The TESDA Course in SLAUGHTERING OPERATIONS (LARGE ANIMALS) NC II consists of competencies that a person must achieve in performing slaughtering floor operations from initial preparation of swine through splitting of the carcass.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Processed Food and Beverages Sector.


Trainees or students wishing to enroll in these course qualifications should possess the following requirements:

  • Must have completed 10 – years basic education
  • Can communicate both orally and in writing

A student who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be a:

  • Slaughterhouse Butcher


Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration :

(Basic Competency) 20 Hours
(Common Competency) 20 Hours
(Core Competency) 320 Hours

Total Duration: 360 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, behavior and motivations in accordance with industry standards.


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, and Core Competencies.

To obtain this TESDA course in SLAUGHTERING OPERATIONS (LARGE ANIMALS) NC II, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

PFB751335 Handle and sharpen knives
PFB751336 Perform initial preparation procedures
PFB751337 Prepare carcass
PFB751338 Perform final procedures
PFB751210 Apply food safety and sanitation
PFB751211 Use standard measuring devices/instruments
PFB741213 Perform mathematical computation
PFB741214 Implement good manufacturing practice procedure
PFB741215 Implement environmental policies and procedures
500311105 Participate in workplace communication
500311106 Work in a team environment
500311107 Practice career professionalism
500311108 Practice occupational health and safety procedures

This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in SLAUGHTERING OPERATIONS (LARGE ANIMALS) NC II. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.


This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in SLAUGHTERING OPERATIONS (LARGE ANIMALS) NC II.


This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to maintain knives for safe and effective use in slaughtering and meat establishments.

  1. Sharpen knives
    • Knives are sharpened according to workplace requirements
    • Knives are sharpened to maintain a bevel edge
    • Steel is used correctly to maintain a bevel edge and to meet Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS)
    • Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)is used according to OSHS
  2. Work safely with knives
    • Knives are used in ways which minimize the risk of injury
    • Knives are used safely at all times in accordance with regulatory requirements
  3. Maintain knives and associated equipment
    • Knives are maintained in accordance to hygiene and sanitation and workplace requirements
    • Knife sharpening equipment is maintained, cleaned and stored to hygiene and sanitation and workplace  requirements


This unit deals with the knowledge and skills required to effectively and humanely handle and stun, shackle, lift and stick large animal on a processing rail.

  1. Restrain animal
    • Animal is conveyed from the lairage to the restraining box
    • Animal is restrained humanely and safely in appropriate position in accordance with Animal Welfare Act
    • Animal is placed inside stunning box with appropriate restraining equipment
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are used according to OSHS
    • Personal sanitation and hygiene is observed
  2. Stun animal
    • Stunning equipment is checked and operated in accordance with operation manual and workplace requirements workplace and regulatory requirements
    • Animal is stunned according to workplace requirements and Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS)
    • Animal is checked to determine if stunning has been effective
    • Corrective action is taken when effective stun is not achieved
    • Stunning equipment and facilities are maintained in effective working order
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used according to OSHS
    • Personal sanitation and hygiene is observed
  3. Shackle and lift animal
    • Animal is checked for consciousness as per Animal Welfare Act
    • Animal is shackled in accordance with workplace requirements and OSHS
    • Animal is lifted at a height and rate suitable for next operator
    • Hoisting / lifting equipment is used in accordance with manufacturer’s specification
    • Hoisting / lifting equipment and shackles are in good working condition according to manufacturer’s specification
    • Personal Protective Equipment is used according to OSHS
    • Personal sanitation and hygiene is observed
  4. Stick and bleed animal
    • Knife is used to sever the major blood vessels accurately, safely and hygienically to workplace requirements
    • Fast and effective sticking of animal is done in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act
    • Animal is bled in accordance with workplace and regulatory requirements
    • Blood is collected in accordance with workplace and regulatory requirements
    • Personal Protective Equipment is used according to OSHS
    • Personal sanitation and hygiene is observed


This unit deals with the knowledge and skills required to prepare carcass of large animal.

