The TESDA Course in SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NC I consists of competencies that a person must achieve in performing mess hall service, performing housekeeping services and providing assistance in receiving and storing provisions and supplies.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Maritime Sector as shown in Annex A and complies with Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006.

A student who has achieved this Course in SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NC I is competent to be:

  • Messman


This section specifies the qualifications of trainees and educational experience. Other requirements like health and physical requirements may also be stated. Passing entry written examinations may also be indicated if necessary.

  • Must be High School graduate
  • 18 years old and above
  • Must have a good moral character
  • Must be physically and mentally fit as per MLC 2006 Regulation 1.2 – Medical Certificate
  • Can communicate in English both oral and written


Level: NC I
Nominal Training Duration :

(Basic Competency) 18 Hours
(Common Competency) 12 Hours
(Core Competency) 20 Hours

Total Training Duration 50 Hrs.

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of Stewarding in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies such as perform mess hall service, perform housekeeping service and providing assistance in receiving and storing provision and supplies.

This course is also designed to enhance the basic and common knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual in the field of stewarding.


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common and Core Competencies. To obtain this course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

MTM512313 Perform mess hall service
MTM512314 Perform housekeeping services
MTM512315 Provide assistance in receiving and storing provisions and supplies
MTM512208 Observe Personal Hygiene
MTM512209 Practice Food Safety, Sanitation and Hygiene
MTM512210 Observe Catering Health and Safety Practices
MTM512211 Protect Marine Environment/Waste Segregation Management
MTM512212 Work Within Multi-cultural and Religious Environment
500311101 Receive and respond to workplace communication
500311102 Work with others
500311103 Demonstrate work values
500311104 Practice basic housekeeping procedures

This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in SHIP’S CATERING SERVICES NC I. These units of competency are categorized into basic, common and core competencies.



This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in performing mess hall services. It includes setting up tables, serving food, clearing the table, washing used table ware, disposing garbage and preparing the pantry area.

  1. Set up table
    • Tableware is set-up according to ship’s table setting standards.
    • Tables and chairs are cleaned and checked for damages and functionality
    • Condiments are set up in according to ship’s table setting standards
  2. Serve food
    • Officers and/or visitors are greeted and assisted in sitting
    • Prepared food are checked for completeness and correctness before serving
    • Prepared food are served according to ship’s service standard
    • Officers/visitors needs are checked from time to time until they moved out
    • Hot holding food equipment are monitored during service time
  3. Clear table
    • Unused/Soiled plates/ flat wares are bussed out
    • Condiments / shakers are removed from the tables and returned to designated storage
    • Tables and chairs are cleaned according ship’s standard
  4. Wash used table ware and dispose waste
    • Table ware are scraped, sorted and stocked
    • Table ware are cleaned and dried according to ship’s sanitation standards
    • Cleaned table ware are secured in designated storage area
    • Waste are disposed according to relevant regulations MARPOL requirements
  5. Prepare pantry area for service
    • Pantry area is cleaned all the time as per ship’s sanitation standards
    • Availability of beverages, condiments and table ware in the pantry area is monitored daily
    • Pantry equipment are used properly in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction or manual.


This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in performing housekeeping service. It includes performing cabin service, cleaning assigned areas, handling and disposal of garbage, laundering linen/special laundry items and storing of cleaning materials and equipment.

  1. Perform cabin services
    • Linens and towels are changed as per ship’s standard
    • Headboard, furniture, appliances and port holes are dusted as per ship’s standard practice
    • Glasses, coffee cups, ash trays and utensils are cleaned, dried and stored
    • Cabin and toilets are cleaned as per ship’s standard procedures
    • Vacuum cleaning is performed on all carpeted areas in the cabin
    • Bed setting is performed as per ship’s standard
    • Cabin and toilet amenities are replenished as per ship’s standard
    • Garbage are collected and disposed as per garbage disposal regulations
    • Soiled linens and towels are collected and sorted accordingly and readied for laundry
    • Furniture, appliances, light, and air vents are checked for defects and reported to concerned personnel
  2. Clean assigned areas
    • Appropriate cleaning materials and equipment are prepared as per ship’s cleaning procedures
    • Assigned areas and its contents are cleaned using appropriate cleaning equipment
    • Stripping and waxing of deck is applied according to ship’s schedule
    • Air ducts, lights, walls and ceilings are cleaned as per cleaning schedule
    • Cleaning equipment are cleaned after use as per manufacturers’ instruction
    • Toilet amenities are replenished as per ship’s standard
    • Safety signages are placed in the areas to be cleaned
    • Garbage are collected and disposed as per garbage disposal regulations
  3. Handle and dispose garbage
    • Garbage collected are secured and transported to designated garbage collection area
    • Garbage is segregated and stored according to type
    • Garbage disposal procedures is applied according to type
    • Garbage containers are checked for damages and cleaned and sanitized in designated garbage cleaning area
  4. Launder soiled linen/special laundry items
    • Soiled linen/special laundry items are collected and sorted according to ship’s laundry schedule.
    • Laundry equipment is checked before operation and used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
    • Sorted soiled linen/special laundry items is washed using designated washing machine
    • Washed linen/special laundry items are checked for stains and damages and appropriate action is applied to remove stains
    • Linen/special laundry items are pressed/ironed, folded and stored according to type or delivered to owner
    • Any damage arising from the laundering process is recorded/reported to concerned personnel/supervisor
  5. Store cleaning materials and equipment
    • Cleaning materials and equipment are stored in the designated areas as per ship’s standard
    • Cleaning materials are kept labeled with its original container
    • Usage of cleaning materials is monitored and recorded/reported to the supervisor


This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in providing assistance in receiving and storing provision and supplies

  1. Provide assistance in receiving provision and supplies
    • Trolley is prepared to transport provision and supplies as per standard operating procedures
    • Weighing scale is prepared and used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
    • Inspected provisions and supplies are received in accordance with ship’s standard
  2. Provide assistance in storing provision and supplies
    • Storeroom are kept clean and freed from obstruction
    • Provisions and supplies are transported and arranged in First In First Out (FIFO) order
    • Stocks Control System is identified and applied in accordance with industry practice
    • Task is performed using prescribed PPEs



This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in observing personal hygiene.

