The TESDA Course in HANDLOOM WEAVING (UPRIGHT) NC II consists of competencies that a Handloom weaver/Handloom specialist must achieve to be able to conduct preparatory activities prior to weaving on a loom; perform basic handloom operations; recognize and check product quality; complete the whole weaving process including finishing and final quality assessment and to be able to market & promote the finished woven product.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Creative Sector

A student who has achieved this Course in HANDLOOM WEAVING (UPRIGHT) NC II is competent to be:

  • Handloom Weaver
  • Handloom Weaving Specialist
  • Handloom Operator


Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration : 509 Hours

This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of conducting pre-handloom weaving activities, performing upright loom weaving, and conducting post-weaving activities.

Upon completion of the course, the learners are expected to demonstrate the abovementioned competencies to be employed. To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieve.


Trainees or students wishing to gain entry into this program must possess the following requirements:

  • Basic communication skills; and
  • Basic arithmetic skills.

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the TVET program.


This units of competency comprising this qualification include Basic, Common, Elective and Core Competencies. To obtain this course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

These units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

CRE731301 Conduct pre-handloom weaving activities
CRE731302 Perform upright loom weaving
CRE731303 Conduct post-weaving activities
CRE731201 Enhance industry knowledge and skills
CRE731202 Enhance creative and artistic skills and cultural awareness
CRE731203 Observe procedures, specifications and manuals of instructions
CRE731204 Operate equipment
CRE731205 Manage own performance
CRE731206 Maintain a safe, clean and efficient work environment
CRE731207 Provide and maintain effective customer service
CRE731208 Observe quality system
400311210 Participate in workplace communication
400311211 Work in team environment
400311212 Solve/address general workplace problems
400311213 Develop career and life decisions
400311214 Contribute to workplace innovation
400311215 Present relevant information
400311216 Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
400311217 Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
400311218 Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace


This section gives the details of the contents of the core units of competency required in HANDLOOM WEAVING (UPRIGHT) NC II


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to confirm job requirement, prepare raw materials and prepare tools, materials and accessories.

  1. Confirm job requirement
    • Weaving pattern is selected according to client’s requirements.
    • Pattern is interpreted based on established industry practices.
    • Product specification is clarified based on industry practice.
    • Materials requirements are calculated based on the work requirement.
    • Documentation of information is done according to industry practice.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.
  2. Prepare tools and materials
    • Quality materials are acquired from reliable sources.
    • Tools are selected and checked according to work requirements.
    • Minor troubleshooting and repair is conducted following established industry procedures.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS.
  3. Perform warping activities
    • Yarns are prepared according to product specifications.
    • Yarns are arranged following warping technique.
    • Corrective actions are applied based on warping problems.
    • Upright loom dressing technique is applied following loom dressing procedures.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to perform basic upright loom weaving.

  1. Prepare loom weaving machine and workplace
    • Workplace is prepared according to work procedures.
    • Safety measure is applied based on OSHS.
    • Loom parts and accessories are checked based on established industry procedure.
    • Loom parts and accessories are adjusted based on established industry procedure.
    • Defective loom parts are reported to immediate authority based on established industry procedure.
    • Upright loom weaving machine is set up following industry procedures and manuals.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.
  2. Weave textile
    • Woven textile is produced according to upright loom weaving procedures.
    • On-the-loom inspection is performed following standard procedures.
    • Rectification of weaving is applied following industry procedures.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.
  3. Complete upright loom weaving
    • Off-the-loom inspection is performed following standard procedures.
    • Finishing of fabric is applied based on established techniques.
    • Woven textile is classified according to industry criteria.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for off the loom activities.

  1. Package and label woven textile products
    • Packaging tools and materials and supplies are selected based on product requirements.
    • Woven textile products are packed following standard packing procedures.
    • Woven textile products are labeled according to the documentation.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS.
  2. Perform record keeping
    • Report on work process and progress is prepared following enterprise procedures.
    • Forms are accomplished according to industry requirements.
    • Production yield is recorded based on work outputs.
    • Inventory activities is done according to industry practices.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.
  3. Conduct restoration activities
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned and stored according to industry procedures and manuals.
    • Materials are stored following 5S of good Housekeeping.
    • Waste management is practiced based on environmental regulations.
    • Workplace is restored following industry procedures.
    • Required output is completed as specified by the immediate supervisor based on work.
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS.



