The TESDA Course in HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION (ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE) NC III consists of competencies that workers must achieve to enable them to perform tasks such as inspection, basic preventive maintenance, interpreting load chart, constructing lifting plan and, lifting and transferring of heavy loads in construction sites or other locations with the use of a rough terrain crane.

This qualification is packaged from the competency map of Construction – Heavy Equipment sub-sector.

A student who has achieved this TESDA Course in HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION (ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE) NC III is competent to be:

  • Rough terrain crane operator


This section specifies the qualifications of trainees and educational experience. Other requirements like health and physical requirements are also stated. Passing entry written examinations may also be indicated if necessary.

  • At least Junior High School Level Completer or an Alternative Learning System (ALS) Certificate of Completion with grade 10 equivalent holder
  • Must possess good communication skills
  • Can perform basic mathematical computation
  • Driver’s License (Restriction 2 or 3)
  • Physically fit


Level: NC III
Nominal Training Duration :

(Basic Competency) 40 Hours
(Common Competency) 24 Hours
(Core Competency) 160 Hours
Supervised Industry Learning (SIL) – 40 Hours

Total Duration: 264 Hours

This course is designed to provide the learner with knowledge, practical skills and attitude, applicable in performing work activities involve in performing pre and post-operation procedures, performing basic preventive maintenance servicing and performing productive operation for rough terrain crane. This includes classroom learning activities and practical work in actual work site or simulation area.

Upon completion of the course, the learners are expected to demonstrate the abovementioned competencies to be employed. To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.


To obtain this TESDA course in HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION (ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE) NC III, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

CON834304 Perform pre and post-operation procedures for rough terrain crane
CON834305 Perform basic preventive maintenance servicing for rough terrain crane
CON834306 Perform productive operation for rough terrain crane
CON931201 Prepare construction materials and tools
CON311201 Observe procedures, specifications and manuals of instruction
CON311202 Interpret technical drawings and plans
CON311203 Perform mensurations and calculations
CON311204 Maintain tools and equipment
400311319 Lead workplace communication
400311320 Lead small teams
400311321 Apply critical thinking and problem-solving techniques in the workplace
400311322 Work in a diverse environment
400311323 Propose methods of applying learning and innovation in the organization
400311324 Use information systematically
400311325 Evaluate occupational safety and health work practices
400311326 Evaluate environmental work practices
400311327 Facilitate entrepreneurial skills for micro-small-medium enterprises (MSMEs)

This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION (ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE) NC III. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.


This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION (ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE) NC III.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in performing visual and operation check before and after productive operation of rough terrain crane.

  1. Perform visual check of rough terrain crane
    • Capacity of rough terrain crane is selected based on job requirements.
    • Operator serviceable (OS) parts are checked in accordance with equipment checklist and manufacturer’s procedures.
    • Inspection is performed with equipment checklist and with engine stopped/not running.
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    • Work area is cleaned according to safety and environmental regulations (e.g. PD 1152 Section 6, 8 & 42).
    • Required output is completed based on accomplished checklist.
  2. Perform “B L O W A F” check
    • “BLOWAF” check is performed using checklist with engine stopped/not running.
    • Fluid levels are maintained in accordance with equipment maintenance manual.
    • Abnormal conditions noted in checklist and reported to authorized person
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    • Required output is completed based on accomplished checklist.
  3. Perform visual check for super structure, lower structure and power train components
    • Super structure, lower structure and power train components are checked in accordance with checklist and manufacturer’s procedures
    • Super structure, lower structure and power train components are secured for safety lifting operation
    • Abnormal conditions are noted in checklist and reported to authorized person
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards Requirements
    • Required output is completed based on accomplished checklist.
  4. Perform operation check
    • Starting/running check/operation check is performed with checklist and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Mechanical components are checked for normal functioning based on manufacturer’s specifications.
    • Function check is performed with equipment checklist and while engine is running.
    • Safety devices are checked for proper functions in accordance with safe operating procedures
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    • Required output is completed based on accomplished checklist.
  5. Perform post-operation procedures
    • Rough terrain crane is parked and turned off after productive operation in accordance to manufacturer’s manual.
    • Controls are set into neutral position and parking brakes are engaged in accordance to manufacturer’s manual.
    • Safety locks and brakes are all engaged in accordance with manufacturer’s manual.
    • Inspection is reconducted while doing engine cool down
    • Daily equipment time record/report (DETR) is accomplished/submitted according to company rules and regulations
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards


This unit involves the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in cleaning/greasing, adjusting and replacing operator-serviceable (OS) parts of rough terrain crane.