  1. Practice personal hygiene and grooming.
    • Personal hygiene is practiced to comply with the requirements of the ship’s food safety program
    • Appropriate uniform is worn as required by ship’s food safety program
    • Wearing of make-up, lipstick, nail polish, jewelry (except plain wedding band) is avoided
  2. Comply with food handling safety practices
    • Hand washing is practiced using prescribed procedure
    • Disposable gloves is used in handling ready to eat food
    • Cuts and sores are covered with clean waterproof dressing.
    • Health condition and/or illness is reported according to the ship’s policy and procedures


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in food safety, sanitation and hygiene, food storage and cleaning procedure.

  1. Practice food safety sanitation
    • Sources of food contaminants are identified.
    • Awareness of food safety practices to food contact surfaces is observed to prevent cross contamination.
    • Potentially hazardous foods are determined and appropriate measures are undertaken to prevent its consumption.
    • Cleaning and sanitizing tools and agents is maintained in accordance with ship’s procedure.
    • Awareness of serving food at recommended temperature is practiced.
  2. Store food
    • Approved methods of refrigeration of food are complied with.
    • Dry storage of food is practiced according to instructions and procedures.
    • Food is covered and labeled prior to storage in accordance with ship’s procedure.
  3. Practice cleaning procedure
    • Appropriate cleaning and sanitizing tools and agents are identified and handled based on cleaning requirements and manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Cleaning and sanitizing is performed according to procedure.
  4. Report pest infestation
    • Sign of pest infestation is identified and reported to concerned personnel.
    • Measures to prevent pests entering food premises are applied.


This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to observe catering health and safety practices.

  1. Handle catering equipment.
    • Catering equipment are cleaned and sanitized and dried in accordance with ship’s standards.
    • Catering equipment is tested for functionality and breakage, malfunction or defects are reported in accordance with ship’s standards and/or manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Catering equipment are stowed in accordance with ship’s standards and/or manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Prevent common accident in the work place.
    • Common causes of accident/s in the galley are identified and preventive measures are discussed and undertaken.
    • In case of fire in the galley, recommended fire extinguisher is used .


This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitude required to perform waste segregation.

  1. Segregate waste
    • Waste is identified and sorted based on relevant regulations.
    • Sorted waste is segregated and placed in designated bins/containers in accordance with relevant MARPOL regulations and procedures.
    • Task is performed using the recommended Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  2. Package waste
    • Waste are sealed and packaged in accordance with MARPOL Annex V
    • Waste are labeled and placed in a location designated for the purpose


This unit deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to maintain a harmonious and effective working environment in a multi-national crew.

  1. Recognize cultural and religious diversity among crew
    • Specific religious practices in terms of food preferences, prayer time and personal hygiene/clothing are recognized and adhered to
    • Food preferences are identified and noted in accordance with crew’s cultural, religious practices and beliefs
  2. Demonstrate sensitivity to specific cultures and practices
    • Verbal and non-verbal indecent language are known and avoided in accordance with crew’s cultural, religious practices and beliefs.
    • Respect for cultural and religious diversity is shown in communication and interaction with the ship’s crew


UNIT CODE : 500311101

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to receive, respond and act on verbal and written communication.

  1. Follow routine spoken messages
    • Required information is gathered by listening attentively and correctly interpreting or understanding information/instructions
    • Instructions/information are properly recorded
    • Instructions are acted upon immediately in accordance with information received
    • Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions when any instruction/information is not clear
  2. Perform workplace duties following written notices
    • Written notices and instructions are read and interpreted correctly in accordance with organizational guidelines
    • Routine written instruction are followed in sequence
    • Feedback is given to workplace supervisor based on the instructions/information received

UNIT CODE : 500311102

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to develop workplace relationship and contribute in workplace activities.

  1. Develop effective workplace relationship
    • Duties and responsibilities are done in a positive manner to promote cooperation and good relationship
    • Assistance is sought from workgroup when difficulties arise and addressed through discussions
    • Feedback provided by others in the team is encouraged, acknowledged and acted upon
    • Differences in personal values and beliefs are respected and acknowledged in the development
  2. Contribute to work group activities
    • Support is provided to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met
    • Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks are made according to organizational requirements
    • Information relevant to work is shared with team members to ensure designated goals are met

UNIT CODE : 500311103

This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude in demonstrating proper work values.