This unit of competency deals with the knowledge, skills required to source out information, update industry knowledge and prepare prototype.

  1. Source out information
    • Sources of information on the industry are identified and coordinated according to industry procedures.
    • Sources of information are accessed based on industry procedures.
    • Sourced information are documented based on industry procedures.
    • Documentation tools, materials, and equipment are prepared and used based on industry procedures.
  2. Update industry knowledge
    • Sourced information are used based on industry procedures.
    • Sourced information are shared to colleagues based on industry procedures.
    • Documentation is done based on industry procedures.
  3. Prepare prototype
    • Experimentation is performed based on sourced information.
    • Product is improved based on experimental findings.
    • Improved product is checked for quality based on industry procedures.
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to plan for the activities, conduct capacitation activity, conduct cultural awareness activity and perform benchmarking.

It also includes competency required to exhibit professional practice that describes development of creative, artistic and conceptual skills required to work as a practicing artist. It also deals with communicating effectively and working strategically to achieve planned outcomes as an artist.

  1. Plan for the activities
    • Information on cultural skills and practices is accessed and used.
    • Areas for improvement are identified based on gathered information.
    • Action plan is prepared based on consultation.
    • Consultation is made with cultural authorities.
    • Artistic skills group are formed.
  2. Conduct capacitation activity
    • Training and specialization is selected with reference to improvement area.
    • Capacitation strategies are applied based on industry procedures.
    • Administrative requirements are prepared and submitted.
    • Learner is monitored and evaluated according to capacitation strategies.
  3. Conduct cultural awareness activity
    • Cultural events are identified according to established industry procedures.
    • Cultural events are participated according to industry practices.
    • Coordination activities are performed following industry procedures.
    • Promotional materials are prepared according to established practices.
    • Cultural promotion is carried out based on established industry procedures.
  4. Perform benchmarking
    • Community is identified and selected based on industry procedures.
    • Cultural exchange is facilitated according to industry procedure.
    • Community practices are identified and selected following industry procedures.
    • Cultural authorities are consulted for cultural skilled – shared knowledge based on established protocol.
    • Best practice is applied based on approval of cultural authorities.
    • Adjustments are applied based on consultation with the cultural authorities.
    • Documentation is performed based on the result of consultation.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes on identifying, interpreting, applying services to specifications and manuals and storing manuals.

  1. Identify and access specification/manuals
    • Manuals are identified and accessed as per job requirements.
    • Version and date of manual are checked to ensure that correct specification and procedures are identified.
  2. Interpret manuals
    • Relevant sections, chapters of specifications/manuals are located in relation to the work to be conducted.
    • Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted in accordance with industry practices.
  3. Apply information in manual
    • Manual is interpreted according to job requirements.
    • Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with manufacturer’s specification.
    • Manual data are applied according to the given task.
    • All correct sequencing and adjustments are interpreted in accordance with information contained on the manual or specifications.
  4. Store manuals
    • Manual of specification is stored to prevent damage and be readily accessible.
    • Information is updated when required in accordance with company requirements.


This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values needed to operate related equipment in connection to film/ television/ theatre/ live performances.

  1. Plan and prepare for task to be undertaken
    • Requirements of task are determined.
    • Equipment is selected according to task assigned and required outcome.
    • Task is planned to ensure Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) practices.
  2. Use equipment
    • Equipment is checked for operation in accordance manufacturer’s specification.
    • Test result of desired creative output is performed in accordance with aesthetic vision or job requirements.
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is selected and used according to job requirements.
    • Work is performed according to OSHS practices.
  3. Maintain equipment
    • Systems for cleaning, minor maintenance and replacement of consumables are implemented.
    • Equipment is checked for damages and reported to authorized personnel for repair.
    • Equipment is stored in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and standard procedures.


This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform planning activities, maintain quality of performance and improve own work. It includes also an effective management of own competency to produce quality work.

