The TESDA Course in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL II consists of competencies a TVET trainer or technical trainer performing functions as training designer/developer must achieve. A TVET trainer is a person who enables a learner or a group of learners to develop competencies to performing a particular trade or technical work.

A student who has achieved this TESDA Course in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL II is competent to be:

  • Curriculum designer
  • Instructional designer
  • Training designer/developer


Trainees or students wishing to enroll in these course qualifications should possess the following requirements:

  • BS Graduate or equivalent
  • Certified at the same or higher NC Level in the qualification that will be handled (for technical trainers)


To obtain this TESDA course in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL II, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

TVT232307 Conduct training needs analysis (Nominal Duration: 40 Hours)
TVT232308 Develop training curriculum (Nominal Duration: 40 Hours)
TVT232309 Develop learning materials (Nominal Duration: 120 Hours)
TVT232310 Develop competency assessment tools (Nominal Duration: 40 Hours)
TVT232311 Design and develop maintenance system (Nominal Duration: 40 Hours)
TVT232312 Develop learning materials for E-Learning
TVT232313 Facilitate development of competency standards
500311109 Lead workplace communication
500232101 Apply math and science principles in technical training
500232102 Apply environmental principles and advocate conservation
500232103 Utilize IT applications in technical training
500311110 Lead small teams
500232104 Apply work ethics, values and quality principles
500232105 Work effectively in vocational education and training
500232106 Foster and promote a learning culture
500232107 Ensure healthy and safe learning environment
500232108 Maintain and enhance professional practice
500232109 Develop and promote appreciation for cost-benefits of technical training
500232110 Develop and promote understanding of global labor markets

This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL II. These units of competency are categorized into basic and core competencies.


This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL II.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to undertake a training needs analysis to identify the training needs of individuals or organization.

  1. Develop instruments for TNA
    • Discussions are held with clients to identify objectives, expectations and other requirements
    • Issues to be addressed are identified and analyzed to determine impact on client objectives and requirements
    • TNA respondents/target group is established based on the objectives and requirements
    • Appropriate method for collecting information and data on current, emerging and future training needs is selected and research plan is developed and finalized with concerned person/s
    • TNA instruments are formulated following the prescribed format
  2. Administer TNA instrument
    • Orientations regarding the study is conducted and TNA instruments are disseminated to identified respondents Filled up TNA instruments are gathered in accordance with procedures appropriate to the method selected
  3. Analyze TNA results
    • Information is analyzed using reliable and valid data analysis methods to determine skills gaps that can be addressed through training or other intervention
    • Conclusions on training needs are prepared and supported by evidence and consistent with research objectives
    • Clients are provided with options for meeting identified training needs
    • Report is prepared and clients are provided with advice and recommendations on training needs


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to develop, modify/customize training curriculum. It includes establishing training requirements, identifying the learner, developing, modifying, customizing and finalizing training curriculum.

  1. Establish training need requirements
    • Stakeholders are identified and consulted to establish training aims and requirements
    • Training requirements are identified using appropriate methods and sources.
    • Training Regulations or other relevant specifications on which to base the learning program are identified, accessed and confirmed
    • Potential employment markets and career opportunities for training participants are recorded and documented
  2. Identify the learner profile
    • Potential learners are identified
    • Profiles of learners on entry to the course are developed
    • Language and literacy requirements of the learner are determined according to profiles
  3. Develop course design
    • Competency standard is analyzed
    • Units of competency and modules are clearly identified
    • The relationship between units of competence/modules and outcomes is documented
    • Course entry and exit points are linked to occupational and educational opportunities
    • Prerequisites for the course and for specific units/modules within the course are identified and documented
    • The delivery strategies and assessment methods are determined
    • Trainers qualification to implement the course is specified
  4. Develop training curriculum modules
    • Competency standards/other relevant specifications are analyzed and interpreted to determine specific learning objectives/outcomes/goals
    • Competencies to be acquired by the leaner are clearly specified
    • Modules of instructions are developed/ modified according to needs and procedures.
    • Learning outcomes and assessment criteria are established according to procedures
    • Resources required to support the training curriculum are identified.
    • Training curriculum is designed based on the requirements of the competency standards
  5. Finalize training curriculum
    • Training curriculum is validated with other persons
    • Finalized curriculum document is submitted to appropriate personnel


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to develop training materials including print, mock-up/simulator and models. This include research and interpret the learning material requirements, design the learning material and plan the content, develop the learning material content, review learning material prior to implementation, evaluate the design and development process of instructional materials.