  1. Define the purpose of work
    • One’s unique sense of purpose for working and the why’s of work are identified, reflected on and clearly defined for one’s development as a person and as a member of society.
    • Personal mission is in harmony with company’s values
  2. Apply work values/ethics
    • Work values/ethics/concepts are classified and reaffirmed in accordance with the transparent company ethical standards, policies and guidelines.
    • Work practices are undertaken in compliance with industry work ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines
    • Personal behavior and relationships with co-workers and/or clients are conducted in accordance with ethical standards, policy and guidelines.
    • Company resources are used in accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
  3. Deal with ethical problems
    • Company ethical standards, organizational policy and guidelines on the prevention and reporting of unethical conduct are accessed and applied in accordance with transparent company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
    • Work incidents/situations are reported and/or resolved in accordance with company protocol/guidelines.
    • Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems identified are used as learning opportunities.
  4. Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
    • Personal work practices and values are demonstrated consistently with acceptable ethical conduct and company’s core values.
    • Instructions to co-workers are provided based on ethical, lawful and reasonable directives.
    • Company values/practices are shared with co-workers using appropriate behavior and language.

UNIT CODE : 500311104

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply the basic housekeeping procedures.

  1. Sort and remove unnecessary items
    • Reusable, recyclable materials are sorted in accordance with company/office procedures
    • Unnecessary items are removed and disposed of in accordance with company or office procedures
  2. Arrange items
    • Items are arranged in accordance with company/office housekeeping procedures
    • Work area is arranged according to job requirements
    • Activities are prioritized based on instructions.
    • Items are provided with clear and visible identification marks based on procedure
    • Safety equipment and evacuation passages are kept clear and accessible based on instructions
  3. Maintain work area, tools and equipment
    • Cleanliness and orderliness of work area is maintained in accordance with company/office procedures
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions/manual
    • Minor repairs are performed on tools and equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction/manual
    • Defective tools and equipment are reported to immediate supervisor
  4. Follow standardized work process and procedures
    • Materials for common use are maintained in designated area based on procedures
    • Work is performed according to standard work procedures
    • Abnormal incidents are reported to immediate supervisor
  5. Perform work spontaneously
    • Work is performed as per instruction
    • Company and office decorum are followed and complied with
    • Work is performed in accordance with occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements


  • Beverage – any liquid for drinking.
  • Braise – to cook (meat and vegetables) by browning in fat, then simmering in a small quantity of liquid in a covered container.
  • Cabin – a room on board a ship for use of one or more officers or passengers; a space in which the accommodation for officers and / or passengers is located.
  • Cold cuts – variety of sliced cold meats and cheeses.
  • Cross contamination – the transfer of harmful micro-organism from one item of food to another.
  • Environmental hazard – working conditions unsafe to crew.
  • Galley – a cook room, kitchen or deckhouse used for cooking drippings.
  • Griddle – a flat metal surface used for cooking by dry heat.
  • Hollandaise – a permanent emulsion sauce, used for steaks, vegetables and fish.
  • MARPOL – abbreviation, for Marine Pollution.
  • Meal Service – to serve food or beverages.
  • Menu – a list of food available or choices given to guest before the start of a meal.
  • Mess hall – a dining room or space on board in which all or part of ship’s crew eat their meals.
  • Mirepoix – a mixture of vegetables and herbs to enhance the flavor of stock, sauces and soups.
  • Mise-en place – is the prepared necessary raw materials, utensils , ingredients needed for cooking.
  • Mixer – a machine / equipment for mixing or beating foods.
  • Oven – an enclosed chamber for heating, roasting / baking.
  • Pantry – a small room or closet, usually of a kitchen where food, chine silver linens and similar items are stored.
  • Personal Hygiene – conditions and practices that serve to promote or preserve health.
  • Provisions – a store of needed materials for a voyage; especially a stock of food for use of crew and passengers (usually 3 months provision / 200 % allowance.
  • Recipe – procedure and direction in preparing dish or drink.
  • Sanitation – formulation and application of measures designed to protect public health.
  • Stock – broth in which meat, fish or poultry bones are simmered for a period of time.
  • Store – to fill or furnish with supply.
  • Thaw – to change from a frozen solid to a liquid by gradual warming.
  • Victualing / Victual – food fit for consumption; lay in food supplies or provisions;
    providing, storing or supplying provisions.


    • Blueridge Pacific Institute Inc.
      No. 357 W. Burke St., Binondo, Manila

      Chef Jhon’s Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      4th Floor Tiaoqui Bldg. Sta. Cruz Plaza, Ronquillo St. Sta. Cruz Manila
      0998-446-9996 / 7294-77-21 / 0905-686-3572

      Circle Test Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      2648 Dian Street, Brgy. 757 Zone 82, District 5, Malate, Santa Ana, Manila

      Far East Maritime Foundation, Inc.
      9th Floor Victoria Bldg., U.N. Avenue, Ermita, Manila
      526-24-77 to 79 / 0905-336-4878 / 0955-366-7576 / 0998-233-4651 / 0927-360-2109

      International Maritime Education Center Corporation
      8th-9th Floors, 10-B 10th Floor, 11th and 12-B 12th Floor Maritime Plaza Bldg., A. Flores St. corner Cortada St. Ermita, Manila
      8824-2412 0 09086231043

      NE Plus Ultra Training Center Corporation
      1381 San Marcelino St., Ermita, Manila
      8242-65-82 / 8242-65-81 / 0960-265-6864

      Philippine Seafarers Training Center, Inc.
      938 Arlegue Street Corner Aguila Street Quiapo Manila
      09701437187 / 09199541513 / 8734-1651

      Power Link Center for Advanced Technical Skills Development, Inc.
      2F Marbella II Bldg. 2071 Roxas Blvd., Malate, Manila

      RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
      402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila

      Seatech Maritime Training And Assessment Center Inc.
      Ground Floor Trinity Bldg. TM Kalaw St. Ermita, Manila
      (02) 5310-2095

      Southern Institute of Maritime Studies-Manila Inc.
      2/F The Grand Place 1424 M.H. Del Pilar St. Ermita, Manila

      United Marine Training Center, Inc. (formerly:Marlow Navigation Training Center, Inc.)
      Marlow Bldg., 2120 Leon Guinto Street, Malate, Manila

      United Seafarers Maritime Center, Inc.
      G/F YMCA of Manila Building Antonio Villegas St., Ermita, Manila
      8247-40-72 / 8241-08-81 / 0997-120-1553

  • san po may ship’s catering services course or formerly known as messman course dito sa pangasinan?