  1. Perform planning activities
    • Tasks are listed according to job requirements.
    • Work plans and schedules are prepared based on tasks.
    • Coordination is applied based on industry practices.
    • Budgetary requirements are computed based on the work plans and schedules.
  2. Maintain quality of performance
    • Personal performance is monitored according to industry standards.
    • Advice and guidance is obtained to maintain industry standards.
    • Guidance from community cultural authorities is applied to maintain industry standards.
    • Specifications from customers are obtained based on industry standards.
  3. Improve own work
    • Actual work output is assessed in relation to work plan and schedules.
    • Work expenses are computed against budget.
    • Feedback is obtained from customer based on job requirements.
    • Improvement is done according to feedback.


This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to comply with safety and health regulations, maintain work area and maintain tools, equipment, materials and other resources. This includes competencies needed to maintain clean and safe working environment. The unit incorporates the work safety guidelines.

  1. Comply with safety and health regulations
    • Safety and health measures are applied based on OSHS.
    • Policies and procedures are adapted and applied according to industry standards.
    • Emergencies are addressed following workplace procedures.
    • Work areas are setup and secured following safety procedures.
  2. Maintain work area
    • Attributes of conducive working areas are checked following safety procedures.
    • Repairs are identified and reported to authorities.
    • Work area maintenance schedule are complied according to workplace procedure.
    • Waste is stored and disposed of according to waste management.
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS.
  3. Maintain tools, equipment, materials and other resources
    • Tools, equipment and materials are stored according to manufacturer’s manual and industry practices.
    • Tools, and equipment are checked for maintenance requirements according to manufacturer’s manual and industry practices.
    • Resources are monitored and maintained following workplace procedure.
    • Tools and equipment are referred for repair according to industry procedure.
    • Safety practices are applied following OSHS.


This unit of competency deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to maintain a good business image, respond to customer needs and strengthen relations with customers. The unit focuses on personal presentations and providing effective client service.

  1. Maintain a good business image
    • Personal presence is maintained according to employer standards.
    • Interpersonal skills are used to identify customer needs following workplace standards.
    • Work area is kept tidy and uncluttered according to workplace procedure.
    • Equipment and other resources are stored and organized according to workplace procedures.
    • Product orientation is conducted according to industry practices.
  2. Respond to customer needs
    • Customer needs are identified according to industry procedures.
    • Prototype is prepared according to customer specifications.
    • Changes to customer needs are addressed according to workplace procedure.
    • Feedback mechanisms are used to meet customer needs following industry procedure.
  3. Strengthen relations with customer
    • Customer expectations are met according to industry procedure.
    • Repeat orders are secured based on industry procedure.
    • Written contract is prepared based on agreements.


This unit of competency covers the competence to conduct the final quality check on completed work or orders, report on the quality of processes and work outcomes, and implement improvements to work processes.

  1. Conduct final quality check on completed work/orders
    • Completed work/orders are checked for compliance with supplier, company or customer specifications.
    • Documentation is authorized in accordance with company requirements.
    • Feedback is provided to staff on the quality of their work with equal emphasis on strengths and weaknesses and opportunities for development.
  2. Report on the quality of processes and work outcomes
    • Documents are kept according to company quality procedures on outcomes of quality checks.
    • Quality problems are identified according to company performance indicators.
    • Information relating to the quality of processes and work outcomes is provided to appropriate persons on a regular basis.
  3. Implement improvements to work processes
    • Staff input is encouraged to generate possible solutions to quality problems.
    • Options for solving quality problems are generated and the costs and benefits of each option are evaluated.
    • Recommended solutions to quality problems are discussed with management.
    • Improvements to work processes are implemented according to company policies and procedures.


The BASIC COMPETENCIES refer to non-technical skills (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that everybody will need in order to perform satisfactorily at work and in society and are considered portable and transferable irrespective of jobs and industrial settings.

UNIT CODE: 400311210

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.

