The TESDA Course for AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING NC IV consists of competencies that a person must achieve to lead a section or group of workers to service and repair various types of motor vehicles. He is a master technician who can service and repair electronically controlled components or devices and emission control system of a motor vehicle. He can is also service both diesel and gasoline engines.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Automotive Industry (Service Sector)

A student who has achieved this Course in AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING NC IV is competent to be:

  • Supervisor, Automotive Service Shop
  • Master Automotive Technician
  • Service Analyst


Level: NC IV
Nominal Training Duration : 804 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual in the field of automotive servicing in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies such as; Service diesel engine management system; Service electronic body management system; Service diesel fuel injection system components; Service electronic drive management system; Service emission control; Service and repair electronically controlled anti-locking braking system; Service and repair electronically operated traction control system and Service and repair electronically operated stability control system.

This course is also designed to enhance the basic and common knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual in the field of automotive servicing.


Trainees or students who would like to enroll in this program must possess the following requirements:

  • Preferably holder of Automotive Servicing NC III
  • can communicate both oral and written; and
  • can perform basic mathematical computation.

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, Elective and Core Competencies.

To obtain this TESDA course in Automotive Servicing NC IV, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

ALT723323 Service Diesel Engine Management System
ALT 723324 Service Electronic Body Management System
ALT 723325 Service Diesel Fuel Injection System Components
ALT 723326 Service Electronic Drive Management System
ALT 723327 Service Emission Control System
ALT 723362 Service and repair electronically controlled anti-lock braking system
ALT 723363 Service and repair electronically operated traction control System
ALT 723364 Service and repair electronically operated stability control System
ALT311365 Plan assessment activities and processes
ALT311366 Manage facility and inventory requirements
ALT311367 Estimate complex jobs
ALT311368 Ensure a safe workplace
ALT311369 Implement continuous improvement
ALT311370 Manage people performance
ALT311371 Plan and manage compliance with environmental regulations in a
workplace or business
ALT723201 Apply Appropriate Sealant/Adhesive
ALT723202 Move and Position Vehicle
ALT311202 Perform Mensuration and Calculation
ALT723203 Read, Interpret and Apply Specifications and Manuals
ALT723205 Perform Shop Maintenance
ALT311204 Perform Job Estimate
ALT311205 Interpret/Draw Technical Drawing
ALT723206 Practice health, safety and environment procedures
ALT311207 Inspect technical quality of work
ALT311208 Maintain quality systems
ALT311209 Provide work skill instructions
ALT723210 Identify and select original automotive parts and products
500311115 Utilize specialized communication skills
500311116 Develop teams and individuals
500311117 Apply problem solving techniques in the workplace
500311118 Collect, analyze and organize information
500311119 Plan and organize work
500311120 Promote environmental protection


This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING NC IV

UNIT CODE : ALT 723323

This unit identifies the competence required in servicing diesel engine management system and components. It also includes the competence in overhauling common rail injection pump and adjusting common rail mechanical governor.

  1. Overhaul common rail injection pump
    • Common rail injection pump is disassembled
    • Failure analysis of common rail injection pump is 100% accurate
    • Corresponding recommendation is given based on the analysis
    • Injection pump parts double checked for completeness, reference marks and torque
    • Common rail injection pump is assembled
  2. Adjust common rail mechanical governor
    • Completeness of common rail mechanical governor parts and initial setting performed
    • Set screw is sealed

UNIT CODE : ALT 723324

This unit identifies the competence required to service/repair electronic body management systems and/or associated components. Electronic body management systems may control the following functions: ride control, steering systems, central locking, electric windows, electric mirrors, security systems.

  1. Service electronic body management systems and/or associated components.
    • Service is performed without causing damage to any workplace property or vehicle.
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from appropriate manufacturer specifications.
    • Tests on electronic body management systems are carried out to determine faults using appropriate tools and techniques.
    • Necessary service and component replacement and adjustments are carried out

UNIT CODE : ALT 723325

This unit identifies the competence required in servicing diesel fuel injection system and components. It also includes the ability to overhaul rotary injection pump, setting of injection pump and pneumatic governor and testing injection pump.

  1. Overhaul rotary injection pump
    • Rotary injection pump is disassembled
    • No error in conducting failure analysis of injection pump
    • Corresponding recommendation is given based on the analysis
    • Injection pump parts is double checked for completeness, reference marks and torque
    • Rotary injection pump is assembled
  2. Set rotary injection pump governor
    • Completeness of rotary injection governor parts and reference mark position is checked
    • No error in identifying rotary injection pump governor setting
    • Injection governor is adjusted
  3. Set pneumatic governor
    • Completeness of pneumatic governor parts is checked.
    • No leak in the vacuum chamber
    • Initial setting is adjusted
  4. Check injection automatic timing advance
    • Injection timing advance is read and verified
    • Injection timing advance checking device/tester is installed
  5. Test injection pump
    • Governor setting determined accurately
    • Injection pump governor is adjusted
    • Damage governor parts is replaced
  6. Overhaul feed pump
    • Feed pump is disassembled
    • No error in conducting failure analysis of feed pump
    • Corresponding recommendation is given based on the analysis
    • Feed pump parts double checked for completeness, reference mark, position and torque
    • Feed pump is assembled

UNIT CODE : ALT 723326

This unit identifies the competence required to service drive management systems and/or associated components. Electronic drive management systems include: electrical/electronic components/systems found in automatic transmissions and/or 4WD driveline such as automatic free- wheeling hubs, differential and axle locks.

  1. Service electronic drive Management systems and/or associated components
    • Service is performed without causing damage to any workplace property or vehicle.
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from appropriate manufacturer specifications.
    • Tests on electronic drive management systems are carried out to determine faults
    • Necessary service and component replacement/adjustments are carried out
  2. Conduct air suspension system balance adjustment
    • Air suspension balance is adjusted
    • Cause of unbalanced air suspension is identified and remedied

UNIT CODE : ALT 723327

This unit cover the skills, knowledge and attitudes required in servicing emission control systems and associated components.

