The TESDA Course in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL I (IN-COMPANY TRAINER) consists of competencies that a person must achieve to perform the duties and responsibilities of In-Company Training in the implementation of various work-based training delivery mode, such as DTS, dualized, and apprenticeship.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the TVET Sector.

A student who has achieved this TESDA Course in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL I (IN-COMPANY TRAINER) is competent to be:

  • In-Company trainer
  • Training officer
  • Industry trainer
  • Training and development officer
  • Workplace trainer
  • Technology specialist


Level: NC I
Nominal Training Duration :

(Basic Competency) 124 Hours
(Core Competency) 80 Hours

Total Duration: 204 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of an, in-company trainer, training officer, industry trainer, training and development officer, technical trainer, workplace trainer, training specialist, technology specialist, and training facilitator. It includes competencies in performing job analysis, preparing for training, conducting training, planning end-of-training assessment, and conducting end-of-training assessment.


Trainees or students wishing to enroll in these course qualifications should possess the following requirements:

  • Certificated in any of the following mode
    • For WTR, NC Holder of a qualification OR for non-NC holder, certifications from the company and any established industry association with at least 5-year relevant industry experience
    • For NTR, certifications from the company and any established industry association with at least 5-year relevant industry experience
  • Completed Grade 10
  • Able to read and write
  • Can perform basic mathematical computation
  • Ability to communicate verbally and non-verbally


To obtain this TESDA course in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL I (IN-COMPANY TRAINER), all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

TVT232314 Perform job analysis
TVT232315 Prepare for training
TVT232316 Conduct training
TVT232317 Conduct end-of-training assessment
500311109 Lead workplace communication
500232101 Apply math and science principles in technical training
500232102 Apply environmental principles and advocate conservation
500232103 Utilize IT applications in technical training
500311110 Lead small teams
500232104 Apply work ethics, values and quality principles
500232105 Work effectively in vocational education and training
500232106 Foster and promote a learning culture
500232107 Ensure healthy and safe learning environment
500232108 Maintain and enhance professional practice
500232109 Develop and promote appreciation for cost-benefits of technical training
500232110 Develop and promote understanding of global labor markets

This section gives the details and contents of the units of competency required in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL I (IN-COMPANY TRAINER). These units of competency are categorized into basic and core competencies.


This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL I (IN-COMPANY TRAINER).

Unit of Competency : PERFORM JOB ANALYSIS
Unit Code : TVT232314

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to establish initial job profile, improve job profile and perform task analysis.

  1. Establish initial job profile
    • Scope of job is listed based on company operation and standards
    • Duties and tasks are enumerated and sequenced based on company operation and standards
    • Initial job profile is submitted following workplace procedures.
  2. Improve job profile
    • Job profile is reviewed through consultation with relevant personnel.
    • Result of the review is consolidated following workplace procedures.
    • Job profile is finalized and submitted for approval based on the result of consultation.
  3. Perform task analysis
    • Steps for each task are identified according to finalized job profile.
    • Knowledge, skills and attitude are listed according to finalized job profile.
    • Resources are listed according to finalized job profile.

Unit of Competency : PREPARE FOR TRAINING
Unit Code : TVT232315

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in planning and preparing for training plan for an in-company training. It includes competencies to identify training requirements, prepare course brief, training plan, learning materials and other resources and training facilities.

  1. Identify training requirements
    • Relevant policies and guidelines are accessed and interpreted to guide the development of work-based arrangements based on standards.
    • Current competencies of the target group are identified based on the gathered data.
    • Training gaps are identified based on current competencies and company standards.
  2. Prepare course brief
    • Working and learning tasks are determined for specific target group based on the identified training gaps.
    • Learning Goals of the trainees are discussed and coordinated with relevant personnel
    • Course outline is drafted based on identified learning goals and objectives.
  3. Prepare training plan
    • Rotation plan is conferred with relevant personnel
    • Support mechanisms are identified and arranged according to the needs of the trainees
    • Training delivery modes are identified
    • Training methods that pertains to the required competencies are addressed.
    • Learning events are identified and sequenced based on course brief.
    • Formative assessment method are identified based on training objectives.
    • Finalized training plan is presented to the relevant personnel for approval.
  4. Prepare learning materials and other resources
    • Availability of learning materials and other resources are confirmed with relevant personnel if within the budget requirements
    • Learning materials are prepared in accordance to training objectives.
    • Resource requirements are prepared in accordance with the organization‘s procedures.
  5. Prepare training facilities
    • Training locations are identified and arranged according to the training needs.
    • Training Activities are coordinated with relevant personnel
    • Training facilities are set-up according to the training needs.
    • Safety and housekeeping practices are observed following Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) and relevant environmental laws.