  1. Perform cradle process
    • Materials, tools, equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are identified according to work instructions
    • Animal is laid to cradle and shackle is removed according to workplace requirements
    • Rectum is tied and cut according to workplace instructions
    • Tail is removed according to workplace instructions
    • Hide is partially flayed longitudinally
    • If male, sex organ is removed using knife according to workplace requirements
    • Brisket is cut longitudinally
    • Esophagus is located and tied in accordance with workplace requirements
    • Head and hocks (feet) are removed according to work instructions
    • Sources of contamination and cross-contamination are identified and minimized
    • Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) is observed in accordance with workplace requirements
  2. Perform complete flaying
    • Body of animal is hooked and lifted from cradle and transferred to next overhead rail using hoist, hooks and spreader
    • Hide is completely removed using flaying knife without damaging the hide and contaminating the body of animal in accordance with OSHS requirements
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are used according to OSH policies
    • OSHS is observed according to workplace requirements
  3. Eviscerate carcass
    • Abdomen is opened according to work instructions
    • Organs to be removed are identified
    • Sex organ is removed, if male
    • Digestive tract and pluck are removed without contaminating the carcass in accordance with work instructions
    • Ring and tie bung is removed
    • Organs are presented for inspection according to regulatory requirements
    • OSHS are identified and complied with
    • Sources of contamination and cross-contamination are identified
    • Corrective action is taken in the event of contamination in line with workplace requirements
    • Personal hygiene and sanitation is observed
  4. Split and quarter carcass
    • Ax or splitting saw are sterilized and checked according to manual of instructions
    • Carcass is split into halves according to OSHS requirements
    • Carcass is quartered between 10th and 11th rib in accordance with workplace and OSHS requirements
    • Sources of contamination and cross-contamination are identified
    • Corrective action is taken in the event of contamination in line with workplace requirements


This unit deals with the knowledge and skills required in washing, trimming, weighing and labeling carcass. It also includes cleaning the facilities.

  1. Wash, trim and weigh carcass
    • Carcass is washed to remove foreign matters and contaminants from product in accordance with workplace and OSHS requirements
    • Types and sources of potential contamination and cross-contamination are identified
    • Carcass are trimmed following standard procedures and OSHS
    • Carcass are weighed and recorded according to workplace requirements
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used according to work instructions
    • Personal sanitation and hygiene is observed
  2. Label/Mark carcass
    • Markings are made or labels are attached to carcass according to workplace and regulatory requirements
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used according to work instructions
    • Personal sanitation and hygiene is observed
  3. Clean and sanitize tools, equipment and facilities
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned and sanitized according to manual of instructions
    • Work area is cleaned, sanitized and maintained according to workplace requirements
    • Work is conducted according to workplace environmental guidelines



This unit covers skills and attitude required to apply food safety and sanitation in the workplace

  1. Wear Personal Protective Equipment
    • Personal protective equipment are checked according to manufacturer’s specifications
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE) are worn according to the job requirement
  2. Observe Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming
    • Personal hygiene and good grooming is practiced in line with workplace health and safety requirements
  3. Implement Food Sanitation Practices
    • Sanitary food handling practices are implemented in line with workplace sanitation regulations
    • Safety measures are observed in line with workplace safety practices.
  4. Render Safety Measures and First Aid Procedures
    • Safety measures are applied according to workplace rules and regulations
    • First aid procedures are applied and coordinated with concerned personnel according to workplace standard operating procedures.
  5. Implement housekeeping activities
    • Work area and surroundings are cleaned in accordance with workplace health and safety regulations
    • Waste is disposed according to organization’s waste disposal system
    • Hazards in the work area are recognized and reported to designated personnel according to workplace procedures


This unit covers skills and attitude required to use standard measuring devices, instruments in the workplace