  1. Inspect vehicle
    • Appropriate job order for vehicle is obtained and completed
    • Vehicle is parked with tail end facing open area but within shop area
    • Left and right fenders are covered with non-abrasive materials
    • No leak is inspected in between venting device
    • Venting device is pointed outside the work area
    • Engine water temperature is observed at 82°C operating condition
    • Inspection sheet is completely filled up
  2. Conduct pre-emission inspection
    • Fuel metering system is determined if existing or not
    • Air injection system is determined if existing or not
    • Computer is determined if existing or not for EFI/carburetor engine
    • Other OEM installed devices are located and identified
  3. Conduct emission testing (Diesel and gas)
    • Probe is connected at least 30 cm from the inside of the exhaust pipe
    • Temperature and RPM probes is connected
    • Range idle mode is adjusted
    • Free acceleration test is performed
    • Emission test (gas/diesel) is performed
    • Emission record sheet is completely filled up
    • No error in the emission test report
    • Emission Test Equipment (ETE) and other devices and tools are returned to appropriate storage
  4. Service emission control systems and/or associated components
    • Work is completed without causing damage to any workplace property or vehicle.
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from appropriate manufacturer specifications.
    • Appropriate test equipment is selected.
    • Tests are performed and results are analyzed
    • Emission control system, assemblies and components are serviced.

UNIT CODE : ALT 723362

This unit covers the competence to carry out service / repairs to electronically controlled anti-lock brakes in accordance with manufacturer/component supplier specifications fitted to light vehicles and/or heavy vehicles, The unit includes identification and confirmation of work requirement, preparation for work, testing and diagnosis of faults, servicing, repair and retesting of systems and completion of work finalization processes, including clean-up and documentation.

  1. Prepare for work
    • Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including quality, material, equipment quantities and service manuals
    • Job specifications are read and interpreted
    • OH&S requirements, including personal protection needs, are observed throughout the work
    • Electronic system protection devices, processes and precautions are identified appropriate to the application
    • Tools and equipment are identified and checked for safety and correct operation
    • Procedures are identified to minimize task time
  2. Test control system, diagnose faults and determine service/repair requirements
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from manufacturer/component supplier specifications
    • Tests are carried out according to manufacturer / component supplier recommended procedures using tooling, equipment and techniques
    • Testing is completed without causing damage to component or system
    • Test results are used to diagnose system/component faults
    • Service/repair requirements are determined
    • Testing is carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines OH&S and enterprise/procedures policies
  3. Service/repair anti – lock braking systems
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from Manufacturer / component supplier specifications
    • Service/repair requirements are carried out according to manufacturer / component supplier recommended specifications and procedures
    • Service/repair is completed without causing damage to component or system
    • Electronic systems are tested and results are documented in accordance with workplace policies and procedures
    • Service, repair and retesting are carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines, OH&S and enterprise / procedures policies
    • Workplace and equipment documents are completed in accordance with site requirements
  4. Clean up work area and maintain equipment
    • Material that can be reused is collected and stored
    • Waste and scrap are removed following workplace procedures
    • Equipment and work area are cleaned and inspected for serviceable conditions in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Unserviceable equipment is tagged and faults identified in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Operator maintenance is completed in accordance with manufacturer / component supplier specifications and site procedures
    • Tooling is maintained in accordance with workplace Procedures


This unit covers the competence to carry out service/repairs to electronically operated traction control systems in accordance with manufacturer/component supplier specifications. It specifically applies to control systems and components.

The unit includes identification and confirmation of work requirement, preparation for work, testing of systems, identification of servicing and repair requirements, servicing and repair of systems and completion of work finalization processes, including clean-up and documentation.

  1. Prepare for work
    • Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including quality, material, equipment quantities and service manuals.
    • Job specifications are read and interpreted
    • Occupational Health and Safety (OH & S) requirements are observed throughout the work
    • Electronic system protection devices, processes and precautions are identified appropriate to the application
    • Tools and equipment (including measuring/ test instruments) are identified and checked for safe operation
    • Procedures are identified to minimize task time
  2. Test control system, and determine service/repair requirements
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from manufacturer/component supplier specifications
    • Tests are carried out according to manufacturer / component supplier recommended procedures using tooling, equipment and techniques
    • Testing is completed without causing damage to component or system
    • Test results are used to diagnose system/component faults
    • Service/repair requirements are determined
    • Testing is carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines OH&S and enterprise/ procedures policies
  3. Service/repair electronic traction control
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from Manufacturer / component supplier specifications
    • Service/repair requirements are carried out according to manufacturer / component supplier recommended specifications and procedures
    • Service/repair is completed without causing damage to component or system
    • Service, repair and retesting are carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines, OH&S and enterprise / procedures policies
  4. Clean up work area and maintain equipment
    • Material that can be reused is collected and stored
    • Waste and scrap are removed following workplace procedures
    • Equipment and work area are cleaned and inspected for serviceable conditions in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Unserviceable equipment is tagged and faults identified in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Operator maintenance is completed in accordance with manufacturer / component supplier specifications and site procedures
    • Tooling is maintained in accordance with workplace Procedures

UNIT CODE : ALT 723364

This unit covers the competence to carry out service/repairs to electronic stability control systems in accordance with manufacturer / component supplier specifications.

The unit includes identification and confirmation of work requirement, preparation for work, testing of systems, identification of servicing and repair requirements, servicing and repair of systems and completion of work finalization processes, including clean-up and documentation.