Unit of Competency : CONDUCT TRAINING
Unit Code : TVT232316

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to prepare for implementation of training, implement learning sessions, monitor and support trainee’s learning process and evaluate learning session

  1. Prepare for implementation of training
    • Training delivery is customized based on work and training environment factors
    • Trainees’ profile is analyzed in reference to the trainee entry level requirements
    • Availability of resources for conduct of training batch confirmed according to training requirements
    • Training plan is adjusted in accordance with the trainees’ profile
  2. Implement learning sessions
    • Learners are oriented on the flow of the Competency-based Training (CBT) delivery system
    • Training is facilitated following the training plan.
    • Learners are guided to perform tasks according to work requirements
  3. Monitor and support trainee’s learning process
    • Learners’ performance are monitored based on work requirement
    • Learners’ difficulties are addressed based on work requirement
    • Feedback is provided to improve learners performance based on work requirement
  4. Evaluate learning session
    • Orientation on training evaluation procedures is done according to company standards.
    • Evaluation data are gathered according to company standards.
    • Data gathered from evaluation are analyzed against training plan.
    • Relevant parts of the Competency-based Training (CBT) delivery system are adjusted based on session evaluation results

Unit Code : TVT232317

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in conducting assessment. It details the requirements for reviewing evidence requirements and assessment methods, organizing assessment activities, facilitating end-of-training and evaluating assessment activities.

  1. Review evidence requirements
    • Required evidences are revisited from company standards with reference to the outcome of job analysis
    • Sufficiency of evidences are checked with reference to evidence plan.
    • Required evidences are compiled according to company standards.
  2. Review assessment methods and tools
    • Assessment methods are checked for appropriateness according to evidence requirements.
    • Evidence plan is checked for sufficiency based on evidence requirements.
    • Reasonable adjustments in the assessment methods are proposed according to trainees’ profile.
    • Assessment tools are reviewed for validity and technical correctness
    • Assessment criteria are reviewed based on identified performance criteria
  3. Organize assessment activities
    • Assessment activities are coordinated in accordance with the assessment plan.
    • Resources required for assessment are organized according to assessment plan.
    • Relevant personnel are informed of the assessment activity in line with industry policy and procedures.
  4. Facilitate end-of-training assessment
    • Trainees are oriented on the conduct of assessment based on assessment plan
    • Needs of the trainee are determined to establish any allowable adjustments in the assessment procedure
    • Evidences are collected and documented in accordance with the assessment procedures specified in the relevant Assessment Plan
    • Evidences are evaluated following the designed rubrics and the requirements of the industry standards
    • Assessment decision is made based on evaluation of the gathered evidences.
    • Assessment result is recorded and secured in accordance with approved record keeping guidelines of the organization.
    • Feedback is given to the trainee in line with the relevant Assessment Plan
  5. Evaluate assessment activities
    • Assessment activities are reviewed according to industry standards.
    • Consistency of assessment decision is reviewed with reference to performance standards
    • Discrepancies and inconsistencies are recorded based on industry standards
    • Reviewed activities and approach are documented based on industry standards
    • Recommendation for improvement is prepared based on the result of evaluation


Unit Code : 500311109

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to lead in the dissemination and discussion of ideas, information and issues in the workplace.

This unit is adopted from the basic competencies for National Certificate Level III. In the context of the Trainers Methodology (TM), the term “workplace” in this unit would be understood to mean “training/learning environment.”

  1. Communicate information about workplace processes
    • Appropriate communication method is selected
    • Multiple operations involving several topics areas are communicated accordingly
    • Questions are used to gain extra information
    • Correct sources of information are identified
    • Information is selected and organized correctly
    • Verbal and written reporting is undertaken when required
    • Communication skills are maintained in all situations
  2. Lead workplace discussion
    • Response to workplace issues are sought
    • Response to workplace issues are provided immediately
    • Constructive contributions are made to workplace discussions on such issues as production, quality and safety
    • Goals/objectives and action plan undertaken in the workplace are communicated
  3. Communicate issues arising in the workplace
    • Issues and problems are identified as they arise
    • Information regarding problems and issues are organized coherently to ensure clear and effective communication
    • Dialogue is initiated with appropriate personnel
    • Communication problems and issues are raised as they arise

Unit Code : 500232101

This unit covers the outcomes required to integrate math and science concepts in the content and delivery of technical training programs and to motivate trainees in learning and applying such concepts in the workplace.

