accomplished based on project plan specification.
    • Problems encountered are consulted with the appropriate person
    • Setting up boundaries and elevation on selected site are conducted based on industry practices
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS Rule 1410 and DO 13 – Construction Safety, Rule 1080
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule
  3. Supervise land clearing activities
    • Removal of obstructions are overseen following work requirements and environmental laws.
    • Clearing activities are monitored following program of activities and environmental laws.
    • Accomplishment reports are prepared based on clearing activities.
    • Practice of safety measures is monitored according to OSHS Rule 1410 and DO 13 – Construction Safety, Rule 1080
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule

SUPERVISE BIOGAS PLANT CONSTRUCTION (AFF312302) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead in the construction of biogas plant, including sourcing out of construction materials, supplies, equipment services and manpower requirements, lay outing biogas digester and components, monitoring construction activities, and manage post construction activities.

  1. Perform preconstruction activities
    • Construction materials are reviewed following Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Globally Harmonized Standard (GHS)
    • Construction materials and supplies, tools, equipment are received and checked based on approved bill of materials and technical specification
    • Tools availability is ensured following established practices
    • Material and supplies receiving report is prepared based on delivery
    • Equipment services are sourced out based on program of activities.
    • Manpower requirement is secured based on program of activities.
    • Approved technical drawing is interpreted based on construction standards
    • Safety practices are employed following OSHS, Rule 1410 and DO 13, Rule 1080
    • Temporary facilities are secured according to project requirements.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule
  2. Lead biogas plant construction activities*
    • Field lay-out is conducted based on the approved project plan
    • Construction activities are directed according to approved plan and standards
    • Construction quality control is performed following technical specification and environmental laws.
    • Toolbox meeting is conducted based on the program of activities
    • Construction activities are monitored according to program of activities
    • Safety measures are employed at every job following OSHS Rule 1410 and DO 13, Rule 1080
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule
  3. Manage post construction activities*
    • Inspection activities are conducted following established workplace procedures
    • Punch list is accomplished and carried out based on project plan specifications
    • Removal of formwork and scaffolding is supervised following industry procedures and Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
    • Clearing and cleaning operation in the area is directed following workplace practices and environmental laws
    • Storage of materials hazardous and tools are managed according to workplace procedures
    • Housekeeping is performed following 5S of good housekeeping.
    • Verbal reporting during inspection to appropriate person was done based on industry standards
    • Report and photo documentation are prepared and submitted to appropriate person based on industry practice
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS Rule 1410 and DO 13, Rule 1080, Rule 1090
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule

LEAD INSTALLATION OF BIOGAS CONVEYANCE SYSTEM (AFF312303) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to the preparation of tools, materials, supplies, and manpower requirements, direct installation of PVC pipes, gas conduits and fittings in reference to approved plans, supervise clearing and cleaning operation, conduct quality control activities, and report to immediate head.

  1. Manage preparation activities
    • Construction materials are reviewed following Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Globally Harmonized Standard (GHS)
    • Tools, materials and supplies, and equipment are received and checked based on bill of materials and technical specification
    • Material and supplies receiving report is prepared based on delivery
    • Manpower requirement is scheduled based on program of activities
    • Technical drawing is interpreted following approved project plan
    • Safety practices are employed following OSHS, Rule 1410 and DO 13, Rule 1080
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule
  2. Install PVC pipes, gas conduits and fittings
    • Networks of pipes are determined based on approved project plan and actual site condition *
    • Diameter, length and specifications of pipes and flexible hose are checked based on the approved project plan and actual site condition
    • Type and size of fittings to be used are checked based on specifications
    • Installation activities are directed based on work plan and precautionary measures and Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
    • Safety measures are practiced during installation based on OSHS Rule 1410 and DO 13, Rule 1080 and PNS PAES 413 – Biogas Plant
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule
  3. Perform quality control
    • Gas leak test for pipes is conducted based on industry protocol. *
    • Gas leak test result is reported based on industry protocol*
    • Pipe slope is checked following approved project plan*
    • Remedial actions methodologies are prepared and referred to the appropriate person *
    • Remedial actions are executed based on approved methodologies. *
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS Rule 1080, Rule 1090, Rule 1945 and PNS PAES 413
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule
  4. Supervise post-installation activities*
    • Inspection activities are conducted following established workplace procedures
    • Clearing and cleaning operation in the area is directed following workplace practices and environmental laws.
    • Storage of materials and tools are managed according to workplace procedures
    • Housekeeping is performed following 5S
    • Verbal reporting during inspection of immediate head was done based on industry standards
    • Report and photo documentation are prepared and submitted to immediate head based on industry practice
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS Rule 1150, Rule 1080,Rule 1945 and PNS PAES 413
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work schedule


