The BAMBOO PROCESSING (ENGINEERED BAMBOO) NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must have in order to perform basic bamboo processing, carry-out treatment of semi-processed bamboo materials, perform kiln drying, perform milling operation, laminate bamboo materials, produce engineered bamboo, perform finishing and package finished product.

It also includes competencies of a person must have to be able to practice occupational safety procedures, 7S of Good Housekeeping and observing environmental rules and regulations in waste management in all farm activities.

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Sector.

A person who has achieved this qualification is competent to be:

  • Engineered-bamboo processor


Level: NC II
Nominal Training Duration : 414 Hours

This course is designed to provide the learner with knowledge, practical skills and attitudes applicable in performing work activities involve in performing basic bamboo processing, carrying-out treatment of semi-processed bamboo materials, performing kiln drying, performing milling operation, laminating bamboo materials and producing engineered bamboo and performing finishing. This include classroom learning activities and practical work in actual work site or simulation area.

Upon completion of the course, the learners are expected to demonstrate the above-mentioned competencies to be employed. To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieve.


Trainees or students who would like to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements:

  1. Able to read and write
  2. Able to communicate, both orally and in writing
  3. Able to perform simple computations


To obtain this course, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.

This units of competency comprising this qualification include the following:

AFF752301 Perform basic bamboo processing
AFF752302 Carry out treatment of semi-processed bamboo materials
AFF752303 Perform kiln drying
AFF752304 Perform milling operation
AFF752305 Laminate bamboo materials
AFF752306 Produce engineered bamboo
AFF752307 Perform finishing
AFF321201 Apply Safety Measures in Farm Operations
AFF321202 Use Farm Tools and Equipment
AFF321203 Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation
400311210 Participate in workplace communication
400311211 Work in team environment
400311212 Solve/address general workplace problems
400311213 Develop career and life decisions
400311214 Contribute to workplace innovation
400311215 Present relevant information
400311216 Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
400311217 Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
400311218 Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace


Core competency units comprising the qualification in BAMBOO PROCESSING (ENGINEERED BAMBOO) NC II

PERFORM BASIC BAMBOO PROCESSING (AFF752301) – This unit covers the knowledge and skills required to perform work activities involve in pre-production activities, produce semi-processed bamboo materials, carry out treatment and preservation and complete basic bamboo processing activities.

  1. Perform pre-production activities
    • Basic bamboo processes are identified and confirmed following OSHS Rule 1080, Rule 1070, Rule 1150
    • Bamboo are selected according to work specifications and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1070
    • Tools, machines and equipment are prepared according to work requirements and OSHS Rule 1080, Rule 1070, Rule 1150 and Rule 1200
  2. Produce semi-processed bamboo materials
    • Bamboo is cut according to specified length and OSHS Rule 1080, Rule 1070 and Rule 1150
    • Tools are used according to the required basic bamboo process and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Equipment is operated according to the required bamboo process and OSHS Rule 1080, Rule 1070 and Rule 1200.
    • Semi-processed bamboo materials are manufactured based on job specifications.
    • Weaving technique is applied according to desired weaving pattern and specifications and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1150.
  3. Complete basic bamboo processing activities
    • Dried bamboo slats are stocked following established industry practices
    • Delivery of dried bamboo slats is coordinated following industry procedures
    • Reusable materials are collected and stored following workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1090
    • Waste and scrap are removed following industry guidelines
    • Tools and Equipment are maintained and stored following manufacturer’s manual and industry guidelines
    • Work area is restored following OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Unserviceable tools and equipment are tagged and reported to immediate supervisor
    • Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance with enterprise standards

CARRY OUT TREATMENT OF SEMI-PROCESSED BAMBOO MATERIALS (AFF752302) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform work activities involve in performing pre-treatment activities, preparing preservatives solution, applying preservative solution, air drying and completing treatment and preservation activities.