    • St. Ignatius Technical Vocational Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Malued, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

  • Hello po, ask ko lang po kung merong available na pwedeng pag enrollan ng ships catering dito po sa parañaque?

    • Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges Foundation of Canaman (Cam. Sur), Inc.
      Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur
      (054) 4739726 4744330/ 09199309711

  • Hello po san po pwde mag enroll ng ship catering nc1 for messman meron poba malapit dito sa Quezon city

  • Where we can enroll Ship’s catering services nc1 around Naic/Tanza Cavite? Thanks in Advance

    • 3A Prime Hospitality Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Lamac, New Bago, Asturias, Cebu
      (032) 328-9150 09166601748

      Amlo Bros. Training and Education Cop.
      GF JIF Building, M.J. Cuenco Avenue, Brgy. Tinago, Cebu City (Capital), Cebu, Philippines
      (032) 238-1910 / 09561998048

      KLN Skills & Management Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      2nd Floor Unity Building, Lapu-lapu Street corner Legaspi St., Cebu City, Cebu
      (032) 4020-638 / 09569840278

      School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor, Leadership, and Service Inc.
      Skills Campus, General Maxilom Avenue, Cebu City
      0949-994-7935 / 0917-632-4425 / (032) 234-6102

      University of Cebu-Maritime Education & Training Center
      Alumnos, Mambaling, Cebu City
      (032) 261-3323/2613324/ 262-8888 local 127

      Abuyog Institute of Technology Inc.
      Real St. Brgy. Loyonsawang, Abuyog, Leyte

      Acedilla Technological Institute Incorporated
      42 A. Mabini St., Baybay City, Leyte
      (053) 335-0314/ 09196801042

      Palermo Hotel Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Inc.
      A. Mabini St., Baybay City, Leyte
      (053) 335-2442/ 09052763657

      Tacloban Central Institute of Technical Studies, Inc.
      SCE II Bldg. Avenida Veteranos Ext. Tacloban City
      053-321-6683/ 839-6517

      Villaba Institute of Technology, Inc.
      Highway Blvd., Caigit Bridge, Brgy. Poblacion Del Norte, Villaba, Leyte

    • Please inquire below:

      Bulacan Virginia Institute of Technology and Maritime Training Center Inc.
      #30 F Vergel de Dios St., Concepcion, Baliuag, Bulacan
      09052500865/ 09176231797

      Saint Luke Technical School, Corp.
      Lot 1 & 2 Phase 1 Block 30, 1,2,3,4th Floor Bldg 1 & 2 Belgium St., North Hills Village 3rd Bitungol, Norzagaray, Bulacan

    • ESTANCIA Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Pani-an 5th District, Estancia, Iloilo

      Provincial Training Center – Iloilo
      Brgy. Bolong, Este, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo

      RGO International Training Institute, Inc.
      Unit A, 3rd Flr. Executive Bldg., Ledesma St., Brgy. Hipodromo, Iloilo City

  • sir may ship’s catering services (NCI) meron po bang tesda na malapit dito sa qc at may bayad po ba yan. sana po may sumagot

  • Hi, good day! Any available training school for Ship’s Catering NC1 near Region X or Iligan City. Thank you

    • 3A Prime Hospitality Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      DG3 Corporation Building, Annex 2, 72 N. Escario Street, Capitol Site Cebu City Philippines
      (032) 328-9150

      Amlo Bros. Training and Education Cop.
      GF JIF Building, M.J. Cuenco Avenue, Brgy. Tinago, Cebu City (Capital), Cebu, Philippines
      (032) 238-1910 / 09561998048

      Clas Training and Assessment Corp.
      3rd Floor & 4th Floor, GMT–II Building Junquera, Corner P. Del Rosario St., Cebu City
      (032) 526-2160

      KLN Skills & Management Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      2nd Floor Unity Building, Lapu-lapu Street corner Legaspi St., Cebu City, Cebu
      (032) 4020-638 / 09569840278

      University of Cebu-Maritime Education & Training Center
      Alumnos, Mambaling, Cebu City
      (032) 261-3323/2613324/ 262-8888 local 127

      Tacloban Central Institute of Technical Studies, Inc.
      SCE II Bldg. Avenida Veteranos Ext. Tacloban City
      053-321-6683/ 839-6517

      Julio Pacana Street Licuan, Cagayan de Oro City
      (088) 856-2609

  • ships catering nc1 o cookery po san po d2 sa Davao City mag inquire??ano po ba kailangan training bago mag messman??tnx po

    • DMMA College of Southern Philippines (DCSP), Inc.
      Tigatto Road, Buhangin, Davao City

      Asian International School of Aeronautics and Technology (AISAT) Corp.
      AISAT Bldg. cor. Sta. Ana & Leon Garcia Sts., Davao City
      (082) 303-3078/ 295-7219

      Assumption Polytechnic College of Southern Mindanao Incorporated
      J. P. Cabaguio Avenue, Davao City

      Center for Asian Culinary Studies Davao, Inc.
      Don Dionisio Complex, Cabaguio Avenue, Agdao, Davao City