  1. Analyze the learning materials requirements
    • The brief, focus and type of learning materials is clarified with the client
    • The likely target audience/s, their learning needs and the learning environment for the resource are researched
    • Characteristics of the learners/end users of the learning resource are identified
    • Existing information which may be relevant is gathered, collated and analyzed
    • Ethical and legal considerations are identified and acted upon
    • A development work plan is written and documented
    • Broad time frames, possible costs and logistics of the learning materials are considered
  2. Design the learning materials
    • A range of design options is generated using a variety of principles and techniques
    • Design concepts are established, taking into consideration process, material, quantity, cost and outcome requirement
    • Time is taken to reflect on the designs, identifying the implications of each
    • The diversity of learners/end users and their learning styles are researched and embedded into the design specifications
    • An outline or prototype for the learning resource is developed and confirmed with the client
    • Relevant personnel are identified to support the development phase, if needed
  3. Develop the content of the learning materials
    • Content and content specification is developed in accordance with the agreed design
    • The learning materials content is broken into manageable chunks/segments of learning and sequenced according to learning principles and techniques
    • Existing learning materials are accessed and modified/customized to suit the learning purposes and audience
    • New, relevant and engaging learning activities and related learning materials are developed and documented, based on application of learning principles
    • Text is clear, concise, grammatically correct and appropriate for the intended audience/s
    • The resource is formatted using an appropriate style guide
    • Visuals are relevant, instructive and appropriate for the intended audience/s
    • Mechanisms for reviewing work in progress are established
    • Modifications are made to the design and/or content, to address changes in project parameters
    • Prototype systems and components are developed in accordance with the agreed design
    • Mock-up /simulator’s plan and specification is developed and confirmed with the client
    • Relevant personnel are identified to support the development phase, if needed
    • Manual for prototype, model/simulator is developed
  4. Review/test learning materials
    • Content of the developed materials is checked against content specifications
    • Text, format and visual design are checked for clarity and focus
    • Relevant personnel are identified and support is sought for the review and validation
    • An external review is conducted using appropriate methods, and feedback is incorporated
    • Final draft is reviewed against the brief and other relevant criteria prior to delivery to the client
  5. Evaluate the design and development process
    • The design and development process is reviewed against appropriate evaluation criteria
    • Time is taken to reflect and identify areas for improvement
    • Identified improvements are documented for future projects


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in developing assessment tools. It details the requirements for determining evidence requirements, selecting appropriate assessment methods, preparing assessment tools, and validating assessment tools in accordance with the relevant Assessment Guidelines.

  1. Establish evidence requirements
    • Competency standards are identified which describe the work activities to be assessed.
    • Relevant unit(s) of competency are read and interpreted to identify the required evidence.
    • Evidence requirements are identified which show full coverage and consistent performance of the relevant work activities.
  2. Establish suitable assessment methods
    • Suitable assessment methods are identified that are consistent with the evidence requirements and the advice provided in the Evidence Guide and relevant Assessment Guidelines.
    • Assessment methods are selected which are appropriate for the competency being assessed, and in line with the purpose and assessment context.
  3. Prepare assessment tools
    • Assessment tools are prepared in accordance with the advice provided in the relevant Assessment Guidelines.
    • Clear and concise written instructions and materials are prepared for the assessor and the candidate which accurately describe the assessment activity.
    • Assessment tools are checked for validity, fairness, safety and cost effectiveness.
  4. Validate assessment tools
    • Draft assessment tools are checked against evaluation criteria and amended, when necessary
    • Assessment tools are pilot tested with a small sample of assessors and industry practitioners.
    • Information gathered through the validation are analyzed to establish any changes that maybe required.
    • Assessment tools are finalized incorporating suggested changes as appropriate.


This unit covers the skills and attitudes required to design and develop maintenance system applicable to diverse training facilities. it include verifying maintenance requirements, researching and planning for facility and equipment maintenance, establishing of maintenance systems, developing maintenance procedure, researches and plan facility and equipment maintenance, and establish systems for audit and review of the systems and equipment.