  1. Prepare for work
    • Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including quality, material, equipment quantities and service manuals.
    • Job specifications are read and interpreted
    • Occupational Health and Safety (OH & S) requirements are observed throughout the work
    • Electronic system protection devices, processes and precautions are identified appropriate to the application
    • Tools and equipment (including measuring/ test instruments) are identified and checked for safe operation
    • Procedures are identified to minimize task time
  2. Test control system, diagnose faults and determine service / repair requirements
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from manufacturer/component supplier specifications
    • Tests are carried out according to manufacturer / component supplier recommended procedures using tooling, equipment and techniques
    • Testing is completed without causing damage to component or system
    • Test results are used to diagnose system/component faults
    • Service/repair requirements are determined
    • Testing is carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines OH&S and enterprise/procedures policies
  3. Service/repair electronic stability control systems
    • Correct information is accessed and interpreted from Manufacturer / component supplier specifications
    • Service/repair requirements are carried out according to manufacturer / component supplier recommended specifications and procedures
    • Service/repair is completed without causing damage to component or system
    • Service, repair and retesting are carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines, OH&S and enterprise / procedures policies
  4. Clean up work area and maintain equipment
    • Material that can be reused is collected and stored
    • Waste and scrap are removed following workplace procedures
    • Equipment and work area are cleaned and inspected for serviceable conditions in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Unserviceable equipment is tagged and faults identified in accordance with workplace procedures
    • Operator maintenance is completed in accordance with manufacturer / component supplier specifications and site procedures
    • Tooling is maintained in accordance with workplace Procedures


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to plan and organize the assessment process, including recognition of prior learning in a competency-based assessment system.

It also includes the development of simple assessment instruments.

  1. Determine assessment approach
    • Identify candidate and confirm purposes and context of assessment with relevant people according to legal, organizational and ethical requirements
    • Identify and access benchmarks for assessment and any specific assessment guidelines
  2. Prepare the assessment plan
    • Determine evidence and types of evidence needed to demonstrate competence, according to the rules of evidence
    • Select assessment methods which will support the collection of defined evidence, taking into account the context in which the assessment will take place
    • Document all aspects of the assessment plan and confirm with relevant personnel
  3. Develop assessment instruments
    • Develop simple assessment instruments to meet target group needs
    • Analyze available assessment instruments for their suitability for use and modify as required
    • Map assessment instruments against unit or course requirements
    • Write clear instructions for candidate about the use of the instruments
    • Trial draft assessment instruments to validate content and applicability, and record outcomes


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to manage a facility and its inventory requirements. It includes identifying space, safety and security requirements; developing a documentation system; designing storage zones; and  valuating facility utilization.

  1. Identify space requirements
    • The medium-term and long-term storage needs of the organization are assessed to facilitate planning in accordance with the business plan of the enterprise
    • Product type, picking frequencies, value, fragility, weight, handling characteristics, quantity and holding periods are assessed to consider type and amount of storage
    • Facility is assessed to determine the stock holding and handling requirements for each inventory item
    • Volume requirements are calculated to ensure that ongoing stock holding needs are met
    • The total space requirement is calculated and used to formulate plan for space utilization
  2. Identify safety and security requirements
    • An assessment is made of risks to ensure maximum safety and security for personnel, stock and facilities
    • Storage handling security and incident/emergency procedures for each class or type of product are identified and documented
    • Fire prevention and firefighting systems are identified in accordance with building code regulations and storage material requirements
    • An evacuation plan is developed in accordance with the safety program of the enterprise
  3. Develop documentation system
    • An inventory system for recording and tracing stock location, receiving, throughput and dispatch is developed and implemented to enable reporting, quality assurance and financial requirements to be met
    • A system for recording communication with carriers, customers and employees is developed and implemented to assess operational effectiveness and to provide data for system improvement.
  4. Design storage zones
    • Space requirements and equipment operation are accurately assessed to facilitate the planning of warehouse zones
    • An assessment is made of the facility to enable the most effective use of available space
    • Positioning of storage areas, bays, work stations and the like is undertaken in accordance with data obtained from the planning process
    • Provision for maintenance and cleaning is catered for
  5. Evaluate facility utilization
    • A continual system of review is used involving regular checks to ensure storage areas and systems are functioning at optimum levels
    • Receiving and dispatch systems provide efficient operations
    • Storage and handling systems provide ease of access and comply with ergonomic principles
    • Product handling and storage minimizes product damage, contamination and stock losses
    • Facility layout remains sufficiently flexible to meet changing storage and handling requirements
    • Appropriate reporting systems are established and used to maintain data for the design of improved facilities and systems


This unit of competency covers the competence required to estimate the time requirements for complex jobs, source requirements, gather cost estimates from external service providers and document quotations.

  1. Estimate time requirements for jobs
    • Methods used for time estimates for job requirements are calculated based on warranty times, staff estimates, standard service/repair times, specifications, and subcontracted timeframes
    • Service/repair times are estimated and compared to documented estimate to ensure repair job is viable
    • Turn-around times for work completed by subcontractor are incorporated into total time estimates
  2. Source parts
    • Viability of replacement compared to repair is ascertained to meet quality standards and legal requirements
    • Part requirements are determined to ensure cost constraints are met
    • Parts and consumables required for the job are ordered
    • Parts are sourced externally when internal stock is not available to meet customer requirements
  3. Identify subcontract testing and/or service/ repair work costs for incorporation into the total estimated cost
    • Estimate is documented
    • Service/repair requirements, procedures and costs are documented in a logical order
    • Service/repair requirements are documented in detail
    • Estimate is relevant to the identified service/repair requirements
    • Potential variations are noted on the estimate
  4. Estimate total job costs
    • External service providers are given a clear outline of the work and time requirements of the job
    • Job cost estimate is documented and agreed with external service providers
    • Cost of parts and consumables are estimated according to industry and/or enterprise pricing standards
    • Supplementary estimate is prepared, to gain authorization from owner for additional service/repairs
    • Final estimate is documented
    • Authorization is gained from customer to commence work and/or undertake supplementary work
  5. Report estimations to customer
    • Report of findings is completed in the enterprise approved format
    • Customer is advised of the estimation
    • Job card is completed and delivered to appropriate persons


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish, maintain and evaluate the organization’s occupational health and safety (OHS) policies, procedures and programs in the relevant work area in accordance with OHS legal requirements.