      DMMA College of Southern Philippines, Inc.
      Tigatto Road, Buhangin, Davao City
      082 241-2272; Fax: 082 241-1351

      Gabriel Taborin College of Davao Foundation, Inc.
      Purok Saguittarius, Lasang, Davao City

      Institute of International Culinary and Hospitality Entrepreneurship, Inc.
      De Jesus St., Davao City
      (082) 305-88-33

      International School of Technology, Arts and Culinary of Davao City, Inc.
      Cor. Loyola St., J.P Laurel Ave., Davao City

      Joji Ilagan Career Center Foundation, Inc.
      Gov. Chavez St., Davao City
      (082) 226-3783 / 221-0315

      Le Culinaire International Culinary Arts Institute, Inc.
      GSIS Heights, # 22 Comet St., Matina Crossing, Davao City

      Philippine College of Technology, Inc.
      Garden Park Village, DMSF Drive, Bajada, Davao City
      (082) 221-0381/222-4808

      Philippine Women’s College of Davao, Inc.
      University Avenue, Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City
      (082) 297-80-35

      Regional Training Center – Korea-Philippines Vocational Training Center – Davao
      Buhisan, Tibungco, Davao City

      Regional Training Center-Davao/Korea Philippines Vocational Training Center
      Buhisan, Tibungco, Davao City

      Saint Albans College of Technology, Inc.
      120 2F Lim Bldg., CM Recto St., Davao City
      (082) 305-4496

      Samson Polytechnic College of Davao, Inc.
      Cor. Ramon Magsaysay and Chavez St., Davao City
      (082) 227-2392/ 300-1943

      St. Dominic Savio Business & Technical College, Inc.
      Door 2 Suarez Bldg., 112 Ilustre St., Davao City
      082 305-7389/ 303-6091/ 305-4237

      The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.
      Lopez Jaena Street, Marfori Heights, Davao City
      082-300-7173 local 109

      The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.
      Lopez Jaena Street, Marfori Heights, Davao City
      (082) 300-71-73

      University of Immaculate Conception (Davao City), Inc.
      University of the Immaculate Conception, Fr. Selga St., Davao City

      University of Mindanao – Matina
      Matina, Davao City
      (082) 297-70-24

      Wangan National Agricultural School
      Wangan, Calinan, Davao City
      082-271-8294/ 09167324463

    • St. Ignatius Technical Vocational Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Malued, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

  • hello good day ..ships catering nc1 …may available po in antique area ..or any place near in antique like ilo-ilo??thank you

    • ESTANCIA Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Pani-an 5th District, Estancia, Iloilo

      Provincial Training Center – Iloilo
      Brgy. Bolong, Este, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo

      RGO International Training Institute, Inc.
      Unit A, 3rd Flr. Executive Bldg., Ledesma St., Brgy. Hipodromo, Iloilo City

  • Good evening po, where can I enrolled NC1 Messman training course, I live in Ozamiz City.

  • Good day po may available po ba na ship’s catering service NCI malapit sa parañaque?

    • Not available in Paranaque. You can try in Las Pinas.

      Bernardo College
      Bernardo College Compound, Pulanglupa I, Las Pinas City
      (02) 872-6204 / 873-3330 / 356-0389 / 872-1129

  • Hello po good day asking for help baka po may available na ship catering Service NC1 scholarship kahit po manila based thank you I hope manotice😊

    • World Maritime Academy and Training Center Inc.
      Maayong Tubig, Dauin, Negros Oriental
      (035) 2251578/ 0915-6825172

    • St. Ignatius Technical Vocational Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      Malued, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

    • European Training & Competence Centre ( ETCC), Inc.
      7/F Dohle Haus Bldg. 30-38 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Brgy. San Isidro Makati City

      Philippine Center for Advanced Maritime Simulation & Training, Inc.
      First Maritime Place, 7458 Bagtikan St., San Antonio Village, Makati City

      22nd Flr., BDO Plaza, Paseo de Roxas cor. Makati Avenue, 1227 Salcedo Village, Makati City

      “K” Line Maritime Academy Philippines, Inc.
      “K” Line Building, Coral Drive Central Business Park 1, Pasay City
      556-2950 / 556-2952

      Circle Test Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      No. 2315 Aurora Boulevard (Formerly Tramo), Malibay District, Pasay City

      SMI Institute Inc.
      Unit 3- A 3rd Floor Wardley Bldg. 1991 San Juan St. Pasay City

      United International Maritime Training and Assessment Center Incorporated
      4/F Sea Tower Bldg. 2332 Roxas Blvd. cor. Arnaiz St. Pasay City
      516-3133/ 823-0918/ 0924-234983706

      Blueridge Pacific Institute Inc.
      No. 357 W. Burke St., Binondo, Manila

      Chef Jhon’s Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      4th Floor Tiaoqui Bldg. Sta. Cruz Plaza, Ronquillo St. Sta. Cruz Manila

      Competent Maritime Professionals and Sea Staff (COMPASS) Training Center, Inc.
      No. 1971 Marc Tower Building Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila
      450-14-52/ 450-85-75

      Far East Maritime Foundation, Inc.
      10/F Victoria Bldg., U.N. Avenue, Ermita, Manila

      International Maritime Education Center Corporation
      8th-9th Floors, 10-B 10th Floor, 11th and 12-B 12th Floor Maritime Plaza Bldg., A. Flores St. corner Cortada St. Ermita, Manila

      3rd Floor Times Plaza Building, United Nations Ave., cor. Taft Ave., Manila
      585-0531/ 524-9996