  1. Verify maintenance requirements
    • Applicable Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), legislative and organizational requirements relevant to organizing maintenance programs are identified and complied with
    • Facility and Equipment specifications, service requirements and workplace procedures are checked for recommended maintenance intervals and processes
    • Special requirements for maintenance are separated from routine /day-to- day maintenance schedules
    • Comparisons with previous maintenance, intended equipment use, training requirements and standard operating procedures are made
    • An outline plan for maintenance and a related work schedule are specified and developed
    • Communication with others is established and maintained in accordance with OHS requirements
  2. Research and plan for facility and equipment maintenance
    • Work requirements are identified and clarified /confirmed with appropriate parties or by site inspection
    • Relevant codes and standards, are identified and monitored throughout the work procedure
    • Resources and service providers Identified, obtained and inspected in compliance with work plan and job specifications
    • Relevant plans, drawings and text are selected and interpreted in accordance with the work plan
    • Plan maintenance in detail including sequencing, prioritizing and considerations made where appropriate for the maintenance of safety, security and capacity in accordance with system/site/organization requirements and reference information
    • Resolve coordination requirements, including requests for isolations where appropriate, with others involved, affected or required by the work
    • Potential hazards are identified and prevention and/or control measures are selected
    • Equipment and facility maintenance history, condition monitoring information, recent modifications and existing status are addressed in defining work scope
    • Costing of work is prepared and impact on budget assessed.
  3. Establish maintenance systems
    • Compliance documentation relevant to facilities and equipment maintenance management systems are accessed, interpreted
    • Maintenance strategy for facility and equipment are developed according to organization requirements
    • Establish systems to ensure that the condition and performance of equipment and facilities are regularly reported and discussed within the organization
    • Areas /items prone to defects, demonstrating frailty, or scheduled for regular maintenance, are identified ,and information used to develop a long-term maintenance plan
    • Individuals in the organization responsible for performing regular or scheduled maintenance duties is informed of the details of the plan
    • Data to be included in the reports on repair work are identified
    • Schedules and staff rosters are checked to verify time when the maintenance process may be scheduled including optimum training for shut- down
    • Detailed work plans are developed to accord with training schedules, availability of expertise and scheduling of resource availability
  4. Complete maintenance procedures
    • Maintenance work schedule is completed following the work plan
    • Systems and procedures are established, to satisfy identified maintenance requirements
    • Appropriate readings, measurements and recordings are made and compared to equipment, product and other relevant specifications
    • Areas requiring further testing are identified and complied with and appropriate procedures for testing recommended to appropriate personnel
    • Adjustments to the work schedule and plan are made based on experience and documentation completed
    • Maintenance records and reports are completed and forwarded to appropriate personnel
  5. Establish procedures for review of maintenance systems
    • Procedures to evaluate and confirm system/equipment are established in compliance with organizational requirements
    • procedures to confirm the currency of and compliance with facility and equipment maintenance and safety standards are established
    • System of recording and reporting facility and equipment information is established
    • Procedures is established incorporating feedback of the review system
    • Establish procedures for response to instances of noncompliance or other discrepancies/deficiencies revealed by a review


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to develop E-learning resources to support e-based learning mode. Specifically it covers planning, development and testing of digitally formatted learning materials.

  1. Plan for the development of digitally formatted learning resources
    • Learning resources specifications are established in line with target user requirements and intended delivery mode
    • Instructional design are prepared in accordance with the content and established specifications
    • Work plan are prepared in line with the expected output and target deadline.
    • Mock-up are prepared in line with instructional design
  2. Develop digitally formatted resources
    • Media elements are prepared in line with instructional design and learning resource specifications.
    • Authoring of learning resources is performed in line with the intended delivery mode and established learning resource l specification.
    • Technical and/or content issues that may result to deviations of actual resources from instructional design are discussed with concerned personnel in line with establishment policy.
    • Utilization guide are developed in line with learning resources features and design.
  3. Test digitally formatted learning resources
    • Test criteria and instruments are developed in line with learning material specification.
    • Test sites and reviewers are identified in line with established target users
    • Testing of learning resources are undertaken in line with work plan
    • Feedback and suggestions are addressed in line with approved work plan and development cycle.



This unit covers the outcomes required to facilitate the development of competency standards for particular work functions, work processes, work roles and work-related vocational outcomes.

  1. Prepare workshop materials and venue
    • Venue, food, supplies and materials are coordinated in accordance with standard office procedures.
    • Documents/Records are prepared in accordance with standard format.
    • Handouts and presentation materials are prepared based on need/backgrounds of expert-panel members.
    • Expert panel is identified and organized following established procedures.
  2. Draft competency standards
    • Experts are oriented on the process and methods of developing competency standards based on established procedures.
    • Where applicable, functional analysis is performed in accordance with accepted procedures.
    • In case of lack of or unavailability of experts, review of literature and adaptation of existing/comparable competency standards are carried out in consultation with industry partners.
    • The identified unit/s of competency is/are developed in accordance with competency standards requirements and process.
    • Competency standards are drafted in accordance with expert/working committee recommendations.
    • Draft competency standards are packaged/ presented in accordance with approved format.
  3. Finalize competency standards
    • Respondents in the validation are identified/ targeted to ensure participation of broad range of stakeholders.
    • Draft competency standards are validated with a representative group of industry experts/stakeholders.
    • Validation results are documented and analyzed using criteria and a judgment is made to modify, amend or maintain draft.
    • Validated competency standards are checked to ensure the revised/finalized standards meets relevant requirements.
    • Competency standards are finalized in accordance with validation recommendations.


Unit Code : 500311109

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead in the dissemination and discussion of ideas, information and issues in the workplace.

This unit is adopted from the basic competencies for National Certificate Level III. In the context of the Trainers Methodology (TM), the term “workplace” in this unit would be understood to mean “training/learning environment.”