  1. Establish and maintain an OHS system
    • Locate and communicate OHS policies which clearly express the organization’s commitment to implement relevant OHS legislation in the enterprise
    • Define OHS responsibilities for all workplace personnel in accordance with OHS policies, procedures and programs
    • Identify and approve financial and human resources for the effective operation of the OHS system
  2. Establish and maintain participative arrangements for the management of OHS
    • Establish and maintain participative arrangements with employees and their representatives in accordance with relevant OHS legislation
    • Appropriately resolve issues raised through participative arrangements and consultation
    • Promptly provide information about the outcomes of participation and consultation in a manner accessible to employees
  3. Establish and maintain procedures for identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks
    • Develop procedures for ongoing hazard identification, and assessment and control of associated risks
    • Include hazard identification at the planning, design and evaluation stages of any change in the workplace to ensure that new hazards are not created by the proposed changes
    • Develop and maintain procedures for selection and implementation of risk control measures in accordance with the hierarchy of control
    • Identify inadequacies in existing risk control measures in accordance with the hierarchy of control and promptly provide resources to enable implementation of new measures
    • Identify intervention points for expert OHS advice
  4. Establish and maintain a quality OHS management system
    • Develop and provide an OHS induction and training program for all employees as part of the organization’s training program
    • Utilize system for OHS record keeping to allow identification of patterns of occupational injury and disease in the organization
    • Measure and evaluate the OHS system in line with the organization’s quality systems framework
    • Develop and implement improvements to the OHS system to achieve organizational OHS objectives
    • Ensure compliance with the OHS legislative framework so that legal OHS standards are maintained as a minimum


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement the organization’s continuous improvement systems and processes. Particular emphasis is on using systems and strategies to actively encourage the team to participate in the process, monitoring and reviewing performance, and identifying opportunities for further improvements

  1. Implement continuous improvement systems and processes
    • Implement systems to ensure that individuals and teams are actively encouraged and supported to participate in decision making processes, assume responsibility and exercise initiative
    • Communicate the organization’s continuous improvement processes to individuals and teams, and obtain feedback
    • Ensure effective mentoring and coaching allows
      individuals and teams to implement the organization’s continuous improvement processes
  2. Monitor and review performance
    • Use the organization’s systems and technology to monitor and review progress and to identify ways in which planning and operations could be improved
    • Improve customer service through continuous improvement techniques and processes
    • Formulate and communicate recommendations for adjustments to those who have a role in their development and implementation
  3. Provide opportunities for further improvement
    • Implement processes to ensure that team members are informed of savings and productivity/service improvements in achieving the business plan
    • Document work performance to aid the identification of further opportunities for improvement
    • Manage records, reports and recommendations for improvement within the organization’s systems and processes


This unit applies to all managers and team leaders who manage people. It covers work allocation and the methods to review performance, reward excellence and provide feedback where there is a need for improvement.

  1. Allocate work
    • Consult relevant groups and individuals on work to be allocated and resources available.
    • Develop work plans in accordance with operational plans.
    • Allocate work in a way that is efficient, cost effective and outcome focused.
    • Confirm performance standards, Code of Conduct and work outputs with relevant teams and individuals.
    • Develop and agree performance indicators with relevant staff prior to commencement of work.
    • Conduct risk analysis in accordance with the organizational risk management plan and legal requirements.
  2. Assess performance
    • Design performance management and review processes to ensure consistency with organizational objectives and policies
    • Train participants in the performance management and review process
    • Conduct performance management in accordance with organizational protocols and time lines
    • Monitor and evaluate performance on a continuous basis
  3. Provide feedback
    • Provide informal feedback to staff on a regular basis
    • Advise relevant people where there is poor performance and take necessary actions
    • Provide on-the-job coaching when necessary to improve performance and to confirm excellence in performance
    • Document performance in accordance with the organizational performance management system
    • Conduct formal structured feedback sessions as necessary and in accordance with organizational policy
  4. Manage follow up
    • Write and agree performance improvement and development plans in accordance with organizational policies
    • Seek assistance from human resources specialists where appropriate
    • Reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback
    • Monitor and coach individuals with poor performance
    • Provide support services where necessary
    • Counsel individuals who continue to perform below expectations and implement the disciplinary process if necessary
    • Terminate staff in accordance with legal and organizational requirements where serious misconduct occurs or ongoing poor-performance continues


This unit of competency covers the competence to plan and implement management system that ensures the protection of the environment in a workplace or business.

  1. Plan and manage compliance with environmental regulations
    • Reasons for ethical environmental practice in a workplace or business are identified
    • Environmental responsibilities of employers and employees in an automotive workplace or business are identified
    • Penalties for enterprise and individual breaches of the legislation are identified
    • Waste products are minimized and facilities provided for waste materials to be stored in bins for recycling or disposal
    • Collection and recycling arrangements are implemented for liquids, sludge, solids and other waste
    • Suppliers with minimal excess packaging on goods received are sourced and packaging on goods received is sorted and disposed of appropriately
    • Waste and energy conservation strategies are identified and implemented
  2. Manage potential hazards to storm water system to avoid contamination
    • Systems are in place to ensure wastewater does not enter the storm water system
    • All drains and flows are identified on a worksite map directly indicating where they flow
    • Trade waste permits are in place
    • Undercover and drained areas are provided and used for the storage of all materials containing environmentally hazardous substances
    • Proper tools and equipment are provided and used to prevent storm water contamination
    • Workplace is kept clean to prevent unintentional storm water pollution
  3. Manage potential hazards to air quality to avoid contamination
    • Hazards of airborne particles are identified, minimized and contained
    • Hazards of gases and fumes are identified, minimized and contained
    • A well-ventilated area is provided for any welding activities
  4. Minimization of noise hazards is planned and managed
    • Noise creating activities are minimized and carried out within approved operating hours
    • Fixed machinery is fitted with silencers or surrounded by noise containment material
  5. Management systems
    • An environmental policy and contingency plan suitable to the needs of the business is developed and implemented
    • Waste to landfill is calculated and possible savings through reuse and recycling are calculated
    • Payback period on environmental equipment is calculated
    • Manage staff adherence to environmental responsibilities
    • Environmental documents are maintained and stored securely in a form accessible for reporting procedures



This unit covers the outcomes required in the selection, use and application of sealant/adhesives.