  1. Identify Standard Measuring Devices and Instruments
    • Standard measuring devices and instruments are identified according to manufacturer’s specifications
    • Devices and instruments for measuring are properly checked, sanitized and calibrated prior to use
  2. Review the Procedures in Using Standard Measuring Devices and Instruments
    • Procedures in using the standard measuring devices and instruments are recalled according to manufacturer’s specifications
    • Printed procedures/ brochures/ catalogues are consulted according to specified food processing methods
  3. Follow Procedures of Using Measuring Devices and Instruments
    • Methods/practices of using measuring devices and instruments are strictly observed according to manufacturer’s specifications and workplace requirements
    • Measuring devices and instruments are cleaned, wiped dry and stowed after use to ensure conformity with workplace requirements


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to perform
mathematical computations in the workplace.

  1. Gather and Tabulate the Recorded Data
    • Records of weights and measurements of raw materials and ingredients are gathered and summarized according to workplace standard operating procedures
    • Records of weights and measurements of finished processed products are gathered and summarized according to workplace standard operating procedures
    • Summarized data are tabulated according to enterprise requirements
  2. Review the Various Formulations
    • Raw materials and ingredients and percentage formulations are checked/counter checked according to approved specifications and enterprise requirements
    • Finished products and percentage formulations are reviewed according to approved specifications and enterprise requirements
  3. Calculate Production Input and Output
    • Data on raw material consumption and corresponding percentage equivalent are calculated in line with enterprise requirements
    • Data on actual spoilage and rejects and corresponding percentage equivalents are calculated according to enterprise requirements
    • Data on actual yields and recoveries and corresponding percentage equivalents are calculated according to enterprise requirements
    • All calculated data are recorded according to enterprise requirements
  4. Compute Production Cost
    • Costs of production are computed according to organization’s standard procedures
    • Computed costs of production are reviewed and validated according to organization’s production requirements


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to comply with relevant Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) codes through the implementation of workplace GMP and quality procedures.

  1. Identify requirements of GMP related to own work
    • Sources of information on GMP requirements are located
    • GMP requirements and responsibilities related to own work are identified
  2. Observe personal hygiene and conduct to meet GMP requirements
    • Personal hygiene meets GMP requirements
    • Clothing is prepared, used, stored and disposed of according to GMP and workplace procedures
    • Personal movement around the workplace complies with area entry and exit procedures
  3. Implement GMP requirements when carrying out work activities
    • GMP requirements are identified
    • Work area, materials, equipment and product are routinely monitored to ensure compliance with GMP requirements
    • Raw materials, packaging components and product are handled according to GMP and workplace procedures
    • Workplace procedures to control resource allocation and process are followed to meet GMP requirements
    • Common forms of contamination are identified and appropriate control measures are followed according to GMP requirements
    • The workplace is maintained in a clean and tidy order to meet GMP housekeeping standard
  4. Participate in improving GMP
    • Processes, practices or conditions which could result in non-compliance with GMP are identified and reported according to workplace reporting requirements
    • Corrective action is implemented within level of responsibility
    • GMP issues are raised with designated personnel
  5. Participate in validation processes
    • Validation procedures are followed to GMP requirements
    • Issues arising from validation are raised with designated personnel
    • Validation procedures are documented to meet GMP requirements
  6. Complete workplace documentation to support GMP
    • Documentation and recording requirements are identified
    • Information is recorded according to workplace reporting procedures to meet GMP requirements


This unit covers skills and attitude required to implement environmental policies and procedures when carrying out work responsibilities