      Mariana Academy of Maritime Studies, Inc.
      14/F G.E Antonino Bldg., T.M. Kalaw, Ermita, Manila

      NE Plus Ultra Training Center Corporation
      No. 1381 San Marcelino St. Ermita Manila

      Philippine Seafarers Training Center, Inc.
      938 Arlegue corner Aguila Street, Quiapo Manila

      Power Link Center for Advanced Technical Skills Development, Inc.
      2F Marbella II Bldg. 2071 Roxas Blvd., Malate, Manila
      331-3180 / 331-3177 / 742-3400

      RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
      402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila

      RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
      402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila

      Southern Institute of Maritime Studies-Manila Inc.
      2/F The Grand Place Building, 1424 M.H. del Pilar Street Ermita, Manila

      United Marine Training Center, Inc.
      Marlow Bldg., 2120 Leon Guinto Street, Malate, Manila
      981-6682 / 981-6601

      United Seafarers Maritime Center, Inc.
      G/F YMCA of Manila Buidling Antonio Villegas St., Ermita, Manila
      559-6749/ 241-0881

      ZRC Training and Assessment Center Phils. Inc.
      Ground Floor, Room 108 Ermita Center Bldg., Roxas Blvd. Ermita, Manila

  • where can i take ship catering nc1 near Dasmarinas? the one in MOL Training center (phils.) inc is not available anymore.

    • Blueridge Pacific Institute Inc.
      No. 357 W. Burke St., Binondo, Manila

      Blueridge Pacific Institute Inc.
      No. 357 W. Burke St., Binondo, Manila

      Chef Jhon’s Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      4th Floor Tiaoqui Bldg. Sta. Cruz Plaza, Ronquillo St. Sta. Cruz Manila

      Competent Maritime Professionals and Sea Staff (COMPASS) Training Center, Inc.
      No. 1971 Marc Tower Building Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila
      450-14-52/ 450-85-75

      Competent Maritime Professionals and Sea Staff (COMPASS) Training Center, Inc.
      No. 1971 Marc Tower Building Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila
      450-14-52/ 450-85-75

      Far East Maritime Foundation, Inc.
      10/F Victoria Bldg., U.N. Avenue, Ermita, Manila

      International Maritime Education Center Corporation
      8th-9th Floors, 10-B 10th Floor, 11th and 12-B 12th Floor Maritime Plaza Bldg., A. Flores St. corner Cortada St. Ermita, Manila

      3rd Floor Times Plaza Building, United Nations Ave., cor. Taft Ave., Manila
      585-0531/ 524-9996

      Mariana Academy of Maritime Studies, Inc.
      14/F G.E Antonino Bldg., T.M. Kalaw, Ermita, Manila

      NE Plus Ultra Training Center Corporation
      No. 1381 San Marcelino St. Ermita Manila

      Philippine Seafarers Training Center, Inc.
      938 Arlegue corner Aguila Street, Quiapo Manila

      Power Link Center for Advanced Technical Skills Development, Inc.
      2F Marbella II Bldg. 2071 Roxas Blvd., Malate, Manila
      331-3180 / 331-3177 / 742-3400

      RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
      402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila

      RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
      402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila

      SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
      867 G Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila

      Southern Institute of Maritime Studies-Manila Inc.
      2/F The Grand Place Building, 1424 M.H. del Pilar Street Ermita, Manila

      United Marine Training Center, Inc.
      Marlow Bldg., 2120 Leon Guinto Street, Malate, Manila
      981-6682 / 981-6601

      United Seafarers Maritime Center, Inc.
      G/F YMCA of Manila Buidling Antonio Villegas St., Ermita, Manila
      559-6749/ 241-0881

      ZRC Training and Assessment Center Phils. Inc.
      Ground Floor, Room 108 Ermita Center Bldg., Roxas Blvd. Ermita, Manila

      • Enderun Colleges, Inc.
        No. 1100 Campus Ave., Mckinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
        856-5000 loc. 562

        Regional Training Center – NCR
        TESDA Gate 2, TESDA Complex, East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City

        Top One Training and Assessment Center Corp.
        Phase 1 Afpovai 179 Diego Silang Ave. Cor. Osias Western Bicutan, Taguig City
        0928 625 9427

    • Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges Foundation of Canaman (Cam. Sur), Inc.
      Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur
      (054) 4739726 4744330

    • Circle Test Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      1177 Jaime Street, Corner Commission Civil, Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
      (02) 8057525

      Provincial Training Center – Iloilo
      Brgy. Bolong, Este, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo

      RGO International Training Institute, Inc.
      Unit A, 3rd Flr. Executive Bldg., Ledesma St., Brgy. Hipodromo, Iloilo City

    • NYK-Fil Maritime E-Training Inc.
      Knowledge Ave., Carmeltown, Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna
      (049) 508-8600/(02) 908-4900 – 049-5018605

    • Professional World Academy, Misamis, Inc.
      Antonio Luna St., Mabulay Subdivision, Cagayan de Oro City
      (088)857-2397/ (08822) 720-033 / 881-1371 (088) 880-9035

      • Lemery Colleges, Inc.
        A. Bonifacio St., Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas
        (043) 740-9403

        St. John Academy of Visual and Performing Arts Inc.
        229 A. Mabini Ave., Brgy. Poblacion 2,Tanauan City, Batangas

    • Professional World Academy, Misamis, Inc.
      Antonio Luna St., Mabulay Subdivision, Cagayan de Oro City
      (088)857-2397/ (08822) 720-033 / 881-1371 (088) 880-9035