  1. Identify math and science manifestations in the course content and the workplace
    • Course content and learning outcomes are reviewed and studied for math and science content
    • Situations in the workplace and in everyday life are related to the course or program are identified for inclusion or mention in the training
    • Training aids, lesson plans or session notes are prepared, adopted or customized incorporating or highlighting applications of math and science principles
  2. Relate math and science concepts to common and workplace situations
    • Practical applications of math and science related to the desired learning outcomes are incorporated, explained and stressed during the training
    • Trainees are aided and encouraged to identify and apply math and science concepts in their work and everyday life
    • Class examples/ cases, exercises, and assignments are given for trainees to explore and reflect on the applications/ manifestations of math and science along the course content
  3. Assess trainees’ internalization of math and science concepts
    • Trainees’ retention of basic math and science concepts are reviewed to identify areas needing further intervention
    • Trainees’ appreciation of math and science principles along the trade area or subject matter is determined using applicable assessment methodology.
    • Simple mathematical and scientific models/ representations are discussed to aid in the understanding and application of principles and theories using language, style and format that are readily understood
    • Poorly-understood areas of math and science relevant to the course are given extra attention and explained in user-friendly terms in accordance with trainees’ interests and learning styles.
  4. Introduce further enhancements
    • Personal knowledge, experiences and observations of self and others in the area Of math and science applications are cited and incorporated in the lessons and lecture-discussions
    • Results of application of math and science concepts are evaluated and documented for replication and enhancement
    • Logical, systematic and scientific thinking and methods are introduced and developed for trainees to assimilate and apply in their own work and study
    • Contextual and experiential learning methods are utilized to aid in appreciation of math and science concepts.

Unit Code : 500232102

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply/adopt environmental principles and advocate conservation in diverse technical-vocational training environments, including observing and contributing to positive environment work practices. This covers the following: environmental work practices, contributing to improvements of environmental practices, and reporting potential environmental threats.

  1. Follow environmental workplace practices
    • Workplace practices and work instructions relating to potential environmental impacts are recognized and followed, and clarification is sought where necessary.
    • Relevant legislation, codes and national standards that impact on workplace environmental practices are recognized and followed.
    • Changes to work practices and procedures are responded to positively and promptly in accordance with organizational requirements.
    • Individual roles/ responsibilities are determined and performed based on the program/ activities identified
  2. Contribute to improve environmental work practices
    • Suggestions are made to designated personnel for improvements to workplace practices where possible.
    • Information is gathered and improvements are suggested to support the development of improved workplace approaches to environmental practices.
    • Environmental issues and their relationship to workplace practices are discussed in the workplace with colleagues and designated personnel.
    • Contributions to the review of environmental practices and policies are made within limits of responsibility
  3. Recognize and report potential environmental threats
    • Signs or symptoms of the potential environmental threat are recognized.
    • Information about or observations of a potential environmental threat are reported to supervisors and/or appropriate authorities.
    • Location and extent of the potential environmental threat is accurately recorded.
    • Reports on the potential environmental threat are completed according to organizational guidelines.

Unit Code : 500232103

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to utilize IT applications in training. Specifically, it covers setting-up of work environment, utilization of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation applications and utilization of internet and www to communicate and collect information.

  1. Set-up work environment
    • Work folder is configured in accordance with enterprise IT utilization guidelines.
    • Desktop and shortcuts settings are configured in-line with personal preference.
    • Connectivity to printer are checked and tested in accordance with equipment user guide.
  2. Utilize word processing application
    • Document layout and formatting are applied in line with document formatting requirements.
    • Application features are utilized to enhance productivity in line with application guide/ help instructions
    • Printing of documents is performed in line with enterprise IT utilization guidelines
  3. Utilize presenter application
    • Presentation layout, formatting and theme utilization are applied in line with target audience requirements
    • Animation and slide transitions are applied to enhance viewing and interactivity experience in-line with best practices in utilizing presentation package.
    • Printing of presentation materials are performed in line with user requirements and enterprise IT utilization guidelines
    • Packaging and exporting of presentation is performed in line with application help instructions/wizard.
    • Presentation of information is performed in line with best practices in utilizing presentation package.
  4. Utilize spread sheet application
    • Workbook and worksheet settings and formatting are applied in line with printing requirements.
    • Formula and conditional formatting are utilized to enhance productivity in line with the application help instructions.
    • Charts are utilized to enhance data presentation in line with the application help instructions.
    • Printing of worksheet is performed in line with document layout requirements and enterprise IT utilization guidelines.
  5. Utilize internet and www to communicate and collect information
    • Chat and email facility is utilized to exchange information and resources in line with chat help instructions.
    • Browser is configured to enhance productivity in line with the application help instruction
    • www is utilized to research and acquire resources in line with enterprise IT utilization guidelines.