  1. Communicate information about workplace processes
    • Appropriate communication method is selected
    • Multiple operations involving several topics areas are communicated accordingly
    • Questions are used to gain extra information
    • Correct sources of information are identified
    • Information is selected and organized correctly
    • Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when required
    • Communication skills are maintained in all situations
  2. Lead workplace discussion
    • Response to workplace issues are sought
    • Response to workplace issues are provided immediately
    • Constructive contributions are made to workplace discussions on such issues as production, quality and safety
    • Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the workplace are communicated
  3. Communicate issues arising in the workplace
    • Issues and problems are identified as they arise
    • Information regarding problems and issues are organized coherently to ensure clear and effective communication
    • Dialogue is initiated with appropriate personnel
    • Communication problems and issues are raised as they arise

Unit Code : 500232101

This unit covers the outcomes required to integrate math and science concepts in the content and delivery of technical training programs and to motivate trainees in learning and applying such concepts in the workplace.

  1. Identify math and science manifestations in the course content and the workplace
    • Course content and learning outcomes are reviewed and studied for math and science content
    • Situations in the workplace and in everyday life are related to the course or program are identified for inclusion or mention in the training
    • Training aids, lesson plans or session notes are prepared, adopted or customized incorporating or highlighting applications of math and science principles
  2. Relate math and science concepts to common and workplace situations
    • Practical applications of math and science related to the desired learning outcomes are incorporated, explained and stressed during the training
    • Trainees are aided and encouraged to identify and apply math and science concepts in their work and everyday life
    • Class examples/ cases, exercises, and assignments are given for trainees to explore and reflect on the applications/ manifestations of math and science along the course content
  3. Assess trainees’ internalization of math and science concepts
    • Trainees’ retention of basic math and science concepts are reviewed to identify areas needing further intervention
    • Trainees’ appreciation of math and science principles along the trade area or subject matter is determined using applicable assessment methodology.
    • Simple mathematical and scientific models/ representations are discussed to aid in the understanding and application of principles and theories using language, style and format that are readily understood
    • Poorly-understood areas of math and science relevant to the course are given extra attention and explained in user-friendly terms in accordance with trainees’ interests and learning styles.
  4. Introduce further enhancements
    • Personal knowledge, experiences and observations of self and others in the area Of math and science applications are cited and incorporated in the lessons and lecture-discussions
    • Results of application of math and science concepts are evaluated and documented for replication and enhancement
    • Logical, systematic and scientific thinking and methods are introduced and developed for trainees to assimilate and apply in their own work and study
    • Contextual and experiential learning methods are utilized to aid in appreciation of math and science concepts.

Unit Code : 500232102

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply/adopt environmental principles and advocate conservation in diverse technical-vocational training environments, including observing and contributing to positive environment work practices. This covers the following: environmental work practices, contributing to improvements of environmental practices, and reporting potential environmental threats.

  1. Follow environmental workplace practices
    • Workplace practices and work instructions relating to potential environmental impacts are recognized and followed, and clarification is sought where necessary.
    • Relevant legislation, codes and national standards that impact on workplace environmental practices are recognized and followed.
    • Changes to work practices and procedures are responded to positively and promptly in accordance with organizational requirements.
    • Individual roles/ responsibilities are determined and performed based on the program/ activities identified
  2. Contribute to improve environmental work practices
    • Suggestions are made to designated personnel for improvements to workplace practices where possible.
    • Information is gathered and improvements are suggested to support the development of improved workplace approaches to environmental practices.
    • Environmental issues and their relationship to workplace practices are discussed in the workplace with colleagues and designated personnel.
    • Contributions to the review of environmental practices and policies are made within limits of responsibility
  3. Recognize and report potential environmental threats
    • Signs or symptoms of the potential environmental threat are recognized.
    • Information about or observations of a potential environmental threat are reported to supervisors and/or appropriate authorities.
    • Location and extent of the potential environmental threat is accurately recorded.
    • Reports on the potential environmental threat are completed according to organizational guidelines.

Unit Code : 500232103

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to utilize IT applications in training. Specifically, it covers setting-up of work environment, utilization of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation applications and utilization of internet and www to communicate and collect information.

  1. Set-up work environment
    • Work folder is configured in accordance with enterprise IT utilization guidelines.
    • Desktop and shortcuts settings are configured in-line with personal preference.
    • Connectivity to printer are checked and tested in accordance with equipment user guide.
  2. Utilize word processing application
    • Document layout and formatting are applied in line with document formatting requirements.
    • Application features are utilized to enhance productivity in line with application guide/ help instructions
    • Printing of documents is performed in line with enterprise IT utilization guidelines
  3. Utilize presenter application
    • Presentation layout, formatting and theme utilization are applied in line with target audience requirements
    • Animation and slide transitions are applied to enhance viewing and interactivity experience in-line with best practices in utilizing presentation package.
    • Printing of presentation materials are performed in line with user requirements and enterprise IT utilization guidelines
    • Packaging and exporting of presentation is performed in line with application help instructions/wizard.
    • Presentation of information is performed in line with best practices in utilizing presentation package.
  4. Utilize spread sheet application
    • Workbook and worksheet settings and formatting are applied in line with printing requirements.
    • Formula and conditional formatting are utilized to enhance productivity in line with the application help instructions.
    • Charts are utilized to enhance data presentation in line with the application help instructions.
    • Printing of worksheet is performed in line with document layout requirements and enterprise IT utilization guidelines.
  5. Utilize internet and www to communicate and collect information
    • Chat and email facility is utilized to exchange information and resources in line with chat help instructions.
    • Browser is configured to enhance productivity in line with the application help instruction
    • www is utilized to research and acquire resources in line with enterprise IT utilization guidelines.