  1. Perform pre-treatment activities
    • Semi-processed bamboo materials are identified following workplace procedures
    • Treatment method is identified and confirmed with immediate supervisor.
    • Tools, equipment and supplies are prepared in accordance with the approved treatment method following workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1090
    • Needed amount of chemicals for preservative solutions are confirmed according to work requirements and treatment methods following OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1090
    • Preservative solution is prepared according to the approved treatment method following standard workplace procedure and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1090
  2. Conduct chemical treatment
    • Semi-processed bamboo materials are prepared according to the approved treatment following OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080, Rule 1090 and Rule 1150
    • Preservative solution is applied following standard operating procedures and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1090
  3. Perform air drying
    • Treated bamboo slats are knotted and transferred to drying area following OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080, Rule 1090 and Rule 1150
    • Treated bamboo slats are piled according to workplace procedure and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule1080 and Rule 1150
    • Drying is conducted following established industry procedure and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150.
  4. Complete treatment and preservation activities
    • Dried treated semi-processed bamboo slats are stored following drying procedures and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Reusable materials are collected and stored following workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Waste and scrap are removed following environmental laws and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Tools and equipment are maintained and stored following manufacturer’s manual and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Work area is restored following OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Unserviceable tools and equipment are tagged and reported to immediate supervisor
    • Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance with enterprise standards

PERFORM KILN DRYING (AFF752303) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform work activities involve in performing pre-drying activities, loading kiln, drying kiln charge, unloading kiln charge and performing post drying activities.

  1. Perform pre-drying activities
    • Semi-processed bamboo materials are prepared for drying according to enterprise procedures following OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Drying process is planned based on semi-processed bamboo materials to be dried
    • Drying Chamber is cleaned following standard workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule1150
    • Kiln drying equipment and kiln dryer accessories are checked for serviceability following OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080, Rule 1150 and Rule 1210
    • Samples are selected based on established sampling procedures following OSHS Rule 1080
    • Initial moisture contents of samples are measured and recorded in accordance with standard operating procedures
  2. Load kiln
    • Semi-processed bamboo materials are piled according to standard operating procedures following OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Baffles and blankets are positioned in accordance with standard operating procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Samples and moisture probes are placed following standard operating procedure and OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
  3. Dry kiln charge
    • Initial drying condition is set according to the state of materials to be dried following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Kiln dryer is operated following industry guidelines
    • Moisture content is routinely measured and compared with anticipated levels in accordance with drying schedule following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Kiln control settings are routinely monitored to maintain required drying condition following OSHS Rule 1080
    • Kiln control settings are adjusted based on the result of monitoring
  4. Unload kiln charge
    • Samples are checked with reference to drying end point following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Drying chamber is checked for safe entry following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Bamboo materials are counter checked for required moisture content following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Bamboo materials are unloaded from the chamber following workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Bamboo materials are piled and stored following standard workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Defective bamboo materials are segregated following Ecological solid Waste Management Act of 2000 and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
  5. Perform post drying activities
    • Kiln drying Equipment and accessories are cleaned and inspected following operation manual and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Work area is restored in accordance with standard workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Work activities and outputs are recorded and reported to immediate supervisor

PERFORM MILLING OPERATION (AFF752304) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to prepare for pre-milling operations, set-up machine for milling operation, perform milling and perform post milling activities

  1. Conduct pre-milling operations
    • Bamboo materials are prepared for milling operation following OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Tools, machines and equipment are checked for serviceability following OSHS Rule 1080, Rule 1150 and Rule 1210
    • Supplies are prepared based on work requirement following OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
  2. Set up machine for milling operation
    • Drawing plan is interpolated following established industry practices
    • Blades are adjusted according to the required product specifications following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Machine mechanisms are adjusted according to product specifications following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Sample cut are made to finalize set-up following OSHS Rule 1080
  3. Perform milling
    • Bamboo materials are cut according to job specifications following OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Bamboo materials are milled according to job specifications following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Milling machines are operated according to operation manual following OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1210
    • Dimensions are checked for conformity of job specifications following OSHS Rule 1080
  4. Perform post milling activities
    • Tools, are cleaned and inspected following operation manual and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Preventive maintenance is conducted following manufacturer’s manual and industry guidelines
    • Work area is restored following workplace procedures and industry guidelines
    • Work activities and outputs are recorded and reported to immediate supervisor

LAMINATE BAMBOO MATERIALS (AFF752305) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to carry-out pre-lamination activities, set-up laminating equipment and accessories, apply glue, press and perform post lamination activities