Unit of Competency : LEAD SMALL TEAM
Unit Code : 500311110

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to lead small teams including setting and maintaining team and individual performance standards. This unit is adopted from the basic competencies for National Certificate Level III. In the context of the Trainers Methodology (TM), the small teams here would refer to groups of trainees, audience or participants in a training situation, or a group of fellow trainers.

  1. Provide team leadership
    • Work requirements are identified and presented to team members
    • Reasons for instructions and requirements are communicated to team members
    • Team members’ queries and concerns are recognized, discussed and dealt with
  2. Assign responsibilities
    • Duties, and responsibilities are allocated having regard to the skills, knowledge and aptitude required to properly undertake the assigned task and according to company policy
    • Duties are allocated having regard to individual preference, domestic and personal considerations, whenever possible
  3. Set performance expectations for team members
    • Performance expectations are established based on client needs and according to assignment requirements
    • Performance expectations are based on individual team members duties and area of responsibility
    • Performance expectations are discussed and disseminated to individual team members
  4. Supervised team performance
    • Monitoring of performance takes place against defined performance criteria and/or assignment instructions and corrective action taken if required
    • Team members are provided with feedback, positive support and advice on strategies to overcome any deficiencies
    • Performance issues which cannot be rectified or addressed within the team are referenced to appropriate personnel according to employer policy
    • Team members are kept informed of any changes in the priority allocated to assignments or tasks which might impact on client/customer needs and satisfaction
    • Team operations are monitored to ensure that employer/client needs and requirements are met
    • Follow-up communication is provided on all issues affecting the team
    • All relevant documentation is completed in accordance with company procedures

Unit Code : 500232104

This unit covers the outcomes required in demonstrating and living out desirable work ethics, values and principles in the workplace and training environment.

  1. Observe workplace policies and guidelines
    • Attendance and punctuality are observed in line with enterprise policies and guidelines.
    • Work functions are performed in line with work position/ delegation and according to enterprise goals and objectives.
    • Communication, request, and complaints are channeled through authority in line with enterprise policies and procedures.
    • Academic freedom is exercised in line with enterprise goals and objectives
    • Quality work instructions are delivered in accordance with work deadlines and training calendars.
  2. Value self-worth and profession
    • Best practices in teaching are demonstrated at all times.
    • Personal and professional upgrading is exercised in line with personal goals and enterprise guidelines and policies.
    • Confidentiality of records and other documents are maintained in line with enterprise policies and guidelines.
    • Professional courtesy is exercised at all times
    • Professional role and image as technical trainer are maintained in the classroom/training environment and related situations.
  3. Observe proper conduct in dealing with learners and parents
    • Promotion of learners is performed based on non-prejudice decision and actual accomplishments and performance of learners.
    • Learners were given equal opportunities to learn and utilize school facilities in line with the enterprise objective and goals.
    • Parent consultations are performed in line with enterprise policies and guidelines

Unit Code : 500232105

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to work effectively in the policy and operating environment of the vocational education and training sector.

  1. Work within the vocational education and training policy framework
    • Relevant national vocational education and training policies and frameworks are accessed, analyzed, applied and guided in accordance with work practices and responsibilities.
    • Key vocational education and training organizations and stakeholders are identified, accessed and informed in accordance with updated work practices.
    • Legislation and guidelines are accessed, used, complied and ensured in accordance work practices and policy requirements.
    • Sources of information and advice on vocational education and training policy and operating context are accessed on a regular basis and changes are noted as appropriate.
    • Opportunities are taken up to contribute to vocational education and training in accordance with organizational policy developments.
    • Vocational education and training terminology is used to communicate effectively in accordance with sector.
  2. Work within the training organization’s quality framework
    • Relevant organizational documentation is accessed, used, supported and ensured in accordance work roles and responsibilities.
    • Work is conducted in accordance with the training organization’s quality assurance strategies, processes, policies and procedures
    • Ethical and legal responsibilities are adhered to in accordance with work practices.
    • Work is undertaken in accordance with the prevailing industrial and employee relations systems and practices.
    • Feedback and advice on work quality is actively sought from colleagues and clients in accordance with the prevailing industrial and employee relations systems and practices.
  3. Manage work and work relationships
    • Work is planned, prioritized and organized to achieve agreed and expected outcomes.
    • Workloads are assessed and guidance/support is sought from relevant personnel where work issues arise and in accordance with existing organizational policies and guidelines.
    • Relevant technological skills are used to enhance work outcomes and in accordance with prevailing industrial systems and practices.
    • Work is undertaken in a collaborative manner with colleagues through sharing of information and ideas and working together on work outcomes in accordance with the prevailing industrial and employee relations systems and practices.
    • Feedback on managing work and professional relationships is obtained from clients and colleagues and is evaluated and acted upon.
  4. Demonstrate a client-focused approach to work
    • Clients and their needs and expectations form the basis for developing effective work practices and outcomes in accordance with operational limits.
    • Effective communication strategies are developed, utilized, established and maintained in accordance with client relationships.
    • Processes for evaluating and improving client satisfaction are developed and built in accordance with work practices.