Unit of Competency : LEAD SMALL TEAM
Unit Code : 500311110

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead small teams including setting and maintaining team and individual performance standards. This unit is adopted from the basic competencies for National Certificate Level III. In the context of the Trainers Methodology (TM), the small teams here would refer to groups of trainees, audience or participants in a training situation, or a group of fellow trainers.

  1. Provide team leadership
    • Work requirements are identified and presented to team members
    • Reasons for instructions and requirements are communicated to team members
    • Team members’ queries and concerns are recognized, discussed and dealt with
  2. Assign responsibilities
    • Duties, and responsibilities are allocated having regard to the skills, knowledge and aptitude required to properly undertake the assigned task and according to company policy
    • Duties are allocated having regard to individual preference, domestic and personal considerations, whenever possible
  3. Set performance expectations for team members
    • Performance expectations are established based on client needs and according to assignment requirements
    • Performance expectations are based on individual team members duties and area of responsibility
    • Performance expectations are discussed and disseminated to individual team members
  4. Supervised team performance
    • Monitoring of performance takes place against defined performance criteria and/or assignment instructions and corrective action taken if required
    • Team members are provided with feedback, positive support and advice on strategies to overcome any deficiencies
    • Performance issues which cannot be rectified or addressed within the team are referenced to appropriate personnel according to employer policy
    • Team members are kept informed of any changes in the priority allocated to assignments or tasks which might impact on client/customer needs and satisfaction
    • Team operations are monitored to ensure that employer/client needs and requirements are met
    • Follow-up communication is provided on all issues affecting the team
    • All relevant documentation is completed in accordance with company procedures

Unit Code : 500232104

This unit covers the outcomes required in demonstrating and living out desirable work ethics, values and principles in the workplace and training environment.

  1. Observe workplace policies and guidelines
    • Attendance and punctuality are observed in line with enterprise policies and guidelines.
    • Work functions are performed in line with work position/ delegation and according to enterprise goals and objectives.
    • Communication, request, and complaints are channeled through authority in line with enterprise policies and procedures.
    • Academic freedom is exercised in line with enterprise goals and objectives
    • Quality work instructions are delivered in accordance with work deadlines and training calendars.
  2. Value self-worth and profession
    • Best practices in teaching are demonstrated at all times.
    • Personal and professional upgrading is exercised in line with personal goals and enterprise guidelines and policies.
    • Confidentiality of records and other documents are maintained in line with enterprise policies and guidelines.
    • Professional courtesy is exercised at all times
    • Professional role and image as technical trainer are maintained in the classroom/training environment and related situations.
  3. Observe proper conduct in dealing with learners and parents
    • Promotion of learners is performed based on non-prejudice decision and actual accomplishments and performance of learners.
    • Learners were given equal opportunities to learn and utilize school facilities in line with the enterprise objective and goals.
    • Parent consultations are performed in line with enterprise policies and guidelines

Unit Code : 500232105

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to work effectively in the policy and operating environment of the vocational education and training sector.

  1. Work within the vocational education and training policy framework
    • Relevant national vocational education and training policies and frameworks are accessed, analyzed, applied and guided in accordance with work practices and responsibilities.
    • Key vocational education and training organizations and stakeholders are identified, accessed and informed in accordance with updated work practices.
    • Legislation and guidelines are accessed, used, complied and ensured in accordance work practices and policy requirements.
    • Sources of information and advice on vocational education and training policy and operating context are accessed on a regular basis and changes are noted as appropriate.
    • Opportunities are taken up to contribute to vocational education and training in accordance with organizational policy developments.
    • Vocational education and training terminology is used to communicate effectively in accordance with sector.
  2. Work within the training organization’s quality framework
    • Relevant organizational documentation is accessed, used, supported and ensured in accordance work roles and responsibilities.
    • Work is conducted in accordance with the training organization’s quality assurance strategies, processes, policies and procedures
    • Ethical and legal responsibilities are adhered to in accordance with work practices.
    • Work is undertaken in accordance with the prevailing industrial and employee relations systems and practices.
    • Feedback and advice on work quality is actively sought from colleagues and clients in accordance with the prevailing industrial and employee relations systems and practices.
  3. Manage work and work relationships
    • Work is planned, prioritized and organized to achieve agreed and expected outcomes.
    • Workloads are assessed and guidance/support is sought from relevant personnel where work issues arise and in accordance with existing organizational policies and guidelines.
    • Relevant technological skills are used to enhance work outcomes and in accordance with prevailing industrial systems and practices.
    • Work is undertaken in a collaborative manner with colleagues through sharing of information and ideas and working together on work outcomes in accordance with the prevailing industrial and employee relations systems and practices.
    • Feedback on managing work and professional relationships is obtained from clients and colleagues and is evaluated and acted upon.
  4. Demonstrate a client-focused approach to work
    • Clients and their needs and expectations form the basis for developing effective work practices and outcomes in accordance with operational limits.
    • Effective communication strategies are developed, utilized, established and maintained in accordance with client relationships.
    • Processes for evaluating and improving client satisfaction are developed and built in accordance with work practices.