  1. Perform adjustment or replacement for noted defects
    • Minor defects are identified and repaired/replaced in accordance with manufacturer’s procedures.
    • Basic hand tools and portable powered tools are selected based on job requirements.
    • Major defects are identified using checklist and referred to authorized personnel for action
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  2. Perform basic preventive maintenance servicing (PMS)
    • Operator’s Serviceable parts are identified and serviced according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Standard parameters are checked according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Fluids and lubricants are used based on manufacturer’s manual.
    • Basic hand tools, portable powered tools and consumable materials are identified and used in accordance with job requirements.
    • Basic preventive maintenance servicing (PMS) is carried out in accordance with manufacturer’s and site regulations
    • Site conditions are considered during PMS
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  3. Prepare equipment reports
    • Equipment checklist is accomplished in accordance with manufacturer’s/company requirements
    • Equipment defects are reported to appropriate personnel
    • Document control procedures is observed based on company requirements
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards


This unit involves the knowledge, skills and attitudes in traveling, loading and unloading to low-bed trailer, setting-up, interpreting load chart and lifting operation for rough terrain crane.

  1. Travel the rough terrain crane
    • Road conditions are considered before travelling the crane
    • Work area is surveyed for potential hazards in accordance with safe operating procedures.
    • Outrigger assembly is secured during travel in accordance with manufacturers manual.
    • Telescopic boom is secured and in place during travel in accordance with manufacturers manual.
    • Travel speed is observed in accordance with traffic rules and regulations
    • Hook block on front frame is secured in accordance with manufacturers manual.
    • Aid of a rigger is required on the entire operation in accordance with standard operating procedures.
    • Unexpected situations are responded in line with company rules and regulations
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  2. Load and unload rough terrain crane to low-bed trailer
    • Low-bed trailer for transporting the rough terrain crane is selected according to job requirements.
    • Boom position is followed during loading and unloading in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations
    • Rough terrain crane components and attachments are positioned and secured based on manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Verbal instructions and hand signals are conveyed with authorized rigger during loading and unloading as per standard operating procedures.
    • All safety locks and control levers are secured at neutral position before and after loading based on manufacturer’s specifications
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  3. Set-up the rough terrain crane
    • Site conditions are considered before setting up the crane
    • Crane is set-up and positioned in accordance with manufacturer’s manual
    • Unexpected situations are responded in line with company rules and regulations
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  4. Interpret load chart and /or load moment indicator and construct lifting plan
    • Weight of the load is determined according to load information.
    • Lifting capacity is determined according to working radius, boom length and boom angle by manufacturer’s specifications
    • Rigging gears are  determined and considered as part of the load based on manufacturer’s specifications
    • Lifting capacity in the load chart and /or load moment indicator is followed according to manufacturer’s specifications
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    • Lifting plan is constructed based on job description
  5. Perform lifting and transferring of load
    • Site and weather conditions are considered before lifting and transferring the load
    • Safe work procedures and practices are observed during lifting operation based on OSH standards and manufacturer’s manual
    • Optimum engine speed during hoisting or swing operation is controlled based on manufacturer’s manual
    • Communication with rigger is established and maintained during lifting and transferring of loads based on standard operating procedures
    • Unexpected situations are responded in line with company rules and regulations
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used in accordance with Rule 1080 of Occupational Safety and Health Standards



This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on identifying, requesting and receiving construction materials and tools based on the required performance standards.

  1. Identify materials and tools
    • Materials are listed as per job requirements
    • Quantity and description of materials conform with the job requirements
    • Tools and accessories are identified according to job requirements
  2. Requisition equipment, materials and tools
    • Materials and tools needed are requested according to the list prepared
    • Request is done as per company standard operating procedures (SOP)
    • Substitute materials and tools are provided without sacrificing cost and quality of work
  3. Receive and inspect materials
    • Materials and tools issued are inspected as per quantity and specification
    • Tools, accessories and materials are checked for damages according to enterprise procedures
    • Materials and tools are set aside to appropriate location nearest to the workplace


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on identifying, interpreting, applying services to specifications and manuals and storing manuals.