Unit Code : 500232106

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required foster and promote an environment which supports inclusive work practices and learning culture.

  1. Practice inclusivity
    • differences and clients with particular needs are acknowledged, respected and valued in accordance with existing work practices and learning culture.
    • Personal perceptions and attitudes about difference are examined and revised to improve communication and professionalism in accordance with existing work practices and learning culture.
    • Principles underpinning inclusivity are integrated into all work practices.
    • The training organization’s access and equity policy is used in accordance to work practices.
    • Individuals’ rights and confidentiality are respected at all times.
  2. Promote and respond to diversity
    • The ground rules for participation and behavior with colleagues and clients are established in accordance with a cooperative and agreed process/es.
    • Individuals are encouraged to express themselves and to contribute to the work and learning environment in accordance with cooperative and agreed process/es.
    • Individuals are provided with opportunities to indicate specific needs to support their participation in learning and work in accordance with a cooperative and agreed process/es.
    • Relevant research, guidelines and resources are accessed to support inclusivity in accordance with existing guidelines and procedures.
    • Verbal and body language is sensitive to different cultures and backgrounds and differences in physical and intellectual abilities and as appropriate.
  3. Develop and implement work strategies to support inclusivity
    • Documented resources to support and guide inclusive practices are identified and used to inform work strategies in accordance with existing guidelines and procedures.
    • Support persons are identified and included in the work and learning process where appropriate and agreed to.
    • Relevant professional support services are identified and accessed, as appropriate.
    • Any physical environment support needs are acknowledge and incorporated into work practices, where practicable and approved by appropriate personnel.
    • OHS issues associated with inclusivity are identified and addressed in accordance with existing guidelines and procedures.
    • Inclusiveness is modeled in accordance with work performance.
  4. Promote a culture of learning
    • Support and advice is provided to colleagues and clients to encourage new and ongoing participation in accordance with learning opportunities.
    • The benefits of learning are explored with colleagues and clients in accordance with a culture of learning.
    • Learning and competency achievement is recognized and rewarded in accordance with the work and/or learning environment.
    • Opportunities to develop own and others generic skills are identified in accordance with the work and/or learning environment.
    • Multiple pathways to achieve own and others future learning goals are discussed in accordance with the work and/or learning environment.
  5. Monitor and improve work practices
    • Effective work practices to enhance inclusivity and a learning culture are identified in accordance with the work and/or learning environment
    • Conscious actions are taken to modify and improve in accordance with work practices.
    • Strategies and policies to support inclusivity are regularly reviewed in accordance with continuous improvement of work processes.
    • Proposed changes to relevant strategies and policies are documented and reported in accordance with organizational structure.

Unit Code : 500232107

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to ensure the health, safety and welfare of learners and candidates.