Unit Code : 500232106

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required foster and promote an environment which supports inclusive work practices and learning culture.

  1. Practice inclusivity
    • differences and clients with particular needs are acknowledged, respected and valued in accordance with existing work practices and learning culture.
    • Personal perceptions and attitudes about difference are examined and revised to improve communication and professionalism in accordance with existing work practices and learning culture.
    • Principles underpinning inclusivity are integrated into all work practices.
    • The training organization’s access and equity policy is used in accordance to work practices.
    • Individuals’ rights and confidentiality are respected at all times.
  2. Promote and respond to diversity
    • The ground rules for participation and behavior with colleagues and clients are established in accordance with a cooperative and agreed process/es.
    • Individuals are encouraged to express themselves and to contribute to the work and learning environment in accordance with cooperative and agreed process/es.
    • Individuals are provided with opportunities to indicate specific needs to support their participation in learning and work in accordance with a cooperative and agreed process/es.
    • Relevant research, guidelines and resources are accessed to support inclusivity in accordance with existing guidelines and procedures.
    • Verbal and body language is sensitive to different cultures and backgrounds and differences in physical and intellectual abilities and as appropriate.
  3. Develop and implement work strategies to support inclusivity
    • Documented resources to support and guide inclusive practices are identified and used to inform work strategies in accordance with existing guidelines and procedures.
    • Support persons are identified and included in the work and learning process where appropriate and agreed to.
    • Relevant professional support services are identified and accessed, as appropriate.
    • Any physical environment support needs are acknowledge and incorporated into work practices, where practicable and approved by appropriate personnel.
    • OHS issues associated with inclusivity are identified and addressed in accordance with existing guidelines and procedures.
    • Inclusiveness is modeled in accordance with work performance.
  4. Promote a culture of learning
    • Support and advice is provided to colleagues and clients to encourage new and ongoing participation in accordance with learning opportunities.
    • The benefits of learning are explored with colleagues and clients in accordance with a culture of learning.
    • Learning and competency achievement is recognized and rewarded in accordance with the work and/or learning environment.
    • Opportunities to develop own and others generic skills are identified in accordance with the work and/or learning environment.
    • Multiple pathways to achieve own and others future learning goals are discussed in accordance with the work and/or learning environment.
  5. Monitor and improve work practices
    • Effective work practices to enhance inclusivity and a learning culture are identified in accordance with the work and/or learning environment
    • Conscious actions are taken to modify and improve in accordance with work practices.
    • Strategies and policies to support inclusivity are regularly reviewed in accordance with continuous improvement of work processes.
    • Proposed changes to relevant strategies and policies are documented and reported in accordance with organizational structure.

Unit Code : 500232107

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to ensure the health, safety and welfare of learners and candidates.

  1. Identify Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) responsibilities
    • The purpose and approaches of OHS in the learning environment are defined in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Documentation outlining the OHS legal responsibilities of the various parties in the learning environment is accessed, read and interpreted in accordance with OHS standards
    • Organizational OHS documentation is identified and accessed in accordance with standard operating procedures.
  2. Identify hazards in the learning environment
    • Sources of information are researched and accessed to identify hazards common within the industry in which the learning will take place.
    • Learning environment is inspected prior to use in consultation with various parties in order to identify hazards.
    • Any specific OHS needs of learners and/or candidates are in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Any potential hazards created by learners and/or candidates with specific needs are identified in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Personal limitations and responsibilities in identifying hazards are recognized and specialist advisers are consulted in accordance with OHS standards
  3. Assess risks in the learning environment
    • Likelihood of injury as a result of exposure to identified hazard/s is assessed in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Severity of any potential injury, illness or negative/adverse outcome arising from the identified hazard is assessed for risk in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Hazards are prioritized for action in consultation with various parties in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Personal limitations in assessing risks are recognized and specialist advisers are consulted in accordance with OHS standards.
  4. Develop and implement actions to ensure the health safety and welfare of learners and/or candidates
    • Risk controls are developed based on the hierarchy of control in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Risk control action plan is identified and accessed or formulated in consultation with various parties.
    • Actions within the control and responsibility of the trainer/facilitator are implemented in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Outstanding risk control actions are referred to the various parties for implementation.
    • Supervisory arrangements appropriate to learners and/or candidates levels of knowledge/skill/ experience are monitored to ensure their health and safety.
  5. Provide appropriate Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements to learners and/or candidates
    • Learners and/or candidates are provided with appropriate information related to OHS
    • Learners and/or candidates are assessed for knowledge of OHS requirements.
    • Learners and/or candidates are supplied with personal protective equipment in accordance with OHS standards
  6. Monitor Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) arrangements in the learning environment
    • Achievement against the risk control action plan is monitored and any issues addressed as appropriate
    • The effectiveness and reliability of existing risk controls are confirmed with relevant parties.
    • Effective hazard and incident reporting and investigation processes are confirmed on a continuing basis.