  1. Identify appropriate Sealant/adhesive
    • Sealant/adhesive selected in line with job requirements and manufacturer’s specification
    • Sealant/adhesive checking is performed to ensure that product is fit for use.
  2. Prepare surface for Sealant/adhesive
    • Surface materials are identified as per construction
    • Surface is cleaned and free of moisture, dust and other foreign matters to ensure maximum adhesion or seal.
  3. Apply sealant/adhesive evenly
    • Sealant/adhesive is applied evenly on the surface in line with manufacturer’s specification
    • Excess sealant/adhesive is removed by sanding or scrapping
    • Tools and equipment used to apply sealant/adhesive are appropriate to job requirements
    • Safety are observed and PPE are worn in accordance with industry SOP
    • Hazards associated with the use of sealant and adhesives are identified.
  4. Store/Dispose of sealant/adhesive
    • Sealant/adhesive are stored as per prescribed procedure
    • Waste are disposed as per workshop SOP


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to move and position vehicle in a workshop.

  1. Prepare vehicle for driving
    • Correct check-up procedures performed based on vehicle manufacturer’s standard
  2. Move and position vehicle
    • Select vehicle to be moved or re-position.
    • Drive the vehicle to appropriate location
    • Park vehicle following parking safety techniques and procedure
  3. Check the vehicle
    • Vehicle position is checked as per required
    • Vehicle is checked for external damages


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in identifying, caring, handling and using the measuring instrument.

  1. Select measuring instruments
    • Object or component to be measured is identified
    • Correct specifications are obtained from relevant source
    • Appropriate measuring instrument is selected according to job requirements
  2. Carry out measurements and calculation
    • Measuring tools are selected in line with job requirements
    • Accurate measurements are obtained to job
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four fundamental operation of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (/).
    • Calculations involving fractions, percentages and mixed numbers are used to complete workplace tasks.
    • Numerical computation is self-checked and corrected for accuracy
    • Instruments are read to the limit of accuracy of the tool.
  3. Maintain measuring instruments
    • Measuring instruments are kept free from corrosion
    • Measuring instruments are not dropped to avoid damage
    • Measuring instruments are cleaned before and after using.


This unit deals with identifying, interpreting and applying service specification manuals, maintenance procedure manuals and periodic maintenance manual.

  1. Identify and access manual/specification
    • Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed as per job requirements.
    • Version and date of manual is checked to ensure correct specification and procedure are identified.
  2. Interpret manuals
    • Relevant sections, chapters of manuals/specifications are located in relations to the work to be conducted
    • Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted in accordance to industry practices
  3. Apply information in manual
    • Manual is interpreted according to job requirements
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with manufacturer specification
    • Manual data is applied according to the given task
    • All correct sequencing and adjustments are interpreted in accordance with information contained on the manual or specifications
  4. Store manuals
    • Manual or specification are stored appropriately to ensure prevention of damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements


This unit covers the outcomes required to select and apply different types of lubricants and coolants in using and maintaining tools, equipment and vehicles.

  1. Identify types of lubricants/ coolants
    • Correct information on lubrication schedule is accessed and interpreted from appropriate manufacturers specifications manuals
    • Type and quantity of lubricants/coolant is identified as per job requirements
  2. Use and apply lubricants/coolants
    • Correct procedure for change of lubricant is identified following manufacturer’s specification or manual
    • Correct tools and equipment are selected and used in line with job requirements
    • Existing lubricants is removed and replaced with specified types and quantity of new materials in line with manufacturer’s specification
    • Safe procedure and use of PPE is observed when removing or replacing lubricant
    • Used lubricants are disposed in accordance with environmental guidelines
    • Work is checked in line with company SOP.
  3. Perform housekeeping activities
    • Tools, equipment and materials are properly stored as per company SOP
    • Workplace is free from waste materials


This unit deals with inspecting and cleaning of work area including tools, equipment and facilities. Storage and checking of tools/equipment and disposal of used materials are also incorporated in this competency.

  1. Inspect/clean tools and work area
    • Cleaning solvent used as per workshop/tools cleaning requirement
    • Work area is checked and cleaned
    • Wet surface/spot in work area is wiped and dried
  2. Store/arrange tools and shop equipment
    • Tools/equipment are checked and stored in their respective shelves/location
    • Corresponding labels are posted and visible
    • Tools are safely secured and logged in the records
  3. Dispose wastes/used lubricants
    • Containers for used lubricants are visibly labeled
    • Wastes/used lubricants are disposed as per workshop SOP
  4. Report damaged tools/equipment
    • Complete inventory of tools/equipment is maintained
    • Damaged tools/equipment/facilities are identified and repair recommendation is given
    • Reports prepared has no error/discrepancy


This competency unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude in estimating/costing automotive repair.

  1. Identify nature/scope of work
    • Effective communication skills are applied to determine the nature and scope of work to be undertaken
    • Extent of service to be rendered in determined and documented in line with standard operating procedures (SOP)
  2. Prepare and present estimate
    • Type and quantity of supplies, materials and labor required to perform work are identified in line with job requirements
    • Cost of supplies, materials are obtained from suppliers
    • Total cost of required services is calculated in line with SOP
    • Estimate is presented to customer in line with SOP.


This unit identifies the competencies required to draw/interpret basic trade drawing

  1. Interpret technical drawing
    • Components, assemblies or objects are recognized as required
    • Dimensions are identified as appropriate to the field of employment
    • Instructions are identified and followed as required
    • Material and other consumable requirements are identified as required
    • Symbols are recognized as appropriate in drawing
  2. Select correct technical drawing
    • Drawing is checked and validated against job requirements or equipment
    • Drawing version is checked and validated according to the Manual
  3. Apply freehand sketching
    • Correct freehand sketching is produced using the necessary tools and materials


This unit of competency incorporates the work safe regional guidelines and encompasses competencies necessary to apply basic safety and emergency procedures to maintain a safe workplace for staff, customers and others.