  1. Carry out pre-lamination activities
    • Bamboo materials are selected based on product specifications
    • Bamboo materials are sorted based on shade and thickness and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Tools, machines and equipment are checked for serviceability following OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080, Rule 1150 and Rule 1210
    • Supplies are prepared based on work requirement and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Glue is identified according to work specification and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1090
    • Consistency of glue is inspected based on manufacturer’s specification and OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
  2. Set up laminating equipment and accessories
    • Pressing mechanism of laminating equipment is adjusted according to product specifications and OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Laminating jigs are prepared according to product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Pressure is set according to manufacturer’s manual and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Glue spreader is adjusted to ensure uniformity of application following OSHS Rule 1080
  3. Apply glue
    • Glue is loaded in glue spreader based on work requirements and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1090
    • Bamboo materials are arranged according to product specification and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Glue is spread on bamboo materials following standard operating procedures and OSHS Rule 1070, Rule 1080 and Rule 1090
    • Surfaces are checked to ensure completeness of application following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Reapplication of glue is done on missed surfaces following workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 following Rule 1080
    • Corrective measures are applied for displaced bamboo materials following product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Observance of setting time is practiced with reference to glue specification following OSHS Rule 1080
  4. Perform pressing
    • Glued bamboo materials are arranged in laminating jig following OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Laminating jig is placed on the pressing mechanism following operations manual and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Pressure is applied based on operations manual and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Bamboo materials are checked for displacement
  5. Perform post lamination activities
    • Laminated bamboo materials are unloaded following workplace procedure and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Laminated bamboo materials are cured based on standard operating procedures and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Laminated bamboo materials are removed from jig following workplace procedure and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Delaminated bamboo materials are segregated following industry procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Waste management is practiced according to Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
    • Documentation is accomplished based on work requirement
    • Tools, supplies, machine and equipment are maintained and stored following OSHS Rule 1080
    • Workplace area is restored following principle of 5S of Good Housekeeping

PRODUCE ENGINEERED BAMBOO (AFF752306) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to prepare pre-production activities, produce jigs, produce product components, perform profiling, make joineries, assemble product and perform post production activities

  1. Conduct pre-production activities
    • Product specifications are confirmed based on client’s requirement
    • Materials and supplies are selected based on work requirement and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Tools, machines and equipment are prepared according to product specification and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
  2. Produce product components
    • Drawing plan is interpolated following established industry practices
    • Jigs are prepared based on product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule1150
    • Bamboo materials are laminated following standard process and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Milling operations are performed according to required dimensions and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1210
    • Machines are used following operations manual and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Component are shaped based on product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1070
  3. Perform profiling
    • Work piece is checked for readiness in profiling based on established procedures
    • Profile cutter and machines are prepared according to work requirements and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Tools and machines are used for profiling following product specifications, manufacturer’s manual and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Sample cuts are produced for design conformity based on product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Adjustments are made based on the test run and OSHS
  4. Make joineries
    • Joineries are identified based on product designs
    • Components are checked for conformity based on product specifications
    • Lay outing is performed based on product design and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Machine is operated for joineries production following operations manual and OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Pre-assembling is performed following product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
  5. Assemble product
    • Components are checked for conformity based on product specification
    • Pre-assembling is performed following working drawings and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Adjustments are applied based on the result of pre-assembling and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Components are fixed using appropriate fixing materials following OSHS Rule 1080
    • Product assembling is performed following working drawings and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
  6. Perform post production activities
    • Quality control of end-products is employed based on product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Corrective measures are applied based on product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Tools and machines are maintained and stored following workplace procedure and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Inventory and storage of supplies and materials are done following workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Workplace is restored according following principles of 5S of Good Housekeeping.
    • Documentation and report preparation is done according to work requirements.
    • Waste management is practiced according to Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

PERFORM FINISHING (AFF752307) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to carry-out pre-finishing activities, surface preparation, apply finishing materials and perform post- finishing activities