  1. Obtain and convey workplace information
    • Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources.
    • Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey information.
    • Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas.
    • Appropriate non- verbal communication is used.
    • Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed.
    • Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used.
    • Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely.
  2. Perform duties following workplace instructions
    • Written notices and instructions are read and interpreted in accordance with organizational guidelines.
    • Routine written instruction are followed based on established procedures.
    • Feedback is given to workplace supervisor based instructions/ information received.
    • Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner.
    • Where necessary, clarifications about routine workplace procedures and matters concerning conditions of employment are sought and asked from appropriate sources.
    • Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented.
  3. Complete relevant work-related documents
    • Range of forms relating to conditions of employment are completed accurately and legibly.
    • Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace forms and documents.
    • Errors in recording information on forms/ documents are identified and acted upon.
    • Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed according to organizational guidelines.

UNIT CODE: 400311211

This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify one’s roles and responsibilities as a member of a team.

  1. Describe team role and scope
    • The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information.
    • Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate  external sources.
  2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team
    • Individual roles and responsibilities within the team environment are identified.
    • Roles and objectives of the team is identified from available sources of information.
    • Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified based on team discussions and  appropriate external sources.
  3. Work as a team member
    • Effective and appropriate forms of communications are used and interactions undertaken with team members based on company practices.
    • Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on workplace context.
    • Protocols in reporting are observed based on standard company practices.
    • Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of team’s role and objectives.

UNIT CODE: 400311212

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply problem-solving techniques to determine the origin of problems and plan for their resolution. It also includes addressing procedural problems through documentation, and referral.

  1. Identify routine problems
    • Routine problems or procedural problem areas are identified.
    • Problems to be investigated are defined and determined.
    • Current conditions of the problem are identified and documented.
  2. Look for solutions to routine problems
    • Potential solutions to problem are identified.
    • Recommendations about possible solutions are developed, documented, ranked and presented to  appropriate person for decision.
  3. Recommend solutions to problems
    • Implementation of solutions are planned.
    • Evaluation of implemented solutions are planned.
    • Recommended solutions are documented and submit to appropriate person for confirmation.

UNIT CODE: 400311213

This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in managing one’s emotions, developing reflective practice, and boosting self-confidence and developing self-regulation.

  1. Manage one’s emotion
    • Self-management strategies are identified.
    • Skills to work independently and to show initiative, to be conscientious, and persevering in the face of setbacks and frustrations are developed.
    • Techniques for effectively handling negative emotions and unpleasant situation in the workplace are examined.
  2. Develop reflective practice
    • Personal strengths and achievements, based on self-assessment strategies and teacher feedback are contemplated.
    • Progress when seeking and responding to feedback from teachers to assist them in consolidating strengths, addressing weaknesses and fulfilling their potential are monitored.
    • Outcomes of personal and academic challenges by reflecting on previous problem solving and decision making strategies and feedback from peers and teachers are predicted.
  3. Boost self-confidence and develop self-regulation
    • Efforts for continuous self-improvement are demonstrated.
    • Counter-productive tendencies at work are eliminated.
    • Positive outlook in life are maintained.

UNIT CODE: 400311214

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to make a pro-active and positive contribution to workplace innovation.

  1. Identify opportunities to do things better
    • Opportunities for improvement are identified proactively in own area of work.
    • Information are gathered and reviewed which may be relevant to ideas and which might assist in gaining support for idea.
  2. Discuss and develop ideas with others
    • People who could provide input to ideas for improvements are identified.
    • Ways of approaching people to begin sharing ideas are selected.
    • Meeting is set with relevant people.
    • Ideas for follow up are review and selected based on feedback.
    • Critical inquiry method is used to discuss and develop ideas with others.
  3. Integrate ideas for change in the workplace
    • Critical inquiry method is used to integrate different ideas for change of key people.
    • Summarizing, analyzing and generalizing skills are used to extract salient points in the pool of ideas.
    • Reporting skills are likewise used to communicate results.
    • Current Issues and concerns on the systems, processes and procedures, as well as the need for simple innovative practices are identified.

UNIT CODE: 400311215

This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to present data/information appropriately.

  1. Gather data/information
    • Evidence, facts and information are collected.
    • Evaluation, terms of reference and conditions are reviewed to determine whether data/information falls within project scope.
  2. Assess gathered data/information
    • Validity of data/information is assessed.
    • Analysis techniques are applied to assess data/ information.
    • Trends and anomalies are identified.
    • Data analysis techniques and procedures are documented.
    • Recommendations are made on areas of possible improvement.
  3. Record and present information
    • Studied data/ information are recorded.
    • Recommendations are analysed for action to ensure they are compatible with the project’s scope and terms of reference.
    • Interim and final reports are analysed and outcomes are compared to the criteria established at the outset.
    • Findings are presented to stakeholders.