  1. Apply basic safety procedures
    • Policies and procedures to achieve a safe working environment are followed and maintained in line with occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures and according to worksite policy
    • All unsafe situations are recognized and reported according to worksite policy
    • All breakdowns in relation to machinery and equipment are reported to supervisor or nominated persons
    • Fire and safety hazards are identified and precautions are taken or reported according to worksite policy and procedures
    • Dangerous goods and substances are identified, handled and stored according to worksite policy and procedures and OHS requirements
    • Worksite policy regarding manual handling practice is followed
    • Participation in consultative arrangements established by company for OHS is exercised
  2. Apply emergency procedures
    • Worksite policies and emergency procedures regarding illness or accidents are identified and applied
    • Safety alarms are identified
    • Qualified persons are contacted in the event of accident or sickness of customers or staff and accident details are documented according to worksite accident/ injury procedures
    • Worksite evacuation procedures are identified and applied


This unit covers the competence to inspect work done by other staff, apply quality standards to work, and protect customer property and interests.

  1. Gather information to carry out inspection
    • OH&S requirements, including company regulatory requirements and personal protection needs are observed throughout the work
    • Pertinent information are sourced
    • Different methods are analyzed and those most appropriate to the circumstances are selected and prepared
    • Technical and/or calibration requirements for inspection are sourced and needed equipment is identified and prepared
  2. Inspect and apply quality standards to work
    • Work is identified and confirmed for inspection in accordance with company quality procedures
    • Quality Inspections are conducted throughout the course of the work to ensure quality standards are maintained
    • Quality standards are applied during work completion to ensure the treatment of customer property meets industry and / or company standards
    • Activities are coordinated throughout the workplace in accordance with company procedures
    • Documents of work quality are maintained according to company requirements
  3. Achieve quality work outcomes
    • Damage to customer property is avoided through ensuring staff adherence to quality procedures and use of protective materials at all stages of the repair or service
    • Communication pertaining to quality improvements and recommendations are to be done in accordance with company requirements


This unit of competency covers the competence to conduct the final quality check on completed work or orders, report on the quality of processes and work outcomes, and implement improvements to work processes.

  1. Conduct final quality check on completed work / orders
    • Completed work / orders are checked for compliance with supplier, company or customer specifications
    • Level of inspection conducted is appropriate to the size and importance of the job
    • Documentation is authorized in accordance with company requirements
    • Feedback is provided to staff on the quality of their work with equal emphasis on strengths and weaknesses and opportunities for development
  2. Report on the quality of processes and work outcomes
    • Documents are kept according to company quality procedures on outcomes of quality checks
    • Quality problems are identified according to company performance indicators
    • Information relating to the quality of processes and work outcomes is provided to appropriate persons on a regular basis
  3. Implement improvements to work processes
    • Staff input is encouraged to generate possible solutions to quality problems
    • Options for solving quality problems are generated and the costs and benefits of each option are evaluated
    • Recommended solutions to quality problems are discussed with management
    • Improvements to work processes are implemented according to company policies and procedures


This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to conduct individual and group instruction and demonstrate work skills, using existing learning resources in a safe and comfortable learning environment. The unit also covers the skills and knowledge required to determine the success of both the training provided and one’s own personal training performance. It emphasizes the training as being driven by the work process and context.

  1. Organize instruction and demonstration
    • Gather information about learner characteristics and learning needs
    • Confirm a safe learning environment
    • Gather and check instruction and demonstration objectives and seek assistance if required
    • Access and review relevant learning resources and learning materials for suitability and relevance, and seek assistance to interpret the contextual application
    • Organize access to necessary equipment or physical resources required for instruction and demonstration
    • Notify learners of details regarding the implementation of the learning program and/or delivery plan
  2. Conduct instruction and demonstration
    • Use interpersonal skills with learners to establish a safe and comfortable learning environment
    • Follow the learning program and/or delivery plan to cover all learning objectives
    • Brief learners on any OHS procedures and requirements prior to and during training
    • Use delivery techniques to structure, pace and enhance learning
    • Apply coaching techniques to assist learning
    • Use communication skills to provide information, instruct learners and demonstrate relevant work skills
    • Provide opportunities for practice during instruction and through work activities
    • Provide and discuss feedback on learner performance to support learning
  3. Check training performance
    • Use measures to ensure learners are acquiring and can use new technical and generic skills and knowledge
    • Monitor learner progress and outcomes in consultation with learner
    • Review relationship between the trainer/coach and the learner and adjust to suit learner needs
  4. Review personal training performance and finalize documentation
    • Reflect upon personal performance in providing instruction and demonstration, and document strategies for improvement
    • Maintain, store and secure learner records according to organizational and legal requirements


This unit of competency covers the competence required to identify original automotive parts and products based on evidence from customers and/or other sources which may include catalogue numbers or samples of parts/products or their purpose.

  1. Identify the part/product and its end use
    • Available part/product information is gathered, documented and confirmed with customer
    • Information gathering techniques is established for proper identification of part/product
    • End user or host for the part/product, i.e. vehicle/unit assembly or vehicle/unit assembly options, is established from an analysis of available information
  2. Identify details of the part/product
    • The parts/product cataloguing system is identified and accessed
    • Part/product is matched accurately with cataloguing information by accessing and using the catalogue system
    • Details of identity of the part/product are documented and processed
  3. Part/product is supplied or ordered for customer
    • Customer accepts process used
    • Part/product is supplied or ordered if not available
    • Customer records are updated


This section gives the details of the contents of the basic units of competency required in AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING NC IV

UNIT CODE : 500311115

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of internal and internal clients, conduct interviews, facilitate group of discussions, and contribute to the development of communication strategies.

  1. Meet common and specific communication needs of clients and colleagues
    • Specific communication needs of clients and colleagues are identified and met
    • Different approaches are used to meet communication needs of clients and colleagues
    • Conflict is addressed promptly and in a timely way and in a manner which does not compromise the standing of the organization
  2. Contribute to the development of communication strategies
    • Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information are developed, promoted, implemented and reviewed as required
    • Channels of communication are established and reviewed regularly
    • Coaching in effective communication is provided
    • Work related network and relationship are maintained as necessary
    • Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used where required
    • Communication with clients and colleagues is appropriate to individual needs and organizational objectives
  3. Represent the organization
    • When participating in internal or external forums, presentation is relevant, appropriately researched and presented  in a manner to promote the organization
    • Presentation is clear and sequential and delivered within a predetermined time
    • Utilize appropriate media to enhance presentation
    • Differences in views are respected
    • Written communication is consistent with organizational standards
    • Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with organizational standard
  4. Facilitate group discussion
    • Mechanisms which enhance effective group interaction is defined and implemented
    • Strategies which encourage all group members to participate are used routinely
    • Objectives and agenda for meetings and discussions are routinely set and followed
    • Relevant information is provided to group to facilitate outcomes
    • Evaluation of group communication strategies is undertaken to promote participation of all parties
    • Specific communication needs of individuals are identified and addressed
  5. Conduct interview
    • A range of appropriate communication strategies are employed in interview situations
    • Records of interviews are made and maintained in accordance with organizational procedures
    • Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal communication techniques are used to ensure that required message is communicated

UNIT CODE : 500311116

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to determine individual and team development needs and facilitate the development of the workgroup.

  1. Provide team leadership
    • Learning and development needs are systematically identified and implemented in line with organizational requirements
    • Learning plan to meet individual and group training and developmental needs is collaboratively developed and implemented
    • Individuals are encouraged to self evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement
    • Feedback on performance of team members is collected from relevant sources and compared with established team learning process
  2. Foster individual and organizational growth
    • Learning and development program goals and objectives are identified to match the specific knowledge and skills requirements of competency standards
    • Learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning goals, the learning style of participants and availability of equipment and resources
    • Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/mentoring assistance are provided to facilitate individual and team achievement of competencies
    • Resources and timelines required for learning activities are identified and approved in accordance with organizational requirements
  3. Monitor and evaluate workplace learning
    • Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and implement improvements in future learning arrangements
    • Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are assessed and recorded to determine the effectiveness of development programs and the extent of additional support
    • Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning
    • Records and reports of competency are maintained within organizational requirement
  4. Develop team commitment and cooperation
    • Open communication processes to obtain and share information is used by team
    • Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its agreed roles and responsibilities
    • Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the team
  5. Facilitate accomplishment of organizational goals
    • Team members actively participated in team activities and communication processes
    • Teams members developed individual and joint responsibility for their actions
    • Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational goals

UNIT CODE : 500311117

This competency covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply the process of problem solving and other problems beyond those associated directly with the process unit. It includes the application of structured processes and improvement tools. This competency is typically performed by an experienced technician, team leader or supervisor.

  1. Analyze the problem
    • Issues/concerns are evaluated based on data gathered
    • Possible causes of problem are identified within the area of responsibility as based on experience and the use of problem solving tools/analytical techniques
    • Possible cause statements are developed based on findings
  2. Identify possible solutions
    • All possible options are considered for resolution of the problem in accordance with safety and operating procedures
    • Strengths and weaknesses of possible options are considered
    • Corrective action is determined to resolve the problem and its possible future causes
  3. Recommend solution to higher management
    • Report/communication or documentation are prepared
    • Recommendations are presented to appropriate personnel
    • Recommendations are followed-up, if required
  4. Implement solution
    • Measurable objectives are identified
    • Resource needs are identified
    • Timelines are identified in accordance with plan
  5. Evaluate/Monitor results and outcome
    • Processes and improvements are identified based on evaluative assessment of problem
    • Recommendations are prepared and submitted to superiors.

UNIT CODE : 500311118

This unit covers the outcomes required to process, analyze, interpret and organize workplace information and other relevant data.

  1. Study information requirements
    • Needs are identified using established research procedures
    • Relevant forms and recording systems are used to gather the information.
    • Respondents are selected to implement survey / research based on established procedures.
  2. Process data
    • Data are collected and collated based on the prescribed method.
    • Relevant data are used as references in accordance with the objectives of the program.
    • Information is compiled according to the required form.
  3. Analyze, interpret and organize information gathered
    • Data are analyzed using relevant methodologies
    • Where applicable, statistical analysis/methods are employed according to the objectives of the program
    • Graphs and other visual presentations are prepared to facilitate analysis / interpretation of information
  4. Present findings/recommendations
    • Findings/recommendations summarized and presented/packaged in user-friendly manner
    • Relevant inputs gathered to finalize report
    • Draft report prepared based on standard format.
    • Technical reports are submitted and disseminated to concerned offices.

UNIT CODE : 500311119

This unit covers the outcomes required in planning and organizing work. It may be applied to a small independent operation or to a section of a large organization.

