Tesda Courses in St. James Academy of Skills Technology


St. James Academy of Skills Technology is an institution accredited by TESDA that offers Technical and Vocational Education and Training Programs (TVET) under the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

ST. JAMES ACADEMY OF SKILLS TECHNOLOGY, INC. commits to provide quality technical skills training and education and produce learned and highly skilled workers with positive work values who were vigorously ready to meet the qualifications and challenges of the global market.

To be a leading partner of the various industries and a reliable provider of their needs for globally competitive and values-oriented human resources fully equipped with relevant knowledge, desirable attitude and skills.

A technical and vocational institution for now and an institution of higher learning soon as God would permit, that envisions as a non-exclusive, high quality learning and service oriented catholic school that is responsive to the needs of the industry by partnering and closely cooperating with them in regards to the dual training mode that is appropriate and suitable for the complete formation and development of skills, attitude and knowledge in every student.. The institution commits itself to provide relevant technical, vocational, business, management, and entrepreneurship courses and programs with varied durations to suit the individual needs of its clientele.

Guided by its vision, mission, and core values, the institution is determined and committed to abide by all training and education standards and quality assurance promulgations set forth by our laws and by the demands of nature.

The courses and programs offered by the institution are designed in such a way to facilitate a ladderized movement of the academic advancement of the students. The courses are fully backed up by relevant education and training facilities including a generous array of learning resources availability. Theoretical instructions are duly delivered with a 24 to 30-sitter classrooms that are equipped with the required instructional tools and equipments. The institution adapts, as a matter of policy, instructor-led hands-on exercises both in campus set-up and in industry location set-up under its dual training mode of education and training.

The curricular contents of every course and program are subjected to regular review and evaluation to make them responsive and relevant to the needs of the times.

While the institution enjoys the unconditional support of its incorporators, faculty and administrative staff, industry partners, and an in-house management consultant, it is ably headed by a person who sets his visions high for this institution as one of its owners and one who has both the formal education, training, and experience in all the competencies that are made available by it- in person Engr. BRIAN CABAJAR YUSON as its President and Chief Executive Officer.

St. James Academy of Skills Technology – Cebu City

Address: Pob. Compostela, Cebu, Philippines
Telephone Number: (032) – 425-8424

TESDA Approved Programs

Here is the list of available TESDA registered programs and short courses offered in “St. James Academy of Skills Technology” in the province of Cebu.

List of Tesda Courses Offered / Registered Programs

Course Authorized Duration
Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) NC I 156 hours
Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) NC II 168 hours
Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) NC III 148 hours
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) NC I 268 Hours
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) NC II 268 Hours
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) NC III 148 hours
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) NC II 268 Hours
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) NC IV 294 hours
Gas Welding NC I 156 hours
Gas Welding NC II 312 hours
Household Services NC II 216 Hours
Housekeeping NC II 436 Hours
Pipefitting NC II 202 hours
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC I 268 Hours
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC II 268 Hours
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC III 120 Hours
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC IV 168 hours

Basic Requirements for TESDA Courses:

  • At least 18 years of age
  • At least High School Graduate
  • Copy of NSO Birth Certificate
  • With good moral character
  • Undergone a pre-training assessment
  • Can communicate both orally and in written form


  1. Trade testing services
  2. Fabrication (wood & metal) services
  3. Construction services
    • Design & estimates
    • Implementation  & supervision
    • Pipefitting installation
    • Tile setting
    • Gypsum board installation
    • Metal furring installation(walling & ceiling)
    • Carpentry
    • Painting estimates and supervision
    • Electrical installation (residential & commercial building
  4. Sales & rental services
    • Welding equipment, accessories and supplies
  5. Training services
    • Welding (all levels)
    • Fabrication
    • Salesmanship
    • Computer hardware servicing & troubleshooting
    • Painting (air brush, roller, and hand brush)
    • Automotive bodybuilding and repairing
    • Electronics and electrical services
    • Carpentry (soft & rough)
    • Food processing
    • Housekeeping
    • Household services
    • Commercial cooking
    • Baking
    • Tilesetting
    • Pipefitting
    • Gypsum board installation
    • Machining
    • Automechanics
    • Masonry
    • Scaffolding
    • Financial planning, forecasting,
    • Heavy equipment operation
    • Heavy equipment mechanics

Training Fees and Schedule

The cost of training and tuition fees may vary depending upon the specific course of interest and the school offering the training. Training centers also may have slightly different syllabus to teach to students in a class.

For inquiries, tuition fees, enrollment procedures, class schedule and other concern, it would be better that you visit their school/training center and inquire for other documents they may need.

Location and Contact Information

For further information, please contact the school directly at telephone number (032) – 425-8424. You can also visit St. James Academy of Skills Technology. The assessment center is located at Pob. Compostela, Cebu, Philippines.


  • Hi good day ma’am sir.. Pila ang entrance fee sa automotive?
    How to enroll??
    And how many months po ang class..


  • maayong hapon mangutana pud unta ko pila ang bayad sa smaw nc3 ug nc4 training ug pila ka adlaw ang training aning duha? taga davao city ko maong mag inquire ko aron ma plano nako. salamat

  • maayong hapon mangutana pud unta ko pila ang bayad sa smaw nc3 ug nc4 training ug pila ka adlaw ang ttaining aning duha? taga davao city ko maong mag inquire ko aron ma plano nako. salamat

  • Mam or sir mangutana ku pilay bayad sa 10days training gtaw smaw bisan Wala nay certificate refresh lang ku taga Compostela podko piru mauliay paku karong bwana para ma budjetan salamat