  1. Identify Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) responsibilities
    • The purpose and approaches of OHS in the learning environment are defined in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Documentation outlining the OHS legal responsibilities of the various parties in the learning environment is accessed, read and interpreted in accordance with OHS standards
    • Organizational OHS documentation is identified and accessed in accordance with standard operating procedures.
  2. Identify hazards in the learning environment
    • Sources of information are researched and accessed to identify hazards common within the industry in which the learning will take place.
    • Learning environment is inspected prior to use in consultation with various parties in order to identify hazards.
    • Any specific OHS needs of learners and/or candidates are in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Any potential hazards created by learners and/or candidates with specific needs are identified in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Personal limitations and responsibilities in identifying hazards are recognized and specialist advisers are consulted in accordance with OHS standards
  3. Assess risks in the learning environment
    • Likelihood of injury as a result of exposure to identified hazard/s is assessed in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Severity of any potential injury, illness or negative/adverse outcome arising from the identified hazard is assessed for risk in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Hazards are prioritized for action in consultation with various parties in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Personal limitations in assessing risks are recognized and specialist advisers are consulted in accordance with OHS standards.
  4. Develop and implement actions to ensure the health safety and welfare of learners and/or candidates
    • Risk controls are developed based on the hierarchy of control in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Risk control action plan is identified and accessed or formulated in consultation with various parties.
    • Actions within the control and responsibility of the trainer/facilitator are implemented in accordance with OHS standards.
    • Outstanding risk control actions are referred to the various parties for implementation.
    • Supervisory arrangements appropriate to learners and/or candidates levels of knowledge/skill/ experience are monitored to ensure their health and safety.
  5. Provide appropriate Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements to learners and/or candidates
    • Learners and/or candidates are provided with appropriate information related to OHS
    • Learners and/or candidates are assessed for knowledge of OHS requirements.
    • Learners and/or candidates are supplied with personal protective equipment in accordance with OHS standards
  6. Monitor Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) arrangements in the learning environment
    • Achievement against the risk control action plan is monitored and any issues addressed as appropriate
    • The effectiveness and reliability of existing risk controls are confirmed with relevant parties.
    • Effective hazard and incident reporting and investigation processes are confirmed on a continuing basis.

Unit Code : 500232108

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required for individuals to manage their personal professional performance and to take responsibility for their professional development in relation to the provision of training and services.

  1. Model high standards of performance
    • Personal performance is consistent with the organization’s goals and objectives.
    • Appropriate professional techniques and strategies are modeled in accordance with existing organizational policies and guidelines.
    • Personal work goals and plans reflect individual responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organizational/legal requirements.
    • Ethical and inclusive practices are applied in professional practice and in accordance with existing organizational policies and guidelines.
  2. Determine personal development needs
    • Personal knowledge and skills are assessed against units of competency and other relevant benchmarks in accordance with the development needs and priorities.
    • Changes in vocational education, training policy and operating environments are identified in accordance with the impact on professional practice and personal development needs.
    • Feedback from colleagues and clients is identified and used in accordance with personal learning needs/areas of professional development.
    • Future career options are identified as appropriate.
    • Personal learning needs are documented and updated in accordance with existing policies and procedures.
    • Personal development needs are discussed with relevant personnel for inclusion in accordance with the professional development plan.
  3. Participate in professional development activities
    • Development opportunities suitable to personal learning style/s are selected and used in accordance with continuous support of learning and maintenance of current professional practice/s.
    • Professional networks are participated in accordance with continuous support of learning and maintenance of current professional practice/s.
    • Own performance and professional competency is continuously improved through engagement in accordance with professional development activities.
    • Technology is used to maintain regular communication in accordance with relevant networks, organizations and individuals.
  4. Reflect on and evaluate professional practice
    • Developments and trends impacting on professional practice are researched and integrated in accordance with work performance.
    • Feedback from colleagues/clients is used to identify and introduce improvements in accordance work performance.
    • Innovative and responsive approaches for improving professional practice are identified and used in accordance with continuous support to improve techniques and processes.
    • Records, reports and recommendations for improvement are managed in accordance with the organization’s systems and processes.

Unit Code : 500232109

This unit covers the outcomes required in estimating and evaluating costs and benefits of training, determining its cost-effectiveness and returns, and identifying, recommending and advocating cost-efficient training practices.

  1. Study training cost components
    • Features and benefits of training programs are identified and analyzed based on financial and customer requirements
    • Cost components are analyzed to determine those which deliver the desired training features and benefits
    • Wastages or excesses are determined for possible reduction or elimination
  2. Evaluate training costs and benefits
    • Variances in training performance and results are studied to determine good and bad practices
    • Planned performance is compared with actual performance to identify future enhancements in conduct of training
    • Cost reduction and control measures that do not impact greatly on training results are recommended
    • Usage of training resources is analyzed for optimization or reduction
  3. Monitor conduct and results of training
    • Simple formative and summative evaluations of training are done to evaluate achievement of learning outcomes
    • Quality training programs are monitored and noted/documented for best practices and results replication
    • Benefits and returns on training investments are studied using relevant data
    • Cost-effective training programs are identified and recommended for documentation, replication and further enhancement.
  4. Promote awareness of costs and benefits of training
    • Benefits of training as investment rather than cost center are explained and stressed to trainees, fellow trainers and administrators where applicable
    • Economy in use of training supplies and materials and care in use of training equipment and facilities are stressed continually
    • Model/best practices in optimum and judicious use of training resources are documented, practiced and demonstrated

Unit Code : 500232110

This unit describes the outcomes required in understanding, analyzing and disseminating information on global labor-market trends and concerns as they affect the TVET, labor and employer sectors.