    • Circle Test Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      1177 Jaime Street, Corner Commission Civil, Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
      (02) 8057525

      Provincial Training Center – Iloilo
      Brgy. Bolong, Este, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo

      RGO International Training Institute, Inc.
      Unit A, 3rd Flr. Executive Bldg., Ledesma St., Brgy. Hipodromo, Iloilo City

    • Philippine School for Maritime and Medical Access, Inc.
      2/F Lara-Pesca Bldg., Zabarte Road, Novaliches, Quezon City
      2254909/ 2615680/ 496-9540

      Philippine School for Maritime and Medical Access, Inc.
      2/F Lara-Pesca Bldg., Zabarte Road, Novaliches, Quezon City
      2254909/ 2615680/ 496-9540

    • VMA Global College and Training Centers, Inc.
      Fiesta Homes, Araneta St., Sum-ag, Bacolod City
      34-4442565/ 34-4441092/ 34-4441588/ 34-4440123

      3A Prime Hospitality Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      DG3 Corporation Building, Annex 2, 72 N. Escario Street, Capitol Site Cebu City Philippines
      (032) 328-9150

      Amlo Bros. Training and Education Cop.
      GF JIF Building, M.J. Cuenco Avenue, Brgy. Tinago, Cebu City (Capital), Cebu, Philippines
      (032) 238-1910 / 09561998048

      Clas Training and Assessment Corp.
      3rd Floor & 4th Floor, GMT–II Building Junquera, Corner P. Del Rosario St., Cebu City
      (032) 526-2160

      KLN Skills & Management Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      2nd Floor Unity Building, Lapu-lapu Street corner Legaspi St., Cebu City, Cebu
      (032) 4020-638 / 09569840278

      • VMA Global College and Training Centers, Inc.
        Fiesta Homes, Araneta St., Sum-ag, Bacolod City
        34-4442565/ 34-4441092/ 34-4441588/ 34-4440123

    • Yes, TESDA Accredited

      RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
      Address: 402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila
      Phone #: 523-7652

    • Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation of Canaman (Cam. Sur), Inc.
      Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur
      (054) 4739726 4744330

    • Please inquire below:

      Abuyog Institute of Technology Inc.
      Real St. Brgy. Loyonsawang, Abuyog, Leyte

      Acedilla Technological Institute Incorporated
      42 A. Mabini St., Baybay City, Leyte
      (053) 335-0314/ 09196801042

      Palermo Hotel Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Inc.
      A. Mabini St., Baybay City, Leyte
      (053) 335-2442/ 09052763657

      Tacloban Central Institute of Technical Studies, Inc.
      SCE II Bldg. Avenida Veteranos Ext. Tacloban City
      053-321-6683/ 839-6517

      Villaba Institute of Technology, Inc.
      Highway Blvd., Caigit Bridge, Brgy. Poblacion Del Norte, Villaba, Leyte

      3A Prime Hospitality Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      DG3 Corporation Building, Annex 2, 72 N. Escario Street, Capitol Site Cebu City Philippines
      (032) 328-9150

      Amlo Bros. Training and Education Cop.
      GF JIF Building, M.J. Cuenco Avenue, Brgy. Tinago, Cebu City (Capital), Cebu, Philippines
      (032) 238-1910 / 09561998048

      Clas Training and Assessment Corp.
      3rd Floor & 4th Floor, GMT–II Building Junquera, Corner P. Del Rosario St., Cebu City
      (032) 526-2160

      KLN Skills & Management Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      2nd Floor Unity Building, Lapu-lapu Street corner Legaspi St., Cebu City, Cebu
      (032) 4020-638 / 09569840278

      University of Cebu-Maritime Education & Training Center
      Alumnos, Mambaling, Cebu City
      (032) 261-3323/2613324/ 262-8888 local 127

    • KLN Skills & Management Training and Assessment Center Inc.
      2nd Floor Unity Building, Lapu-lapu Street corner Legaspi St., Cebu City, Cebu
      (032) 4020-638 / 09569840278

    • Lemery Colleges, Inc.
      A. Bonifacio St., Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas
      (043) 740-1179

      St. John Academy of Visual and Performing Arts Inc.
      229 A. Mabini Ave., Brgy. Poblacion 2,Tanauan City, Batangas

    • Enderun Colleges, Inc.
      No. 1100 Campus Ave., Mckinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
      856-5000 loc. 562

      Regional Training Center – NCR
      TESDA Gate 2, TESDA Complex, East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City

      Top One Training and Assessment Center Corp.
      Phase 1 Afpovai 179 Diego Silang Ave. Cor. Osias Western Bicutan, Taguig City
      0928 625 9427

    • Philippine School for Maritime and Medical Access, Inc.
      2/F Lara-Pesca Bldg., Zabarte Road, Novaliches, Quezon City
      2254909/ 2615680/ 496-9540

      SYLT First Gourmet Academy Inc.
      Capitol Greenstreet, Capitol Hills Golf Clubhouse, Capitol Hills Drive, Old Balara, Quezon City

  • Hi do we have a training center as well as assessment center for this course in Camarines Sur? Thank you for your response.