  1. Conduct work in accordance with environmental policies and procedures
    • Immediate work area is routinely checked to ensure compliance with environmental requirements
    • Hazards and unacceptable performance are identified, removed and/or reported to appropriate personnel according to workplace procedures
    • Workplace procedures and work instructions are followed
    • Where control requirements are not met, incidents are promptly reported and corrective action is taken
    • Measures used to minimize and handle waste are followed
    • Environmental data is recorded in required format according to workplace reporting requirements
  2. Participate in improving environmental practices at work
    • Processes or conditions which could result in an unacceptable environmental outcome are identified and reported according to workplace reporting requirements.
    • Corrective action is taken in accordance with the environmental management and emergency response plans as required.
    • Contributions are made to participative arrangements for managing environmental issues in the workplace within workplace procedures and level of responsibility.
  3. Respond to an environmental emergency
    • Emergency situations are identified and reported according to workplace reporting requirements
    • Emergency procedures are followed as appropriate to the nature of the emergency and according to workplace procedures


UNIT CODE : 500311105

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.

  1. Obtain and convey workplace information
    • Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources
    • Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used together and convey information
    • Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas
    • Appropriate non- verbal communication is used
    • Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed
    • Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used
    • Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
  2. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
    • Team meetings are at ended on time
    • Own opinions are clear expressed and those of others are listened to without interruption
    • Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols
    • Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
    • Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and matters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to.
    • Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented
  3. Complete relevant work related documents
    • Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly
    • Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents
    • Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations
    • Errors in recording information on forms/documents are identified and properly acted upon
    • Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines

UNIT CODE : 500311106

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team.

  1. Describe team role and scope
    • The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information
    • Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources.
  2. Identify own role and responsibility within team
    • Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified.
    • Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized.
    • Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified.
  3. Work as a team member
    • Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives.
    • Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context.
    • Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures.
    • Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual competencies of the members.

UNIT CODE : 500311107

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement.

  1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals
    • Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession
    • Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation
    • Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties
  2. Set and meet work priorities
    • Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives.
    • Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments
    • Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures
  3. Maintain professional growth and development
    • Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on job requirements
    • Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement
    • Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed

UNIT CODE : 500311108

This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety.

  1. Identify hazards and risks
    • Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization procedures
    • Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures
    • Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures
  2. Evaluate hazards and risks
    • Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV)
    • Effects of the hazards are determined
    • OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation
  3. Control hazards and risks
    • Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently
    • Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OHS policies
    • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices
    • Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol
  4. Maintain OHS awareness
    • Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and procedures
    • OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements


  • Abattoir or slaughterhouse – premises that are approved and registered by the controlling authority in which food animals are slaughtered and dressed for human consumption.
  • Carcass – the body of a slaughtered animal (without internal organs) consisting of meat, fats, bones and connective tissues.
    – the body of any slaughtered animal after bleeding and dressing. (Source: Meat Inspection Code R.A. No. 9296, as amended by R.A. No. 10536)
  • Contamination – means direct or indirect transmission of any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter or substances or not intentionally added to food that may compromise food safety or suitability. (Source: Meat Inspection Code R.A. No. 9296, as amended by R.A. No. 10536)
  • Disease or Defect – a pathological change or other abnormality.
  • Fit for Human Consumption – meat that has passed and appropriately marked by an inspector as safe and wholesome and in which no changes due to disease, decomposition or contamination has subsequently been found.
  • Fresh Meat – meat that has not yet been treated in any way other than by modified atmosphere packaging or vacuum packaging to ensure its preservation except that if it has been subjected only to refrigeration, it continues to be considered as fresh. 7. Food Animal – all domestic animals slaughtered for human consumption such as but not limited to cattle, carabaos, buffaloes, horses, sheep, goats, hogs, deer, rabbits, ostrich and poultry. (Source: Meat Inspection Code R.A. No. 9296, as amended by R.A. No. 10536)
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) – means the conformance with codes of practice, industry standards, regulations and laws concerning production, processing, handling, labeling and sale of foods decreed by industry, local, national and international bodies with the intention of protecting the public from illness, product adulteration and fraud. (Source: Meat Inspection Code R.A. No. 9296, as amended by R.A. No. 10536)
  • Hot meat – refers to carcass or parts of carcass of food animal which was slaughtered in an unregistered establishment and has not undergone the required inspection.
  • Hot meat – the carcass or parts of carcass or food animals which were slaughtered from unregistered/unaccredited meat establishments and have not undergone the required inspection. It also includes undocumented, illegally shipped, and unregistered carcass, parts of carcass and meat products coming from other countries and those that are classified as hot meat by the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS). (Source: Meat Inspection Code R.A. No. 9296, as amended by R.A. No. 10536)
  • Inspected and Passed – a condition wherein the carcasses or parts of carcasses so marked have been inspected and found to be safe, wholesome and fit for human consumption.
  • Inspected and Condemned – a condition wherein the carcasses or parts of carcasses so marked have been inspected and found to be unsafe, unwholesome and unfit for human consumption.
  • Inspection – an act by an official inspector to ensure compliance with rules and regulations including but not limited to humane handling of slaughter animals, ante and post mortem inspection, quality assurance program, hygiene and sanitation program, good manufacturing program, sanitation standard operating procedures, hazard analysis critical control point program, residue control program on any meat and meat product, meat establishment facilities, transport vehicles and conveyance.
  • Label – a display of written, printed or graphic matter upon the immediate container (not including package liners) of any article.
  • Large Animal – refers to cattle/ox.
  • Meat – refers to the fresh, chilled or frozen edible carcass including offal derived from food animals. (Source: Meat Inspection Code R.A. No. 9296, as amended by R.A. No. 10536)
  • Meat hygiene – all conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety and suitability of meat at all stages of the food chain.
  • Meat Product – any food product which is exclusively or predominantly composed
    of meat.
    – any product capable of use as human food which is made wholly or in part from any meat or other portion of the carcass of any food animals, excepting products which contain meat or other portions of such carcasses only in a relatively small proportion or historically have not been considered by consumers as products of the meat industry and which are exempted from definitions as a meat product by the Secretary under such conditions as he may prescribed to assure that the meat or other portions of such carcasses contained in such products are not adulterated and that such products are not represented as meat products. (Source: Meat Inspection Code R.A. No. 9296, as amended by R.A. No. 10536)
  • National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) – the sole national controlling / competent authority attached to the Department of Agriculture charged by the government with the control of meat hygiene and meat inspection.
  • Pluck – refers to the internal organs (heart, liver, lungs, trachea and esophagus) taken out from the chest cavity.
  • Post Abattoir Control – shall mean control measures conducted on meat and meat products during transport up to the time of retail sale for the enforcement of regulations governing meat and meat product inspection.
  • Processed – includes all methods of manufacture and preservation but does not include prepackaged fresh, chilled or frozen meat.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) System – the organization structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement quality assurance.
  • Rendering – means the process of converting condemned carcasses or parts of the carcasses, meat or meat products into inedible by products by heating.
  • Restraint – means the application to an animal of any procedure designed to restrict its movements. (Source: OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code)
  • Safe and wholesome – refers to meat and meat products that has been passed as fit for human consumption using the criteria that it a) will not cause food borne infection or intoxication when properly handed and prepared with respect to the intended use, b) does not contain residue in excess of set limits, c) is free of obvious contamination, d) is free of defects that are generally as objectionable to consumers, e) has been produced under adequate hygiene control, and f) has not been treated with illegal substances as specified in this Act and in other related national legislation. (Source: Meat Inspection Code R.A. No. 9296, as amended by R.A. No. 10536)
  • Traceability – the ability to track meat and meat products back to their source or to identify the source of products so as to minimize liability and prevent the occurrence of food safety problems.
  • Stunning – means any mechanical, electrical, chemical or other procedure which causes immediate loss of consciousness; when used before slaughter, the loss of consciousness lasts until death from the slaughter process in the absence of slaughter, the procedure would allow the animal to recover consciousness. (Source: OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code)
  • Unfit for human consumption – in relation to meat and meat products, means inspected and found not meeting the criteria of safety and wholesomeness.