  1. Carry out pre-finishing activities
    • Type of finish is confirmed with the immediate supervisor
    • E-bamboo products are prepared for finishing following OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Finishing materials and supplies are prepared based on work requirement and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Tools, machines and equipment are prepared according to product specification and OSHS Rule 1080
  2. Perform surface preparation
    • Surface contaminants are identified and removed according operating procedures and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Surface defects are located and rectified according to standard operating procedures and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Sand paper is selected following standard operating procedure
    • Surfaces are sanded following standard operating procedure and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Tools and machines are used following operation manuals and OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
  3. Apply finishing materials
    • Finishing materials are mixed following product specifications and OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Coat is applied following product specifications and established standard procedure and OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
    • Shade of mixture is confirmed based on product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Toning is performed according to product specifications and OSHS Rule 1070 and Rule 1080
  4. Perform post finishing activities
    • Quality control of end-products is employed based on product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Corrective measures are applied based on product specifications and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Finished products are packed following established industry procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Tools and machines are maintained and stored following workplace procedure and OSHS Rule 1080
    • Inventory and storage of supplies and materials are done following workplace procedures and OSHS Rule 1080 and Rule 1150
    • Workplace is restored according following principles of 5S of Good Housekeeping.
    • Documentation and report preparation is done according to work requirements.
    • Waste management is practiced according to environmental laws.


APPLY SAFETY MEASURES IN FARM OPERATIONS (AFF321201) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing safety measures.

  1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures
    • Work tasks are identified in line with farm operations
    • Place for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations
    • Time for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations
    • Appropriate tools, materials and outfits are prepared in line with job requirements
  2. Apply appropriate safety measures
    • Tools and materials are used according to specifications and procedures
    • Outfits are worn according to farm requirements
    • Effectivity/shelf life/expiration of materials are strictly observed
    • Emergency procedures are known and followed to ensure a safework requirement
    • Hazards in the workplace are identified and reported in line with farm guidelines
  3. Safe keep /dispose tools, materials and outfit
    • Used tools and outfit are cleaned after use and stored in designated areas.
    • Unused materials are properly labeled and stored according to manufacturer’s recommendation and farm requirements.
    • Waste materials are disposed according to manufacturers, government and farm requirements.

USE FARM TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (AFF321202) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use farm tools and equipment. It includes selection, operation and preventive maintenance of farm tools and equipment.

  1. Select and use farm tools
    • Appropriate farm tools are identified according to requirement/use
    • Farm tools are checked for faults and defective tools reported in accordance with farm procedures
    • Appropriate tools are safely used according to job requirements and manufacturers conditions
  2. Select and operate farm equipment
    • Identify appropriate farm equipment
    • Instructional manual of the farm tools and equipment are carefully read prior to operation
    • Pre-operation check-up is conducted in line with manufacturers manual
    • Faults in farm equipment are identified and reported in line with farm procedures
    • Farm equipment is used according to its function
    • Safety procedures are followed.
  3. Perform preventive maintenance
    • Tools and equipment are cleaned immediately after use in line with farm procedures
    • Routine check-up and maintenance are performed
    • Tools and equipment are stored in designated areas in line with farm procedures

PERFORM ESTIMATION AND BASIC CALCULATION (AGR321203) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform basic workplace calculations.

  1. Perform estimation
    • Job requirements are identified from written or oral communications
    • Quantities of materials and resources required to complete a work task are estimated
    • The time needed to complete a work activity is estimated
    • Accurate estimate for work completion are made
    • Estimate of materials and resources are reported to appropriate person
  2. Perform basic workplace calculation
    • System and units of measurement to be followed are ascertained
    • Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic mathematical operation
    • Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed when are used to complete the instructions
    • Number computed is checked following work requirements


PARTICIPATE IN WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION (400311210) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements..

  1. Obtain and convey workplace information.
  2. Perform duties following workplace instructions
  3. Complete relevant work related documents.

WORK IN TEAM ENVIRONMENT (400311211) – This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team..

  1. Describe team role and scope
  2. Identify own role and responsibility within team
  3. Work as a team member

SOLVE/ADDRESS GENERAL WORKPLACE PROBLEMS (400311212) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply problem-solving techniques to determine the origin of problems and plan for their resolution. It also includes addressing procedural problems through documentation, and referral.