  1. Identify and access specification/manuals
    • Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed as per job requirements
    • Version and date of manual are checked to ensure that correct specification and procedures are identified
  2. Interpret manuals
    • Relevant sections, chapters of specifications/manuals are located in relation to the work to be conducted
    • Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted in accordance with industry practices
  3. Apply information in manual
    • Manual is interpreted according to job requirements
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with manufacturer’s specification
    • Manual data are applied according to the given task
    • All correct sequencing and adjustments are interpreted in accordance with information contained on the manual or specifications
  4. Store manuals
    • Manual or specification is stored appropriately to prevent damage, ready access and updating of information when required in accordance with company requirements


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in analyzing and interpreting symbols, data and work plan based on the required performance standards.

  1. Analyze signs, symbols and data
    • Technical plans are obtained according to job requirements
    • Signs, symbols and data are identified according to job specifications
    • Signs symbols and data are determined according to classification or as appropriate in drawing
  2. Interpret technical drawings and plans
    • Necessary tools, materials and equipment are identified according to the plan
    • Supplies and materials are listed according to specifications
    • Components, assemblies or objects are recognized as required
    • Dimensions are identified as appropriate to the plan
    • Specification details are matched with existing/available resources and in line with job requirements
    • Work plan is drawn following the specifications
  3. Apply freehand sketching
    • Where applicable, correct freehand sketching is produced in accordance with the job requirements


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on identifying and measuring objects based on the required performance standards.

  1. Select measuring instruments
    • Object or component to be measured is identified, classified and interpreted according to the appropriate regular geometric shape
    • Measuring tools are selected/identified as per object to be measured or job requirements
    • Correct specifications are obtained from relevant sources
    • Appropriate measuring instruments are selected according to job requirements
    • Alternative measuring tools are used without sacrificing cost and quality of work
  2. Carry out measurements and calculations
    • Accurate measurements are obtained according to job requirements
    • Alternative measuring tools are used without sacrificing cost and quality of work
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (/) including but not limited to: trigonometric functions, algebraic computations
    • Calculations involving fractions, percentages and mixed numbers are used to complete workplace tasks
    • Numerical computation is self-checked and corrected for accuracy
    • Instruments are read to the limit of accuracy of the tool
    • Systems of measurement identified and converted according to job requirements/ISO
    • Workpieces are measured according to job requirements


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on checking condition, performing preventive maintenance and storing of tools and equipment based on the required performance standards.

  1. Check condition of tools and equipment
    • Materials, tools and equipment are identified according to classification and job requirements
    • Non-functional tools and equipment are segregated and labeled according to classification
    • Safety of tools and equipment are observed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
    • Condition of PPE are checked in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
  2. Perform basic preventive maintenance
    • Appropriate lubricants are identified according to types of equipment
    • Tools and equipment are lubricated according to preventive maintenance schedule or manufacturer’s specifications
    • Measuring instruments are checked and calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
    • Tools are cleaned and lubricated according to standard procedures
    • Defective instruments, equipment and accessories are inspected and replaced according to manufacturer’s specifications
    • Tools are inspected, repaired and replaced after use
    • Work place is cleaned and kept in safe state in line with OHSA regulations
  3. Store tools and equipment
    • Inventory of tools, instruments and equipment are conducted and recorded as per company practices
    • Tools and equipment are stored safely in appropriate locations in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or company procedures


LEAD WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION (400311319) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead in the effective dissemination and discussion of ideas, information, and issues in the workplace. This includes preparation of written communication materials.

  1. Communicate information about workplace processes
  2. Lead workplace discussions
  3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace

LEAD SMALL TEAMS (400311320) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead small teams including setting, maintaining and monitoring team and individual performance standards.

  1. Provide team leadership
  2. Assign responsibilities
  3. Set performance expectations for team members
  4. Supervise team performance

APPLY CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLE – SOLVING TECHNIQUES IN THE WORKPACE (400311321) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to solve problems in the workplace including the application of problem solving techniques and to determine and resolve the root cause/s of specific problems in the workplace.