    • Mariners’ Polytechnic Colleges Foundation of Canaman (Cam. Sur), Inc.
      Ship’s Catering Services NC I
      Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur
      (054) 4739726 4744330

    • VMA Global College and Training Centers, Inc.
      Fiesta Homes, Araneta St., Sum-ag, Bacolod City
      34-4442565/ 34-4441092/ 34-4441588/ 34-4440123

    • Lemery Colleges, Inc.
      A. Bonifacio St., Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas
      (043) 740-1179

      St. John Academy of Visual and Performing Arts Inc.
      229 A. Mabini Ave., Brgy. Poblacion 2,Tanauan City, Batangas

        • Blueridge Pacific Institute Inc.
          No. 357 W. Burke St., Binondo, Manila

          Chef Jhon’s Training and Assessment Center Inc.
          4th Floor Tiaoqui Bldg. Sta. Cruz Plaza, Ronquillo St. Sta. Cruz Manila

          Competent Maritime Professionals and Sea Staff (COMPASS) Training Center, Inc.
          No. 1971 Marc Tower Building Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila
          450-14-52/ 450-85-75

          Far East Maritime Foundation, Inc.
          10/F Victoria Bldg., U.N. Avenue, Ermita, Manila

          International Maritime Education Center Corporation
          8th-9th Floors, 10-B 10th Floor, 11th and 12-B 12th Floor Maritime Plaza Bldg., A. Flores St. corner Cortada St. Ermita, Manila

          3rd Floor Times Plaza Building, United Nations Ave., cor. Taft Ave., Manila
          585-0531/ 524-9996

          Mariana Academy of Maritime Studies, Inc.
          14/F G.E Antonino Bldg., T.M. Kalaw, Ermita, Manila

          NE Plus Ultra Training Center Corporation
          No. 1381 San Marcelino St. Ermita Manila

          Philippine Seafarers Training Center, Inc.
          938 Arlegue corner Aguila Street, Quiapo Manila

          Power Link Center for Advanced Technical Skills Development, Inc.
          2F Marbella II Bldg. 2071 Roxas Blvd., Malate, Manila
          331-3180 / 331-3177 / 742-3400

          RCTI Training & Assessment Corp.
          402 Bel-Air Apartment 4/F, 1020 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila

          SEAMAC International Training Institute, Inc.
          867 G Tolentino Street, Sampaloc, Manila

          Southern Institute of Maritime Studies-Manila Inc.
          2/F The Grand Place Building, 1424 M.H. del Pilar Street Ermita, Manila

          United Marine Training Center, Inc.
          Marlow Bldg., 2120 Leon Guinto Street, Malate, Manila
          981-6682 / 981-6601

          United Seafarers Maritime Center, Inc.
          G/F YMCA of Manila Buidling Antonio Villegas St., Ermita, Manila
          559-6749/ 241-0881

          ZRC Training and Assessment Center Phils. Inc.
          Ground Floor, Room 108 Ermita Center Bldg., Roxas Blvd. Ermita, Manila

  • Where can I enroll ships catering in iloilo
    What training center are qualified for ships catering

  • Where we can enroll this course at the nearest place i live in hilongos leyte thank you and goodbless

    • List of TESDA Accredited Schools in Leyte that offer Ship’s Catering Services NC I Courses

      Abuyog Institute of Technology Inc.
      Real St. Brgy. Loyonsawang, Abuyog, Leyte

      Acedilla Technological Institute Incorporated
      42 A. Mabini St., Baybay City, Leyte

      Palermo Hotel Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Inc.
      A. Mabini St., Baybay City, Leyte

      Tacloban Central Institute of Technical Studies, Inc.
      SCE II Bldg. Avenida Veteranos Ext. Tacloban City

      Villaba Institute of Technology, Inc.
      Highway Blvd., Caigit Bridge, Brgy. Poblacion Del Norte, Villaba, Leyte

      • Philippine School for Maritime and Medical Access, Inc.
        2/F Lara-Pesca Bldg., Zabarte Road, Novaliches, Quezon City
        2254909/ 2615680/ 496-9540

        SYLT First Gourmet Academy Inc.
        Capitol Greenstreet, Capitol Hills Golf Clubhouse, Capitol Hills Drive, Old Balara, Quezon City

        4F ANSON'S BLDG., 969 Aurora Blvd., Quirino 3-A, Quezon City

          • VMA Global College and Training Centers, Inc.
            Fiesta Homes, Araneta St., Sum-ag, Bacolod City
            34-4442565/ 34-4441092/ 34-4441588/ 34-4440123

          • ILearn Training Institute, Inc.
            Unit No. 306B & 307 AA Tanco Building Shaw Boulevard cor. Kalentong Street, Brgy. Daang Bakal, Mandaluyong City
            398-5119/ 09309057494

          • Hi, saan po School sa Pasay City may available po ng Ship’s Catering Services NC I

          • “K” Line Maritime Academy Philippines, Inc.
            “K” Line Building, Coral Drive Central Business Park 1, Pasay City
            556-2950 / 556-2952

            Circle Test Training and Assessment Center Inc.
            No. 2315 Aurora Boulevard (Formerly Tramo), Malibay District, Pasay City

            SMI Institute Inc.
            Unit 3- A 3rd Floor Wardley Bldg. 1991 San Juan St. Pasay City

            United International Maritime Training and Assessment Center Incorporated
            4/F Sea Tower Bldg. 2332 Roxas Blvd. cor. Arnaiz St. Pasay City
            516-3133/ 823-0918/ 0924-234983706

        • Hello. San po available ang course nato dito sa cavite area? Possible near tanza,naic,trece or bacoor. Thanks

          • MK Maritime Training Center Inc.
            Old NIA Road, Brgy. Bayanan, Bacoor, Cavite
            (046) 419-8120

            PTS College & Advanced Studies Inc.
            Carlos Trinidad Ave., Salitran IV, Dasmariñas City, Cavite
            (046) 512 4941 0917 505 704 0928 776 6168