    • Northeast Luzon Skills and Technical School Inc.
      Maharlika Highway, San Placido, Roxas, Isabela

    • City College of Naga
      2nd Floor, City Health and Nutrition Bldg., City Hall Compound, J. Miranda Avenue, Concepcion Pequena, Naga City

    • Van Technological and Skills Academy Inc.
      Blk 1 Lot 21 Adelina Homes San Carlos, Lipa City, Batangas
      0948 129 9999 0967 – 621 – 9515

    • Global Experts School of Science and Technology Inc.
      – Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
      T&M 1 Bldg., San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
      (045)455-1742 909729105797

      Meat Experts Professionals, Inc.
      – Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
      Lot 2 Block 4 Maunawa St., Duquit, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

        • Global Experts School of Science and Technology Inc.
          T&M 1 Bldg., San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
          (045)455-1742 909729105797

          Meat Experts Professionals, Inc.
          Lot 2 Block 4 Maunawa St., Duquit, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

    • Good pm po.
      May available din po ba sa Tagum City Davao del Norte?
      Kung meron po?
      Paano at saan po pwede mag Apply po?

      • D’ New Orleans Training Center Phils. Inc.
        Purok 1, Brgy., Bobongon, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

        Davao National Agricultural School (DNAS)
        Purok 8, Poblacion Montevista, Comval Province

  • hello po..san po sa mindanao na school may accredited na slaughtering operations (large animals) nc 2?

    • LGU Cotabato City Halal Training Center
      Bubong Road, Brgy. Datu Balabaran, Cotabato City
      (064) 421-8969/552-0691

    • D’ New Orleans Training Center Phils. Inc.
      Purok 1, Brgy., Bobongon, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

      Davao National Agricultural School (DNAS)
      Purok 8, Poblacion Montevista, Comval Province

    • Infinity Vocational Training School Inc.
      RSRH Livestock Corporation Compound, 256 M. Villarica Road, Sta Rosa 1, Marilao, Bulacan

      RGD Tactics Training and Assessment Center Philippines Inc.
      2nd Floor Unit 5 Mt. Carmel R-W Building Bunlo, Bocaue, Bulacan

    • Achievers International College of Culinary Arts and Technology (AICCAT), Inc.
      Kilometer 5, Pasonanca Road, Zamboanga City

    • Please inquire below:

      Purok 1, Brgy. Bobongon, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

      Davao National Agricultural School (DNAS)
      Purok 8, Poblacion Montevista, Comval Province

  • Good day, available po ba dito sa pagadian zamboanga del sur or cagayan de oro?. Butchering/slaughtering operations (large animals)NC II

    • MMS Development Training Center Corporation
      3rd Floor MARTEL Bldg., Pabayo-Hayes Sts., Cagayan de Oro City
      0926-3777-111 / 857-7403

    • MMS Development Training Center Corporation
      3rd Floor, S. Plaza MacArthur Highway, Poblacio, Urdaneta City
      075-653-0896/ 09292941609/ 09279768019/ 09300965087

      Infinity Vocational Training School Inc.
      RSRH Livestock Corporation Compound, 256 M. Villarica Road, Sta Rosa 1, Marilao, Bulacan

      • Im applying scholarship for tesda here in bulacan IVTSI RsRh Livestock Corporation for Slaughtering Large Animals (Cattle).OFW returnee.
        SJO-89-311-03054-001 Thank you very much

  • Hello, can you please share with me the next intake for your slaughtering training in Pampanga? when does it start? What is the schedule looks like and how much does the training cost? thank you!