  1. Identify current and future trends/ concerns
    • Relevant and reliable sources of labor-market information (LMI) are identified and accessed based on needs
    • Global and local relevance of labor-market (LM) trends are studied and analyzed for their implications in the labor and training market
    • Relevant events, including positions and interests of trainees, clients and training providers are studied and considered in the design and delivery of training
  2. Assess new developments
    • Emerging issues of potential significance to the local and global labor markets are identified and studied
    • Research findings are assessed for significance to the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector
    • Opportunities and risks of new developments are identified and assessed
    • Views of trainees, training providers and other stakeholders are identified and assessed for their potential benefit or impact
    • Where necessary responses and strategies for LM threats and opportunities are developed in consultation with other TVET partners
    • New and emerging concepts, technologies, products and processes are noted and evaluated based on their implications for the TVET and labor market
  3. Utilize labor market information to best effect
    • Awareness of LM situation and related concerns are promoted through talks, lectures and other training opportunities
    • Relevant information on LM and new technologies are incorporated in the curriculum and during the training
    • Mention/ Presentations of LMI and trends are made during meetings, fora and training situations using language and delivery styles adapted to the audience
    • Where necessary, responses and strategies to global labor-market developments are developed and  recommended using analytical tools and current LMI


  • ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES – Includes projects/problems, methods, duration and instructions to be used during assessment.
  • ATTITUDE – An innate or learned ability or distinguishing quality that allows an individual to complete a job.
  • DUTY – General area of competence that successful workers in the occupation must demonstrate or perform on an ongoing basis.
  • JOB – Defined as a set of tasks and duties executed, or meant to be executed, by one person.
  • JOB PROFILE – A description of a particular work function that includes the elements deemed necessary to perform the post effectively. Specifically, a job profile might include such things as job responsibilities, required qualifications, advancement prospects, and the initial hourly pay or salary associated with the position.
  • KNOWLEDGE – An understanding and familiarity with facts and information.
  • OCCUPATION – A set of jobs whose main tasks and duties are characterized by a high degree of similarity constitutes an occupation.
  • REASONABLE ADJUSTMENTS IN THE ASSESSMENT METHODS – Are variations to assessment tasks including providing examination questions in alternative formats, provision of specialized equipment, substitution of one assessment task for another of equivalent assessment task, and use of different vernaculars.
  • SKILL – Defined as the ability to carry out the tasks and duties of a given job.
  • TASK – A work activity that has a definite beginning and ending, is observable, consist of two or more definite steps, and leads to a product, service, or decision.
  • TASK ANALYSIS – Is the analysis of how a task is accomplished, including a detailed description of both manual and mental activities, task and element durations, task frequency, task allocation, task complexity, environmental conditions, necessary clothing and equipment, and any other unique factors involved in or required for one or more people to perform a given task.
  • TRAINING PLAN – a.k.a Rotation plan.


    • West Bay Colleges, Inc.
      No. 103 A.Bunye St. Alabang, Muntinlupa City
      850-2959 /842-0438

      Jacobo Z. Gonzales Memorial School of Arts and Trades
      Brgy. San Antonio, Biñan, Laguna
      (049) 511-8059 /511-9409

  • Hello po, Saan po meroon TRAINERS METHODOLOGY Level I (In-Company Trainer) course na malapit po rito sa District 3 Caloocan City North

      No. 1587 Paradiso Centre, Copernico Street, Brgy. San Isidro Makati City

      Asian Entrepreneurs Technological Institute, Inc.
      115 E. Santos Ave., Bambang, Pasig City
      746-0097/ 799-0864

      B85 L3 P2C3 KC33 St., Karangalan Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

      Excel Technical Skills and Career Center, Inc.
      201 Mahogany Street cor. Marcos Hi-way, Barangay Santolan , Pasig City
      8645-2459/ 0917-522-6966

      MFI Bldg., Ortigas Ave., Pasig City
      8632-0756 to 67 / 8634-4970

    • Beatitudes Technological and Theological College of Silang, Cavite, Inc.
      #26 Kapitan Sayas Street, Brgy. Sabutan, Silang, Cavite
      046-4231772 09199916124