PREPARE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND TOOLS (CON931201) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on identifying, requesting and receiving construction (plumbing) materials and tools in various workplace settings.

  1. Identify materials
    • Materials are identified as per job requirements
    • Quantity and description of materials conform with the job requirements
    • Tools and accessories are identified according to job requirements
  2. Prepare requisition of materials
    • Materials and tools needed are requested according to the identified requirements
    • Request is done as per company standard operating procedures (SOP)
    • Substitute materials and tools are provided without sacrificing cost and quality of work
  3. Receive and inspect materials
    • Materials and tools issued are inspected as per quantity and specification
    • Tools, accessories and materials are checked
    • Materials and tools are set aside to appropriate location

OBSERVE PROCEDURES, SPECIFICATIONS AND MANUALS OF INSTRUCTIONS (CON311201) – This unit covers the  knowledge, skills and attitudes on identifying, interpreting, applying services to specifications and manuals and storing manuals.

  1. Identify and access specification/manuals
    • Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed as per job requirements
    • Version and date of manual are checked to ensure that correct specification and procedures are identified
  2. Interpret manuals
    • Relevant sections, chapters of specifications/manuals are located in relation to the work to be conducted
    • Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted in accordance with industry practices
  3. Apply information in manual
    • Manual is interpreted according to job requirements
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with manufacturer’s specification
    • Manual data are applied according to the given task
    • All correct sequencing and adjustments are interpreted in accordance with information contained on the manual or specifications
  4. Store manuals
    • Manual or specification is stored appropriately to prevent damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements

INTERPRET TECHNICAL DRAWINGS AND PLANS (CON311202) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in analyzing and interpreting symbols, data and work plan based on the required performance standards.

  1. Analyze signs, symbols and data
    • Technical plans are obtained according to job requirements
    • Signs, symbols and data are identified according to job specifications
    • Signs symbols and data are determined according to classification or as appropriate in drawing
  2. Interpret technical drawings and plans
    • Necessary tools, materials and equipment are identified according to the plan
    • Supplies and materials are listed according to specifications
    • Components, assemblies or objects are recognized as required
    • Dimensions are identified as appropriate to the plan
    • Specification details are matched with existing/available resources and in line with job requirements
    • Work plan is drawn following the specifications
  3. Apply freehand sketching
    • Where applicable, correct freehand sketching is produced in accordance with the job requirements

PERFORM MENSURATIONS AND CALCULATIONS (CON311203) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on identifying and measuring objects based on the required performance standards.

  1. Select measuring instruments
    • Object or component to be measured is identified, classified and interpreted according to the appropriate regular geometric shape
    • Measuring tools are selected/identified as per object to be measured or job requirements
    • Correct specifications are obtained from relevant sources
    • Appropriate measuring instruments are selected according to job requirements
    • Alternative measuring tools are used without sacrificing cost and quality of work
  2. Carry out measurements and calculations
    • Accurate measurements are obtained according to job requirements
    • Alternative measuring tools are used without sacrificing cost and quality of work
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (/)
    • Calculations involving fractions, percentages and mixed numbers are used to complete workplace tasks
    • Numerical computation is self-checked and corrected for accuracy
    • Instruments are read to the limit of accuracy of the tool
    • Systems of measurement identified and converted according to job requirements/ISO
    • Workpieces are measured according to job requirements

MAINTAIN TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (CON311204) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on checking condition, performing preventive maintenance and storing of plumbing tools and equipment.