UNIT CODE: 400311216

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to identify OSH compliance requirements, prepare OSH requirements for compliance, perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures.

  1. Identify OSH compliance requirements
    • Relevant OSH requirements, regulations, policies and procedures are identified in accordance with workplace policies and procedures.
    • OSH activity non-conformities are conveyed to appropriate personnel.
    • OSH preventive and control requirements are identified in accordance with OSH work policies and procedures.
  2. Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
    • OSH work activity material, tools and equipment requirements are identified in accordance with workplace policies and procedures.
    • Required OSH materials, tools and equipment are acquired in accordance with workplace policies and procedures.
    • Required OSH materials, tools and equipment are arranged/ placed in accordance with OSH work standards.
  3. Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures
    • Relevant OSH work procedures are identified in accordance with workplace policies and procedures.
    • Work Activities are executed in accordance with OSH work standards.
    • Non-compliance work activities are reported to appropriate personnel.

UNIT CODE: 400311217

This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization, determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of resource utilization and Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices.

  1. Identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization
    • Required resource utilization in the workplace is measured using appropriate techniques.
    • Data are recorded in accordance with workplace protocol.
    • Recorded data are compared to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization according to established environmental work procedures.
  2. Determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of resource utilization
    • Potential causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness are listed.
    • Causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness are identified through deductive reasoning.
    • Identified causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness are validated thru established
  3. Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices
    • Efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization are reported to appropriate personnel.
    • Concerns related resource utilization are discussed with appropriate personnel.
    • Feedback on information/ concerns raised are clarified with appropriate personnel.

UNIT CODE: 400311218

This unit covers the outcomes required to apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices and implement cost-effective operations.

  1. Apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices
    • Good practices relating to workplace operations are observed and selected following workplace policy.
    • Quality procedures and practices are complied with according to workplace requirements.
    • Cost-conscious habits in resource utilization are applied based on industry standards.
  2. Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best practices
    • Observed good practices relating to workplace operations are communicated to appropriate person.
    • Observed quality procedures and practices are communicated to appropriate person.
    • Cost-conscious habits in resource utilization are communicated based on industry standards.
  3. Implement cost-effective operations
    • Preservation and optimization of workplace resources is implemented in accordance with enterprise policy.
    • Judicious use of workplace tools, equipment and materials are observed according to manual and work requirements.
    • Constructive contributions to office operations are made according to enterprise requirements.
    • Ability to work within one’s allotted time and finances is sustained.