    • Please inquire below:

      Global Experts School of Science and Technology Inc.
      T&M 1 Bldg., San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
      (045)455-1742 909729105797

      Meat Experts Professionals, Inc.
      Lot 2 Block 4 Maunawa St., Duquit, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

        • Please inquire below:

          Global Experts School of Science and Technology Inc.
          T&M 1 Bldg., San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
          (045)455-1742 909729105797

          Meat Experts Professionals, Inc.
          Lot 2 Block 4 Maunawa St., Duquit, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

      B85 L3 P2C3 KC33 St., Karangalan Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

        • Achievers International College of Culinary Arts and Technology (AICCAT), Inc.
          Kilometer 5, Pasonanca Road, Zamboanga City

          eSynergy International Inc.
          2F & 3/F Abacast Travel Bldg., Nueno Ave., Imus, Cavite (Beside Metrobank Imus, near Lotus Mall)
          (046) 515-0349/ 471-2683/ Cel no. 09175849627

          Infinity Vocational Training School Inc.
          RSRH Livestock Corporation Compound, 256 M. Villarica Road, Sta Rosa 1, Marilao, Bulacan

          LGU Cotabato City Halal Training Center
          Bubong Road, Brgy. Datu Balabaran, Cotabato City
          (064) 421-8969/552-0691

          MMS Development Training Center Corporation
          3F Villahermosa Bldg., Sayre Highway, Valencia City
          (088) 857 7403

          MMS Development Training Center Corporation
          3rd Floor MARTEL Bldg., Pabayo-Hayes Sts., Cagayan de Oro City
          0926-3777-111 / 857-7403

          MMS Development Training Center Corporation
          153 Quezon Ave., Madayegdeg, San Fernando City, La Union
          072-607-0979/ 09488113959

          MMS Development Training Center Corporation
          CAP Bldg., Post Office Loop and Sandico St., Baguio City

  • Hello. Good Day Tesda PH.
    Saan po available ang TESDA Course for Slaughtering Operation (Large Animal)?
    May Baguio City po ba?

      • Please inquire below:

        eSynergy International Inc.
        2F & 3/F Abacast Travel Bldg., Nueno Ave., Imus, Cavite (Beside Metrobank Imus, near Lotus Mall)
        (046) 515-0349/ 471-2683/ Cel no. 09175849627

        Infinity Vocational Training School Inc.
        Velamart Bldg. Lot 14 Block 24 Brookside Lane, Brgy. San Francisco, General Trias, Cavite
        (046) 571-8471

        New Generation Experts Training and
        0216 Purok 3, Brgy. San Agustin Trece Martires City, Cavite
        0922 548 6147

      • Hello Po & Good day!

        Magtanong lang Po kung saan Po may mga available na course for slaughtering dito sa Dagupan or Urdaneta? Salamat po

        • MMS Development Training Center Corporation
          3rd Floor, S. Plaza MacArthur Highway, Poblacio, Urdaneta City
          075-653-0896/ 09292941609/ 09279768019/ 09300965087

    • City College of Naga
      Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
      Trainer: Roberto G. Acabado
      2nd Floor, City Health and Nutrition Bldg., City Hall Compound, J. Miranda Avenue, Concepcion Pequena, Naga City


    • Van Technological and Skills Academy Inc.
      Blk 1 Lot 21, Adelina Homes, San Carlos, Lipa City, Batangas

      MMS Development Training Center Corporation
      3rd Flr., Gabriel Bldg., Alabang Zapote Rd., Talon I, Las Piñas City
      800-1570 / +63966-950-1291 / +63939-440-4554 / +63939-238-2886

      – Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
      Trainer: Alan D. Pamatian April Rose B. Flores
      Purok 1, Brgy. Bobongon, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

  • Good day po,

    Available po ba itong course na ito sa isabela (cagayan valley)? If not, saang school or tesda accredited po available ang course na ito?


    • Northeast Luzon Skills and Technical School Inc.
      Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
      Maharlika Highway, San Placido, Roxas, Isabela

    • Hello po. Meron po bang available na course regarding po butchery dito sa Tesda sa Tarlac.? Kung wala naman po. Saan pong school malapit dito po sa Tarlac na accredited po ng Tesda.? Thank you po for reply.