  1. Check condition of tools and equipment
    • Materials, tools and equipment are identified according to classification and job requirements
    • Non-functional tools and equipment are segregated and labeled according to classification
    • Safety of tools and equipment are observed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
    • Condition of PPE are checked in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
  2. Perform basic preventive maintenance
    • Appropriate lubricants are identified according to types of equipment
    • Tools and equipment are lubricated according to preventive maintenance schedule or manufacturer’s specifications
    • Measuring instruments are checked and calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
    • Tools are cleaned and lubricated according to standard procedures
    • Defective instruments, equipment and accessories are inspected and replaced according to manufacturer’s specifications
    • Tools are inspected, repaired and replaced after use
    • Work place is cleaned and kept in safe state in line with Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS)
  3. Store tools and equipment
    • Inventory of tools, instruments and equipment are conducted and recorded as per company practices
    • Tools and equipment are stored safely in appropriate locations in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or company procedures


LEAD WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION (400311319) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to lead in the effective dissemination and discussion of ideas,
information, and issues in the workplace. This includes
preparation of written communication materials.

  1. Communicate information about workplace processes
  2. Lead workplace discussions
  3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace

LEAD SMALL TEAMS (400311320) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to
lead small teams including setting, maintaining and
monitoring team and individual performance

  1. Provide team leadership
  2. Assign responsibilities
  3. Set performance expectations for team members
  4. Supervise team performance

APPLY CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLE – SOLVING TECHNIQUES IN THE WORKPACE (400311321) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to solve problems in the workplace including the application of problem solving techniques and to determine and resolve the root cause/s of specific problems in the workplace.

  1. Examine specific workplace challenges
  2. Analyze the causes of specific workplace challenges
  3. Formulate resolutions to specific workplace challenges
  4. Implement action plans and communicate results

WORK IN A DIVERSE ENVIRONMENT (400311322) – This unit covers the outcomes required to work effectively in a workplace characterized by diversity in terms of religions, beliefs, races, ethnicities and other differences.

  1. Develop an individual’s cultural awareness and sensitivity
  2. Work effectively in an environment that acknowledges and values cultural diversity
  3. Identify common issues in a multicultural and diverse environment

PROPOSE METHODS OF APPLYING LEARNING AND INNOVATION IN THE ORGANIZATION (400311323) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to assess general obstacles in the application of learning and innovation in the organization and to propose practical methods of such in addressing organizational challenges.

  1. Assess work procedures, processes and systems in terms of innovative practices
  2. Generate practical action plans for improving work procedures, processes
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed action plans

USE INFORMATION SYSTEMATICALLY (400311324) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use technical information systems, apply information technology (IT) systems and edit, format & check information.

  1. Use technical information
  2. Apply information technology (IT)
  3. Edit, format and check information

EVALUATE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH WORK PRACTICES (400311325) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to interpret Occupational Safety and Health practices, set OSH work targets, and evaluate effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health work instructions

  1. Identify OSH compliance requirements
  2. Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
  3. Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures

EVALUATE ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PRACTICES (400311326) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to interpret environmental Issues, establish targets to evaluate environmental practices and evaluate effectiveness of environmental practices

  1. Interpret environmental practices, policies and procedures
  2. Establish targets to evaluate environmental practices
  3. Evaluate effectiveness of environmental practices

FACILITATE ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS FOR MICRO-SMALL-MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMEs) (400311327) – This unit covers the outcomes required to build, operate and grow a micro/small-scale enterprise.