  • APRON – Is a canvas attached to the warp ends to start weaving
  • APRONING – Is a process of typing the warp ends to the apron cloth that is attached to the cloth beam which start weaving process.
  • BACK BEAM – Located above the warp beam. The warp beam passes over this firm support to maintain its tension. A corresponding surface called the breast beam, can be found at the upper front of the loom.
    Also known as sambayunan.
  • BEAMING – Is to wind the warp onto the warp beam. The layers of warp are usually separated with heavy paper or warping sticks.
  • BEATER – A frame attached to the loom near the cloth beam to hold the reed to beat the weft. It consists of a frame where the reed is inserted. The frame’s top is removable to allow the easy installation of different sizes of the reed. When the appropriate reed is in place, the beater is used to press the weft perpendicularly against the warp and as weaving progress against the warp and as weaving progresses against the woven cloth. Beaters may either swing from a bar laid crosswise over the loom or from the side beam at the part of the loom.
  • BEATING / JERK – Means filling the thread to give firmness on the fabric.
  • BOBBIN – Is a fabricated thread / yarn holder made of straw or bamboo where strands of fiber are winded to form the weft.
    Also known as talinyas (Aklan), kalinyas (Ilocos).
  • CLOTH BEAM / LIKISAN – Holds the web or the woven fabric that can be found in the lower front of the loom. It is a beam directly below the breast beam. The newly woven cloth is wound and stored here.
  • COUNTERBALA NCE LOOM – Are quiet and have a faster and softer treadling (requiring less weight) than jack-type looms.
  • CROSS STICK – Is a guide stick inserted to cross on the warp.
    Also known as salidsiran (Aklan), runo (Ilocos).
  • HEDDLES – Is a cord with an eye. It carries the ends of the cord to the harness. Fabricated thru the use of strings, flat metal or iron. They have end loops where the harnesses and heddle bars are inserted in the central eye where the warp is threaded according to the draft or design plan. Heddles lift the individual warp thread during the weaving process so that the desired pattern may merge.
  • HEAD ROLLER – Refers to the round bar placed crosswise at the top of the loom and to the parallel bar below it. These roller support the ropes which keep the hanging in place. Also known as ligid-ligid (Aklan).
  • HEDDLE BARS – These are narrow horizontal bars lie below the roller and are much shorter so they they can be raised or lowered by pressing the loom’s treadles to create a shed or opening on the warp. Heddle bars come in pairs. The upper bars are tied to the rollers which the lower bars are attached to the foot treadles with the heddles suspended between the bars. The set of harness per loom can range from two to as much as 24. Twoharness looms are so called because they have only two set of harnesses. In some looms, pairs of heddle frames, instead of bars are used to contain the heddles
  • IN-LAID STICKS / BALILA – Is a flat wood measured 2.5″ in x 0.25″ in thickness. The length depends on the width of the cloth. It aids the weaver in creating designs on the woven cloth.
    Also known as balila (Aklan).
  • LEASE STICKS – Are sticks that come with a loom. They usually match the loom width. Lease sticks can be used during the warping process to hold the cross
  • REED / SUYOD – It is tool made of very fine vertical equidistant metal strips enclosed with in a metal frame. Keep the warp threads neatly parallels & evenly spaced. During the weaving process, the reed beats the weft into place. Reeds are available in different densities. The densities are determined by the number of dents per inch. Although the finished web or cloth cannot exceed the width of the reed, the fineness or coarness of a fabric is partly affected by the size of the reed used and how it is threaded.
    Also known as suyod (Tagalog).
  • SET-UP – Process of something ready to be used
  • SHUTTLE – Is a boat-like piece of wood which carries the bobbin with knotted fiber and is being thrown back and forth to form the desired cloth.
    Also known as sikuan (Aklan), bartilya (Ilocos).
  • SLEYING – Passing the warp through reed.
  • SPINDLE – A steel, wire, or coconut midrib stick (kugong) to secure the bobbin inside the shuttle. Several bobbins are prepared so that weaving may be done continuously.
  • SPOOL / SKEIN HOLDER – Used to substitute a thread spreader when one is dealing with lesser quantities of thread. It is wooden block with vertical pegs projecting from surface. Each cone or skein of thread to be used is placed around a peg. An extra peg, longer than the others, is placed at one end of the block and a screw eye is embedded in it.
  • TREADLE / PEDALS – It can be made of bamboo tied up to the harness so that the treadle will move up and down to inter-twine with the warp floor loom are operated by foot treadles or pedals attached to the harnesses this action creates a shed through which the weft is drawn. Being foot controlled the weaver hands can throw and catch” the weft-filled unhindered. The number of treadles on a loom will depend on the number of sent ie-, a 2 harness loo will have 2 treadles.
    Also known as siknan.
  • WARPING WHEEL/ FRAME – Is a warping equipment used in preliminary process in weaving.
  • WARP-OUT – Excess warp.
  • WARP BEAM – It is the beam or bar at the lower back of the loom where the unwoven warp threads are stored. It is periodically rotated so that the warp may advance during the weaving process. A corresponding beam, called the cloth beam, can be found at the lower front of the loom, which in turn, holds the web or woven fabric.
  • WARPING – It is the process of winding necessary warp threads to the warping frame.
  • WEAVING HOOK – Looks like a flattened bamboo or steel similar to broader version of the crochet hook. It is available in different forms and sizes. It is used to draw the warp threads through the reed. Also known as sleying hook or denting hook.

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