      Divine Mercy International Institute Inc.
      Aguinaldo Highway, San Vicente II, Silang, Cavite
      (046) 512-3522

      Hezekiah Vocational & Technological Training Institute (HVTTI) Inc.
      B1 L18 Richmond Subd., Bahayang Pag-asa, Imus City, Cavite
      0917 862 4607/ 0922 899 1795/ 0922 895 0368 / 0998 569 7578

      ISHRM School System, Inc.
      Tirona Highway, Habay, Bacoor, Cavite
      (046) 970 1551 loc 222/ 519 1617/ 416 2974

      TESDA Provincial Training Center – Paliparan
      TESDA Provincial Training Center – Paliparan, Brgy. Paliparan II, Dasmariñas, Cavite
      (046) 456 5429

      TESDA Provincial Training Center – Rosario
      Phase 1, First Road, CEPZ Rosario, Cavite
      (046) 437-2370

    • Rizal Provincial Technical Education and Skills Development Center – Cainta
      Cainta Municipal Comp.

      Asian College of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc.
      No. 1013 Aurora Blvd., Project 3, Quezon City
      997-5707/ Fax: 912-3238/912-3236

      iCROPS International Assessment and Training Center Inc.
      Lot 3 Blk 2 DRJ Village, Old Sauyo Road, Barangay Sauyo, Novaliches, Quezon City

      Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
      Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
      7799-9092/ 937-4248

      VGB Center for Training and Development Corp.
      2nd Floor De Dios Bldg.,138 Timog Avenue, Quezon City
      Tel: 925-7472/ 925-6044

  • Hi, I’m from North Caloocan City also near Fairview and Novaliches, Quezon City.
    I would like to ask if there is a TVI for TM 1 (In-Company) training?

    • Please inquire below:

      Asian College of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc.
      No. 1013 Aurora Blvd., Project 3, Quezon City
      997-5707/ Fax: 912-3238/912-3236

      iCROPS International Assessment and Training Center Inc.
      Lot 3 Blk 2 DRJ Village, Old Sauyo Road, Barangay Sauyo, Novaliches, Quezon City

      Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
      Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
      7799-9092/ 937-4248

      Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
      Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
      7799-9092/ 937-4248

      VGB Center for Training and Development Corp.
      2nd Floor De Dios Bldg.,138 Timog Avenue, Quezon City
      Tel: 925-7472/ 925-6044

    • Asian College of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc.
      No. 1013 Aurora Blvd., Project 3, Quezon City
      997-5707/ Fax: 912-3238/912-3236

      iCROPS International Assessment and Training Center Inc.
      Lot 3 Blk 2 DRJ Village, Old Sauyo Road, Barangay Sauyo, Novaliches, Quezon City

      Quezon City Lingkod Bayan Skills Development Center
      Barangay Fairview Hall Compound, Dahlia Avenue, Quezon City
      7799-9092/ 937-4248

      VGB Center for Training and Development Corp.
      2nd Floor De Dios Bldg.,138 Timog Avenue, Quezon City
      Tel: 925-7472/ 925-6044

        • Divine Life Institute of Cebu, Inc.
          Yati, Liloan, Cebu
          238-9020, 424-8531

          Immaculate Conception School of Technology of Ozamiz City, Inc.
          3rd floor Conchita Building, 311 Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
          0998-9736747 032-2250654

          International Skills Republic Academy, Inc.
          755 Jasmin Street, Barangay Capitol Site Cebu City, Cebu 6000
          (032) 234-3933 09352159814

          Provincial Training Center – Cebu (Samboan)
          Poblacion, Samboan, Cebu
          (032) 479-4025/ 479-4028/ 479-0069

          Regional Training Center VII
          TESDA 7 Compound Archbishop Reyes Avenue, Cebu City
          (032) 412-7267 / 416-8876 / 09455501436

          School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor, Leadership, and Service Inc.
          Skills Campus, General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City
          (032) – 234-6102, 254-8163

          TESDA Technology Institute – RTC VII
          Archbishop Reyes Ave., Salinas Drive , Lahug , Cebu City
          412-7267 416-8876

          University of Cebu, Inc. – Main
          Sanciangco St., Cor. Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City
          (032) 255-7777/253-0729

          University of San Jose-Recoletos Inc.
          St. Ezekiel Moreno Building, Basak Campus, Pardo, Cebu City
          (032) 354-8405/412-9511

          University of Southern Philippines Foundation, Inc.
          Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City
          414-8773 loc. 128