  1. Develop and maintain microsmall-medium enterprise (MSMEs) skills in the organization
  2. Establish and maintain clientbase/market
  3. Apply budgeting and financial management skills


  • 3 R’S Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
  • AIR TIGHTNESS TEST Test to show the gas chamber is air leak proof. This process has to be done right after water tightness test. In fixed-dome model the outlet tank is filled with water until the pressure reach 0.4m water column while the gas valve is closed. Water and air pressure develops inside the digester and water level at the outlet tank rises and measured. Leave for 24 hours. Allowable decrease in level must not exceed 5 mm after 24 hours otherwise the system is not air leak proof. (Reference: Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards).
  • BIOGAS The gas produced when organic wastes decompose in the absence of oxygen. The biogas is composed of 57 to 70% methane, 27 to 43% carbon-dioxide and traces of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and water vapor. It has a heating value of 540 to 700 BTU per cu. ft.
  • SMALL BIOGAS SYSTEMS Biogas system that accommodates 10 to 50 heads swine. Up to 12 cu m sized digester
  • MEDIUM BIOGAS SYSTEMS Biogas system that accommodates 51 to 100 heads swine. More than 12 cu m
  • LARGE BIOGAS SYSTEM Biogas system that accommodates more than 100 heads swine
    CONFIRMATION OF APPROVED PROJECT PLANS refers to the confirmation of project details
  • DIGESTER The part of the biogas system where the slurry of organic waste is retained to digest or be converted into biogas. Most of the time, the digester also contains the biogas chamber.
  • HYDRAULIC RETENTION TIME The number of days that organic waste slurry is supposed to remain inside the digester or in an anaerobic condition. The day the slurry enters the digester until the day it comes out. Recommended time is 35 days – This is the ideal time where methanogenic bacteria produce the most biogas. After HRT, the rate of biogas production decreases.
  • INFLUENT The mixture of liquid and organic waste which is fed into the digester
  • INOCULANT OR STARTER MIX A substrate with high concentration of active methanogenic bacteria used to hasten anaerobic digestion of organic waste; the best source is the digested slurry of an active biogas plant.
  • APPROVED METHODOLOGIES refers to documented remedial actions, troubleshooting guide
  • LEGAL REQUIREMENT IN CLEARING Laws and regulations in removing/uprooting trees.
  • METHANE A compound of carbon and hydrogen (CH4). It is a colorless, odorless and flammable gas. It is the main components of natural gas, coal gas and biogas.
  • METHANOGENIC BACTERIA OR METHANOGENS Bacteria that converts organic materials into biogas under anaerobic condition. These bacteria produce more biogas in higher temperature. Countries near the equator.
  • OSHS Acronym for “Occupational Safety and Health Standards”
  • PAES Acronym for “Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards”.
  • PARAFFIN WAX Wax used in making candle. In biogas, paraffin wax is used to seal minor leaks inside the digester
  • PERT CPM Acronym for “Program Evaluation and Review Technique – Critical Path Method” – tool used to assist the project manager in scheduling the activities (i.e., when should each activity start). It includes flow of materials, labor and equipment. It assumes that activity durations are known with certainty.
  • PPE Acronym for “Personal Protective Equipment”
  • QUALITY CONTROL Overall assurance of quality of work. Mostly used in ensuring water proofing and air proofing of the digester chamber and peripherals. This includes piping works and appliance.
  • SCUM The entrained solids caught up by the gas bubbles rising to the water surface. Cumulative formation of scum inhibits biogas production and to extreme extent scum may block the digester gas outlet pipe
  • SEDIMENT Solid particles that separates from the slurry and sinks to the bottom of the digester i.e. stones, sand, soil, etc.
  • SLURRY Mixture of manure and water usually coming from livestock pens.
  • ROUTINARY MAINTENANCE Expected maintenance activities of a completed biogas system. i.e. a) formation of water vapor on gas conveyance pipes, b) removal of scum and sediments inside the digester
  • TOOLBOX MEETING refers to orientation on construction jobs
  • WATER (LIQUID) TIGHTNESS TEST The digester should be filled with water up to the inlet and outlet pipes level. Allow it to set for 3 to 5 hours until the walls are saturated with water and mark the water level. Set it overnight, if there is significant drop in water level leaks must be remedied. Reference “Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards”.