Unit Code : 500232108

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required for individuals to manage their personal professional performance and to take responsibility for their professional development in relation to the provision of training and services.

  1. Model high standards of performance
    • Personal performance is consistent with the organization’s goals and objectives.
    • Appropriate professional techniques and strategies are modeled in accordance with existing organizational policies and guidelines.
    • Personal work goals and plans reflect individual responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organizational/legal requirements.
    • Ethical and inclusive practices are applied in professional practice and in accordance with existing organizational policies and guidelines.
  2. Determine personal development needs
    • Personal knowledge and skills are assessed against units of competency and other relevant benchmarks in accordance with the development needs and priorities.
    • Changes in vocational education, training policy and operating environments are identified in accordance with the impact on professional practice and personal development needs.
    • Feedback from colleagues and clients is identified and used in accordance with personal learning needs/areas of professional development.
    • Future career options are identified as appropriate.
    • Personal learning needs are documented and updated in accordance with existing policies and procedures.
    • Personal development needs are discussed with relevant personnel for inclusion in accordance with the professional development plan.
  3. Participate in professional development activities
    • Development opportunities suitable to personal learning style/s are selected and used in accordance with continuous support of learning and maintenance of current professional practice/s.
    • Professional networks are participated in accordance with continuous support of learning and maintenance of current professional practice/s.
    • Own performance and professional competency is continuously improved through engagement in accordance with professional development activities.
    • Technology is used to maintain regular communication in accordance with relevant networks, organizations and individuals.
  4. Reflect on and evaluate professional practice
    • Developments and trends impacting on professional practice are researched and integrated in accordance with work performance.
    • Feedback from colleagues/clients is used to identify and introduce improvements in accordance work performance.
    • Innovative and responsive approaches for improving professional practice are identified and used in accordance with continuous support to improve techniques and processes.
    • Records, reports and recommendations for improvement are managed in accordance with the organization’s systems and processes.

Unit Code : 500232109

This unit covers the outcomes required in estimating and evaluating costs and benefits of training, determining its cost-effectiveness and returns, and identifying, recommending and advocating cost-efficient training practices.

  1. Study training cost components
    • Features and benefits of training programs are identified and analyzed based on financial and customer requirements
    • Cost components are analyzed to determine those which deliver the desired training features and benefits
    • Wastages or excesses are determined for possible reduction or elimination
  2. Evaluate training costs and benefits
    • Variances in training performance and results are studied to determine good and bad practices
    • Planned performance is compared with actual performance to identify future enhancements in conduct of training
    • Cost reduction and control measures that do not impact greatly on training results are recommended
    • Usage of training resources is analyzed for optimization or reduction
  3. Monitor conduct and results of training
    • Simple formative and summative evaluations of training are done to evaluate achievement of learning outcomes
    • Quality training programs are monitored and noted/documented for best practices and results replication
    • Benefits and returns on training investments are studied using relevant data
    • Cost-effective training programs are identified and recommended for documentation, replication and further enhancement.
  4. Promote awareness of costs and benefits of training
    • Benefits of training as investment rather than cost center are explained and stressed to trainees, fellow trainers and administrators where applicable
    • Economy in use of training supplies and materials and care in use of training equipment and facilities are stressed continually
    • Model/best practices in optimum and judicious use of training resources are documented, practiced and demonstrated

Unit Code : 500232110

This unit describes the outcomes required in understanding, analyzing and disseminating information on global labor-market trends and concerns as they affect the TVET, labor and employer sectors.