  1. Set objectives
    • Objectives are consistent with and linked to work activities in accordance with organizational aims
    • Objectives are stated as measurable targets with clear time frames
    • Support and commitment of team members are reflected in the objectives
    • Realistic and attainable objectives are identified
  2. Plan and schedule work activities
    • Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and prioritized as directed
    • Tasks/work activities are broken down into steps in accordance with set time frames achievable components in accordance with set time frames
    • Resources are allocated as per requirements of the activity
    • Schedule of work activities is coordinated with personnel concerned
  3. Implement work plans
    • Work methods and practices are identified in consultation with personnel concerned
    • Work plans are implemented in accordance with set time frames, resources and standards
  4. Monitor work activities
    • Work activities are monitored and compared with set objectives
    • Work performance is monitored
    • Deviations from work activities are reported and recommendations are coordinated with appropriate personnel and  in accordance with set standards
    • Reporting requirements are complied with in accordance with recommended format
    • Observe timeliness of report
    • Files are established and maintained in accordance with standard operating procedures
  5. Review and evaluate work plans and activities
    • Work plans, strategies and implementation are reviewed based on accurate, relevant and current information
    • Review is based on comprehensive consultation with appropriate personnel on outcomes of work plans and reliable feedback
    • Results of review are provided to concerned parties and formed as the basis for adjustments/simplifications to be made to policies, processes and activities
    • Performance appraisal is conducted in accordance with organization rules and regulations
    • Performance appraisal report is prepared and documented regularly as per organization requirements.
    • Recommendations are prepared and presented to appropriate personnel/authorities
    • Feedback mechanisms are implemented in line with organization policies

UNIT CODE : 500311120

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in adhering to environmental protection principles, strategies and guidelines

  1. Study guidelines for environmental concerns.
    • Environmental legislations/conventions and local ordinances are identified according to the different environmental aspects/impact.
    • Industrial standard/environmental practices are described according to the different environmental concerns.
  2. Implement specific environmental programs.
    • Programs/Activities are identified according to organizations policies and guidelines.
    • Individual roles/responsibilities are determined and performed based on the activities identified.
    • Problems/ constraints encountered are resolved in accordance with organizations’ policies and guidelines
    • Stakeholders are consulted based on company guidelines.
  3. Monitor activities on environmental protection/programs
    • Activities are periodically monitored and evaluated according to the objectives of the environmental program
    • Feedback from stakeholders are gathered and considered in proposing enhancements to the program based on consultations
    • Data gathered are analyzed based on evaluation requirements
    • Recommendations are submitted based on the findings.
    • Management support systems are set/established to sustain and enhance the program
    • Environmental incidents are monitored and reported to concerned/proper authorities.


  • Light Duty Vehicles – These are motor vehicles whose gross vehicle weight is equal or less than 3,500 kgs. Powered by a gas or diesel engine.
  • Automotive Service Technician – Refers to an all around auto serviceman that can perform both mechanical and electrical as well as auto electronics maintenance checking and inspection of motor vehicle. Assesses vehicle problems, perform all necessary diagnostic test or installation of accessories and competently repairs or replaces faulty parts.
  • Adhesives – Substance used to hold gasket in place during assembly. It also maintains a tight seal by filling in small irregularities on a surface and prevents gasket from shifting due to vibration.
  • Anti-Lock Braking System – System that automatically controls wheel slip or prevents sustained wheel locking on braking
  • Automatic Transmission – A transmission in which gear or ratio changes are self-activated, eliminating the necessity of hand shifting gears
  • Backlash – The amount of clearance or play between two meshed gears
  • Catalytic Converter Emission – The control device fitted in the exhaust system of an internal combustion engine. The converter reduces the toxicity of products of combustion by catalytic recombination
  • Charcoal Canister – Trap containing charcoal granules to store fuel evaporating from a fuel system and prevent its loss to atmosphere, particularly from a carburetor and fuel tank.
  • Electronics – Electrical assemblies, circuit and system that use electronic devices such as transistors and diodes.
  • Emissions – Any air contaminant, pollutant, gas stream from a known source which is introduced into the atmosphere.
  • Final Drive – The end of the drive train before power is transmitted to the wheels.
  • Fuel Injection – An electronic system that increases the performance ad fuel economy because it monitors engine conditions and provides the correct air/fuel mixture based on the engine’s demand. It injects fuel directly into the cylinder head enabling more precise control over the quantity used.
  • Governor – A speed sensing device that employs centrifugal force and spring tension to govern engine speed.
  • Hotchkiss Drive – The type of rear suspension in which leaf springs absorbs the rear axle housing torque.
  • Intake Manifold – Tubing attached to the engine through which the air/fuel mixture reaches the cylinder.
  • Ignition System – Electrical system devised to produce timed sparks from engine spark plug. Consisting of a battery, induction coil, capacitor, distributor, spark plugs and relevant switches and wiring.
  • Master Cylinder – The liquid-filled cylinder in the hydraulic brake system or clutch, where hydraulic pressure is developed when depresses a foot pedal.
  • Periodic Maintenance Service – The regular servicing prescribed by manufacturer to maintain the vehicle’s top performance.
  • Positive Crank Ventilation – Emission control system that prevents crank case gases from entering the atmosphere, usually by drawing the gases from the crank case and feeding them into the engine’s induction system.
  • Power Steering – Steering that has been designed to make the wheel move more easily than in a manual steering system. Hydraulic assists the process utilizing hydraulic fluid. The fluid increases pressure in the power steering pump and aids in the movement of the steering mechanism. This fluid, called power steering fluid, is what is replaced at regular intervals to keep steering soft and comfortable.
    Super Charged Engine – An engine that is similar to a turbo-charged engine which uses a series of belts or chains from the crankshaft to turn the turbines that forces the air/fuel mixture into the cylinder heads under pressure creating a bigger explosion which generates more power. A turbocharger uses the exhaust gases to turn the turbines to create the same effect.
  • Transaxle – Type of construction in which the transmission and differential are combined in one unit.
  • Thermostat – A device for automatic regulation of temperature
  • Turbo Charged Engine – A performance-increasing turbine positioned in the exhaust system. Expanding exhaust gases spin an impeller (very small fan-type blades) at speeds up to 25 thousand rpm, driving a similar compressing impeller. Compressed air from the driven impeller is forced into the induction system, which squeezes more air/fuel mixture into the combustion chambers. With the greater charge of air and fuel, a more powerful combustion burn results, thus more power. The big advantage of the turbo over directly driven superchargers is the increased efficiency, although there is a slight lag before the turbine spins up and increases the power output. Originally turbo were developed to enable aircraft to fly at high altitudes, then they found use in diesel trucks and train engines to increase their torque.
  • U-joint – A four-joint cross-connected to two U-shaped yokes that serve as a flexible coupling between shafts.