  1. Examine specific workplace challenges
  2. Analyze the causes of specific workplace challenges
  3. Formulate resolutions to specific workplace challenges
  4. Implement action plans and communicate results

WORK IN A DIVERSE ENVIRONMENT (400311322) – This unit covers the outcomes required to work effectively in a workplace characterized by diversity in terms of religions, beliefs, races, ethnicities and other differences.

  1. Develop an individual’s cultural awareness and sensitivity
  2. Work effectively in an environment that acknowledges and values cultural diversity
  3. Identify common issues in a multicultural and diverse environment

PROPOSE METHODS OF APPLYING LEARNING AND INNOVATION IN THE ORGANIZATION (400311323) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to assess general obstacles in the application of learning and innovation in the organization and to propose practical methods of such in addressing organizational challenges.

  1. Assess work procedures, processes and systems in terms of innovative practices
  2. Generate practical action plans for improving work procedures, processes
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed action plans

USE INFORMATION SYSTEMATICALLY (400311324) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use technical information systems, apply information technology (IT) systems and edit, format & check information.

  1. Use technical information
  2. Apply information technology (IT)
  3. Edit, format and check information

EVALUATE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH WORK PRACTICES (400311325) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to interpret Occupational Safety and Health practices, set OSH work targets, and evaluate effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health work instructions

  1. Identify OSH compliance requirements
  2. Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
  3. Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures

EVALUATE ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PRACTICES (400311326) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to interpret environmental Issues, establish targets to evaluate environmental practices and evaluate effectiveness of environmental practices

  1. Interpret environmental practices, policies and procedures
  2. Establish targets to evaluate environmental practices
  3. Evaluate effectiveness of environmental practices

FACILITATE ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS FOR MICRO-SMALL-MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMEs) (400311327) – This unit covers the outcomes required to build, operate and grow a micro/small-scale enterprise.

  1. Develop and maintain microsmall-medium enterprise (MSMEs) skills in the organization
  2. Establish and maintain clientbase/market
  3. Apply budgeting and financial management skills


  • Attachment Refers to anything like fly jib used instead of the conventional lift block to perform different types of lifting jobs.
  • Boom (crane) Refers to telescopic boom used for supporting the hoisting tackle.
  • Boom Length Refers to the measurement from the boom foot pins to the center of the boom point sheaves.
  • Reeving Refers to a rope system in which the rope travels around the drums and sheaves.
  • Telescopic Boom Refers to a component of crane attached to the superstructure and is used to support hoisting tackle. Its extended and retracted movement is controlled by hydraulic cylinder.
  • Rough Terrain Crane Refers to equipment, which has four-wheel crab and counter steering as well as the normal two-wheel front steering capabilities. This equipment also both two-wheel and four-wheel drive capabilities to enhance its usability.
  • Standard Refers to a degree or level of requirement set by the manufacturer.
  • Stability Refers to the machine resistance to overturning (Rough-terrain and Truck-mounted Cranes – lifting on outriggers are based on 85 percent of their tipping capacity).
  • Safety Devices Refer to boom angle indicators, load moment indicators, anti-two blocking devices (where applicable), boom kick out lever, etc.
  • Work Area Refers to any place inside the swing circle of the crane. It must be barricaded off and only those directly involve in the lift shall be allowed to entry.
  • Derated capacity of equipment – Refers to the reduction of lifting capacity of equipment as certified by a third party.
  • Load Moment Indicator (LMI) – Refers to electronic device that indicates crane configuration such as boom angle, boom length, load weight and working radius.
  • Rigging Gears – Refers to equipment such as wire rope, turnbuckles, clevis, jacks, shackles, slings used with cranes and other lifting equipment in material handling and structure relocation.
  • Super Structure – Refers to upper or lifting component of the crane which includes the boom.
  • Lower Structure – Refers to the carrier of the crane.
  • Power train – Refers to mechanism that transmits the drive from the engine of a vehicle to its axle.
  • Hazards – Refers to situation that poses threat to life, health, property, or environment.
  • Rigger – Refers to signalman that directs the schedule of lifts for the crane, and is responsible for the safety of the loads.
  • Computer Literate – Is defined as the knowledge and ability to utilize computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to computer programming and advanced problem solving.