  1. Identify current and future trends/ concerns
    • Relevant and reliable sources of labor-market information (LMI) are identified and accessed based on needs
    • Global and local relevance of labor-market (LM) trends are studied and analyzed for their implications in the labor and training market
    • Relevant events, including positions and interests of trainees, clients and training providers are studied and considered in the design and delivery of training
  2. Assess new developments
    • Emerging issues of potential significance to the local and global labor markets are identified and studied
    • Research findings are assessed for significance to the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector
    • Opportunities and risks of new developments are identified and assessed
    • Views of trainees, training providers and other stakeholders are identified and assessed for their potential benefit or impact
    • Where necessary responses and strategies for LM threats and opportunities are developed in consultation with other TVET partners
    • New and emerging concepts, technologies, products and processes are noted and evaluated based on their implications for the TVET and labor market
  3. Utilize labor market information to best effect
    • Awareness of LM situation and related concerns are promoted through talks, lectures and other training opportunities
    • Relevant information on LM and new technologies are incorporated in the curriculum and during the training
    • Mention/ Presentations of LMI and trends are made during meetings, fora and training situations using language and delivery styles adapted to the audience
    • Where necessary, responses and strategies to global labor-market developments are developed and  recommended using analytical tools and current LMI


  • Trainer – a person who enables a learner or group of learners to develop or acquire competencies toward performing a particular trade or technical work
  • Qualification – a cluster of units of competency that meets job roles and is significant in the workplace. It is also a certification awarded to a person on successful completion of a course and/or in recognition of having demonstrated competencies relevant to an industry
  • Curriculum – refers to the specifications for a course or subject (module) which describe the relevant learning experiences a trainee or student undergoes, generally including objectives, content, intended learning outcomes, training methodology, recommended assessment tasks, etc.
  • Competency standard – a description of competency formed by the knowledge, abilities, skills, comprehension and attitudes required for acceptable performance of a productive function and established as a reference or requirement for a qualification. Competency standards are made up of units of competency, which are themselves made up of elements of competency, together with performance criteria, a range of variables, and an evidence guide
  • Unit of competency – a component of a competency standard. A unit of competency is a statement of a key function or role in a particular job or occupation
  • Instructional design – this covers the planning, delivery and assessment of instruction; the instructional design process includes analyzing a training or performance problem, defining the intended outcomes, determining how to present the content to learners to achieve those outcomes, developing the training course according to the designs, implementing the course, and evaluating its effectiveness. Trainers use instructional design to prepare all types of instruction—courses presented in the classroom, through workbooks, and online.


  • Good day !May i inquire the lists of schools that offered TM2 where in Negros Occidental


    • Lasaltech, Inc.
      2F CAP Bldg., Galo Street, Bacolod City

      Regional Training Center – Talisay
      Felipe Lacson St., Talisay City, Neg. Occ.

  • Hi,

    Good day!

    I just wanted to inquire the requirements and list of accredited training center for TM1 in Cebu?
    Thank you and have wonderful day!

    • Divine Life Institute of Cebu, Inc.
      Yati, Liloan, Cebu
      238-9020, 424-8531

      Immaculate Conception School of Technology of Ozamiz City, Inc.
      3rd floor Conchita Building, 311 Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
      0998-9736747 032-2250654

      International Skills Republic Academy, Inc.
      755 Jasmin Street, Barangay Capitol Site Cebu City, Cebu 6000
      (032) 234-3933 09352159814

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Minglanilla)
      Calajo-an, Minglanilla, Cebu
      (032) 427-4919

      Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Samboan)
      Poblacion, Samboan, Cebu
      (032) 479-4025/ 479-4028/ 479-0069

      School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor, Leadership, and Service Inc.
      Skills Campus, General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City
      0949-994-7935 / 0917-632-4425 / (032) 234-6102

      TESDA Technology Institute – RTC VII
      Archbishop Reyes Ave., Salinas Drive , Lahug , Cebu City
      412-7267 416-8876

      University of Cebu, Inc. – Main
      Sanciangco St., Cor. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
      (032) 255-7777/253-0729

      University of San Jose-Recoletos Inc.
      St. Ezekiel Moreno Building, Basak Campus, Pardo, Cebu City
      (032) 354-8405/412-9511

      University of Southern Philippines Foundation, Inc.
      Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City
      414-8773 loc. 128

      • Pasay-Makati District Training and Assessment Center (PMDTAC)
        Building 15, TESDA Complex, East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway
        810-5814/ 8888-5641 to 46 / 09174794370 / 8893-2454

        Regional Training Center – NCR
        Building 14, Gate 2, TESDA Complex East Service Road South Luzon Expressway (SLEX), Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City

        TESDA Women’s Center
        Gate 1, TESDA Complex, Bldg. 2, East Service Road, South Luzon Expresswat (SLEX), Taguig City
        818-80-62/ 8817-2650 to 51

  • Hi All,

    Good day!

    May I inquire list of schools that offered TM2 particular in Metro Manila.
    Thank you.

    • Concordia College, Inc.
      1739 P. Gil Street, paco, Manila
      564-2001-02/ 563-4352

      Mariana Academy of Maritime Studies, Inc.
      14/F G.E Antonino Bldg., T.M. Kalaw, Ermita, Manila

      Provincial Technical Education and Skills Development Center (PTESDC) – Taytay
      Club Manila East Compound, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
      286-6169 / 09086255212

      1745 Abdon St., Brgy. 843, Pandacan, Manila

      TESDA Manila Training and Assessment Center (TMTAC)
      No. 1314 Mahatma Gandhi St., Paco, Manila