  • Good day, saan po may malapit ng tesda school for slaughter swince ncii dito po sa nueva ecija.
    Kung wala po ano pong school ang accredited na pwede pong pag enrolan.
    Maraming salamat po at more powel…

  • Hello instant work ba pag may nc2 sa ibang bansa like what country accept NC2 na kahit walang working experience

  • Good day, How about here in South Cotabato po, may Tesda Accredited for slaughtering po ba? Thank you.

    • D’ New Orleans Training Center, Phils., Inc.
      Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
      M. H. del Pilar St., Milang, Cotabato
      (064) 572 – 2703 09399379105

      Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
      Brgy. Poblacion, Tampakan, South Cotabato
      09999434995/ 083-227-1067

      LGU Cotabato City Halal Training Center
      Slaughtering Operations (Large Animal) NC II
      Bubong Road, Brgy. Datu Balabaran, Cotabato City
      (064) 421-8969/552-0691

  • Good day!
    Is there a slaughtering operation course here in Tesda Iloilo? And where in Iloilo. Thankyou

      • D’ New Orleans Training Center, Phils., Inc.
        Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
        M. H. del Pilar St., Milang, Cotabato
        (064) 572 – 2703 09399379105

        Slaughtering Operations (Swine) NC II
        Brgy. Poblacion, Tampakan, South Cotabato
        09999434995/ 083-227-1067

        LGU Cotabato City Halal Training Center
        Slaughtering Operations (Large Animal) NC II
        Bubong Road, Brgy. Datu Balabaran, Cotabato City
        (064) 421-8969/552-0691

    • Good day!
      Meron po bang slaughtering operation course dito sa davao or tagum. Thank you.

        Purok 1, Brgy. Bobongon, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

          • eSynergy International Inc.
            2F & 3/F Abacast Travel Bldg., Nueno Ave., Imus, Cavite (Beside Metrobank Imus, near Lotus Mall)
            (046) 515-0349/ 471-2683/ Cel no. 09175849627

            Infinity Vocational Training School Inc.
            RSRH Livestock Corporation Compound, 256 M. Villarica Road, Sta Rosa 1, Marilao, Bulacan

            LGU Cotabato City Halal Training Center
            Bubong Road, Brgy. Datu Balabaran, Cotabato City
            (064) 421-8969/552-0691

            MMS Development Training Center Corporation
            153 Quezon Ave., Madayegdeg, San Fernando City, La Union
            072-607-0979/ 09488113959

            MMS Development Training Center Corporation
            CAP Bldg., Post Office Loop and Sandico St., Baguio City

          • Please inquire below:

            Global Experts School of Science and Technology Inc.
            T&M 1 Bldg., San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
            (045)455-1742 909729105797

            Meat Experts Professionals, Inc.
            Lot 2 Block 4 Maunawa St., Duquit, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

      • good day!!

        if it’s not currently available in lgu gensan training center, where i could enrol this course?
        i am very much interested in this. Thanks

        • Achievers International College of Culinary Arts and Technology (AICCAT), Inc.
          Kilometer 5, Pasonanca Road, Zamboanga City

          D’ New Orleans Training Center Phils. Inc.
          Purok 1, Brgy., Bobongon, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

          D’ New Orleans Training Center, Phils., Inc.
          M. H. del Pilar St., Milang, Cotabato
          (064) 572 – 2703 09399379105

          LGU – Tampakan Skills Training Ccenter
          Brgy. Poblacion, Tampakan, South Cotabato
          09999434995/ 083-227-1067

          LGU Cotabato City Halal Training Center
          Bubong Road, Brgy. Datu Balabaran, Cotabato City
          (064) 421-8969/552-0691

          MMS Development Training Center Corporation
          3rd Floor MARTEL Bldg., Pabayo-Hayes Sts., Cagayan de Oro City
          0926-3777-111 / 857-7403

          MMS Development Training Center Corporation
          3F Villahermosa Bldg., Sayre Highway, Valencia City
          (088) 857 7403