  1. Identify routine problems
  2. Look for solutions to routine problems
  3. Recommend solutions to problems

RECOMMEBD SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS (400311213) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in managing one’s emotions, developing reflective practice, and boosting self-confidence and developing self-regulation.

  1. Manage one’s emotion
  2. Develop reflective practice
  3. Boost self-confidence and develop self-regulation

CONTRIBUTE TO WORKPLACE INNOVATION (400311214) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and Attitudes required to make a pro-active and positive contribution to workplace innovation.

  1. Identify opportunities to do things better.
  2. Discuss and develop ideas with others.
  3. Integrate ideas for change in the workplace.

PRESENT RELEVANT INFORMATION (400311215) – This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to present data/information appropriately.

  1. Gather data/ information
  2. Assess gathered data/ information
  3. Record and present information

PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (400311216) – This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to identify OSH compliance requirements, prepare OSH requirements for compliance, perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures

  1. Identify OSH compliance requirements
  2. Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
  3. Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures

EXERCISE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES IN THE WORKPLACE (400311217) – This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization, determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of resource utilization and Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices

  1. Identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization
  2. Determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of resource utilization
  3. Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices

PRACTICE ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS IN THE WORKPLACE (400311218) – This unit covers the outcomes required to apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices and implement cost-effective operations.

  1. Apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices
  2. Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best practices
  3. Implement cost-effective operations


  • BASIC BAMBOO PROCESS – The process converting bamboo poles into semi-process bamboo materials like slats, slivers, dowels, stick, crushed bamboo.
  • BAMBOO PANEL – a wide and elongated rectangular laminated bamboo use for paneling and table tops.
  • BAMBOO PLANKS – Laminated bamboo slats ideal for flooring materials and furniture components. Its standard size is usually four inches in width
  • COLD SETTING – A synthetic resin that can harden at room temperature
  • CULM – the stem of the bamboo consisting of the nodes and internode.
  • CURING TIME – the time needed for an adhesive to fully cure.
  • DRYING END POINT – The point wherein the desired moisture level is achieved
  • FINISH MILLING – The shaping of the laminated components to conform to the desired measurements.
  • FIXING MATERIALS – Materials used in attaching furniture components like glues, nails, bolts, screws etc.
  • LAYERED SLATS – bamboo slats laminated tangentially
  • MILLING PROCESS – the processing of bamboo slats or components into the desired cross section using equipment such as jointers, planers, and single or multiple spindles. Usually classified as rough milling or finish milling
  • MIXING RATIO – The ratio of solvent and the solute like in preparing preservative solution or in preparing finishing materials.
  • MOISTURE CONTENT – the amount of water in bamboo express in percentage of its dry weight.
    OSHS Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  • PRESERVATIVES – chemical used in treating bamboo against biodegrading organisms.
  • PROFILING – the process of artistic outline or contour in the edges of base boards ,frames and table tops.
  • ROUGH MILLING – The two surfaces of the slats are sorted by thickness or color and are planed accordingly with the usual thickness of 5-8 mm using a planer.
  • SETTING TIME – the amount of time the adhesive needs to form a good bond
  • SLIVERS – a thin strip of bamboo cut lengthwise with the grain. Usually used in weaving mats.
  • SPOKES – Thin rounded bamboo stick usually used in weaving
  • SURFACE CONTAMINANTS – these are foreign materials present on the surface that is going to be finished.
  • THERMOS SETTING – A synthetic resin that hardens when heats is induced.
  • TONING – A process in finishing to make the shade of the finish uniform.
  • WANING – the process process of removing the cuticula of a bamboo slat prior to treatment



    • List of TESDA Accredited Schools that offer Bamboo Production NC II Courses

      Agriskwela Institute of the Philippines, Inc.
      Km. 89 Alfonso-Maragondon Road, Brgy. Pantihan 2, Maragondon, Cavite

      Center for Bamboo Development Inc.
      Brgy. Ambalite, Pugo, La Union

      Provincial Training Center (SIMTRAC)
      Manikling, San Isidro, Davao Oriental

      Vocational Arts School of Ilocos Sur, Inc.
      Pug-os, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur